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Realistic or Modern [ 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ]


  • pantone


coded by weldherwings.
  • gone
    beautiful girl
    lovely dress
    high school smiles
    oh yes
code by valen t.
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You've probably heard of Ayalla, but people don't talk so much about Arielle. Even now, two years after she went to college, Ari's still in her Queen-Bee-of-a sister's shadow. But she doesn't care.

Maybe you first met Ari because you wanted to get high but were too scared to meet a real dealer. Maybe it was a class project. Maybe she fell asleep at her desk and you were sweet enough to poke her awake before anybody noticed.

Usually clad in a flannel shirt or a denim jacket, with her hair unkempt and an open box of cereal in one hand, Ari's a very relaxed person. She's the one who talks people down when they're having a bad trip, the one who holds the drunk girl's hair away from the toilet bowl. Not exactly a 'mom friend', and far from responsible, but a good person.

Ari's got big dreams, dreams that Lockridge just can't contain.



    the weird one

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Isla Fisher

Isla "Fish" FIsher
Female, She/Her
Just Vibing
Fish is the middle child for 7 siblings, which probably explains a fair bit about her. Her parents are fairly well known in the community. They are active members in their church, they attended practically every sporting event for the high school. Odds are at least one of their kids is on the team anyway. They went to the same high school as Fish, fell in love, and decided to put down roots. Her parents own and operate a small workshop towards the center of town. Odds are, most of the kitchen cabinets in the area were made by the Fisher's. They're good people.

Fish was the sort of kid you'd meet in practically every high school. She never really rolled with the popular crowd, yet it seemed like most people knew her. Maybe she let you copy her homework during biology, maybe she gave you a lift home when your ride bounced before you were out of practice. It could just be that her voice is very loud and tends to carry, so you've just been overhearing her conversations for the past few years. She has a bit of a reputation for being a bit of an airhead. Her siblings would tell you it's because she took one too many soccer balls to the dome. It's not that she's stupid, she gets average marks in class, it's mostly her inability to stay on task. Whatever you said to her five minutes ago, she's probably forgotten about it and is 5 topics ahead of you know.


↦ Have you always lived in town? Do you enjoy it?

Of course, I've always lived here, does anyone ever really leave the area? I like it enough. Everyone I care about is here, everything I know is here, I just feel like there's more for me somewhere else.

↦ What is your relationship with your family like?

We're thick as thieves for the most part. Sure the house is loud and chaotic most days, but you never feel alone. Not that you could ever really be alone at home. I'm one of 7, then there's mom and dad, and the dogs, of course. I'm probably closest to my younger sister, Maggie. She's 16 and is almost as cool as me. We're on the same soccer team and into a lot of the same stuff. I'm not as close with my oldest brother and sister. They're both a fair bit older than me and have families of their own now so I don't get to see them all that often.

↦ Where do you live? What's it like?

Do you know that bright orange house a few blocks from the school? Yeah, that's us. God that color is a w f u l, but my folks love it, and there isn't any changing their mind about it. It's a nice place, aside from the color. There's enough space for all of us, and it's close to the school and the center of town so I can't complain. The yard is easily the best part of the thing, though. Lots of area for the dogs, and for us to goof around when the weather is nice.

↦ How did you feel about highschool? Were you part of any clubs?

High school was great! I'm going to miss it for sure. Where else are you going to get to see all of your friends every day like that? Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see what life has for me next, but I know there will be parts of this place that I'll think about when I'm older. I floated around a bunch of clubs, but I mostly stuck to soccer, art club, and theater. Well, theater tech. I had a knack for set and lighting design. You do NOT want to see me act, trust me, but I was one hell of a stage manager. I popped in and out of Italian club a few times, but it was mostly for the free food.

↦ What are your plans now that it's over?

College baby! I got an offer to play soccer at a district II school! I thought about staying local, but I think it's time I get out of here for a bit. No one can miss ya if you're always around, right? I'm majoring in biology, but I think I might pick up a concentration in microbiology. I haven't decided yet, but I've got time.

↦ Do you have any prominent memories/stories? Anything embarrassing or traumatic?

It was after a football game that we won, and there was a big bonfire at someone's place. It wasn't anything special, really. It was a chilly, crisp night. The fire was warm and the sky was clear. But I remember sitting by the fire with my drink, singing along to whatever song was playing and I just remember thinking 'Wow, we really having something good here.' As for embarrassing, how much time do you have? Probably one of the countless times I took a spill on my skates out in front of the school. Saying orgasm instead of organism during a presentation freshman year is still pretty fresh in my mind.

↦ What are your long-term goals? Career dreams?

I think I'd love to be a microbiologist. Maybe I'll come back to the area, study the algae blooms in the local water systems. Who knows for sure. I'll tell you what though, I'm not coming back to my parent's workshop. I love them, but I just can't stay here my whole life like they did.

↦ Best memory?

The day I got my athletics scholarship. I've never seen my parents more proud of me. I worked really hard all season and played my absolute heart out, so it was really satisfying to see it all pay off.

↦ Worst memory?

Oh my god, it was probably a few weeks after I got my driver's license. My mom let me take the truck to school, and as I was trying to park, I scarped the car next to me. I was mortified. I didn't even really know that girl whose car I hit, but she and all of her friends we right there as it happened. I still haven't lived that one down.

↦ Any secrets to declare?

I'll take them to my grave. Well, I mean, not really... I can't think of anything juicy. I was the one who put the fetal pig in Mr.Williams briefcase in 10th grade. To be faaaaair, he was talking a lot of smack about my brother who was a senior at the time, and he had just given me a C on my project so I feel like he had it coming.


REALISTIC FC: Gabriella Wilde

HEIGHT: 5'10"

BUILD: Atheltic

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Blonde with a slight wave. Typically worn down, in a loose braid, or tied back with a scrunchie.

STYLE: Suburan dad but make it fashion. Pretty casual, she favors mid to dark wash denim, patterned shirts, flannel, and has been known to rock more than a few pairs of overalls.


POSITIVE TRAITS: Outgoing, friendly, confident, creative, a good moderator.

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Little common sense, low impulse control, easily manipulated, easily upset, annoying.

LIKES: Science class, backyard football games, playing soccer, going camping, late-night drives, last minute plans.

DISLIKES: Hot weather, missing parties, storms, giving formal presentations, waking up early

HOBBIES: Soccer, rollerskating, playing the violin, theater.

© pasta
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A lot of residents, particularly adults, never warmed to Enrique and his family for a number of reasons. First, they weren't native to Lockridge. Second, few of them attended church; in fact, Ricky's aunt set up shop near the motel offering her services as a psychic and a medium. Then of course, there's the fact that when they go to the store, they speak Spanish to one another.

Ricky was always something of a black sheep at school because he was weird. He painted his nails, he carried tarot cards, he was fascinated by insects. But he's a nice kid, and after the initial shock, the student body warmed to him in their teenage years. It did help that he switched from being awkward as a child to relatively good looking once he hit highschool; he isn't a freak anymore, he's just an eccentric.

Not that he ever noticed that people were nervous around him anyway. Most of the time, the kid's got his head in the clouds.
  • if
    you like to gamble,
    i tell you: i'm your man
    you win some, lose some
    all the same to me
code by valen t.
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  • do
    i need to lie
    to make my way in life?
    high achiever, don't you see?
    baby, nothing comes for free
code by valen t.
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—soda pop

CW: suicide, drugs, & guns.

You don't know Jackson personally-- you try not to, anyway. You used to know him, back when he didn’t have that thousand-yard stare in his eyes that always seems to be half-fixed on you whenever you look his way. That was years ago, though. Sixth grade, his parents split and he moved with his mom to Hillsboro. Eleventh grade, a different Jackson Walker in the same skin moved back in with his dad.

Now, all you know are the rumors, the whispers traded back and forth in the hallways when the coast is clear, but based on what you remember of him, none of them could possibly be true.
—He only moved back because he got hooked on drugs and they expelled him.
—Mrs. Metz tried to nail him for skipping out of detention and he pulled a knife on her.
—Swear on my life, I saw a hollow point fall out of his bag one day.
—I heard he moved back because his mom killed herself.
—He’s watching me. I feel like I’m going crazy but it’s like he’s always watching me.

You still try to be his friend anyway-- to be one of the good ones. Just in case he decides one day he can’t take it anymore.
—and ritalin
  • blair paek
    why are looking at me like that?
    take a picture

coded by weldherwings.
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  • thelma von baier
    there's no going back
    taste the revolution

coded by weldherwings.
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and i only sink deeper
Oh, you know Emory, alright-- if not personally, then by reputation. He was all over the place last year: art club, marching band, the school paper, debate club, and honor society, all while sneaking in the occasional shift at the gas station, owned by his dad, to get a little extra money on the side. (One time you overheard someone ask him when he even slept. He just laughed at that, a little bit too hard.)

And even if you don't know any of that, you know his thousand-watt smile, and the way that he has a reputation for settling arguments. Sure, he wasn't perfect at anything he took part in; and sure, he always seemed a little stressed, a little anxious, a little out of place. But if anyone was guaranteed a way out this town, it was Emory, just because he had so many options at his fingertips.

Well. Until last fall.

Late in September, Rudy Bunker got rushed to the hospital. A stroke, if the word around town is to be trusted. He lived, but he lost a lot in the process. Emory and his little sister Aleah got pulled out of school for a few weeks, to help out while he was in physical therapy and while their house was getting rebuilt to accommodate his wheelchair. All of that to say, when Emory came back, no one was really surprised that he let everything drop. No more clubs, no more good grades… He threw everything he had into helping the family business stay afloat. (You overheard someone ask about that, too. He just shrugged and said, Family comes first.)

You’re just glad he’s coming along this summer. He deserves a few months where he’s not worrying about someone else.

the deeper i think


jt doesn’t exist in the high school social hemisphere anymore. he took his bow à la expulsion and it’s all went downhill from there. he’s a truant, a depressive, a specter often found behind the counter of the liquor store he definitely isn’t old enough to work out. a while ago, he had promise and half the school wrapped around his skinny keef-dusted fingers but then things happen and now everyone avoids him like the plague. he’s a cute guy, likeable too, but whatever’s behind those emerald eyes died freshman fucking year.

you probably have seen her around school, maybe by herself, with a friend, with a new guy, or maybe you just know about her from the rumours. a group of guys spread a rumour that she did things to them for money, you know what "things" means, and so does the rest of the student population. word travelled fast and pretty soon almost every resident knew about what was going on. people started texting her and DMing her with hate messages, messages offering money in return for her services, messages asking if it was true. it's not like anybody would believe her if she denied it, so she just decided to roll with it, you know make some money on the side.

probably one of the worst decisions courtney ever made.


her and her father moved into town after her parents split up, her father obviously got custody of her. since they no longer have a second source of income they had to move to a more affordable area, that are being lockridge. her and her dad both got a job, her dad at some deli, and she got one as a pharmacist. because she has work she doesn't have time to do homework, she just barley passed. no one really seems to notice how much stress she's under, but since schools out it's like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

things could be worse for piper.


NAME: Courtney Peletier
AGE: 18
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cisgender(She/Her)
BIRTHDAY: June 12th

REALISTIC FC: Hunter Schafer

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Mid-length, Blonde with pink ends and she usually wears it down
STYLE: Courtneys style is very pop princess meets e-girl. She often wears skirts or dresses, and most of her wardrobe is defined by bold purples, baby pinks and plaid check bottoms.

POSITIVE TRAITS: Forgiving, amusing, spontaneous, loving, care free, willing to do what needs to be done
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Blunt, insecure, irresponsible, materialistic, disobedient, she doesn't know when to say no, she doesn't know when to quit
LIKES: Feminine clothing, indie pop, any type of alcohol she can get her hands on, a good competition, cute backpacks
DISLIKES: Losing, being taken advantage of, this town, any type of insect
HOBBIES: Photography, shopping, arts and crafts, collecting backpacks

NAME: Piper Bach
NICKNAME: Prefers Piper
AGE: 19
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cisgender(She/Her)
BIRTHDAY: February 16th
OCCUPATION: Pharmacist

REALISTIC FC: Taylor Russell
BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Long curly black har that reaches her lower back. She usually wears it up, just to keep it out of her face.
STYLE: Most of the time you can find her in a nice skinny jean with a t-shirt and a jacket, she doesn't like the bright colours so she sticks for more white, greys, browns, blacks. Things like that.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Bright, determined, reliable, selfless, persuasive
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Buzz kill, petty, anxious. she has a tendency to over look the negatives and fixate on the positives in situations, and in people.
LIKES: Reading, horror movies, autumn, her job
DISLIKES: The summer time, disobedience, green jello, narcissistic people, the smell of the rain
HOBBIES: Studying, baking (although she is terrible at it), playing the piano


  • Name: briana dennis

    Nickname: bri

    Age: 18

    Gender & Pronouns: cisfemale, she/her

    Sexuality: bicurious

    Birthday: july 17

    Occupation: part-timer at the only mexican restaurant in town

    Face Claim: eden chanel

    Height: 5'6"

    Build: slim

    Eyes: hazel

    Hair: deep red

    Body Mods: n/a

    Style: comfy casual

    Notable Features: her right foot is a prosthetic due to a birth defect

code by Stardust Galaxy
  • -- BASICS --
    name: margot jean leblanc
    nickname(s): maggie, mags
    age: nineteen
    gender + pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
    sexual orientation: bisexual
    birthday: august 1st
    occupation: usher at the local movie theater

    -- VISAGE --
    faceclaim: lydia graham
    height: 5'7
    build: slim
    eyes: a murky green, almost hazel
    hair: a shoulder-length, black shag that she forgets to brush
    body mods: a tiny stick-and-poke tattoo on the bottom of her foot of the ripndip cat, lord nermal
    style: skater - lots of baggy t-shirts, bucket hats, loose-fitting pants, and sneakers
    notable features: the dusting of freckles on her face as well as a small birthmark on her right cheekbone

playing: beverly hills by weezer

coded by weldherwings.


  • Name: Romir Zamilodchikova

    Nickname: Rome

    Age: Seventeen

    Gender and Pronouns: Male; He/Him

    Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

    Birthday: 13th July

    Occupation: Works in his uncle's auto repair shop



code by low fidelity.

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