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Bacterial Arsonist

Hello all and welcome to my request thread!

Again I'm here to search for some new partners, below you can find what I am looking for, original ideas and parings included!

The boring bit:

-I'm completely okay with any dark themes, I don't really have any triggers, but please inform me if you do!

-No need to have perfect spelling and grammar, I'm not going to knock you down for getting something small wrong, I just need to be able to read it.

-I don't mind how much you post as long as you give me something that helps move the story along. Depending on the person I'm RPing with I can post from 1-10+ paragraphs, so don't worry about posting too much or too little.

-Romance is cool and I usually do prefer MxM, sometimes I'll roleplay MxF or FxF, but I'm really not as interested in them at the moment. Also I usually do prefer the submissive role, but depending on the storyline I may take the dominant.

-Let's keep the story moving together!

-Don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite! I love making friends, so if you do too then just come say hi!

-If we have done an RP and I suddenly stop replying that's not because I've abandoned you! It's most likely because I've clicked on the thread on my phone and then forgot about it later on, I generally tell my partners before I quit an RP. If this has happened/happens then please feel free to send me a message or two, HECK! Spam me if you need to!


Bold is the role I would prefer, if nothing is bolded I don't mind either way.

I am not limited in any way to just these, these were just what I could come up with at the time.

Prince x Knight

Noble x Prince

Prince x Peasant

Outlaw X Royalty

Master x Slave/Pet

Mage x Human

Vampire x Human

Werewolf x Human

Shy x Outgoing

Bad Kid x Good Kid

Abused x Best friend

Runaway x Runaway

Supernatural Creature x Human

Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature

Kidnapper x Kidnapped

Yandere x Love Interest

Scientist x Test Subject

Human x AI

Superhero x Supervillain

Serial Killer x Victim

Mute x Deaf

Mute x Speaking

Homicidal x Suicidal

Psychopath x Non Psychopath

General Ideas

(If you're interested in any of the topics listed here, I probably have a small idea for them if you don't, so feel free to ask about them.)

Age Gap


Foster Care

Broken Families


Mental Illness

Online Relationship

Forced Relationship


Road Trips

High School

Middle School


Drugs and alcohol

Growing up

Rebellious teenagers

Terminal illness

Supernatural Creatures

Dystopian World


Epic Quests/Adventures



Sci Fi related

Anything fantasy

Plot Ideas

All of these plots can be either romantic or platonic.

If one of the parts is in bold then that is the part I would prefer, if neither are then you're free to choose!

Also, I'm not limited to these plots, these are just ideas I happened to think up at the time, I'd love to hear anything you're craving or any ideas you have at all. I'm usually up for anything, so just hit me up!

Simple Ideas

  1. Muse A has an illness that is unlikely to be cured or has no cure. Muse B is their best friend and wants to make the time that they have left as good as possible for them.
  2. They were sent down into the world for a purpose, but they don't really know what that purpose is. Still, they have the whole world to explore! Countless places, things they'd never even be able to imagine await them! Along with a few extra friends. (Can be set in any universe of our choosing)
  3. He was found face down in the middle of the mud...he's unconscious and no one is really sure what to do... Have you ever seen wings like that? What is this? Halloween?
  4. Muse A wakes up in a strange place with no memory of who they are or where they come from, the only thing they remember is a certain date. They don't have any time to think about anything however, since there is someone standing over them, who seems just as confused as they are about how they got there.
  5. They ran away from everything...but they don't know where they're running. Muse A was kept as a test subject for most of their life, used to try and improve the human species to survive...the outside. They developed strange abilities and are quite different to your average human, with these abilities they managed to escape... However they didn't expect the outside world to be how they found it. Destroyed and desolate, there isn't much life...survivors of this plague must be somewhere though...right? That's how they find Muse B, a survivor trying to battle their way through the new, cruel world.
  6. Supervillians have always been a problem, but now they're running and around doing whatever they like! It's mayhem out here!
  7. Muse A has turned to drugs and drinking at a young age to help cope with how their life is, they're broken, and they need someone to help fix them. Muse B knows how it feels to be in pain, they know what it's like to hurt...and after finding out someone else is having a rough time, they can't help but get involved.

Developed Ideas

Everyone has heard the old legends, the legends about everyone having a guardian angel, an angel who is meant to watch over them and protect them, make sure they stay on their own course of life... Some believe in these angels, others do not.

Muse A is an influential teen, someone easily swayed in their decisions by peers and what looks 'cool.' They know that what they do sometimes it wrong, but they do it anyway, it's better to be liked than in the right after all...they don't care much for making the right decision, maybe if they did...then it wouldn't have happened...

Muse B was an angel, an angel who didn't exactly believe that they had any obligations to watch over humans, why should they? What had the humans ever done for them? It didn't make sense... When Muse B was assigned a human to watch over, Muse A, they learned why they should love their job a little more...

Muse B developed a deep affection for the human, and they tried their best to help guide them on the right path...but they never really knew what they were doing, this caused a lot of problems... Due to Muse B's naivety and forgetful nature, Muse A got themselves in trouble all of the time... Each time they got themselves in trouble they were hurting Muse B, but the angel didn't care, as long as they got to watch the human... They were fine just watching Muse A for awhile, but just watching became too painful, with things only seeming to be getting worse and worse, they had to do something... Muse B sacrificed their status in heaven to travel down to earth and become a mortal, a mortal who could hopefully befriend Muse A and try to change their life for the better.

It's not as if you can control the family you're born into...right? Of course not, that would be ridiculous, you don't get to choose how your parents act or how your siblings treat you, you don't get to choose what their lifestyle is like, what their personality is like... Some of these things would be utterly impossible to change! But...what if you could change some of them? What if you could control that family? What if you could control anyone you chose to?

Muse A was give a weird and wonderful gift at birth, they took unnatural to a whole new level. Ever since they were young they have been able to manipulate the thoughts and actions of the people around them, they never understood why they could, but they could. Of course these powers were handy in many situations, oh they were great. No one was able to resist their power, no one...they could do whatever they wanted, get away with whatever they wanted... Sure it might have been bad, but the people acted so naturally that no one ever found out...

So...what happens when Muse A meets Muse B? Someone who seems to be immune to their strange and beautiful power, the only person that they'd ever met able to resist their mind manipulation...

Two teenagers seek adventure, they seek freedom from their normal, boring lives, all they want to do is go see the world for themselves, get away from their small town and explore!

When one of them suggests a road trip the other leaps on the chance, new places, new people, but this road trip turns out to be a little more than they bargained for...

Seeing the big city is only the beginning...these two have a whole world ahead of them, and the possibilities are endless...especially with their new tricks up their sleeves.

Muse B and Muse A have been friends for years, they've gone through thick and thin together, supported and been there for each other through everything...well, that was until Muse B's parents moved out of town, taking them with them.

Muse A knew that Muse B's parents didn't particularly like them, they thought they were a bad influence and distracting them from their studies, they even thought that the two of them were dating... Obviously now that they'd moved away they weren't going to let Muse B have any contact with their former friend...and so they didn't.

Three years passed, Muse A's parents were out of town when there was a knock on the door... They opened it just to see Muse B weakly leaning against the wall, they didn't look too good...and they obviously needed help quick...

After not having any contact with their friend for three years will Muse A decide to help them? Or just turn them away out of fear of something bad happening?

A family of three, a mother, a father, and their teenage child, fostered a boy close to the age of their own child. They know of the problems that surround this boy, they have heard it all. They know why he was parted from his family, they know how he acts, what he does, but they agreed to take him on.

Their teenage child is a little bit apprehensive of this new kid in their household, they don't know if they really want him there or not, they've seen him doing some strange things, but haven't told their parents. It's when they find him doing something even more strange and creepy that they finally decide that they have to tell their parents about him, but when this boy notices them and asks them to help him...will they really refuse?

(There are a lot of ways this could go, depending on how dark you would want this to be, which is why this is quite vague. I have a lot of different ideas and options.)

Muse A is someone who knows pain a lot better than most people, they're battling against things that they don't think anyone else could understand. So they decide it's time that they ended it, that they finally stopped the pain and gave in. It wasn't their fault, they hadn't asked for this life...

In the middle of the night they sneak out, they don't leave anything behind telling anyone where they've gone, they don't believe that they would care. They head to the nearest place they can think of, the easiest place for them to just disappear and never be found in. It's cold, and standing up there on the edge of that bridge is scary...but not for the reason you may think. Muse A is scared because they're not scared of jumping, they're not scared by the thought of the great height that they are about to fall from. After a deep breath and a second or so they're about to go.

That's when they hear it.

Something breaks the silence, the voice of another human, someone saying 'Hi'. They open their eyes and look to the side, noticing someone around their own age sitting on the edge of the bridge beside them. How hadn't they heard this person? How had they even gotten here without Muse A realising?

Muse B simply sits, smiles, and then starts talking. They talk for awhile, about different subjects, Muse B even asks Muse A what they plan to do in the future. After feelings are shared and what seems like hours pass, the two stop, Muse B looks down over the edge of the bridge and asks Muse A how that looks now. Muse A replies with 'Not so good', that's when they're told by Muse B to go home, and so they do.

Thinking more and more about Muse B, and wanting to get away from the life they are living, Muse A returns to the bridge the following night. Muse B is standing at the edge of the bridge again, almost as if they expected Muse A to return. The two talk again, and Muse A returns home. Each night the two do exactly the same thing, it's a get away for Muse A, the only thing they enjoy. They always manage to talk about their feelings, get everything out, and Muse B offers ways to help.

It isn't until one night when Muse A returns and they don't see Muse B that they get worried, they head to the opposite side of the bridge and to their relief Muse B is there...but when they aren't alone they finally realise why Muse B is always at that bridge every night.

Lamb and Wolf, the watchers, the keepers of the key of time. Everyone had heard the story of them, one day a hungry wolf tried to eat a sheep from a shepard's flock, it didn't need to eat, for it had eaten less than an hour ago, it was just greedy. As the wolf stalked the group it came across a young lamb on it's own, seeing this as the easiest option, it immediately ran and grabbed for the lamb. As the wolf's teeth wrapped around the small form, it froze. The gods were angry, they punished the wolf for killing when not necessary by turning both the lamb and the wolf into something resembling a human, the most sinful of creatures. They were connected, if one died then the other would soon follow. These two were forced to roam the land together for eternity, Wolf always protecting Lamb, and Lamb keeping Wolf on the right path.

Of course this is just a story, nobody knows if this is the true origin of Lamb and Wolf...in fact...nobody knows if Lamb and Wolf actually exist...but they do.

The two were meant to protect, to serve the human race, but now Lamb had gone missing...and Wolf can't find them anywhere. All they know is that they can feel Lamb's health diminishing, something isn't right and they know it. They should have never been split up from Lamb, but lately Wolf had decided to do some pretty reckless things...even against Lamb's wishes. Now they'd lost them, and all they could think about was getting them back so they didn't die...but that wasn't all there was to it. Wolf was allowed their nature because they are Wolf, but as Lamb's counterpart they had to look after them...and now...now they're have to find them again in this strange and ruthless world.

Possibly coming soon...

Alright! Well that's it! Please send me a PM or Comment here if you're interested!

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Saaaaaarah said:
I would love to do a Vampire/Human & Online Relationship mix or "Get Under My Spell Already."
Oh awesome! Well, I'd be up for doing any of those. Should I PM you?
Outlaw X Royalty

Abused x Best friend

Runaway x Runaway

Kidnapper x


Mute x Deaf

Hi! The pairings I italicized i"m particularly interested in, but if you don't like them I can do the others as well!​
[QUOTE="Paint The Wind]

Outlaw X Royalty

Abused x Best friend

Runaway x Runaway

Kidnapper x


Mute x Deaf

Hi! The pairings I italicized i"m particularly interested in, but if you don't like them I can do the others as well!​

Hi! I'm definitely interested in the ones you italicized and would be happy to do either of them with you! I'll message you!
Well, if you are still looking, here are the ideas I'm interested in. ( ;) )

(About me) I'm a pretty detailed RPer, super flexible, and have copious amounts of free time which I like to spend reading and writing.

Prince x KnightNoble x Prince

Outlaw X Royalty

Vampire x Human

Supernatural Creature x Human

Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature

Yandere x Love Interest

Human x AI

Homicidal x Suicidal

Psychopath x Non Psychopath

Forced Relationship


Dystopian World

Epic Quests/Adventures

Sci Fi related

Anything fantasy

So...You're My Guardian Angel?

The Devil's Code
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[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Well, if you are still looking, here are the ideas I'm interested in. ( ;) )
(About me) I'm a pretty detailed RPer, super flexible, and have copious amounts of free time which I like to spend reading and writing.

Prince x KnightNoble x Prince

Outlaw X Royalty

Vampire x Human

Supernatural Creature x Human

Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature

Yandere x Love Interest

Human x AI

Homicidal x Suicidal

Psychopath x Non Psychopath

Forced Relationship


Dystopian World

Epic Quests/Adventures

Sci Fi related

Anything fantasy

So...You're My Guardian Angel?

The Devil's Code

Hi there! I totally am!

There so much there, well, I shall PM you and we can discuss maybe how to either combine a few of them or decide what to do!

I have nothing to do when I'm bored so I can role play a lot. At the moment I'm looking at

Vampire x human

Master x slave/pet (possibly together with above)

Homicidal x suicidal

Bad kid x good kid

Psychopath x non psychopath


Mental illness

High school

Drugs and alcohol

Rebellious teenagers

Dystopian world

3 The one with wings, I'm assuming a demon/devil of some kind?

4 Muse A

Guardian angel - muse A

Get under my spell already - Either, I don't really mind

Back again - muse B

Save me - muse A

So that's quite a few of them. I much prefer the fleshed out ones rather than pairings or vague ideas, but those are okay too. Italic shows my favorites, bold my preferred characters. I don't mind doing more than one, we could sort the ones we want to do in a private chat and then do the one/ones we choose in seperate chats. I italicized most of the developed ideas so oops, it's just very hard to choose.
Hey there!

I'd be happy to work something out with you if you're still open. I'd send you a private message but I can't yet.
Hello, if you're still looking, I'm interested in Noble x Knight, Vampire x Human and Master x Slave; perhaps the latter two could be combined? PM me if you'd like. :D

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