Looking for 1x1 partners ! — Ideas given!


New Member

So I'm looking for some 1x1 roleplay partners for these roleplay ideas of mine! They're all male x female. I'll update with more ideas whenever I think of some more. :3 I prefer to use female characters because I've had horrible experiences in past roleplays with using males who after literally three posts had a badly planned out female character with a dull personality asking them to be their boyfriend, and just .. I'm not even going to go further into that.

xD I also like moderately lengthy responses. At least a paragraph.
I'll more than likely use a male character if the role play calls for it though, and if I know you're not going to be using some sort of Mary Sue character.

— : — Karma — : —

:-: Karma has begun to finally take place, for real this time, but taking all of humanity's mistreatments to the earth into account. For everything the human race has done in the passed two decades or so, pollution being a major factor, things have begun to take a turn for the worst. Animals, particularly the ones most harmed by pollution, have begun to turn rabid, as well as morph and mutate to extreme levels. If that hadn't been enough, giant pits have begun to break open through the surface of the earth, releasing demons who seem to be taking this opportunity as a chance to take earth for themselves. Though now, some people have begun to fight back. :-:

All I had for this roleplay was that we could possibly have two characters meeting up after one character had run into trouble with some sort of rabid animal, I don't know, insane seagulls with those plastic things from beer cans stuck around their necks that like to gouge out people's eyeballs, for example.

xD One character helps the other out and they band together ? More ideas welcome, I don't mind a little more brainstorming for this. Romance could be inserted here too, it just wouldn't be the main focus.​

— : — God Ain't Real — : —

:-: The one humanity had known as 'God' turns out to have been an elaborate hoax and the human world was the work of a greedy, prosperous and powerful demon in his hopes to create a place where other species who had originated from the underworld could thrive and feed freely. If it wasn't vampires discreetly snatching people from the streets at night, it was other creatures consuming the souls of the dead, sent to Hell on a conveyer belt. Well, not literally.

But some humans have discovered these other species and call themselves hunters. They want to rid their world of these 'things', and a band of demons are sent to destroy these hunters. :-:

For this I was thinking a group of hunters might be ambushed by two or three demons. One of the humans catches a demon's eye, but they have to fight each other nonetheless. The demon could let the human escape in some way or another, and they become rivals. I think it'd be fun if it eventually turned into a human x supernatural romance? Maybe a love-hate thing in the beginning. I dunno. It's not always great if romance is the main focus so we could just see how things go.

— : — Fandoms — : —

The Fandoms I'll currently do are ;



Kuroshitsuji / Black Butler

Amnesia ( Anime )


Euhh, I suppose I'll add more if anything comes to mind.

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