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Fantasy Living a Lie: Fantasy & Reality Collide [CS]


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜

Character Sheets

**REALISTIC pictures only please!**

Age: [18-22]

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Body Type:

Likes: [3+]
Dislikes: [3+]
Strengths: [3+]
Weaknesses: [3+]
Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Personality: [1-2 paragraphs]
Bio: [1-2 paragraphs]

WRITING SAMPLE: **Please put in a spoiler tab underneath CS**

links: ♫. Interest Check | ♫. In Character RP | ♫. Out of Character Chat | ♫. Character Sheets
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Fern Miller
Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid

Eye Color:
Golden; flecks of red
Hair Color:
Light Brown
5'5"; 139 pounds
Body Type:
Neat Hourglass
Double pierced ears


Coffee|Booze|Smoking|Books|Spicy Food|Food in general|Thunderstorms
Loud People|Loud Noises|Her family|Rude People|City Life
Really Strong|Enhanced Senses|High Alcohol Tolerance|Adept Fighter|Intelligent
Easy to get Sensory Overload|Smoker|Untrusting|Hateful
Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Fern is plain and simply an intense individual. Coming from a world where she was hardly accepted has caused her to be cold to the world. A woman doesn't trust easy, and is hardly swayed by seemingly simple acts of friendship. It takes time to gain her trust. And her respect as well, something else that is no easy feat. While she doesn't hold herself above others, those she respect will be treated a bit kinder than those she doesn't. Fern is also a rather angry person, proudly wearing a resting bitch face which can deter most people from talking to her. If you manage to break though her exterior attitude, you'll find a woman who is actually, rather kind. She's loyal to her few friends, though she's blunt. But, your mean friends are the ones really looking out for you.
Fern has a rather interesting past. Hybrids are normally...frowned upon in Neeska, especially one of her blood line. She was riased by her mother in the thick forest of Neeska. For five years, her and her mother lived in a giant hollowed out tee, fighting, stealing, and doing everything by themselves in order to survive. It was a constant battle, and one her mother lost. Upon hearing his lover passed, her father, a well respected member of the vampiric hierarchy, took her in. Yet was surprised to find she was almost entirely savage. She could barely speak, had no manners, and would constantly fight with his other family and children. So, he kept her locked away in her room of his manor, and with the course of two years, and a lot of help, had her trained well enough to pass at the various social gatherings he intended to throw.

When she reached her 14th birthday, at her party, her mothers pack attacked the manor; attempting to take her back with them. Her father let her choose, and she chose the pack. It was odd coming back and running with the wolves again, but worth it. Her father still attempted to "reclaim" her as he put it, but the alpha wolf had taken her under his wing and she wasn't going anywhere. Until two years later she broke from the pack. Returning to the tree she once called home. Many attempts were made to contact the lone wolf, and non were successful until she was summoned by two people she couldn't ignore.

The High Werewolf and High Vampire both wanted her to be sent to the mortal realm, something she our right refused at first. Until they threatened her life, and she was sent against her will.
Has a very distinct Scottish accent, though she's not actually related to any Scottish people.
"I can't believe this!" A woman shouted, rising to her feet with her fist clenched in anger. The room erupted with murmurs of disgust and questioning.

"What are your objections on the matter?" The High Vampire inquired, "It must be a better option than that...hideous hole you cal-"

"My objections are very clear are they not? I don't want to go to the moral world, and you can hardly change my mind on the matter. I'd much rather be killed than sent to do your bidding." She retorted, "The human world is no place for creatures like us."

"Creatures like us you say?" The High Werewolf chuckled, before his face forze in a stern scowl.

"You are hardly anything like us. You are a freak of nature that shouldn't have existed in the first place. You father and mother were fools to-" The Vampire was cut off by a very loud growling snarl.

"How dare you speak of my mother like that! She was better than all of you old dogs!" Fern shouted, slamming her hands on the table before her. The two lords looked to each other. With a small nod each and a knowing glace, the vampiric guards approached, restraining her arms. "What's the meaning of this?!"

"You said you would rather die than be sent to the mortal world, a wish I assure you, can be fulfilled," The High werewolf said.

"Unless of course you agree to go under our rules, doing as we say, just how we command it. Understood?" The High Vampire added, a signature scowl met Fern's blazing eyes.

She struggled against the vampiric guards, a small dose of wolfsbane weaking her strength, but not her ability of reason. After a minute, she slumped against the guards. "I understand milords....what do you ask of me?"

The High Vampire chuckled, "Good dog."
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Cleo Haynes


Name: Cleo Haynes
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Fairy

Eye Color:
Hair Color: Blonde, pink undertones as a human
Height/Weight: 5'0 // 120lbs
Body Type: Thin
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: None

Likes: flying / small things / slippers / being comfortable

Dislikes: people using their height against her / soda (it's too fizzy) / sushi / people being hurt

bravery / honesty / loyalty

impulsive / impatient / naive

Cleo has the bravery of a warrior, especially in the eye of danger, even if she has not experienced much negativity until now. She's always been a honest fairy, because she likes seeing people smile, and she knows that honesty will get you more smiles than lies. It's something her mother taught her, that she held onto. She's fiercely loyal to those who she thinks deserve it, even if maybe they don't deserve it. Her pride will keep her from admitting she's wrong.

She's impulsive and impatient, always wanting things to be done fast and on her time, and her way. She is a little spoiled, even with coming from such a large family. The young fairy loves adventures and pushing boundaries, and has been called a handful more than once.

Cleo was born to a large family of fairies, and she is considered the baby. She's well protected by her brothers and sisters, and her parents as well. She's young and a tad bit naive about the world, which is an easy thing to be when you're used to everybody getting along. Growing up, she would always play with her brothers and sisters, but she would want to explore, too. She pushed boundaries further than any of her siblings, wanting to know what else lay in their kingdom.

Now that danger has taken over, she isn't exactly sure how to handle it. She was sent away with the others before she could see the true tragedies taking place, including the slaying of many of her kind and others. As a human on Earth, she comes across as clumsy and uncoordinated, but that's just because the girl used to be about six inches tall, and she's now about 5 foot tall. She doesn't know how to handle that, either.
Code by apolla apolla
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NAME Isobel Edme Kinnaird

AGE 20


SEXUALITY Demisexual biromantic





WEIGHT 140 pounds

BODY TYPE Bottom-heavy, a bit pudgy in the arms and legs

FACECLAIM Holly Rebecca White


TATTOOS/PIERCINGS/ETC Standard ear piercings

LIKES Nature, sunlight, kindness, her friends and family, makeup and jewelry, fashion, mansions

DISLIKES Rudeness, pollution, her appearance (to an extent), thunderstorms, the cold, judgmental people, loud noises

STRENGTHS Kind, graceful, intelligent, charismatic, sociable

WEAKNESSES Insecure, secretive, naive, self-conscious, perfectionistic


PERSONALITY Isobel is often referred to as being very "elegant". She always walked, dressed, and spoke with poise and grace. Being daughter of the High Elves of Neeska, she was expected no less. The girl is very kind, sometimes too kind. She is quite giving, whether it be with her time or resources. She can't bare to see people suffering and she is always the first one to help, even when a situation doesn't involve her. While this has gotten the elven princess in trouble on more than one occasion, Isobel will still be the first one to jump in and help.

The girl is quite sociable and gives off an impression of charisma and intelligent charm. While she may have a hard time striking up conversation, she is always glad to have someone to talk to. Isobel doesn't consider herself smarter than anyone else, but she has quite a bit of emotional intelligence. She's empathetic and generally has "common sense" in social and non-social situations.

But Isobel is very insecure in general, mostly about her appearance - how she's a bit chubby and how she's not slender like other girls. She's not openly insecure and she knows how to hide it well. She isn't the type of person who gets anxious about her insecurities or the kind who is very self-deprecating. Rather, the girl's insecurities are very much internal and never spoken about. She often brushes it off, since she believes that the princess should be graceful in every situation and other people wouldn't take her seriously.

Isobel is quite the perfectionist, which is part of her self-consciousness. She hates making mistakes and feels validated when she is praised for doing well. When she messes up, she feels low and somewhat worthless. The elf struggles greatly with this and because of her perfectionism, she is easily frustrated and takes it out on herself as a form of venting.

BIOGRAPHY Being the daughter of the High Elves, Isobel had a carefree, enjoyable childhood. Everything she wanted was given to her yet vanity was not tolerated in the slightest. She was somewhat "troubling" as a child, often startling her mother when she would walk up to strangers and begin making conversation with them. She examined empathy even as a little girl, never hesitating to share with her 3 siblings and comforting them when they got hurt. However, Isobel's father, King Alistair of the Elves, looked down upon this, seeing it as weakness, and so, the two were never very close.

Being the youngest, the elven princess was not taught to fight, at least not extensively. She was taught about magic and controlling it, but she could not use it offensively. Her older brothers and sisters could easily defend themselves and loved ones, but Isobel couldn't defend herself in any way and other children took advantage of that. She was bullied both physically and verbally, usually for her weight and appearance. Being the princess didn't cause them to stop - they all had influential parents, so Isobel saw nowhere to turn to.

The princess hid it, as she had to be poised at all times. Only when she turned 12 was she taught more about magic and how to use it offensively and defensively. She was taught by a well-respected mage, who gave her guidance and assisted her in certain magic, especially plant-related magic. Isobel was interested in botany at a young age and being able to learn magic that would allow her to control plants was exciting to her.

While she was learning to defend herself physically, the insecurities never left her. It stung to think of the disgusting comments and mocking laughs that were directed towards her weight. She wasn't overweight, just on the chubby side. The princess would wear long sleeves to cover her arms and long dresses that would hide her legs. She would never wear tight clothing or anything that directed attention to her shape. For some time, she went on diets and tried to lose weight. It wasn't good for her and she knew she couldn't do it.

Isobel's siblings went on to live on their own, being well past the age to move out. The girl lived with her parents, as she was still young. Until a threat came to Neeska. Her parents would send her away, but she begged them to stay and fight. They adamantly refused, saying that they would not allow her to be in such danger. And eventually, since she had no other choice, she complied with their decision.

Vela was pretty sure that the universe was against her. Well, no one bumped into her, so she supposed that she could've been grateful for that at least.

She was simply focused on getting to her locker when a boy suddenly appeared next to her. His sudden presence startled her enough to make her literally jump. The boy would've been able to see her obvious anxiety since her hands were twitching and she was trembling slightly. Vela really disliked social interaction, and the word dislike was a huge understatement. She didn't dislike people; she mainly hated how nervous she would get when she was talking to just about anyone. Teachers, fellow students, strangers, even people whom she considered friends. The trembling would only lessen when she was more comfortable, but rarely did it go away completely. It was such a nuisance to her and she was sure that it annoyed the people around her.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I don't really recognise you. I'm Cain," .the blonde boy said as he kept his pace with hers. She watched his features for just a moment before looking at the ground as she walked. All she had to do was answer and introduce herself - but not with a remark that sounded like she was irritated when she wasn't really. She might have felt anxious when talking to others, but she was not short-tempered, at least not this time. The thing Vela wanted the least was to look like a mean girl with anger issues. His statement was short, casual, and to-the-point; she should have answered it just as straightforwardly.

She looked at him, a slight frown on her face. She had to admit that she felt bad when he said that he didn't recognize her. She had been attending the school since she was a freshman, but she couldn't deny the fact that she rarely interacted, which made her quite a loner, maybe even an "outcast". Vela couldn't blame the guy at all for not knowing who she was. She was just thinking that it felt great to go unnoticed and now she wanted to be noticed? Apparently, it wasn't such a great feeling. "Please don't sneak up on me again. Please," she said in her light, near-whisper of a voice with a noticeable a British accent. She didn't say it rudely, but instead, her tone was more helpless, like a somewhat desperate plea.

The girl was quick to realize that her statement could have easily been perceived as rude, and that it was, despite her intentions. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to be rude. I was just . . . startled, that's all," the girl said, sounding even more helpless than before as she arrived at her locker. "I'm Vela, by the way. Nice to meet you, Cain," she smiled just a bit, trying to hide how nervous she was as she began to put in the combination to her locker.
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Samael Ragyolf

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
6’1” - 190 lbs
Body Type:
Tall and muscular
Has an intricate half sleeve on his upper right bicep, consisting of flames.

Mountains, beautiful women, puzzles, fire, rubies
Being proven wrong, large crowds, rain, sugary foods
Intelligent, strong (both mentally and physically), not easily manipulated
Proud, arrogant, little empathy for others, only self interested

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Samael at first glance is cocky and arrogant, not unlike other young males. However, he is incredibly intelligent, enjoying pursuing knowledge for the sake of learning. He tends to be more introverted, but is capable of being quite social and charming if the occasion suits his interests. Motivated mainly by his desires, Samael can be incredibly manipulative and slippery. He chooses his words carefully to coax people to carry out his wishes. If he doesn’t want to do something, he won’t, unless there is a believable threat or it benefits him in some other way.
His respect is not easily earned, believing that physical strength can only carry people so far and considering empathy as a sign of weakness. However, his is intrigued by intelligence, enjoying conversations with people at a higher level. Though he lacks basic empathy and kindness, Samael does have a moral compass, which he adheres to for the most part.

Samael grew up in relative solitude, the dragons of Neeska preferring to keep to themselves. For years, he lived high in the mountains, honing his fire abilities. Once he became skilled enough, he began to offer his services to other members of Neeska, doing various jobs in order to accumulate wealth.
As Samael’s reputation began to grow, more jobs began to come in. Jobs that required more of a stomach and less of a conscious. Displeased with the idea of killing undeserving women and children, Samael briefly retreated into solitude, until an offer came that he couldn’t refuse.
Tasked with investigating Earth, Samael’s job is to now see if it would be an appropriate place to inhabit Should things go south in Neeska. And in return, a very lucrative payment he would be foolish to turn down.

Joseph blew into the bar Friday evening, leaning against the old wood door to shut out the wind. Inside, the room was dim, likely due to the old and outdated lighting, but the bar played it off as mood lighting. As he settled down at the old oak bar, he signaled to the bartender.
“Jack and coke.” He said, nodding slightly as he spoke. Once he had his drink, he sat quietly, content to take in sights. The bar may have been old and a little stick, but the people watching was unbeatable. The murmering of the bar was so loud, he barely heard her come up behind him.
“Joseph?” A feminine voice asked, tapping his shoulder. As he turned around, Joseph’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. His eyes landed on the familiar black heels, traveled up a long pair of legs, eating up the curves, before landing on an expectant face. There she was, the girl he had loved, then left, skipping town without a word. He had just needed to get away, run from his problems, but how could he have explained that to her? More importantly, how did she find him?
“Hey Amelia.” Joseph said, draining his drink. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but he wanted to be buzzed, in case she was going to start screaming at him in the middle of the bar.
“We need to talk.”
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Renee' Sharpe
Age: [18-22]

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
Light Blonde (Red Tips)
5'4 - 150 pounds
Body Type:
Large Chested and Lightly Pudgy
Wears thick rimmed glasses. Has a large butterfly tattoo above her right breast.


School | Books | Video Games | Writing | Poetry | Fantasy Creatures | Commanding People | Sleeping
Excessive Time In the Sun | Horror Movies | Vegetables | Running
Empathetic | Extremely Quick Learner | Computer Hacker
Terrible Vision | Over-eater | Lazy | Shut-In | Open Minded to a fault | Not Athletic | Unorganized

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]


Renee' is a laid back individual who simply loves having a path set for her, or being allowed to do nothing at all. She is a wealth of useless and trivial information. This doesn't mean poor Renee' is stupid, many of her college professors and acquaintances know she is capable of becoming a prodigy if she had direction. She tends to slack off on college assignments but always gets them done on time or last minute with surprising accuracy. Renee' is a self-taught hacker, she hasn't done much nefarious things with her ability (Other than the occasional prank for her amusement). In her ample amount of free time she can be found lazing around in her dorm snacking and playing video games, despite her isolation she empathetic and caring and will always listen to someones problems.
Renee' before going to university lived in a small town on the Kentucky-Tennessee border for all of her life. Their wasn't much to do in this town that didn't involve going outside so poor Renee' spent most of her days indoors reading (And playing the occasional video game). When Renee' did go outside it would be with the purpose to go out to get some food from the sole burger joint in town or go to the Library. Utilizing the Library Computers she became a self-taught hacker, however with an rookie mistake she was caught.

Fortunately she was deemed such a little threat she was let go by the police. Naturally her family was angry at her but they were also impressed. Once she graduated high-school she was sent off by her parents to college to study computer science.
Renee' lazed back in her gargantuan leather computer seat (compared to her anyways). It had been a lazy day as always, she had been putting off assignments as usual. It was times like this that she had the feeling she wasn't doing enough.... yet she just felt too bored to do anything (If that is even possible).

With a heavy sigh she heaved herself up out of her chair. It took some effort, after she had been sitting so still in such lazed position Renee' felt as mobile as a beached whale. She stood up to stretch and turned to take a look around her little private domain. Her dorm was a sloppy hazardous mess, a mixture of books and clothes were strung about. Her small trashcan was on the verge of overflowing. She sighed... with much apprehension she tossed a stray can at the nigh-overfilled trashcan.

She heard a crash and tumble as the overfilled trash-can spilled some of it's contents on the ground, she didn't bother to assess the damage and simply flopped down on her bed. Renee' idly lazed about here for a minute until she was interrupted by a buzzing sound. She rolled across her bed to her nightstand and grabbed her cell-phone and checked it. It was her friend Kevin calling her.

"Y- Yes Kevin," Renee' said with a hearty yawn as she answered the phone.

"Hey what the hell are you doing? You missed class again!" Kevin had a nasally voice, especially when he raised it.

Renee' had a slight pause to think about what he said... she was still out of it, "Well oops. Care to swing by somewhere and get me some food?" She finished her attempt at dodging the subject of the conversation with a sweet voice.

Kevin replied sounding angry, "Wait what? Your gonna dodge the question?"

"Mhm! I'll help you with your home work if you do," It's not like Renee' really needed to go to class every time. She already felt as if she was really well learned.

"Okay fine," Kevin replied, "I'll be their in 30 minutes give or take."

"Thank ya," Renee' said being sure to make her appreciation heard through the phone.


Clio Fotos
Age: 18
Winged Unicorn

Eye Color:
(I know, it contradicts with the picture, sorry.)
Hair Color:
Jet black
4'11 / 80 pounds
(Subjected to change)
Body Type:
Short Ectomorph
AB-negative blood

Attention, Fresh air, Open space, Studying, Aviation, Caffeine
Weak people, Cheaters and liars, Long lectures,
Strong Perseverance, Defiant, Reliable
Pride, Show off, Condescender, Demanding
Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Clio has a rather strange, conflicting personality. He acts like a know-it-all and show off. He makes sure everyone knows how intelligent he is. He takes a lot of pride in his talents, and rarely admits his mistakes and faults. Always looking down on those who he thinks are weak (essentially everybody) and cursing those who are stronger than him. To maintain his status, Clio actually spends a lot of time and effort on studying and training, trying to surpass all the others.

Despite his apparent egocentric personality Clio is quiet just. He absolutely hates those who cheat to reach their goals, for he believes in effort. Although he constantly looks down on the ones who struggle, Clio would help them to improve. It would take time to truly see the good within Clio.

Clio had it all in the beginning, he was clearly special. He was one of the only remaining pure breed of winged unicorns. This meant he had both magical, and flight capabilities. Despite the name of the species, winged unicorns only associate themselves with Pegasuses. He also happened to be born with four wings, an exceptionally big blessing for any two-winged creature in Neeska. It was clear that Clio had unbeatable physical strength, and would be despised by normal Pegasuses. Almost everyone envied his gifts, even adults did. Hence the development of Clio's personality; hating the weak, because they will hate you just for being stronger. Still, being born into a pure and royal bloodline came with its conducts. He was continually taught to help those in need and do other generic "knightly" actions. The two contradicting realities of his peers and family was what created his weird personality.
The vision was always the same, and as usual, it happened at the worst possible time. It was a bright cloudless day, the cool and gentle breeze made it a flawless condition for aerial activities. Clio was demonstrating hovering maneuvers to his closest friend, Neola Sava, who was circling around him. Neola was a small Pegasus with a beautiful pure white coat, it was almost the polar opposite of Clio, who had a body visibly rippling with muscles. Clio had his eyes fixed on Neola, enjoying the chilly breeze brush his glistening black coat. The wind coursing through his feathered wings relaxed him. Far below them, was a vast green forest dotted with clearings. Tall imposing mountain could be seen in the distance.

Then the vision came, Clio lost full control of his body, his consciousness was transported somewhere else. This wasn't the first time. He was suddenly standing in a bright vast plane, the ground reflected the blue off the sky, he couldn't see where the sky and ground met. The only thing other than him in the plane was a... elf?

Clio cautiously trotted towards the figure. Each hoof step made the ground ripple, as if he was standing on water. The figure just blankly stared towards Clio's directions. It looked like a male elf minus the ears. It had bulky, jet black instead of the traditional braided blonde Elfs normally had. It's clothing was also strange, a black short sleeved shirt with the collar forming a V shape. Was this thing even from Neeska?

It stared straight forwards, Clio had to bend down to get a good look at its face. The figure's blue eyes seemed empty, this probably meant it had no life in it, an empty shell. Suddenly it jolted its head up, its lifeless eyes fixed on Clio. Clio agilely jumped back, no matter how much time he sees the figure move, he can't get a used to it. The two stared at each other for a moment, until the figure finally opened its mouth. "CLIOOOOOO!" A loud familiar voice escaped the figures throat.

Clio snaps back into reality. He was free falling head first towards the ground, the air furiously brushed against his coat. Neola was a few feet above him in a power dive, wings tucked into her sides, defining her slim body. Her golden eyes were full of fear as she looked down at the falling dead wight infront of her. Clio looked down, he probably had ten seconds before hitting the lush tree lines, might as while enjoy the moment.

He stayed still, enjoying the rough wind. At the last moment Clio twisted his body into a horizontal position and flapped his four powerful wings while doing a barrel roll. This changed all his horizontal speed into vertical speed. Nearby, thick adult trees bowed at the force of the turbulence he created. Neola quickly pulled out of her power dive after seeing her friend recover.

They landed in one of the small clearing. Neola was breathing heavily, sweat drops were visible on her coat making here seem even more... radiant. "Don't... don't ever scare me like tha__"

"Are you underestimating me?" Clio growled, making Neola shake.

"Wha__ N-n-no" The white Pegasus took a step back. They stared at each other for a moment.

Clio signed, he was getting tired of the visions. Without another word he took off to the skies once again. Neola quickly followed obediently. Something big was definitely about to begin.
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Pan romantic Demisexual


Erote (Basically a small deity that serves Eros)


Eye Color:

Bright Green

Hair Color:

Black, dyed blonde at the top



Body Type:

Average Weight and Tall


Small Pink wings on a heart tattooed on his lower abdomen



Comfortable clothes
Bubble Baths
Any shade of pink, red or purple


Itchy clothes
Unrequited Love
Sudden PDA


Stellar Marksmanship
Supremely Loyal
Is as strong as an Ox


Fatal flaw is insecurity
Supremely Loyal (It's a double edged sword)
A bit slow without his wings

Relationships: N/A


Quiet and kind, he usually lets people come to him. Psych is on top of his feelings at all times and doesn't let anything slip out. If someone interests him, he can get a bit flirty, but is mostly in touch with other people's feelings. In general a total sweetheart and somewhat of a hopeless romantic.


He fell in love with someone he shouldn't have, he was an elite, one of the best matchmakers in the world. Yet Psyche wasn't used to falling in love. The Court kicked him out into the human world as a part of the project to save their world.


Psyche fell to the ground, bloodied and bruised.
"P-please give me another, ch-chance, I-Iswear--" "Hush, Erote, do not worry, you will only be put in exile,"
Psyche gasped, "E-exile?!?"
"Pack your bags, you will be thrown out tomorrow," Psyche nodded and began to walk off, bow in hand. Suddenly, his weapon was ripped out of his hand along with the arrows that served him. He looked at the person who took it, they nodded and pushed him along. Fortunately, they didn't take anything else.
'That's good, I guess," Psyche thought to himself.
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Name: Valencia “Val” Aumont

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Elf

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde/White

Height/Weight: 5’8 / 150 lbs

Body Type: Tall, wispy, and lean

Tattoos/Piercing/Etc: 3 vertical lines running the entire length of the inner forearm.

Likes: Reading | Combat Training |Nature, particularly winter,| Holistic Remedies & Cooking | Social Gatherings | Horseback Riding | Beauty & Fashion| Rebellion |

Dislikes: Cities | Insufferable and meek individuals | Facades; dishonesty | Frauds.| Patriarchy| Elven Politics | Laziness |

Strengths: Intelligence | Ingenuity | Charm | Loyalty | Attentive | Intuitive Connection with Mother Nature | Fierce

Weaknesses: Insensitive blunt | Vain |Loyal (*to a fault) | Impulsive | Audacious | Narcistic tendencies | Judgmental | Perfectionist

Personality: Being raised as the eldest child of the Elven King, Val has always possessed an air of entitlement and vain. However, she has always gracefully accepted and excelled in all social duties required of her thanks to the subtle and elegant charm she so effortlessly engages in. She has full confidence in her abilities, but often chooses to flourish in the social environment. Whilst being an avid fighter, it’s a trait she rarely discloses to those around her. She prefers to come off as the striking, vain, and charming girl, not one of cunning intellect and remarkable combat skills. Val prefers strict organization, but always allocates time to rebel and relish in her life.

Bio: Val, up until recently, has resided in the Elven Court with her father, the majority of her time was allocated to the training required to one day rule the Elven Realm. This entailed history, magic, combat, political meetings and policies, social gatherings, etc. Whilst enjoyable, it always seemed to suffocate her. The seemingly infinite expectations, requirements, responsibilities. Consequently, she spent her off days and hours trudging through the forest or sneaking out of the grounds to meet up at parties.

Val had awoken to discover the fire place in her bed chamber reduced to mere embers. She pushed the covers back, swung her feet down to the stones encompassing the tower floor, and was abruptly met with a biting chill that relayed shivers through her legs and up her spine and resulted in a comical chattering of her teeth. She swiftly pulled on her training armor composed from a black sinewy, leather-like material that was slightly flexible and remarkably strong, no doubt enforced with magic, Dad would never allow me to be in an real physical danger, she thought with a pang of resentment. She was always treated as some precious figure head, and never a young adult yearning to find her way. Negative, no exploring my future options and careers, since the day I was born my destiny was set, thanks to dear old dad. Not that predictability, stability, and the responsibility of leading of an entire realm of people could be that bad, it just takes all the allure out of coming of age and beginning your future. No spontaneous adventures, or enthralling discoveries about myself, no I was doomed, okay, okay, mostly blessed to be the future ruler of an entire race. Or so she was led to believe until fateful night when catastrophic events led to her departure from the Elven world and her intrepid trek through the mundane world that would forever alter her destiny and bring to light a new perspective for the young, foolhardy girl.

Name: Dom Reed
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunette
Height/Weight: 6ft3 // 67kg
Body Type: Muscular
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: “Ma” tattooed on his right wrist.

Likes: Boxing | Hiking | His Mustang | Books
Dislikes: Snakes | Groups of People | Junk Food
Strengths: Strong willed | Loyal | Humorous
Weaknesses: Short tempered | Emotional | Closed Minded

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Personality: A rather odd balance of anger and kindness grows up in Dom, he’s either a great guy to be around or a nightmar in disguise. Often holding a short temper his fuse is quick to blow in the wrong situation, but when you bury underneath the hard exterior he’s a loyal and caring friend. Yet his caring ways are often shown either through protection or through bluntness. There really is no winning with him.

Bio: Growing up on the outskirts of a city ranch. Dom was brought up to be hard working and leave the slacking to others. He had to feed, groom, muck out and train newly bred horses while his parents helped along side him. He’d go to school come back home and the work would begin again. Although his grades where good they fell dramatically after the death of his mother due to an accident at the ranch. He was grief stricken and lost his way. Finding himself in fights more than often and allowing himself to go down the wrong path

Though it didn’t last long once his father put his foot down. He introduced his son to boxing, a way he could get his anger out on a bag rather than on a kid at school. Even so he never got the support he needed to deal with the death of his mother. He’d always been the favourite of hers compared to his older sister which just made life harder. Dom carried on with his school by the skin of his teeth, studying when work and life allowed it.

Dom woke up early in the morning, probably around six thirty. The sun was creeping over the horizon spreading its light gracefully over the building tops and trees. As he pushed himself out of bed his head was spinning from the night before, he’d been out with some of his friends from his barrel racing completions, it’d been a heavy night of drinking. His head needed a clip so he got to t. The razor gracefully glided across his skin like a skater on ice.

After his morning routine was done he’d plodded himself down stairs where his father had already cooked up breakfast and left for work. Sighing in disappointed he sat down beginning to munch on his bacon, sausage and egg. Although he wasn’t upset, Dom wished just one mornig him and his father could sit and eat together, but that hadn’t happened since his mother had died. Once he’d finished he picked up his bag and left the house making his way to his car.

Driving to school was a chore, nothing really interesting and nothing he really wanted to do. Yet to prove his father wrong he had to do it. Looking at the building in front his stomach turned and his body tensed. It was just another day, but they always took a toll. Entering he just made his way to class. Didn’t stop to talk to anyone but always gave a glance to anyone that stares. Dom took his seat at the back of the class, staring out of her window waiting for the day to fly past.

Name: Demrick Gaines
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Dragon

Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Light Brown
Height/Weight: 5'7" | 167 lbs
Body Type: Athletic
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Demrick has a tattoo of a dragon on his right shoulder

Likes: Cold Weather | Classical Music | Reading | Sour Food | Blue and Purple | Doesn't mind a little alcohol
Dislikes: Nosy People | Warm or Humid Weather | Being Bored | Loud & Sudden Noises | Spicy Foods |
Strengths: Athletic | High Tolerance to Cold | Intelligent
Weaknesses: Tends to have a short fuse | A moderate drinker | Cold Personality

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Personality: Demrick is typically a serious person. He keeps a stern or cold facial expression on at most times and will occasionally crack a smile at a joke he found funny. Demrick isn't the best at making friends due to his cold shell and high expectations of others. His whole life he was held to very high expectations, so he does the same to those around him. He doesn't mean too, but he does. Eventually he'll come around, just respect him and he'll respect you. Demrick is known to have a temper that he isn't too proud of. It's gotten him into some trouble in the past, and he knows it will get him into more in the future. He tries to control it by keeping himself away from others and reading to stay calm. Now that he's on Earth, he has to try to prevent any use of what the humans would consider supernatural abilities.There is the not-so-typical occasion that Demrick's happier and more childish side pokes out. He'll be a bit more sociable and lose the serious attitude, but it doesn't last too long and doesn't happen often.

Bio: With the threat of something dark looming on the horizon, most residents of Neeska began searching for a new home. Demrick's family however, they didn't plan on going anywhere. From a young age he was trained for an ensuing battle between Neeska and whatever may be coming. Being a son of a High Dragon, much more was expected out of him. His father, being one of the few that were preparing for battle, trained him and his siblings hard. In his later teen years, he left the home to focus on his abilities. Demrick's family was a bit of an oddity. Instead of possessing pyrokinetic abilities, he possessed the opposite. Demrick controlled things a bit colder. Instead of breathing flames, he could breathe a super coolant, capable of freezing something solid to the point where it could be shattered. This had it's own built-in effects on him though. He was always more one for the cold, so he spent his time up high on the snowy caps of mountains. Beautiful views, peace and quiet, what was not to love?

Somehow, someone had found him. They had a message from his father, and said he had to return home immediately. Seeing that it was a desperate measure to send someone this high in the mountains, he determined that it was a serious matter. So he followed until he arrived at his family's home. His father stated that Demrick needed to venture to a planet called Earth. He said it was a suitable place to live if Neeska was destined to be destroyed. At first, he wasn't all for it, but after putting some thought into it, what if Neeska was going to be lost to whatever dark forces may have been coming? Once considering the possibly disastrous future of Neeska, Demrick agreed to go to Earth

The wind always howled loudly atop Mount Rascai, but that's what he often loved about it. It was natural noise, noise that he didn't mind. Although it sounded violent to others, it helped Demrick focus. To him, it was a soothing noise. For a few years it was all he heard. From the moment he awoke in the icy cavern that he built a home out of and up until the moment he lay his head down and sleep. This was why it was so surprising when the 'silence' was broken by a slight jingle of bells, indicating a merchant. He knew the merchants traveled along the mountains, but none went this high up. What was one doing up here? Eventually, the source of the noise came into sight. An old-ish looking dragon. Demrick did recognize him. He explained why he was up on the summit of Mount Rascai. He said that Demrick's father needed him to return to the home, that there was something of the utmost importance that Demrick had to tend to. Confused, yet concerned by the urgency of the message, he agreed to follow the messenger back to his old family home. Demrick had no idea as to what news followed.
Anahita, called Ana

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
5'3, 126lbs
Body Type:

Likes: [3+]
Bodies of Water
Fish (as pets, not as food)
Chicken. Like, a lot
Dislikes: [3+]
Sushi/Fish Foods
Wet Lettuce
Strengths: [3+]
Water Manipulation
Basic Self Defense
Weaknesses: [3+]
Running (she's not fast)
Innocent at times
Has to wear a lot of sunscreen
Doesn't always speak up
Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

Personality: [1-2 paragraphs]
Ana is the type of girl that you ask for help, and she will say yes every time, even when she doesn't want to or it isn't in her best interest. She can sometimes be described as overly emotional, but that doesn't put her down and she usually thinks of it as a good thing. Shes got a little fire in her, especially when it's about something she knows a lot about, but for other things, she is quick to doubt herself. Sometimes she is too nice when she should be mean, and this makes people think they can walk all over her, but when push comes to shove, well, she pushes back. In the end, messing with her isn't a great idea.
Bio: [1-2 paragraphs]
As you might guess, Ana spent most of her life in the water... under water, for that matter. Her parents were wealthy among mermaids and mermen and therefore she grew up in a good life. Part of the reason for this was that, not all mermaids can walk on land. Ana happened to be part of a prestigious family who was gifted this ability many centuries ago. This has given her a lot of benefit in life, as she was able to interact with all kinds of people. At the same time, though, this put her life in danger. Other mermaids and mermen were jealous, and there has been more than once that her life and the life of her family has been put a stake. Because of this, though, Ana was taught to defend herself. She was never great at it, but she eventually got to the point where she felt that if someone attacked her, she would be able to defend herself.

Ana never went to a normal school. She was always homeschooled by her nannies, who were never around long because her parents couldn't trust them. She had a hard time making bonds with people because of this, and in turn that made her take very quickly to anyone who took interest in her. When she was 13 her nanny told her that she was going to take a field trip to a nearby coral field. Ana had been to this place plenty of times, but at the offer to go with someone who was supposed to care for her, she was excited. That same day they left the house, but they didn't go the right way. At first, Ana thought that maybe her nanny knew a different way to go, a faster way, but that was quickly proven wrong when all of a sudden, someone grabbed Ana from behind and pulled her into a building. Ana doesn't have much memory of those days, and when brought up she usually refuses to talk about it. All she knows is her parents worked something out to get her back home, and from then on she was always surrounded by at least two body guards.

apolla apolla
I didn't use a BBcode because I am lazy
Also, my bio ends suddenly because I could have gone on for a thousand years probably.
Also x2, I will put my writing sample up sometime soonish plz remind me when I inevitably forget​

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