Living The Dream (BTM and tigerlily1)

Name: Lily



Personality: She is quiet but she can be loud when it come to sticking up for people or if she really knows you.

History: She has lived in a small town all of her life and always dreamed of being famous.

Name: Sofia

Age: 19


Personality: She is sweet but can be a bit snobby every once in a while. She tries to be calm but does not really like the paparazzi.

History: She lives with her Father who is also her manager but they do not really have a home. Thy move where ever Sarah needs to be for a job in a movie or TV show. She also has concerts because she sings. She has been preforming since she was young and has been a celeb for about four years now.
Name: Shayne Dells

Age: 19


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/1296201543-hero-jaejoong-copy.jpg.45c52fcf8d2c88e9dcf2097057282dc2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/1296201543-hero-jaejoong-copy.jpg.45c52fcf8d2c88e9dcf2097057282dc2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shayne is pretty stubborn and can be kind of arrogant, in person. Though his fans all think he is the nicest and kindest person out their. Really he's only nice to his fans though, he really does appreciate them. But everyone else he doesn't like that much and has very little respect for. Though he's not easy to get along with, once you get past all his selfishness he can be a pretty nice guy.

History: Was scouted by an entertainment company at the age of 13, he sings and plays guitar and occasionally piano

Name: Cameron "Cam" Louis

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/kim-hyun-joong-diagnosed-with-swine-flu-1-jpg.jpg.eb43811dfe64d7aefca86574d3fd61d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/kim-hyun-joong-diagnosed-with-swine-flu-1-jpg.jpg.eb43811dfe64d7aefca86574d3fd61d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Really bright and bubbly, easy to make friends with. Sort of childish and likes to laugh

History: Grew up in the city, has had a pretty average life.

(agh I got kinda lazy with the second one sorry) 

Shayne groaned as he was awoken by the persistant knocking at his door. He knew it was probably his manager, they had a fairly busy schedule today. But Shayne didn't feel like getting up quite yet and rushing to get ready. Still, he got up and dragged himself over to answer the door. "What is it?" He said not even bothering with a greeting. "Ah, well..we have to go meet with the producers from-" "I know that. If that's all please go away.." Shayne cut off his manager then abruptly turned and shut the door, not even caring if it seemed rude.


Cameron got up early, as usual for school. After getting dressed he grabbed his ipod turning it on his favorite playlist and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. He made himself a bowl of cereal and 2 poptarts and sat down at the table to eat.



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Sofia woke and sat up when her father came in with breakfast. She smiled and talked to her dad as they ate. Her father looked at her. "Do not forget you are filming in that school today." He said. Sofia nodded. "Yes I know I am." She said and got ready to go. She then walked out of the hotel and got in the limo and the driver drove to the school.

Lily woke up and got dressed. She grabbed a granola bar and a glass of juice and ate quickly. She then walked outside and went for a run.
(agh sorry it took me so long)

Shayne took his time getting ready, taking almost and hour and a half to get dressed and do his hair even though his style was very simple. "Ah we're going to be late.." His manager said as they walked down the halls. Shayne just shrugged. He didn't care too much if they ended up being late. What was he supposed to do? Go out not looking his best? No that simply would just not work.

After eating and finishing getting ready. Cameron walked to school. He sat and talked with his friends for a while until the bell rang and class started.
(It's okay)

Sofia got out and waved to a few people who were waving at her. She looked as her bodyguard came in and pushed them back a little. She looked around for the director and then figured he was inside already so she walked in and looked around. She thought it was pretty nice here.

Lily slowed to a walk and looked around. She was breathing heavy and was trying to calm down.

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