Longings West


They call me Melody
Character Info:







Reason at LW:

Looks: (Describe and/or have a picture, no anime.)

Extra Information:

Favorite song: (Just because I'm curious)
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Here are mine.

Name: Melody Oliver Carter

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Shy, very depressed and is bipolar, thinks very creatively

Flaws: Heavy into self harm, Schizophrenic, doesn't trust easily

Reason at LW: Kicked out by her step mother and because she tried to kill herself



Extra Information: Likes all genre's of music, writes, plays guitar, draws, and doesn't eat much. On medication for depression and anxiety. Has a tattoo of a feather on her ribs.

Favorite song: All That I've Got by The Used


Name: Dakota Rileyn Marks

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Personality: Very angry and tends to lash out, Kind of acts like a player,

Flaws: Bipolar, Kept getting kick out of schools, smokes, drinks

Reason at LW: Was expelled for fighting. Again.



Extra Information: Has a tattoo sleeve and some across his back.

Favorite song: You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring
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Lucia Marie Jackson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_ms2949P7F71rt542ho1_500.jpg.860fe195674244aff9ce37aa12987210.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_ms2949P7F71rt542ho1_500.jpg.860fe195674244aff9ce37aa12987210.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>








Lucia is hard to handle in any situation. She is constantly changing her mood, making her somewhat of an unpredictable mess. She is very outspoken, and won't hesitate to say what's on her mind, especially when it comes to opinions she's passionate about. She's basically a fiery piece of work.





Reason at LW:

Alcohol and heroin problem


Lucia is a small girl, standing at around 5'2. She weighs around 108 lbs, with a slim frame. She has long, straightish wavyish light brown hair. Her eyes are hazel with gold specks.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/8297f9f497365a6fbb74e20bef60023a.jpg.206de5402c8b37422f41e6826cdf56d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/8297f9f497365a6fbb74e20bef60023a.jpg.206de5402c8b37422f41e6826cdf56d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra Information:

Has a tattoo of a heart on her shoulder

Favorite song:





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Name: Miracle Elena Love

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexy


+ Funny

+ Outgoing

+ Lovable

-/+ Sarcastic

-/+ Loud

-/+ Flirty

- Bitchy

- Smart-ass


Flaws: She bites her lip where her piercing used to be

Smokes anything


Reason at LW: Got kicked out of school for dealing drugs that weren't hers and got kicked out of her house for getting caught by police for stealing



Extra Information:

-Been here since she was 15

-Has some tattoos


Favorite song:

Name: Jacob King

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


+ Funny



-/+ Flirty


Flaws: Smokes anything

Reason at LW: Got thrown out of the foster care system for vitiating so many rules



Extra Information:

-Is close friends with Miracle

-Been here since was 15

Favorite song:



Thomas Crowley






Straight Heterosexual


+ Smart

+ Artistic / Avant Garde

+ Charismatic

+/- Easily Impressed

+/- Energetic

- Unpredictable

- Crazy


Unreliable, Forgetful, Aggressive

Reason at LW:

Thomas was kicked out of school for attacking teacher with pencil,

after which he ran away from school grounds and spent rest of the day

spraying graffiti, until he was caught by police and arrested.

He then pretended he doesn't know his parents for so long,

untill his parents lost patience.


1.79 m (5'10) tall


Pale skin

Dark brown, medium long hair

Brown eyes

Normal nose

Small lips

Extra Information:

New in the house

Likes: swings, dancing, playing piano, jazz, blues, swing (electro swing)

Dislikes: critism, dubstep

Favorite song:

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Jude McKay

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Jude is very timid and cautious, not for himself, but for his sister. Although he is younger, he is constantly trying to protect his older sibling from the scary parts of the world. The male loves to lie and avoid talking about himself, so he tends to ask questions and change topics. He is brave on the outside, but on the inside he is tired and frightened by the future. He is also a hopeless romantic, yearning for someone to help him... a shoulder to cry on for once without feeling guilty. Jude is quite the artist, sketching tattoos on his skin until he can afford to actually get a decent one inked.

Flaws: Jude blames everyone else's troubles on himself. He has self-harmed in the past with blades, but now he settles for more subtle ways to kill the pain. He smokes quite a lot, but he hates the smell, and he drinks whenever he can get his hands on a bottle. He is over protective of his sister and will psychically harm those who hurt her in any way.

Reason at LW: Jude is relived to be here, as foster homes were horrible, and the siblings could not find a co-ed group home before this. Having enough with their current foster parent, Jude fought back against the man. Instead of going to juvie, the court decided the siblings needed to be around other teens like them. Jude also suffers from depression, but he refuses to take medication, claiming society in messed up, not him.

Extra Information: Jude is Karson's half brother. They share the same mother, but have different (unknown) fathers. Their mother had drug problems and sold her body for money. Typically, the men would also take a liking to the children. Jude has been in the system since the age of 10, when their mother overdosed. Remarkably, the two siblings have stayed together all this time, though it has not been easy.

Favorite song:[media]

Karson McKay

Age: 17

Gender: Female (Pre-Op)

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Karson is a very loving and open-minded girl. She immediately opens up to and befriends anyone who shows her kindness. She believes everyone deserves second chances, and anyone can become a better person through time. She loves to move around, whether it's through dancing, running, doing yoga, skateboarding, or any other activity. Karson is bubbly and charismatic, and her mood always improves when she is around friends. Karson hardly ever takes offense to people's questions about her choices or background; she does not have anything to hide. Her best friend is her own brother, and she babies him at times.

Flaws: Karson trusts way too easy, so her heart has been shattered several times in her life by fake friends and judgmental lovers. Her voice is raspy and a bit deeper than the average girl. She rarely eats properly and forces herself to throw up when she thinks she eats too much; when she gains weight, Karson goes into an unusual state of depression, yearning for a perfect, feminine body.

Reason at LW: Karson was never accepted at any foster home because of sexual identity. At the age of nine, Karson felt uncomfortable in her own body, and she attempted to kill herself at the young age of ten. However, with her little brother's love and respect, Karson realized she could be the person on the outside that she is on the inside. Although Karson knows she is female, she appears to be female, and she is permitted to take hormones to stop male puberty, Karson's records and information states she is still a male. Because of this, foster families who expected two teenage boys would receive one boy and one transgender female.

Extra Information: Karson is Jude's half sister. They share the same mother, but have different (unknown) fathers. Their mother had drug problems and sold her body for money. Typically, the men would also take a liking to the children. Karson has been in the system since the age of 11, when their mother overdosed. Remarkably, the two siblings have stayed together all this time, though it has not been easy. When Karson turns 18, she plans on adopting her little brother and devoting her life to informing others about transgender youth. She is not yet sure if she wants to go through with a sex change operation, but she is considering it.

Favorite song: [media]

Okay, I will probably only be able to get on tomorrow night or early morning so when every you bet back on.
Yeah. I'm so sorry you guys. School caught me off guard with the amount of homework I get. We can do what ever y'all feel is best to do.

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