teenage witch
september 1st
this scrolls too btw just in case the text overflows
september 1st
this scrolls too btw just in case the text overflows
This statement (consisting of fourteen pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
I suppose I should start at the beginning. Not the beginning, but the beginning of summer. Just before it all started. I mean, it technically started years ago, but that's not the bit you're interested in yet, right? I can't believe I'm rambling, sorry. Cops make me nervous, I expect you see it all the time. Even lady cops, Detective, yes.
The plan was to meet at my family's motel. I booked a few rooms out and we were going to pile in for a night-- a pre-trip party, I guess you could say. I told everyone it was no big deal but actually I had to work overtime for months before my parents would sign off on it. That's not really relevant, though, is it?
Everyone was excited to go camping. We were planning to set up by Starks' Pond, just at the edge of the forest-- a couple of the group were apprehensive about sleeping in the woods themselves. Personally, I thought it was less creepy because it was less exposed, but I digress.
I'll start the story -- sorry, the account -- on the day of the motel stay. The thing you have to realise is that everything was complicated already. I met Ari, Kit, and Fish earlier that morning to... We met up. Yeah, sorry, that's Arielle Monroe, Christian Hearst, and Isla Fisher. We're pretty tight. I mean, I only met Fish properly through Ari, but she's always been cool. Ari had the official RSVP list-- I think you have that in evidence now. So we knew who was coming, and we knew how many ounces of... chips we had to buy. Then Kit said something about going to see Thelma for a bit, and we kind of split til the evening. I went to the pharmacy though, for painkillers, and I saw Piper and checked she was still coming. She was. Nice girl, actually. Made a lot of new friends with this trip. Shame it ended so weirdly. I got to know Margot better, too. Before I'd only really met her in the smokers' group at school. I can admit that now I'm not enrolled, right? I got to meet Rome, too. He was new to town, ish. I can't remember who brought him along but he was a sweet kid, from the little I knew of him. Maybe it was Ricky. He tries to make friends with everybody.
Emory was coming, which was cool. He's had it pretty rough, and he's fun, so I was excited on a selfish level as well as a selfless one. I was kinda surprised, to be honest, and surprised about Nerissa as well. I think Ricky -- Enrique -- might've had something to do with that. Kid's relentless, and follows her around like a dog. I don't know if they were an item, honestly. Maybe ask Ricky yourself.
Blair and Delphine definitely were, last I heard. I don't really follow the gossip much, though. Weird you brought me in first. But yeah, they were together, I reckon. Which was weird, and it sort of came out of the blue. Never really seemed that passionate, if you get what I mean. I know Delphine had some sort of argument with Jackson on the trip, but we'll get to that.
I guess the big drama was Michelle and Davion breaking up. It was like, the day before the motel that we all found out, and it was like... I didn't know if the trip would even happen. I guess Chelle was super keen to prove she didn't care at all by putting way too much effort into pretending, you know? I do feel bad for the girl, even if she was always kind of a bitch. Don't blame Dav, though. From what I heard they wanted different things. He didn't wanna get married. Plus, when he went to college, he met some freaky chick that he kinda dug, and realised that Michelle wasn't the best of the best. I get it. I don't think that's relevant to it all, though. Not relevant to my involvement, anyways.
Obviously Chelle couldn't get that mad anyway. I mean, I'm pretty sure she's been screwing JT for months now. It's not uncommon, though. You know, for a small old-fashioned town, we do have some sluts. I don't mean that in a bad way. Let me rephrase. We have some independent, modern women. Like Courtney! She was there, although I didn't know much about her til the trip. Just some rumours which weren't really true.
You aren't interested in rumours, are you? It's the truth you want. We'll get there.
code by valen t.
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