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Long Term RP Anyone?


The Lovelorn Princess
Heya! I'm Everlasting, feel free to call me Mika, or whatever else you deem suitable!

Now I don't want to bore you with a super long introduction, so let's just hop into the important things.

  • I am looking for a long term partner who has good grammar and spelling. Don't worry about being perfect all the time, mistakes happen, we're human. No need to fret over the little things!
  • Good sized posts are really important to me! I like having something to build my post off of, I will normally mirror my partner's post size. One liners are a no go, sorry!
  • An active partner would be perfect! I am usually always online, I'm taking all hours of the day (other than those I am sleeping or I work, you know, the human things.) I will never keep you waiting for the reason that I hate waiting!

With that being said, I would now like to jump into the Fandom section of this post! Now, I prefer OC x Cannon much more than Cannon x Cannon, but if need be, we can have a chat about it! I also prefer playing the OC if that's alright with you. I generally play female characters, however I am 120% willing to double up if you are! (:

Now the Fandoms:

  • American Horror Story. (Currently obsessed. Preferably seasons 1,3,4)
  • Supernatural. (Any season/time will be alright! I'm comfortable enough to start wherever!)
  • Marvel Universe. (I know quite a bit, we can chat some!
  • Creepypasta. (If I'm unaware with the story, I'll read up on it!)

I would say that's about it! If you're interested in RPing with me, don't hesitate to leave a comment or just PM me! I don't bite, I promise! c:

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