Other Longest video game you've spent time on

I have about 600hrs in Skyrim now... but I’m pretty sure Ocarina of Time is the winner here. I’ve sunk well over 100hrs in all the console Zeldas tbh xD
Fallout new Vegas.
Maybe fallout 4. If they re-release new Vegas for Xbox one with mod support I’d probably become some sort of monster that fuses to the living room and survive off exp.
I don't know about all my games, but on my 3ds my longest game is Sims 3 Pets 3das with 169 hours 48 minutes
Sims 3 on PC I've probably invested hundreds of hours into, as I've played the game since release and only stopped playing last year
Oh boy, there are so many i play but i will have to say.
Warframe has around 1278 Hours
Skyrim has around maybe 200?
i played many games but Warframe has taken my life a bit sadly...I hate the game but i cant stop playing it -_-
After checking my game time, It's the Sims 4 (1342 hours) by a long shot, but one I play a lot at the moment is the Binding Of Isaac Rebirth i'm still terrible, I cri with 250 hours.
most likely tera, but only because i've spent at least a few hundred hours idle/afk. that or fallout new vegas- which i've played 900+ hours on. sadly i played FNV on someone else's computer which inevitably bit the dust, and all my save files were gone. i've played maybe two hundred hours since then but it's not the same without my old playthroughs. ; ;
Back when Minecraft was cool, I played it nearly every day for like 3 years straight. I probably have at least 6000 hours on it. Skyrim is probably the second.
Sid Meier's Pirates. I've spent an entire day -- all 24 hours -- playing it non-stop once.
Anyone else spend hundreds of hours playing Final Fantasy: Crisis Core? I absolutely love that game and I kept going back to it so many times.

Honorable mentions go to Pokemon: Emerald, Persona 3 Portable, and Fire Emblem Fates. Lots of really good RPGs that sucked up all of my time. I remember getting bad marks on my tests cause I spent all my time optimizing Pokemons and all of my party members.
>.> League of legends... I play all the time.. too much... far far too much time has been spent on that game. It hurts. but with the capabilities of my computer it is one of the few multiplayer games I can play with my mate or siblings.
Dragon Age Origins... I have yet to beat it after like two years... I keep restarting. I recently bought the guide book to one and two, so hopefully it will get me to beat the game and move on to the next because there are rumors a 4th is coming out... and I need it.. badly.
I even read Fanfiction on both these games.. xD
This one's hard.... I play an awful lot of Ark, and between console and PC, have somewhere in the region of 3500 hours. Borderlands 2 is also a favorite game of mine, and I have about 2000 hours on that, most of it with the one character.
There were certain games I know I spent too many hours on (like the first Unreal Tournament for PC, had to have hundreds and hundreds of hours) but don't know for sure...:closedeyescryingfrown:
The first Dark Souls I put 600+ hours into, rookie numbers for some hardcore players :closed eyes open smile: but I adored it.
Can't bring myself to mention only one:

On PC: Sims 4 (All the building and the sim creation and the modding and the yadah yadah yadah.)
On PSP: Monster Hunter Series (Especially in Portable 3rd)
Anything in general:
- Warcraft/Frozenthrone (Basically my whole childhood.)
- Harvest Moon (So many games, so much time invested.)
- Spectral -friggin- Souls (And I have still yet to finish it.)
I know in the past I played a lot of Spore.
I used to play a hell lot of Habbo too. But in time, precisely, Steam is my friend. Although he tells me I spend most time on Unturned while I have other games like... Hearts of Iron 4, Cities Skylines, Endless Space 2, I played that one the most. But that game was probably the reason I have Steam. (Except from Civilization Beyond Earth).
Nowadays I spend a lot of time on Hearts of Iron 4, sorry, but Roblox. And also Europa Universalis 4.
What video game have you invested the most amount of time on? You can have 2 games maximum.

For me, it's Infamous 2 and GTA V. Most of my gaming time is made up of these two games. I remember playing them vividly for years, I'm still going with GTA V gaming wise.

I spend WAY too much time on Overwatch, honestly it pains me to know how much time I really spend on that game, it's addicting. Second in place, I'd say... Star Wars Battlefront 2.
Tie between LoZ: Twilight Princess (played it four times over the course of a few years) and FF X-2 (spent an actual year straight on it and restarted four times, still only got like a 76% completion so there's another playthrough in my future still ^^')
I say for honor and either the dark souls series or elder scrolls skyrim.

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