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Long Term Lit 1x1 Search!


Dangerous Mute Lunatic
Hello! I am Nalax. I have been a role player for many years but I am new to this site. I have migrated here from GaiaOnline in order to find a new 1 x 1 partner, or maybe a few. I am an incoming freshman to college and I also juggle a part time job so I can sometimes take an absence if things get to hectic (but I will not just leave you hanging if this is the case.) A few things you might want to know about me are:

  • I am a literate, or detailed, role player. I enjoy long winded posts with lots of emotion and description. I understand there is writer's block, and I don't 'require' a post length necessarily, but I like a partner that can match me. I usually write a good 1,000 - 4,000 word reply.
  • I am a female, however I enjoy both

    male and female characters

    . I really enjoy a masculine and outspoken male or female. However, I can play any type of character and I tend to play a very diverse group of characters.
  • I can play all types of romantic pairings. I don't particularly like romance to be the main focus but I like a good element of it in any plot.

    MxM, MxF, and FxF

    are all fine with me. ~
  • I tend to adopt

    a lot of characters

    and I pride myself in being able to balance them all. I would like a partner who also can do this comfortably. I like to have a complex time line of events going on. Side characters or important characters, I love interjecting new faces for some spice every now and then!
  • I can code pretty posts but I tend to be more of a minimalist on graphics choices.

As far as plot lines and interests go, I prefer to plot with my partner instead of having a set goal. Some ideas that I am very interested in are:

  • Zombie Apocalypse
  • Nuclear Apocalypse
  • Space Voyage
  • Vampire Hierarchies

Although I would love to hear other ideas as well. I enjoy apocalypse/crumbling society/dystopian role plays the most! I love complex plot lines, lots of emotion, unique plots, and some form of leadership corruption in my role plays.

I hope I can find some interest! I really enjoy making friends out of my role play partners as well, so feel free to say hi!

Also, here is a sample of my work! I would love to see samples of yours are well.


“Brother… I’m so hungry…” The pained cries of the younger brother pierced through that of the older one’s ears. They had been walking for days, maybe even a week, towards this mysterious salvation that Leo had found on a whim. Both boys were fourteen and stood almost five foot and a half tall, even though their full potentials were around six foot. The malnutrition had stunted both of their growths, among other things, making them both seem a little younger than they actually were. Although they were twins, biologically the same, the one walking in front, Leo, considered himself older and more responsible. And though they often butted heads, Ben, the one to the back of Leo, allowed him to make the tougher calls. It was how it had always been.

“I know. Me too,” Leo sternly said, walking through the streets of a forgotten city that was probably once loud and bustling with life. Now it was quiet enough that their voice echoed off of the skyscrapers and chaotically parked cars. Leo had thought about finding on that still worked, but since the outbreak had started so long ago he figured they would all be dead by now. Both boys were born into this, but it didn’t really make it any easier.

“When are we going to get there? To this… Green place?” Ben asked again, like a child always so full of questions, Leo just brushed him off with a shrug. Finally, Ben got tired of his lack of attention and walked off the course of their trail. Leo noticed almost immediately that he had gone, “Where do you think you’re going?” Leo barked out and followed the other towards an old convenience store, “Food, Leo, food.” Leo sighed with a grumble but followed him anyways. Truth be told Leo was very hungry as well.

Walking into the store, Ben’s eyes lit up upon a pack of leftover crackers laying underneath a display case. Like a crow on a corpse, Ben fell to his knees to grab it. Leo walked around the counter, looking for a pack of cigarettes and turned up with nothing. When the world ended all anyone had cared about was smokes and booze, that was Leo’s theory. “Brother!” Ben yelped and Leo turned on a dime to look over his comrade, “There’s a back to this place, maybe there is more food back there?” Before Leo could say a thing, Ben was already on his way to the door that read ‘Employee’s Only’ in big black letters. “Be careful! Wait!” Leo said, jumping over the counter and to his brother’s side. The door swung open when Leo had arrived, showcasing the hoard of undead that was on the inside.

Both boy’s eyes shot open with surprise, the crowd turning to them and beginning to move. “Run,” Leo shouted and turned to go before noticing that Ben hadn’t moved. “Now, idiot, we have to go!” The fourteen year old Leo pulled on his brother’s hand, “Brother, now!” Ben’s eyes were heavy with grief, like he was seeing something Leo was not, as he just stood there. “Brother,” Ben mumbled, the crowd growing closer, “I don’t want to live anymore.”

This was the last thing Leo needed. Looking over the railing to the chasm, hand mirroring Ace’s on the railing, he looked down into the eyes of the merciless death below. “God dammit…” Leo mumbled, eyes searching for an end to the hoard. He looked a lot like he had when he was a child.

They hadn’t quiet made the best team, but certainly not the worst, and Leo could now acknowledge the other asset of their three man cell. Ace had taken care of himself very well, and Leo wondered why he had ever doubted him. Ace was the top military chief and commander, after all, always outshining the rest of his base with his skill. Leo should have known he would handle this with ease. A natural born leader, Ace was, and Leo thought he would have been just fine on Earth.

But this wasn’t supposed to happen again. Following Ace back to their corner of the world, Kiratose seemed to be in a state of shock. Leo couldn’t help but notice how she had reacted exactly like he had, although amplified in her own extreme way. Leo hadn’t meant to scare her, but he was way out of practice with these kinds of dealings. Not that it would take him long to remember. When a body wanted to survive it simply did.

Most of the time Leo would have competed with Ace Lee over Kira’s attention, but right now was not that time. Ace had a calming effect over her that Leo was sure he couldn’t achieve right now. Instead, Leo looked out into the hallway leading to the abyss with an intensity that could kill. This was never supposed to be something the other two would see. This was supposed to stay at home, in which the hell it had come. How could this have happened? Unless it was like this all along, and no one knew. That was the only explanation that Leo had towards the whole thing. Which would make sense why the other captain hadn’t responded to them..

Had the ship simply been under lockdown from the beginning? Leo had never met the original Captain meant for the Ark, but he had heard plenty of stories about him – especially from Ben. Apparently he was a man from Yellow, a Sand Flea, meant for the horrible terrain of the outback parts of their land. Leo had always thought it was funny they would stuff the man into a little box and shoot him up into space, when it was clear his expertise was meant to be on the ground. Even if the other captain was alive, Leo was sure he wouldn’t take to kindly to him. Although a man of Green, Leo was a Red refugee – from a hostile group which loved to attack other groups and take their women and food. Leo was sure his father had said Red had attacked Yellow under several occasions, and Leo looked like a spitting image of his Father who was a natural born Red man.

Clearing his throat, Leo thought he should add onto the conversation between Ace and Kira. Although his voice was still tensed, he tried to speak as calmly as possible, “They’re not a real threat unless they get in numbers. They must all be congregated down in the center… We made it this far without seeing one, we should have no trouble getting somewhere safer.” At least that was what Leo wanted. Kiratose mentioned a record room and, although not liking the idea of walking into a one door coffin, Leo agreed. Maybe there would be some logs to explain what was happening here?

He had nothing smart to say, not even to Ace Lee, when they walked on out of the room in their three man cell. Leo wasn’t even worried about Ace being in the front, since he had taken care of himself fine enough before. Kiratose was obviously the brains of the operation, and the one to be protected from both men’s perspective, so Leo was happy she would be guarded from both ways. Leo realized that Ace Lee and himself were perhaps not so different in some ways. Leo had received heavy military training back on Earth, and Ace was a born natural. Still, Leo would rather see himself fed to the freaks instead of the other two. Neither of them even deserved to see this.

Once they reached the wall of steam, and Ace began to go under, Leo finally found his voice and cautioned, “Ace Lee! Don’t get to close to ‘em. Don’t let them touch you, at all, I mean that seriously. Infection is easy to spead…” Leo’s voice was genuine, even with a hint of concern for the other. Then Ace disappeared that Leo was left with Kira, keeping close attention got where they had come. He didn’t look at her, but Leo tried to keep himself as confident as possible when he spoke to Kira, “Ace is right, Kira… It really is okay, it’s just been a while since this old boy has had to deal with this kind of thing… I just never wanted you, or Ace, to ever have to..” Ace came back a lot quicker than Leo had expected him to, showing again how well he worked in this situation. Kira could take care of herself, sure, but it was nice to know he had a comrade who seemed so well adjustable.

Leo walked on in silence with the other two until they made it to the ladder. Making his way up last, eyes on where they had come, Leo lifted himself away from the ground where danger had come. Being up higher was definitively a good call, the farther away from the hell below the better. Viewing the words sprawled across the top reminded Leo of back home. Hell was home, and Hell had apparently leaked into this as well. “Shit…” Leo cursed under his breath, shaking his head. His eyes gave away the understanding in his mind, “I wonder how long it’s been compromised… It’s like someone took Earth and stuffed it into this ship… Planet X, I mean,” Leo mumbled, “How the hell did it follow us?” The question was more meant for himself. Leo was generally concerned. If this could invade the Ark, then it might would take down the Sidonia and then where would they be? A real coffin of the dead floating in space.

Listening to the recording brought even more concern of the Epidonia’s captain. “Water goddess?” This man was definitively from Yellow. The desert culture had its own set of gods and goddesses. It only made sense that the water goddess was at the top, with how rare water was out in the middle of the dry wasteland. At least that was what it looked like to Leo. With how scarce the water must have been, a water goddess was a prime example of faith. “I don’t know how he could have survived, but I know he is another native like myself.. It’s not entirely impossible.” If the guy knew what he was doing. Leo had heard he was a pretty serious bastard in his time. He may be watching them even now.

“He isn’t from our home, either,” Leo explained, “We three belong to the Green district, even though you two have never stepped foot in it, the Sidonia was a mission directed from Green. This man is from Yellow, I know that much, so we’re not exactly allies. Meaning when he says he’ll kill us, he means it. If he’s still alive… He must be one mean son of a bitch…” Leo felt confident in that saying. As Kiratose toyed with the cameras, Leo wondered how they would deal with such a situation. It was probably a good thing he had brought his gun with him… This thought was confirmed as they watched what seemed to be a very strong and skilled individual maneuver the herd of zombies. “Hell yeah, I did,” Leo responded to Ace, looking to him with a nod and then back to the cameras. Patterns to this man’s madness allowed for Leo to realize quickly what was happening.

“He’s trying to lock us in our coffin,” Leo mumbled, watching as the other man directed the zombies and then disappeared again from sight. “He’s a native all right, no pod born could have made it through this massacre,” Leo mumbled to himself, then turning to Ace and Kiratose, “No offense. If this is the captain on the recording, then I can tell just by how he talks. When he makes a promise to kill us he really thinks he is doing you a favor.”

“On Earth it was common curtesy to kill the weaker bunch, the ones you knew wouldn’t make it, because being shot was a lot nice than being turned into a zombie,” Leo was being plain. Back at home things were not as comfy as they were on the Sidonia. Leo knew this better than a lot of them. “Like hell, though, he doesn’t know who he’s messing with,” Leo’s voice switched back to its usual lion-like confidence, “He’s probably not planning on having someone around on his playing field. It might have been a while but I still know a few… tricks… Ben and I had to employ a lot of them back on Earth.” Leo didn’t realize what he had just said, the name of Ben fitting so easily on the tongue during this crises.

“We’re not as trapped as he wants you to think we are,” Leo mumbled, jumping up onto a counter to peer into the windows at the very top of the door. They were lined with wire as extra protection, but through them Leo could still see the undead bodies approaching. Slowly, but in numbers. “This isn’t a coffin,” Leo jumped back down and looked at the others, “But I wouldn’t dare let either of you out there. However, I could….” Leo stalled for a minute, a hint of panic grabbing his soul tight once more, through a deep inhale and then exhale his remained level, “I could get out and go find the bastard. On Earth one trick was to… more or less… Kill a zombie and drench yourself in its blood. If you smell like death and move slowly like death, they will..


leave you alone… It’s not fool proof but it’s an option…”

“This guy will probably be dangerous and out of his mind. He might have mentioned the Sidonia, but that was fifty years ago… He might even believer he’s back on Earth…” Leo wasn’t sure how they would take his idea, especially Kira, but it was something he was willing to do if he had to. As long as it would keep them both out of danger. “Not matter, we need to make sure at least one of us can make it back… And that should probably be you, Kira, Ace and I are easier to replace then you are. That should be one of the man concerns…” He meant that on every level, romantically and more importantly professionally. Without Kiratose nothing would function properly, and without order the place could easily melt down into an anarchical nightmare.

Back on the ship, possibly an even more dangerous battle zone, Mari had desperately being trying to awaken Hirata. Her little heart pounding against the inside of her chest. Her frightened and trembling figure felt a sigh of relief when Hirata awakened and got to work. She was so happy he was awake and on it. His protective embrace as the ship fell under another shot of panic throughout the ships mainframe made her heart falter. She honestly didn’t know what to think anymore. Sitting back from him when it stopped, she tried to compose herself, “Ray.. He needs –“ Her voice was cut off by the military warning, ushering people to the shelters and warning of the eminent threat. “Hirata, no!” Mari grabbed his wrist as he started to arise, trying to hold it together, “You can’t go alone.” Her eyes met his, in panic but also not wanting to leave him alone. She didn’t want him to be defenseless.

As he explained he needed to get back to the Medical bay she had to swallow down her pride. Maybe she would only get in his way. “Okay…” Mari mumbled, sitting back down on the bed and watching him. Eyes searching his. It occurred to her now that he could die in this, and she wouldn’t see him again. His warm hands cupping her face made her eyes water upon this fear. Listening to these promises filled her heart with wanting. “You better keep that promise…” Mari mumbled to him, “You better… Or so help me Hirata, I’ll find your corpse and reanimate it…” As he began to walk out of the room and from her, her voice spoke up against the noises of the warnings sounding off, “Please be careful and come back to me!” Mari didn’t have it in her to tell him she loved him, not yet, but she wanted him back safe. She wanted to be stronger for him. For now she would do as she was told and try to stay out of sight.

Her shoes padded against the floor of his lavish home and locked the door. She pulled on it three, four, five times before taking a few steps back from it. She hated being this useless. She hated no being able to do anything. But she would only be in the way if she ventured out. Her thoughts were stuck to Hirata and Ray, her new little family, and how she wanted them to be safe. Born from the pod meant you had no real mother and father, no brother or sisters, unless you had become close to the larger family which was the pod borns. The gardeners were her friends and family, as well, but there was something extra here. Something that made her feel more closely tied to Hirata, and Ray, and possibly little Serai. Astria. She was so attached to them now, she prayed they would come under no harm. That she would be useful to them in the future better then she was now.

Back in the lab, Ray was watching the object of this whole mission go haywire inside of his cage. “Serai, don’t,” Ray tried to reason but he knew it would do nothing. The little specimen was going crazy over something on the outside. Ray hadn’t seen the intruder yet but he was sure something was up. When the military broadcast came over the air, Ray was sure that meant trouble. Something was here to collect the little test subject. “Dammit,” He mumbled under his breath. Ray need Hirata now! How long had Mari been gone? Suddenly, there was a loud shrill beeping coming from his computer on the other side of the room. He all but raced to pick up the call.

“Hirata, thank God!” Ray breathed out in relief. Listening to Hirata, he agreed completely with him. “That has to be what it is. Serai is the more out of control then he has been since he got here.” Ray nervously glanced back at their little captive, “Some irrational that he may even break through the first layer of the glass.” Ray’s voice fed over, although not panicked, he was actually highly irritated with the whole situation. It might be misplaced as fear, but Hirata of all people would be able to tell the pure irritation he must be feeling. “I hear you Hirata, I do, but we can’t let this thing take all of our work! There might be more of them on their way, we have to know how to deal with this. The Sidonia has to survive. This is no longer just a matter of knowledge but an attack.” Ray felt that way completely. Sure, they had held Serai captive but the human race was at upmost importance at the moment.

“I’ll do my best, but not all of this will be done in vain!” Ray cut off their transmission as Hirata found the others. Things had been hard before, her thought to himself and walked to the lounge in front of the window to the outside. Opening the lounge, he dug through the inside of it which was a chest of sorts, grabbing his own old gun from back on Earth. Leo was not the only one with precaution. The thing may not die from a bullet, but he hoped it would at least slow it down until the military got there. Surely Ace Lee was on it! Maybe Leo would know what was up?

Walking back to his computer, Ray swiftly punched in the dial for the supreme commander. He was sure he’d get yelled at for this, but right now there was no time for those little thoughts. The machine rang, and rang, and rang before finally cutting off. What the hell? Ray thought puzzled, glaring down at his system, and trying once more. Nothing again. Just then the text pulled up on the computer and showcased what had happened to Shirota. “Shit…” Ray mumbled under his breath, getting up and standing back from the computer. “Shirota is essential,” The scientist thought to himself. But was he more essential then Serai?

The short and long of it was yes. Looking at the haywire alien, Ray walked to the glass and tapped on it trying to get his attention. “You,” Ray directed, knowing that Serai probably couldn’t understand him, but all of worthy of a try in such a crises. “You need to stop this!” Ray wasn’t pleading, wasn’t demanding, but was stating the obvious for the survival of his own race. “You have to know what is going on, and even if you can’t understand me… You must know what troubles me.” Ray knew this was probably a silly chance but this was his only option. Gun pressed into his side, he would give this only a moment – knowing surely trouble was on it’s way.
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@Weasel King

Hello! I am unable to PM you because the site considers me a New Member, but if you could PM me I would love to see a sample from you!

It's not letting me PM you for some reason. The only explanation I can think of is that maybe your settings only allow conversations with people you follow?
Hello there. I'm interested in doing a Vampire Hierarchy with you. Though it may take some time for me to reply because well 8 paragraph is a lot and I have school. But don't worry, I can always add one or two replies per day
@Weasel King I was playing around with settings a moment ago and accidentally set my PM setting wrong. Haha. It should now!

@Tetragon Hello! I would love to see any samples you may have if you would like to PM them to me. ^^
Hey! I would be interested in a MxF (I've only ever written as a female). Zombie/nuclear apocalypses both interest me. So does vampire hierarchies. I've done both nuclear apocalypse and vampire RPs before. I'm also usually good at writing lengthy posts depending on what I'm working with/how I'm feeling that day.

I can't PM right now because I don't have enough posts/time, but once I get that taken care of maybe we can work something out?
@Psy Yes please! I have the PM limit on right now myself, but let's maybe work something out when that is lifted!
Hello! I would love to do a Vampire hierarchy rp with you! I saw you wanted a sample, so I'll PM you one if you want :)
I'm interested in the zombie apocalypse RP, if you're willing to take doubles, considering @Weasel King asked first. MXM
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Hey, I am kinda interested in all of them sooo pm what you prefer the most right now?
@soches Yes please! I am interested in reading a sample if you would like to provide one. :)

@Nai I do not mind taking up doubles, every story is different anyhow. Would you mind PMing me? I haven't gotten my 'new user restriction' lifted yet.

@Emperor I lurked through some of your posts and I don't believe our typical post length would match up to well (since I tend to be quiet the novelist... '^^) But thank you for the interest!

@H0lderOfH0pe Could you PM me a sample? That sounds like a crazy mix - I love it!

@lexzer1l Hello! I see that you are also a new user. Let me PM you tonight when my restriction is lifted and we might can exchange some samples and talk some plot magic!

Leo's not exactly sure where it all began. He doesn't keep a track of things and he doesn't like to due to reasons he doesn't like mentioning--or he just forgets on a daily basis. It starts three days after The Talk with his dad, that the days start to meld together into one. His siblings pass by quickly leaving him be and only mentioning him in passing when they bring him food while he slowly shovels it down his throat trying not to think because it hurts just to ponder. They know the truth seeing as it's kind of a Cabin Nine thing. They don't keep secrets and if they do it's pretty damn hard to keeo em that way.

Harley stands closer to him than normal letting his presence do the talking while Leo works--or at least he thinks he does--at the crafts table. His friends are off doing whatever they do in school and college while he decided to stay in Camp Half Blood for another year to finish his schooling with the other campers. It's nice if you call watching a nervous satyr stammer about various Greek Gods wincing every time he says something offensive and hiding behind a table after every thunderclap near the window. But to be honest it's Leo with the phone and it's him who has the app that makes the sounds. It stopped being funny after the tenth time. It didn't, but he likes to think he has a conscience. His dad comes to him after his third month of being back at camp. Calypso's with the Hunters (he's happy for her really) and Apollo is back on Olympus dicking around. Meg and Leo still chat, but honestly they're both so tired they don't have much to talk about.

He's good, but tired. He's happy, but sad. But it doesn't make a lot of difference if it feels like everyone has abandoned you. Leo tries to look at it differently because, hell, they LOVE him. Hazel wouldn't have cried when she first saw him and Frank wouldn't have given him a bear hug, but then again he has been dead for a few months. But it's hard to forget the quests and the fun and, yeah, the occasional death, but it was still pretty wild back then and he would give anything for another round of adventure. His skin feels hotter than normal at times and most people can't stand to be around him and it's not his scent, trust him he's checked. He doesn't take it personally after the tenth time someone told him to take an ice bath, but hey, he's used to it.

Meg doesn't talk about it though to his relief, but tends to pry. She's the only other person besides his siblings who know about his...ordeal. She sits by him on the pier watching the sky blend into the lake watching the Sun take it final fall for the day. "You alright?" Her voice is disinterested, but cautious.

Leo shrugs and gives her a small smile as he picks up another sode can they bribed from some hot red head. "Me? Dude, I'm always fine. Especially since sunbutt over there got his job back. Other than that, I'm cool."

"Uh-huh. Really, considering Harley doesn't seem to think so. Also, Nyssa, and Emmie, and--"

Leo chokes on his soda. "Look, I'm fine alright. Besides, you don't have to worry and they don't. I'm fine and if I keep saying that, I'm gonna explode over here."

Meg chuckles on her set of grapes and twirls one between her fingers. "Can't let that happen again, huh?"

"Shut up. That was one time jeez why can't anyone let it go!"

Rubbing her nose with her jacket, she rollers her eyes and watches the waves caress their feet. "Well, considering you almost blew up the Mother freaking Earth, I would guess that's a bad thing. But whatever, what do I know, I'm only twelve."

"Yeah, old enough to be the devil himself."

"Herself." Meg sighs before putting down her grape and biting her lip. Leo feels a cold feeling swell in her stomach and looks away. "To be honest, I don't know what to do....I mean on one hand, you're technically immortal, but on the other hand you're--"

Leo smiles as he takes a swig of his drink. "A monster. I get it." The drink goes down slowly as it burns his throat.

Meg turns to him with a glare that makes his squirm and he shrugs to himself. She doesn't reply. "You know it's not that hard when you think about it! I mean I get to live forever, I mean how many people get to do that? I think it'll be fun!"

Meg turns her head away briefly and Leo can catch a hint of sad amusement in her eyes. "Sounds like it'll be hell. You definitely got it rough, Valdez."

"Yeah. I guess I do. Man this talk sure went a straight 180 degree's there! Why don't we talk about something else for once, you know? How Peaches?"

Meg blinks before furrowing her eyes and frowning. "I hate it when people do that. Especially when it's important. Peaches is fine for the record...he hasn't killed a gerbil in days, so that's a good sign."

Leo doesn't respond and only gives a weak hum in reply. Meg glances at him through the corner of her eye and looks down.

They don't speak for the rest of the night.

Nalax said:
@soches Yes please! I am interested in reading a sample if you would like to provide one. :)
@Nai I do not mind taking up doubles, every story is different anyhow. Would you mind PMing me? I haven't gotten my 'new user restriction' lifted yet.

@Emperor I lurked through some of your posts and I don't believe our typical post length would match up to well (since I tend to be quiet the novelist... '^^) But thank you for the interest!

@H0lderOfH0pe Could you PM me a sample? That sounds like a crazy mix - I love it!

@lexzer1l Hello! I see that you are also a new user. Let me PM you tonight when my restriction is lifted and we might can exchange some samples and talk some plot magic!
Okay! :)

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