• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Lizard's Shout


Pink Enthusiast

Character sheets:

Alright, I don't have much to do in terms of Character Sheets, but let me lay down a ground rule about the powers. Just make sure they're dysfunctional or weak, nothing like explosion magic all the time, you feel me? After all, it's a weak guild, so the members just need to be weaker than usual. Also, for relationships, use the OOC chat and figure it out. It facilitates our sense an community and stuff, right?

In terms of making antagonists, I'm much pickier with that selection process. Basically, just run them through me, and I'll post some examples too. Of course, antagonists can be a bit powerful than the main characters.









Physiology (Optional):

Powers (Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form):

Weapons (Optional):

Occupation (Optional):

Relationships (Optional):

Theme song (Optional):


Current antagonists:


Egas (Random Korean Last Name)






God of Delusions and K-pop






Egas is a very... interesting fellow. Though he's already a god of K-pop, Egas believes that he's actually the deity of sexual pleasure and stars - two things that don't really suit his personality. He's very headstrong and likes a good fight, though when he's losing, he's not afraid to resort to calling it a prank and asking his henchmen to cover it for him. Overall, he's not the most pleasant teenage god to hang around, but if you cross him, prepare to feel the wrath of his cronies. His favorite saying is that he's the girl in white - whatever that means.


Fourteen years ago, in a drunken one-night stand between two unnamed gods, Egas was conceived, and in the same instant, he came blasting out of the womb, as crazy gods usually do. The first thing he heard over the sound of his crying was the obnoxiously loud K-pop blaring from the neighbor's house, and Egas instantly bonded to that as his forte. (After all, they were running out of things for the gods to rule over.) However, the young K-poping lad was blessed with a second domain to rule over - that of delusions and unintended fantasies. However, this power had more of an effect on him than anyone else, and with the combination of K-pop as well, he was never meant to be sane for long.

After fourteen years, our young... K-pop lover finally chanced upon the border town of Maloa. Eager to show those uneducated western ingrates the sheer glory of his music, Egas traveled to the center of town and burst in unannounced, only to hear the sound of the mariachi band coming from Dos Esqueletos Cantina. Absolutely furious with this "uncultured collection of shrieks", Egas tried to bring his own, more civilized collection of shrieks to the town, only to be met with fists and salsa thrown in his eyes. Now, disgraced and fuming on the Mexican border, Egas is ready to being his plot to get revenge in the honor of his glorious K-pop. No matter how weak or petty, a god's revenge is still a god's revenge...

Physiology: God physiology. Standard immortality and high invulnerability


Supersonic Screech - Egas lets out a high-pitched wail to the tune of one of his favorite K-pop songs, which can easily bring any person without certain protections to thier knees. Things that usually block this include: heavy-duty earplugs, beating the crap out of Egas, and Mariachi music.

Delusions - When sent into panic mode, Egas unconciously projects waves of confusion onto everyone around him, sending them into a fantasy that usually involves K-pop. This is usually the thing that affects him a lot.

Summon Koreans - Takes a random K-pop band, clones them, then summons them to fight as Sage's minions. Granted, they're not very strong, but they're still minions.

I love Korea - Whenever K-pop music is blasting, Egas's strength is multiplied tenfold, making his abilites much stronger/more effective.

Weaknesses: Egas's biggest weakness is his physical weakness. Though he's a god and pretty invulnerable, he's still wispy and has a low pain tolerance. Give him a nice swift kick where the sun don't shine, and he's basically out.


A boombox which can blast K-pop songs


Full time K-pop lover


Regardless of their alignment or if they'r even on his side, Egas dislikes everyone who doesn't adore K-pop.

Theme song:

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Guillermo Esqueleto



Somewhere upwards of 300 years old.


Male, though that's irrelevant.


Reanimated Human Skeleton




Guillermo's a very positive- if a bit ditzy - old timer. Usually, he's cracking skeleton jokes or spilling salsa everywhere, but sometimes, he really acts his age, becoming some sort of inspiration for his guild. It's really a toss-up, though. For one, he's gullible as hell, not to mention, very narrow-minded. Hell, he even spent all his guild points on getting stronger bones, and all of his paycheck for calcium-rich milk. He's often the brunt of jokes, and his addle-mindedness does catch up to him every once in a while, but when the going gets tough, Guillermo always pulls it together for the people depending on him.


In his original life, Guillermo was really a good guy. He stayed in school, didn't do drugs, and drank a carton of milk a day. Strong bones for life. The man was actually a pioneer, the founding father of Maloa and a salsa entrepreneur. With such a fulfilling life like this, Guillermo lived and died a happy man, content to live out his days in the desert with his blossoming salsa business. Of course, on his deathbed, fate just wouldn't let him kick the bucket. In a true Maloan miracle (by which I mean rats covered in top salsa - quality), Guillermo didn't die - well, kinda. As soon as he "died", rats swarmed out of the walls and stripped his flesh to the bones, and suddenly, a salsa leak burst through the ceiling, baptizing the whole room in chilies and juices. By some feat of black magic, Guillermo was back on his feet, and bonier than ever. He quickly gave up his position as mayor of the town for a quiet life at the cantina, content to work and serve everyone dear to him...

Or so he thought. Days, then weeks, then years, and finally, a couple of centuries passed, with no wear on Guillermo. He saw loved ones come and go, and his reputation as the first mayor eventually diminished, until he was just that one weird old skeleton running Dos Esqueletos. Then, about ten years ago, that changed. You're probably expecting me to say a monster attacked, or a dreadful storm came over the town - but nah. It was actually just the Great Rat Infestation of the 2000's. One day, while resting his old bones (haha) and watching TV, Guillermo came accross news of Dragon's Roar and their daring exploits. Almost inpsired and invigorated by the thought, he formed Lizard's Shout - a wannabe crime and rat-fighting organization protecting his dear city of Maloa. Now, as new threats rise around Maloa, Guillermo calls upon the least heroic of heroes to join his guild of triumph and rat elimination!

Physiology (Optional):

Guillermo's bones are extremely strong - and when I say that, I mean they're absolutely unbreakable. Though they're held together by magic and can be easily scattered, the bones themselves cannot be broken.

Powers (Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form):

Guillermo has no real notable powers to speak of, however, when he chugs Maloa-made salsa, he isntantly gets a boost of slightly-enhanced strength. That's about it.


Of course, as mentioned before, Guillermo is very breakable. I mean, he's a sack of bones in the literal sense of the word. He's easily susceptible to getting his bones separated or even blasted apart, often in comically bad ways.




Leader of Lizard's Shout, owner of Dos Esqueletos Cantina


Rosa Cortez - Cares for her as his only great-great-great granddaughter that actually visits him, even if the Mexican blood in her veins is hella thin. The feeling is reciprocated, too, even if he constantly tries to force her to chug salsa like the rest of the family.

Oliver - The absolute biggest annoyance Guillermo has ever met. Oliver loves Guillermo to death, but it's obvious that's not a mutual interest. Maybe it's because Oliver likes to steal Guillermo's bones - okay, that's the actual reason, but Guillermo just considers him to be a huge pest.

Theme song (Optional):



-He's the great-great-great-grand uncle of El Chapo, who he belives is a huge disappointment to the family.

-Though he carries around a guitar, he doesn't acutally know how to play it.

Rosa Cortez











Rosa is a generally postive person, with the body and powers of a normal person, which is pretty rare in a town like Maloa. She enjoys normal people activites like running, watching TV, and drinking something that isn't straight salsa. At least, that's how she is when she's not behind the wheel. When she's all buckled up, with the ignition started, Rosa is a whole different person. You know those people who cackle madly whilst running over dead bodies at 80 miles per hour, watching the bones splinter with enthusiasm? Well, that was a bit specific, but that's Rosa. Maybe it's the adrenaline, maybe something just clicks when she's driving, but she is absolutely insane, full-throttle, bash the other cars-type of crazy. Never, ever cross Rosa when she's driving. Also, she absolutely hates salsa.


Rosa Cortez was born to a loving family with Maloan blood in their veins... all the way on the other side of the world, in Mongolia. Though she grew up in of Mongolia's few urban areas, she still did menial tasks like tending (and milking) horse milk, making tea, setting up yurts, and the like. And of course, throughout her whole childhood, she never saw a single motorized vehicle, hell, even a motor itself. Thus, when she got the change to move to North America, she jumped on the opportunity faster than a tick on a dog. Eager to leave the yurts and horse milk behind her, she packed up and headed to live with her great-great-great grandfather in Maloa.

Once she entered the town (and dodged all the crazy customs like drinking salsa from the can), the first thing Rosa did was learn how to drive a car. She instantly loved it, and enjoyed it even more when ahe rammed into the side of the salsa factory, blowing it up, along with her first car. Of course, just as she was about to face the music, Guillermo stepped in to take her in under his wing, as long as she promised to use her driving skills to help stop the Great Rat Infestation. Of course, Rosa agreed to it, and, with a strange new van powered by Maloan salsa as a gift from the town, she set off as part of Lizard's Shout, ready to kill rats and save the world.


Human Physiology



Van specifics:

As mentioned before, this car is powered by Maloan salsa instead of gasoline - though to Rosa, it might as well be gasoline. However, the more interesting part about the car is its tendency to hit speeds near the sound barrier - which requires constant maintenance and new tires. Though she doesn't use it very much, it's especially helpful for her job in ferrying supplies back and forth from Maloa. Rosa also intalled a custom panel of six unique buttons, with different effects.

Top left - Activates the driver's airbag.

Top center - Sets the car's acceleration to the maximum.

Top right - Lubricates the outside of the car with salsa.

Bottom left - Pops all the coasters out.

Bottom center - Fixes Rosa's hair if it gets in her face.

Bottom right - Activates all the other airbags.

The car also comes in with a built-in radio, but the only two stations are a mariachi station and "Who let the dogs out FM". Pretty self-explanatory.


A handgun which she keeps in the glove compartment.


Guild transporter, occasional Uber driver on her days off.


Guillermo Esqueleto - Looks up to and respects him as her elder. She appreciates the help and influence he has around town, and always loves to help his old bones out whenever necessary. However, ahe's not to fond of him trying to get her to drink salsa, even if it is "A Maloan custom".

Oliver - Rosa just kinda... puts up with Oliver. She appreciates his company more than her great-great-great grandfather, but that's not really saying much. He's way too energetic for her to deal with, and every time he's in her van, he always changes the station to "Who let the dogs out" FM.





21 (so 3 dog years)








Oliver loves everybody. EVERYBODY. Maybe it's the dog in him speaking, or maybe he's just a happy person, but unless you're the most vile being on the planet, Oliver will probably be crazy for you. Of course, it's not all cuteness and sunshine - even if you count a 3 foot mastiff as cute. Oliver's extremely excitable, and as a dog, he... well, drools. It doesn't get pretty when he's all over everyone and licking them regardless of form, and it's even less appealing when he tends to a human's duties... as a dog would, if you catch my drift. Look past all that, though, and he's a genuinely a good guy. Or dog.


Nobody really knows where Oliver came from. Name, origin, and parents are all a mystery. However, about twenty years ago, Guillermo found him on the doorstep of the Cantina after hours. It was a bit of a peculiar sight, really, as he was already a foot and a half - and breaking the basket he was in - at just a year of age, but he was still a kid, and the old skeleton couldn't just leave him. Thus, Guillermo decided to adopt Oliver, the dog's biggest blessing and the skeleton's biggest mistake. And as he picked up the huge dog - who was slowly shifting into a human baby, Guillermo went back to watching his (shitty) Oliver Twist opera - thus, earning the dog his new name and home.

As the years progressed, and Oliver kept getting bigger, Guillermo would soon realize just how deep of a muddle he was getting into with this dog. Oliver grew up with the best of both the human and dog worlds - free to steal Guillermo's bones by day, and free to chug salsa by the gallon at night. His energetic tendencies never wore off, and he though he's now 21 in human years, it seems like he hasn't aged a bit. Sometimes, the people of Maloa look at him as an everlasting puppy in the town - and then he would quickly tackle and slobber on them, ruining the little illusion. Oh, Oliver.


Being a were-dog allows him to transform without a full moon - but instead of becoming a fearsome wolf, he just becomes an abnormally large black Mastiff. In his dog form, he's weak to what any dog would be weak to - silver included, but bullets would work even better.


As a dog, Oliver gets the enhanced senses of a dog, and the energy of one too. I mean, that's it. He's just one big dog. There's not much more to explain.

Weaknesses: As a dog, Oliver not only loses the sight of anything red, he also loses communication, hand grip/strength, and all the other perks of being a human in favor of just being a big dog. As a dog, he's not magical at all, giving him weaknesses to just about anything you throw at him.




Guild's guard/scout dog


Guillermo Esqueleto - Oliver loves Guillermo more than anyone else in the entire world. As dramatic and cheesy as that sounds, it's true. All the harassment and metaphorical gray hairs he give Guillermo are all because he loves the skeleton so much. Also, to Guillermo's disappointment, Oliver has found the his femur tastes the best - and thus, it's the one stolen most often. However, when things get serious, Oliver will listen to what Guillermo has to say, though he never really takes him seriously.

Rosa Cortez - Oliver thinks Rosa is tons of fun, even if she doesn't like chugging salsa from a mug like he does. Most of the time, he respects Rosa a tad bit more than other people because she's Guillermo's great-great-great granddaughter, and also because she kicks him away every time he tries to slobber on her. Of course, this doesn't dishearten Oliver, and he's often found attempting to try it five times in a row, with hilariously little success.


How big is big? Very.

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Carlos María Gabriela Rosa Mencia Claudia Hernandez







Human. Yep just a boring old human.


Heterosexual, that's right he only likes the ladies, sorry any men that wanted him. Though he is married to his job anyway



Carlos isn't the brightest tool in the toolbox. Though he will always give fixing something his best shot, as long as he has his fire extinguisher near by. Although he is an savant when it comes to mechanic based things.


Carlos is the best mechanic you'll ever meet. Or so he likes to say. Carlos is in love with the idea of being a mechanic, even if he isn't as good as he says he is. Since no place wanted to hire him he went to the next best place, Dragon's roar. Or would have if it wasn't so far away. Though because it was so far out of the way, he decided to go to the next next best place: Lizard shout.

Gun summoning:

Now you may be thinking that this is an amazing power to have. Well you'd be dead wrong. You see Carlos isn't good at summoning these things, or maybe it's just the power. Every gun he makes from this tends to come out jammed or is put together in such a way that it blows up in his face, though there is the rare chance that it will come out in working order. This combined with the fact that he can only summon handguns and that they tend to disappear if he tries to modify them tends to make this power useless, though it doesn't stop carlos. No matter how many times he shoots himself in the foot

The type of Gun Carlos summons is a FNP-45 Handgun.

Jam summoning:

Now this power sounds useful when combined with the jammed weapons right? being able to jam other people's weapons? Well it's not. Carlos can't summon jams in guns, he can only summon actual jam. Like strawberry and other jams if he wants to. Downside to this is he just summons Jam, like in his hand. He doesn't get a jar or anything, he's not that powerful yet.

Weapons (Optional):

Carlos likes to carry around a large monkey wrench for self defence, mostly for when his power ends up malfunctioning

Physiology ( Optional ):


Theme song (Optional):


This took around three hours. Please like it @Magical Squid Senpai and @Lotusy

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Name: María María

Age: 41

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: María is a very (very) soft-spoken person that values herself very little. She always treats others with unconditional kindness and hospitality even if she is shown great disrespect in turn. Although she claims that she can't be very active due to her illness, she is actually very lazy and has the willpower of a potato that was left to bake under the burning sun.

History: When she was born, María María (this has become her legal name due to a printing mistake that took forever for anybody to actually notice) was expected to die within a few days as a result of birth defects and complications during delivery. However, by some miracle, the girl clung to life by a thread, to her parents' joy. But from then on, life wasn't exactly rainbows and sunshine. It was more like a fountain. . . of blood. She was afflicted with several chronic illnesses that seemed impossible to cure - her poor health turned her once tan skin deathly white in just a year and a peculiar condition plagued her, causing her to vomit blood excessively without a moment's notice. Somehow, she was able to survive thanks to a mysterious healing power she had been gifted (cursed) with since the day she was conceived. Unable even to attend school, she gained all of her knowledge from her alcoholic parents and relatives, cheesy Mexican soap operas, and books. Within these books, she imagined entire worlds inside of her little bubble at home, inspiring her to pen tales of her own. And as she described with great enthusiasm these fantastical worlds and destined heroes, her thoughts kept drifting back to her own untapped power. It was then, she decided, that she too was destined for greatness.

If only she could roll out of bed.

Powers: María automatically regenerates over time. . . very slowly. She can heal others as well. . . very slowly. But that also means that she is unable to use her power to support her own dying body while doing so.

Occupation: Novelist, Part-Time Telemarketer

Relationships: Marío Marío - A distant cousin of hers that she regularly texts her sorrows to.

Extra: All of María's novels are extremely erotic and graphically detailed.


Name: Wendy White

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: N/A

Personality: Wendy is a stuck-up little punk with an ego too big for her head and an insatiable love for money. She can be nice (sometimes), but is usually found doing whatever she wants at any given time. Her reckless and crude behavior often gets her in trouble, but when the times comes, her heart is set to do the right thing no matter the consequences (sometimes).

History: Wendy did not grow up in the nicest neighborhood or with the nicest parents. Every day was a struggle to put food on the table and running on fumes made her hunger for the rich city life, for the view by the cliffs bordering the great blue sea. She took it upon herself to lie, cheat, and steal her way through her problems - something she understood she had a knack for when she finally realized that her thoughts could influence - distract - people for the right opportunity to take what she wanted without being noticed. It didn't make things any better back at home. Unwilling to endure the abuse and neglect any longer, she ran from home with the resolve to survive and uncover her true path on her lonesome. Her various run-ins and escapades has landed her in a far away place, just as she had wanted. Life was even more difficult than ever before, but the freedom she felt from taking control of her own life was uplifting enough to keep her moving forward. At a stopping point in her journey, she has begun to settle down in the distant town of Maloa with people who actually appreciated her efforts.

Powers: Can transmit one-way thoughts to nearby people. Not that she has anything important to say.

Weapons: A dented metal baseball bat.

Occupation: Helper

Relationships: Walt White - Wendy's father, a teacher at the (not quite) local high school. He has since taken temporary leave to search for his runaway daughter.

Extra: Wendy is quite athletic - she is a fast runner and can scale obstacles fairly easily.
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GingerBread said:

Carlos María Gabriela Rosa Mencia Claudia Hernandez







Human. Yep just a boring old human.


Heterosexual, that's right he only likes the ladies, sorry any men that wanted him. Though he is married to his job anyway



Carlos isn't the brightest tool in the toolbox. Though he will always give fixing something his best shot, as long as he has his fire extinguisher near by. Although he is an savant when it comes to mechanic based things.


Carlos is the best mechanic you'll ever meet. Or so he likes to say. Carlos is in love with the idea of being a mechanic, even if he isn't as good as he says he is. Since no place wanted to hire him he went to the next best place, Dragon's roar. Or would have if it wasn't so far away. Though because it was so far out of the way, he decided to go to the next next best place: Lizard shout.

Gun summoning:

Now you may be thinking that this is an amazing power to have. Well you'd be dead wrong. You see Carlos isn't good at summoning these things, or maybe it's just the power. Every gun he makes from this tends to come out jammed or is put together in such a way that it blows up in his face, though there is the rare chance that it will come out in working order. This combined with the fact that he can only summon handguns and that they tend to disappear if he tries to modify them tends to make this power useless, though it doesn't stop carlos. No matter how many times he shoots himself in the foot

Jam summoning:

Now this power sounds useful when combined with the jammed weapons right? being able to jam other people's weapons? Well it's not. Carlos can't summon jams in guns, he can only summon actual jam. Like strawberry and other jams if he wants to. Downside to this is he just summons Jam, like in his hand. He doesn't get a jar or anything, he's not that powerful yet.

Physiology ( Optional ):


Theme song (Optional):


This took around three hours. Please like it @Magical Squid Senpai and @Lotusy

Accepted. Maybe I shoud like it. :P

AtlasAtrium said:
Name: María María

Age: 41

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: María is a very (very) soft-spoken person that values herself very little. She always treats others with unconditional kindness and hospitality even if she is shown great disrespect in turn. Although she claims that she can't be very active due to her illness, she is actually very lazy and has the willpower of a potato that was left to bake under the burning sun.

History: When she was born, María María (this has become her legal name due to a printing mistake that took forever for anybody to actually notice) was expected to die within a few days as a result of birth defects and complications during delivery. However, by some miracle, the girl clung to life by a thread, to her parents' joy. But from then on, life wasn't exactly rainbow and sunshine. It was more like a fountain. . . of blood. She was afflicted with several chronic illnesses that seemed impossible to cure - her poor health turned her once tan skin deathly white in just a year and a peculiar condition plagued her, causing her to vomit blood excessively without a moment's notice. Somehow, she was able to survive thanks to a mysterious healing power she had been gifted (cursed) with since the day she was conceived. Unable even to attend school, she gained all of her knowledge from her alcoholic parents and relatives, cheesy Mexican soap operas, and books. Within these books, she imagined entire worlds inside of her little bubble at home, inspiring her to pen tales of her own. And as she described with great enthusiasm these fantastical worlds and destined heroes, her thoughts kept drifting back to her own untapped power. It was then, she decided, that she too was destined for greatness.

If only she could roll out of bed.

Powers: María automatically regenerates over time. . . very slowly. She can heal others as well. . . very slowly. But that also means that she is unable to use her power to support her own dying body while doing so.

Occupation: Novelist, Part-Time Telemarketer

Relationships: Marío Marío - A distant cousin of hers that she regularly texts her sorrows to.

Extra: All of María's novels are extremely erotic and graphically detailed.


Name: Wendy White

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: N/A

Personality: Wendy is a stuck-up little punk with an ego too big for her head and an insatiable love for money. She can be nice (sometimes), but is usually found doing whatever she wants at any given time. Her reckless and crude behavior often gets her in trouble, but when the times comes, her heart is set to do the right thing no matter the consequences (sometimes).

History: Wendy did not grow up in the nicest neighborhood or with the nicest parents. Every day was a struggle to put food on the table and running on fumes made her hunger for the rich city life, for the view by the cliffs bordering the great blue sea. She took it upon herself to lie, cheat, and steal her way through her problems - something she understood she had a knack for when she finally realized that her thoughts could influence - distract - people for the right opportunity to take what she wanted without being noticed. It didn't make things any better back at home. Unwilling to endure the abuse and neglect any longer, she ran from home with the resolve to survive and uncover her true path on her lonesome. Her various run-ins and escapades has landed her in a far away place, just as she had wanted. Life was even more difficult than ever before, but the freedom she felt just from taking control of her own life was uplifting enough to keep her moving forward. At a stopping point in her journey, she has begun to settle down in the distant town of Maloa with people who actually appreciated her efforts.

Powers: Can transmit one-way thoughts to nearby people. Not that she has anything important to say.

Weapons: A dented metal baseball bat.

Occupation: Helper

Relationships: Walt White - Wendy's father, a teacher at the (not quite) local high school. He has since taken temporary leave to search for his runaway daughter.

Extra: Wendy is quite athletic - she is a fast runner and can scale obstacles fairly easily.
Accepted! (If this "Walt White" is actually nearby, I'd be pretty happy. Meth and salsa sounds like an interesting mix.)

Age:not yet known.


Species:American white Shepard, reindeer, Maine coon(cat.), three toed pale throated sloth.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a6a2f456df37e50a436544758f4d2fb2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a6a2f456df37e50a436544758f4d2fb2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:pip is kindhearted, brave, and loyal. She is usally seen helping out or hanging out with someone else. She loves meat and most plants, and will do many things to achieve them.

She also can become very aggressive to those who hurt her companions.

History:pip was a lab experiment in Canada to see if multi species creatures were possible. And it was, after creation she was locked away for 4 years. Being tested on, eventually. They put her in a truck and tried to move her to another facility. But the truck crashed and pip escaped. After wandering for almost a year she came across the town Malola and discovered thier salsa, which was delicious to pip so she decided to stay. Since then she has been living just on the outskirts of town, coming in for salsa and interaction.

Powers (Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form):she can move quite quickly and can lift heavy things.

But becomes slow and weak if she has not eaten, and she does not use her abilities to harm others unless she becomes enraged.

Occupation (Optional):rat exterminator.

Relationships (Optional):the candaian government and force, they are looking for her.

Extra: she can eat just about anything that is a plant or is meat, but can be picky at times.

She cannot speak.

She is passive most of the time.

She loves salsa and apples.



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  • Alex jyinway

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Chew_Anime_Infobox.png.652d07110abc4d8ebe978403c20a37b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Chew_Anime_Infobox.png.652d07110abc4d8ebe978403c20a37b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Oh hey there! So, like, I'm new here! I like came here to Lizard's Shout to like join and stuff. You see, as a fish man, I can like, do cool stuff! Like, I am a great swimmer because of this! I believe I would make a big part of the guild, like, I'm ammmmmmaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggg!



  • Chew_Anime_Infobox.png
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MTchaos1134 said:
Age:not yet known.


Species:American white Shepard, reindeer, and a few other species.



View attachment 277108

Personality:pip is kindhearted, brave, and loyal. She is usally seen helping out or hanging out with someone else. She loves meat and most plants, and will do many things to achieve them.

She also can become very aggressive to those who hurt her companions.

History:pip was a lab experiment in Canada to see if multi species creatures were possible. And it was, after creation she was locked away for 4 years. Being tested on, eventually. They put her in a truck and tried to move her to another facility. But the truck crashed and pip escaped. After wandering for almost a year she came across the town Malola and discovered thier salsa, which was delicious to pip so she decided to stay. Since then she has been living just on the outskirts of town, coming in for salsa and interaction.

Powers (Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form):she can move quite quickly and can lift heavy things.

But becomes slow and weak if she has not eaten, and she does not use her abilities to harm others unless she becomes enraged.

Occupation (Optional):rat exterminator.

Relationships (Optional):the candaian government and force, they are looking for her.

Extra: she can eat just about anything that is a plant or is meat, but can be picky at times.

She cannot speak.

She is passive most of the time.

She loves salsa and apples.

metalcity said:

  • Alex jyinway

    View attachment 277177

    Oh hey there! So, like, I'm new here! I like came here to Lizard's Shout to like join and stuff. You see, as a fish man, I can like, do cool stuff! Like, I am a great swimmer because of this! I believe I would make a big part of the guild, like, I'm ammmmmmaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggg!

Accepted. I can feel the flamboyance already!
LokiofSP said:


Mary-Ann Suesan AKA Mary-Sue for short






Vampire Human Neko Elf Werewolf Octopus Hybrid






Mary is a shy but outgoing gir- Okay, let me cut the act. She's a list of contradictions, having knowledge of things that no person should have knowledge of. She can do everything and do it better than you can (Even if it's an ability specific to you), she's smarter than you because she noticed things that others didn't and is even cuter than you.

All boys are attracted to her (She thinks) and she thinks she's ugly and shy even though she actually has an eleven out of ten body and-

I could go on for hours, just know that she's better than you at everything you can do so there's no reason to fight her because she'll kill you...Also don't touch her favorite boy, cuz she'll fight you...


Brn too rich welsh noobles, at thee age of fove her parents dieded in fnt of hr eyes after being killeded in a frk clwn crr incident. Aftoor that, she was go to live with her Creepy Uncle Steve (His actual birth name) in Guatemoola. She livd with hoom for abut three yrs befr she finlly left cuz he wass the totol pervet (He accidentally walked in on her while showering once)

She theen traveld th wrld and lernd abofout hr pwrs. Whn hr pwrs activateded one morning at night, she savd a tren fll of kidz butt one kid dieded of irn deficncy. She knw it waz hr fault and everybdy wld be maaaad (Nobody was upset, accidents happen and the majority of parents were happy their kids were alive). Soo she lft nd it iz herr depest darkst secrect (It was a pretty big thing, there were cameras, everyone knows what happened).

She lft oon a qust to fnd her only relittive: Guillermo (He has no idea who she is). Boot she cantt tll anyboody abt herslf becuz thn they wld remembr her frm the tren and be maad (Nobody cares about the train) soo she haz to be a villoon (She's just insane)

Physiology: To many to list (She's a human dude)


She can copy anybodies powers or abilities and do them prefectly.

Weaknesses? What well rounded character has ever had weaknesses or flaws? (Kidding, she'll lose all of her power if she has to become a damsel in distress for whatever person she's crushing on that week)


Sephiroth's sword from FF7, Master sword, Falchion, Samus's power armor (Kidding, she has a plank with a nail in it that she's convinced herself is a holy weapon)



Relationships (To be edited):

Theme song:




Morgan Walsh












A bright young inventor who just can't seem to figure out the few things keeping him from greatness. Maybe it's the lack of guts to take many risks without a guaranteed safety net, his inability to manage money or his lack of practice on areas he doesn't think he'd be any good at (But may excel at if only he'd fucking try it). yes, for everything to love about this lovable scamp, there's a thing to be annoyed at about this piece of shit (Most peoples feelings when talking about him).

He has genuinely good advice to give to people, he just never follows any of it as well. So if you need some life advice, go to him. Just know he doesn't practice what he preaches...


What do you take when you mix the potential for greatness and fanboyism, along with a lack of any powers? Why you'd get Morgan Walsh. He was born in good ol' Ireland, but moved at age eighteen to join Dragon's Roar. Problem? He couldn't afford the full trip. He'd planned to take the trip to Mexico, work for a few months before taking the rest of the flight out. Problem was he literally had no qualifications. He then came up with the plan to cross the border, but decided against it last minute (He wouldn't have lasted a minute trying to cross the border). So instead he stays with Lizard Shout, praying that maybe DR might notice him




None at all. He HAD an impressive suit of armor he made out of scrap metal and nuts and bolts, but that takes allot of spare parts and allot of electricity to run. As it stands, it has no juice and is missing a lower half now. Currently sits in a shed somewhere in town, rusting away (Pic will be posted if the thing is actually fixed or something...)


Shock baton


What happens when a billy club and a taser have a baby? This.


Bumbling cashier boy

Relationships (To be edited):

Theme song:


Both accepted, boooooyy. I love you for things like this, Loki.
LokiofSP said:


Mary-Ann Suesan AKA Mary-Sue for short






Vampire Human Neko Elf Werewolf Octopus Hybrid






Mary is a shy but outgoing gir- Okay, let me cut the act. She's a list of contradictions, having knowledge of things that no person should have knowledge of. She can do everything and do it better than you can (Even if it's an ability specific to you), she's smarter than you because she noticed things that others didn't and is even cuter than you.

All boys are attracted to her (She thinks) and she thinks she's ugly and shy even though she actually has an eleven out of ten body and-

I could go on for hours, just know that she's better than you at everything you can do so there's no reason to fight her because she'll kill you...Also don't touch her favorite boy, cuz she'll fight you...


Brn too rich welsh noobles, at thee age of fove her parents dieded in fnt of hr eyes after being killeded in a frk clwn crr incident. Aftoor that, she was go to live with her Creepy Uncle Steve (His actual birth name) in Guatemoola. She livd with hoom for abut three yrs befr she finlly left cuz he wass the totol pervet (He accidentally walked in on her while showering once)

She theen traveld th wrld and lernd abofout hr pwrs. Whn hr pwrs activateded one morning at night, she savd a tren fll of kidz butt one kid dieded of irn deficncy. She knw it waz hr fault and everybdy wld be maaaad (Nobody was upset, accidents happen and the majority of parents were happy their kids were alive). Soo she lft nd it iz herr depest darkst secrect (It was a pretty big thing, there were cameras, everyone knows what happened).

She lft oon a qust to fnd her only relittive: Guillermo (He has no idea who she is). Boot she cantt tll anyboody abt herslf becuz thn they wld remembr her frm the tren and be maad (Nobody cares about the train) soo she haz to be a villoon (She's just insane)

Physiology: To many to list (She's a human dude)


She can copy anybodies powers or abilities and do them prefectly.

Weaknesses? What well rounded character has ever had weaknesses or flaws? (Kidding, she'll lose all of her power if she has to become a damsel in distress for whatever person she's crushing on that week)


Sephiroth's sword from FF7, Master sword, Falchion, Samus's power armor (Kidding, she has a plank with a nail in it that she's convinced herself is a holy weapon)



Relationships (To be edited):

Theme song:




Morgan Walsh












A bright young inventor who just can't seem to figure out the few things keeping him from greatness. Maybe it's the lack of guts to take many risks without a guaranteed safety net, his inability to manage money or his lack of practice on areas he doesn't think he'd be any good at (But may excel at if only he'd fucking try it). yes, for everything to love about this lovable scamp, there's a thing to be annoyed at about this piece of shit (Most peoples feelings when talking about him).

He has genuinely good advice to give to people, he just never follows any of it as well. So if you need some life advice, go to him. Just know he doesn't practice what he preaches...


What do you take when you mix the potential for greatness and fanboyism, along with a lack of any powers? Why you'd get Morgan Walsh. He was born in good ol' Ireland, but moved at age eighteen to join Dragon's Roar. Problem? He couldn't afford the full trip. He'd planned to take the trip to Mexico, work for a few months before taking the rest of the flight out. Problem was he literally had no qualifications. He then came up with the plan to cross the border, but decided against it last minute (He wouldn't have lasted a minute trying to cross the border). So instead he stays with Lizard Shout, praying that maybe DR might notice him




None at all. He HAD an impressive suit of armor he made out of scrap metal and nuts and bolts, but that takes allot of spare parts and allot of electricity to run. As it stands, it has no juice and is missing a lower half now. Currently sits in a shed somewhere in town, rusting away (Pic will be posted if the thing is actually fixed or something...)


Shock baton


What happens when a billy club and a taser have a baby? This.


Bumbling cashier boy

Relationships (To be edited):

Theme song:


Is natural strength.(not enchanted by magic or anything.) considered a power? Or natural speed?

Name: Dale Pervis

Age: 57

Gender: male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9bf68ba0_image1(1).JPG.0901794e32546370f484b128c34ca0dd.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9bf68ba0_image1(1).JPG.0901794e32546370f484b128c34ca0dd.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Calling Dale a grouchy old man would be an undestatement. Saying "crotchety old man" is a little closer. To really get Dale, think about the "Young whippersnapper, get the f*** off my lawn!", or more specifically, "Goddamn old-ass skeleton, get out of my f***ing garden! And stop stealing my motherf***ing carrots!". Overall, Dale is a crotchey old dude with the mouth of a sailor who lives at the Texas-Mexico border, which is a dangerous mix. Don't cross him unless you want a carrot in your eyes and a shovel in the gut.

History: All of Dale's life has been centered around one thing: carrots. His whole legacy of carrots started when he was born. He was concieved on a carrot ranch, and had always had a carrot for a pacifier. As he grew up, he was taught the importance of carrots by his mom, who owned the family carrot ranch, and his dad, who was a notable carrot scientist. His dad would always say "Carrots are good for your eyes!" And Dale took those words to heart. Later, Dale foumd a wife, and areanged a marriage. A few years later, they had a son, who dissapoimted both of them... But thats a story for later. Ten years after they had their son, Dale's mom and dad followed the old family tradition of leaving the farm to the next in line. For a few years, it was smooth sailing. Then the rat infestation began. Dale was forced to cooperate with the inhabitants of Maloa to take down the rats. To seal the deal their help, Dale had to chug a sraight dozen cans of salsa. To this day, his stomach has never recovered. As if that weren't enough, Guillermo Esquileto pops by every once in a while to nab some carrots from his farm. All these combined create the grump on the farm that is seen today.

Physiology: Human

he is pretty handy with a shovel, and has great aim. He also pegs people with high speed carrots

Weakness: Due to strict gun control laws, Dale literally can not pick up a gun. If he tried, he would be arrested.

He lost a testie in a rat related incident. Hasn't been able to wlak straight since

His stomach still has issues from the dozen cans of salsa incident.

Occupation: Carrot rancher


Benjamin - his dissaopimtment of a son, current WIP

Guillermo Esquileto - the skeleton that is a major pain in the *** for Dale. Most visits from Guillermo ends in cursing, a long chase, and him testing out his throwing arm.

Rosa - When Guillermo visits, Dale is driven into a blind rage, and only focuses on attacking the skeleton. He only sees Rosa as the goddamn getaway driver.

Oliver - to him, Oliver is the "Sweet moonshine toe stubbing slobbering baby dog man". Also, he has found Oliver strangely good at dodging his carrots.

Footnote: I will make this better... Don't worry




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SovietBear said:

Name: Dale Pervis

Age: 57

Gender: male

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual


View attachment 277754

Calling Dale a grouchy old man would be an undestatement. Saying "crotchety old man" is a little closer. To really get Dale, think about the "Young whippersnapper, get the f*** off my lawn!", or more specifically, "Goddamn old-ass skeleton, get out of my f***ing garden! And stop stealing my motherf***ing carrots!". Overall, Dale is a crotchey old dude with the mouth of a sailor who lives at the Texas-Mexico border, which is a dangerous mix. Don't cross him unless you want a carrot in your eyes and a shovel in the gut.

History: All of Dale's life has been centered around one thing: carrots. His whole legacy of carrots started when he was born. He was concieved on a carrot ranch, and had always had a carrot for a pacifier. As he grew up, he was taught the importance of carrots by his mom, who owned the family carrot ranch, and his dad, who was a notable carrot scientist. His dad would always say "Carrots are good for your eyes!" And Dale took those words to heart. Later, Dale foumd a wife, and areanged a marriage. A few years later, they had a son, who dissapoimted both of them... But thats a story for later. Ten years after they had their son, Dale's mom and dad followed the old family tradition of leaving the farm to the next in line. For a few years, it was smooth sailing. Then the rat infestation began. Dale was forced to cooperate with the inhabitants of Maloa to take down the rats. To seal the deal their help, Dale had to chug a sraight dozen cans of salsa. To this day, his stomach has never recovered. As if that weren't enough, Guillermo Esquileto pops by every once in a while to nab some carrots from his farm. All these combined create the grump on the farm that is seen today.

Physiology: Human

he is pretty handy with a shovel, and has great aim. He also pegs people with high speed carrots

Weakness: Due to strict gun control laws, Dale literally can not pick up a gun. If he tried, he would be arrested.

He lost a testie in a rat related incident. Hasn't been able to wlak straight since

His stomach still has issues from the dozen cans of salsa incident.

Occupation: Carrot rancher


Benjamin - his dissaopimtment of a son, current WIP

Guillermo Esquileto - the skeleton that is a major pain in the *** for Dale. Most visits from Guillermo ends in cursing, a long chase, and him testing out his throwing arm.

Rosa - When Guillermo visits, Dale is driven into a blind rage, and only focuses on attacking the skeleton. He only sees Rosa as the goddamn getaway driver.

Oliver - to him, Oliver is the "Sweet moonshine toe stubbing slobbering baby dog man". Also, he has found Oliver strangely good at dodging his carrots.

Footnote: I will make this better... Don't worry


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9c21e7b6_flat800x800075f.u3.jpg.5c6abde66080faa404e008b21ae221f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9c21e7b6_flat800x800075f.u3.jpg.5c6abde66080faa404e008b21ae221f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

no slide


Christopher Delringo









I'm sweating!


One minute he's a nervous wreck, the next he is sassing someone. He is quiet unpredictable in a way.

Even though Chris can be salty he is actually a pretty nice guy. Definitely someone you would like to meet, just don't upset him.

Well since he is short that means that his small body is filled with more hatred and evil. So watch out.


Son to the god of the sun, Chris is kind of a strange case. You would think he would want to constantly be in the sun, running around free and just having fun! But no, they get this. Since Chris was a small baby, his parents noticed that he just never looked...well. He was so much whiter than the rest of his family and he burned easily, oh my gosh, the sunburn! They were almost afraid to let this child out of the house. His father was kind of disappointed that his own son wouldn't be able to play in something that he made!

A boy named Julian was his only friend. He would climb through Chris' bedroom and they would hangout while Julian would tell Chris about all the things that were going on in the town. Julian knew all these things because he was a nosey little bitch, also his parents owned a salon. He helped Chris come up with the idea to write a newspaper! That's what the town needed! Hot gossip, life hacks, beauty tips, and most importantly, conspiracy theories!



The minute puberty hit him, instead of getting taller like he had wanted, he ended up being cursed with the power of the sun. Well a little bit of it.

He can temporally blind a person or roast them very slowly if they stand in the same spot.

He also doesn't know how to control it. He ends up blinding himself and getting a really bad burn.


A shotgun



Writes the newspaper



The man who supplies Chris with all the gossip.


Chris' better brother. The parents favorite. He owns a tomato farm.


That fish bastard! Chris definitely does not dream about them being together!
In a cute little house... With a nice white fence, barely any sun shine.He wishes that rat bastard would die!

Theme song:



His most famous headline is

'Guillermo Esqueleto a homosexual furry lover?' Followed by a pic of Oliver drooling over him.



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[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]

View attachment 277983

no slide


Christopher Delringo









I'm sweating!


One minute he's a nervous wreck, the next he is sassing someone. He is quiet unpredictable in a way.

Even though Chris can be salty he is actually a pretty nice guy. Definitely someone you would like to meet, just don't upset him.


Son to the god of the sun, Chris is kind of a strange case. You would think he would want to constantly be in the sun, running around free and just having fun! But no, they get this. Since Chris was a small baby, his parents noticed that he just never looked...well. He was so much whiter than the rest of his family and he burned easily, oh my gosh, the sunburn! They were almost afraid to let this child out of the house. His father was kind of disappointed that his own son wouldn't be able to play in something that he made!

A boy named Julian was his only friend. He would climb through Chris' bedroom and they would hangout while Julian would tell Chris about all the things that were going on in the town. Julian knew all these things because he was a nosey little bitch, also his parents owned a salon. He helped Chris come up with the idea to write a newspaper! That's what the town needed! Hot gossip, life hacks, beauty tips, and most importantly, conspiracy theories!



The minute puberty hit him, instead of getting taller like he had wanted, he ended up being cursed with the power of the sun. Well a little bit of it.

He can temporally blind a person or roast them very slowly if they stand in the same spot.

He also doesn't know how to control it. He ends up blinding himself and getting a really bad burn.


A shotgun



Writes the newspaper


Julian: The man who supplies Chris with all the gossip.

Antonio: Chris' better brother. The parents favorite. He owns a tomato farm.

Theme song:



His most famous headline is

'Guillermo Esqueleto a homosexual furry lover?' Followed by a pic of Oliver drooling over him.



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