Lookin for suggestions


Ten Thousand Club
Hi. This is my first post on this forum, that I just discovered 2 days ago. And, well, I first posted it in another area, but realised it probably should be here instead, so ... sorry for the repost !

I am currently working on a chronicle that will take my characters from childhood (first story) to exaltation, and ultimately, the final chapter, with full of strange stuff happening in between.

The chronicle is titled Love of Monsters, for some reasons that will become obvious as the chronicle pans out.

First, an eclypse during calibration, and a comet that crashes in Nexus, where the characters live under the protection of a scavenger lord (a Dragon blood Outcaste, but they don't know that Razz) named Derek. The characters find themselves on the scene of the crash and all fall unconscious after an explosion of essence. When they wake up, they learn that one of the other kid has disapeared.

Some may remember figments of the scenes, such as blue tentacles of essence sprawling from the comet and reaching for them, the kid being buried under the comet when it falls, the kid reapearing, with a twisted appearance, and fleeing ....

The story so far: The comet contained the spirit of a God that had been deprived of a host body, or victim of a curse that ties him to whatever object/body he finds himself bound to. Thus he merged with the other kid, and fleed, finally free, and starts planning for what to do next.

Any ideas or directions on where to look now would be appreciated ...

As time goes on: The players start looking for their friend, when they learn no body was found under the big rock, and the memories start to come back. This leads them to a strange house in old Hollow, wyld twisted and very, very dangerous. Meanwhile, their adoptive father falls very ill, after falling in love (a love of Monster ? or is it ?) with a mysterious woman with stars in her eyes (hint hint). Inside the wyld-tainted house, the players each find themselves in a different room when they enter, and the house looks different for each of them. Whenever they'll enter a room in the same time as another player, they will look like either weird shapes, shadows, monsters, undead, etc., depending on the "altered reality" they fell in. That should create enough confusion for a while Smile

When they finally reach the most important room in the house (which looks very small from the outside, but is more like a mansion from inside), they'll find out the boy sitting on a throne, with a stand on both side of him, on them, trapped in an energy field, two spirits (or faes), one entirely blue, the other entirely red. Then begins a crazy chase for him as he flees and the characters discrover a passage behind or under the throne, that take them in the middle of space itself.

They end up finally recapturing him back into a shard of the comet that happened to be in the pocket of one of the players (how did THAT get there in the first place ????).

When the players struggle to find a way back home, they hear a sweet woman's voice, and fall asleep. On their wake, they find themselves laying on straw beds, learning that their adoptive father died.

They then get forced under the Sidereal women's command and dispatchd, one sold back (she had been bought as a slave when she was young by the outcaste) to House Cynis, to serve as a Dancer and Concubine (she was already a dancer after all ...) (was Derek a member of Cynis ??? Maybe Razz ). The other one sent to a psychiatric ward filled with Fair Folk that feeds on the "patients" (a kind of Azkaban, for those HP fans out there), and with a Cynis governor (with a deep passion for BDSM) that can't help abusing her little friends from time to time ...

By now, the players should have some clues that the Woman is the one who poisoned Derek, so she could take them back and make a profit by selling them back, or disposing of them to cover for her own hidden agenda. The truth is: Since the start, Derek and the Sidereal woman (so, that was the reason for her bright eyes after all !) have been working together, Derek acting as a facade as a scavenger lord, to take care of those 2 childrens with a powerful fate. In the end, Derek gave his life to serve a bigger purpose, and leave the kids in the hands of the Sidereal woman to take over and help them in their destinies.

For years, the players are either too weak to do anything (the psychiatric ward) or due to powerful servitude potions and charms fed to the Cynis slaves, until one fateful night. That night, for a strange reason, when the governor of the ward enters the cell of the now young man to rape him, she suddenly bursts in flames, and as the player flees from that wretched place, he notices everything is burning down. When he reaches the yards, he succeeds at keeping some fair folks at a distance with some weird powers he now possess (what's that ? Exaltation ?). At the gate, a coach bearing house Cynis's emblem is leaving at high speed. The character finds a way to hitch a ride (luckily for him, un-noticed) but ends up facing the imperial mansion ....

Meanwhile, in the imperial mansion, House Cynis is throwing yet another party, with the other player dancing and, according to the plan, promised to become a concubine on that night, when the sight of a woman with stars in her eyes wakes memories in her, along with a bursting feeling of grace. For a short while, the world seems to stop, everyone staring at her in awe, but that moment of shame is short lived and she finds herself chased throught the mansion, and finding a hiding in a small room filled with tapestry, with the help of a guard. Or at least, he looked like it, at first glance.

The story so far: The players exalt and meet again, learning that it all had been planned and that they had been brought here on that night for a reason. The room itself hides a secret passage that will take them out, with the help of the guard who we later discover to be a Dawn caste exalted from their old circle, a Perfect Circle.

They flee back to Nexus, the only place they can really feel safe in such a time (the empress did disapear ? When did that happen ? On THAT night of the comet ? Really ? Gosh, what the hell is going on ! That is totally unrelated, right ?).

Soon after exaltation, the only girl in the group (the Night Dancer) starts having nightmares every nights, nightmares of darkness, death, sorrows and melancholy. The truth is that long, long ago, she and the Eclipse guy from the Circle had made an oath, blessed by the Zenith character (who ended up in the psychiatric ward). For this I adapted the merit/flaw Eternal Vow, from the player's guide. That guy has since turned into an Abyssal after the death of her beloved, (So that is the Love of Monster they've been talking about !) centuries ago, and as doubts began invading his mind about some threads that pointed to a link between the empress and a dark patron, he decided to sacrifice what was left of him to find out  more about it, but before doing so he traveled the world and left a few clues behind ....

So, the story goes on, the players meet their Twilight circle mate in Nexus, who is an old grumpy gambling ship captain with a magical eye, and end up going through a lot of hoops. They finally end up in Rathess, where they awaken an ancient dragon king that had been put in slumber to protect the tomb of the Night Dancer. But times have changed, and how the hell could they ever find a spirit that would possess him in those days (maybe in one of their back pockets, hint-hint Razz).

They also discover an old first age skyship that their twilight circle mate took great care to hide some centuries ago.

While travelling and looking for clues, they notice a huge shadow under the surface of the western sea ....

The rest of the story:

That shadow is in fact a flying citadel that the Ebon Dragon is having built to serve as a wedding gift to the Empress. The players will ultimately end up assieging the citadel and trying to protect the realm from the chaos that grows, as the ultimate goal was to create so much mayhem with the disapearance of the empress to turn the Realm into the biggest deadland in creation, and taking back over.

If the players succeed in stopping the plan, there might be a need to appoint either a trustworthy ruler, or to usurpate the Empress's identity ... And will the abyssal ever redeem back his soul and be worthy of the Sun God again ?.

Feel free to submit your ideas, suggestions, anything you belive might help, recommendations, and sidequests !
As I stated in this edited version, I realised that my first posting, in the Settings area, was misplaced, so I posted this one in here as it's the storyteller's help section of the board. Admins or Mods can delete the other one.
My comment is that, while it seems like you have a clear idea of what's going to happen, I'm totally confused. Perhaps I should read this again after I wake up a alittle ;)

Yeah, that could happen, lol.

Don't you find it difficult, when you just feel inspired, to take every little bits and pieces and stick them together to build the whole story .... and even more difficult to explain what it's all about, lol.

So, the main plot is the return of the Empress, after her wedding with the Ebon Dragon, and their plans to return to creation after the chaos of her disapearance and the raging wars of the dynasty has turned the Blessed Isle into one of the biggest Shadowlands ever.

The of my post are bits and pieces of what I had planned so far.
So, um, why don't you narrow it down for us by saying what you'd like see suggestions in? It'd be counter-constructive for us to say, 'Get rid of X,' when X is a cornerstone of your plot or something.
Any ideas for cool sidequests.

I want the old Eclipse circle mate to have left clues here and there about his doubts about the Empress's dark secret, then have the players find him later on, and join forces with him.

The thing is: I want them to travel a bit around creation, but am looking for good side-quest ideas. I think that these sidequest ideas would be what I need the most, to fill in the gaps (The wedding and return of the empres won't happen overnight, neither will the fall of the Blessed Isle ....)

So, yeah, any suggestions on that topic ?
well is the circle Combat Oriented, Diplomatic Orented, Intrigue, whatever.... or are they balanced? makes it easyer knowing what they are used to
My players enjoy a little bit of each, combat, intrigue, and roleplay.

As to the circle, as I said, it's a Perfect Circle, so the group should be well-balanced as well.

They will also have access to help from the sidereal woman, an ancient Dragon King, and maybe another small number of allies in the long run.

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