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Look, lets keep it simple...

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint
so, lets keep it simple

tv show Supernatural (ocxoc)

Tue Walking Dead (ocxoc)

The Last of Us (ocxoc)

I'm up for other rps too, just can't think of much off the top of my head. I'm stuck on zombies and supernatural beings.

Any plots you got in mind? Throw them out there. I usually come up with mine like 5 minutes before starting an RP.(kidding!)

Any other ideas? Let me know.

I am a female, in a commited relationship. I'm only saying this because everyone I RP with that's a guy gets too attached and I dont like it.

So I only RP with other females.

I do play male charries though.

just please post at least a Para too.

that's all. O.o
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Sorry, what's a para? *is new here* But I'm open to a SPN OCxOC.  Would the canon characters be in at all or would this be just, like, in the world of SPN?

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