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Long term partner wanted


Nervous Wreck
Hello, I'm searching for someone who would be nice enough to play with me on 1x1!

About myself; I am a foreigner, with about 15 years of experience in RP, and very keen on filling up my days again with games.

I have quite a few flaws, most pointedly that I'm not a native English user, so my grammar might be horribly off, as well as my spelling. I have a few pet peeves, though; one-sentence posts, grammarless word salad (as I have no chance to make sense of it), godmoding, forced romances and disappearing without a word. That one is the biggest. I can understand if someone has to work or has a life or a writer's block simply but I do not appreciate if there is just silence without any warning. I really really hate when I'm left hanging without a single line about any kind of circumstances which would mean a pause in the game. At least tell me that you want out. I do not mind occasional stops, we all have lives, but I require at least a warning. After one offence like this, if it happens a second time, the offender will go straight to my ignore list and the thread will be deleted.

What might redeem me? I have experience in gaming, both tabletop and play-by-post, I don't like to godmode, and I have an open mind. I can play male or female personas (although I lean towards male), and whip out games, names, backstories and plotlines in a matter of minutes. If we start a game, I will try to focus on my partner and don't let hir hang. I am also trying hard to write well and understandably. So if you think you can handle my horrific grasp on English, I would play with you happily.

I do not really do fandoms, but I really love fantasy, steampunk and historical adventures. As I am GMing fairly frequently, I can supply quite a few scenarios, if you wish. I usually write at least a five-sentence paragraph, but I prefer more, so I'm leaning towards detailed games. And while I have solid ideas, I appreciate if my partner is actively brainstorming and supplies ideas by themselves. So OOC talk is required as well.

Currently the ones I'd love to do:

- a picaresque in a steampunkish wild west with zombies and psychics and magicians

- a few chosen heroes trying their best to save a forest from a necromancer (Middle Earth style)

- a few unlucky individuals have to fight for their life in a magical labyrinth or arena, as punishment for various sins

- a newcomer vampire faces weird situations in the court of an ancient vampire (World of Darkness if you know it) TAKEN

- a fantasy setting; a rich town's barons hire a group of infamous mercenaries to keep down the rebellious people of the town after a war, asking them to act as police. But after the mercenaries took care of the problem, the barons have second thoughts about paying...

- Witches in an alternate future of the planet, against witch hunters, trying to hide their craft.

But I'm interested in playing almost anything now, I need my drug to keep up with life...
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Hey, I'm quite impressed by your experience and scenarios. One question, though—sometimes my characters speak in colloquialisms (perhaps if they were a roguish, western sheriff), and I was wondering your limit for decidedly American dialogue. [My narrative prose is always grammatically intact, not to worry.]

If you have a tolerance, I'd like to hear more about your ideas for the picaresque and the labyrinth.
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Oh my goodness! Your grammar is decidedly better than most English speakers, not to worry! But anyway, your plots are very interesting. I'm sure that putting our creative minds together, we could come up with something wonderful! I'd absolutely love to PM if you're down.

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