Live your dream [Inactive]


Your student arrived at his/her new home, maybe confused or afraid. In front of the house is a big fence and a voice of an unvisible woman starts talking. He/She should listen carefully ...

" Ten students from different countries and social classes had been chosen to live in one house for one month. One of this students are you! Teachers and parents told you about a trip, maybe a camp or a hotel, but they all knew that something different would happen. Please do not be afraid, there is no reason to be like that. Nobody will observe you, there will only be a camera team and a journalist once a week. You do not have to show yourself, but we'd be pleased if you answered the questions. The front door key is located in one of your trouser pockets, your housemates will arrive every hour unless you are the last. Violence will be punished. You can leave this house whenever you want , but you'll have to come back within 10 hours as you do not want to disappoint your parents or the government. Stay healthy and enjoy your stay."

Please post like this:

Name (e.g. Emily Kim )

Location ( e.g. House, inside Kitchen )

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House, front door.

He walked stiffly towards the door, stiff from last nights abuse and from apprehension. He felt in his pocket for the key and put it in the keyhole and turned it. Sebastian pushed the door open and stepped inside, inhaling the foreign scents of a new house. "Home sweet home,"He said bitterly.

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House, front yard

Rikki, looked around the yard not sure of what to make of the place. What is one of her parents stupid plots to get more money into the family? She rubbed her head and walked around the yard to figure out what to make of it. Rikki bit her lip contemplating her thoughts trying to make sense of whats even going on. After nothing coming with a logical reasoning, she gives up and slides the key into the door before strolling inside. She walks around inside, searching for the kitchen, "Boy, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in like two hours"
Emily Kim

House, front door

When Emily was younger and more callow she had been one of those girl who loved surprises. For example birthday parties, she loved to be surprised with hundreds of balloons, with a birthday cake, with friends she did not met for years and of course with tons of presents. But that changed with growing older, with getting experienced with suffering a surprise. When she stood in front of that big fence, holding a key in her hand she had noticed during the flight and listened to female voice, she was in a quite pissy mood. This was definetly one of those nasty surprises.

With a sigh she opened the gate and followed the narrow way. When she arrived at ther front door she glanced shortly at the outer wall before she entered her new home. At least it did not look too bad.
He lounged on one of the couches, waiting. When the door opened he sat up, listening to the new arrival complain." Two hours?"He said feigning shock and sympathy." Try twenty four." He said coldly. Sebastian hadn't eaten for a full day as part of his 'punishment' for not following orders. He eyed the girl as yet another girl arrived." Well now its a f*cking party. Who are you?" Despite his rude inquiry of their names, he was secretly excited to meet new people, but also very apprehensive.

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House, Living Room

Rikki ignores the guy for a moment until she finds the kitchen. She comes back into the other room with a plate of poutine, "Yeah, I would try that," she spoke as she plopped down beside the guy, "buuut I like food WAY too much." She smiled at the guy with a hint of sass in her eyes then began to eat the fries coated with cheese custard and gravy. She offers the guy some, "Try some and tell me what you think, eh?"
Sebastian glared at the girl and resisted the urge to scoot away. Instead he fixed her with a charming half smile and turned his body towards her, a little too close for comfort, well for him at least. "You still haven't answered my question." What's your name?"He said, popping a couple of fries into his mouth, his tongue sneaking out to lick up the sauce that had gotten on the corner of his mouth.

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"Rikki, your's" She smirked trying to hide the fact that she was slightly embarrassed that she forgot introduce herself. She takes half a hand full of the poutine and almost stuffs it in her mouth but the thought of her mother scolding her makes her stop. Rikki, you're never going to make any friends eating like that! MANNERS! "So, do you enjoy the poutine?" Rikki spoke as she sat up straight.
"Sebastian." He said. He took another fry and sat back." What exactly are poutine, if you don't mind me asking."Sebastian sat back, putting his arms over the back of the couch. This caused his naturally intoxicating minty aroma to become more prominent.

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Rikki poked at the poutine before answering, "It's french fries coated with gravy and cheese custard. It's Canadian. Very casual, actually TOO casual. You can find this at Burger King as soon as you cross the border." Rikki licked her fingers, "My mom would murder me if she saw me right now."
Grace Accardi

Front Lawn

Suitcase in hand, Grace's left hands fumbles around for the house key. She lets out a sigh of relief as her hand clasps the cool copper. She brought the small key out and into her already sweaty hand. She walks closer to the door and realizes something, does she knock on the door or just open it?

Immediatley, her heart began racing. What if they thought she was a burglar? What if she got the wrong house? Many thoughts ran her mind as she walked up to the front door. She decided to knock, keep it safe. She brought a shaky hand up and knocked quietly.
A knock alerted his ears and he turned to the door."Use your key. "Was all he said before turning back to Rikki."So its..... fast food?"He asked, frowning slightly. Sebastian wasn't used to any food that wasn't made by his own personal chef." Disgusting..." He muttered. He admits that it was sort of tasty but however very cheap it would seem and therefore it was a taboo in his eyes.

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Use your key, of course you use the more idiotic version Grace thinks to herself. She puts the key in the keyhole and turns it. Once she opens the door, she can hear voices. She brings her suitcase in and shuts the door quietly.

"H-Hello?" She speaks out, stuffing her key back in her pocket.
She giggles a little, "Well I can be. I've had it professionally made before...But it's a lot tastier when it's greasy because it pisses off my parents." Rikki noticed her giggling and suddenly stops. Ugh, I'm such a girl. Rikki looks at the girl who had just walked in, "Aye! Nice place, eh?" She decides to mess with the girl a little, "We're all out of rooms, you're going to have to take the couch. I hope you don't mind."
They were out of rooms? Grace furrows her eyebrows as the girl tells her. Her hands found each other and started picking at the nails. "Oh, n-no, I guess I'-I'll sl-sleep on the cou-couch, I don't min-mind." She responds. Stupid stutter she thinks to herself. She tries to give them a smile but she's sure that it looks horrible.
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Something sparked within Sebastian, his inner devil raising its head."Yup, and since I'm the only guy so far, I guess its my job to satisfy all of your..... needs." At this point he had jumped over the edge of the couch and was standing close to the new girl. He hovered over her, his warm brown eyes smoldering. He looked back at Rikki and winked before turning back."So don't be shy."He smirked. Sebastian was one of those people who you couldn't quite tell if he was joking or not.

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By now Grace's hands were shaking like there was no tomorrow. "Well, I-I mean I don't ha-have any nee-needs at this mo-moment." Grace tried to back away but her back hit the end table almost spilling the plant that was on top of the table. Almost instantly her cheeks turned red. "S-sorry," She whispered, apologizing to the plant and hiding her hands behind her back
Rikki liked the way Sebastian thought; she giggled and chimed back in after the girl apologized to the plant, "He doesn't do a bad job at it either." She hoped that her statement would catch both Sebastian and the new girl off guard.
Sebastian chuckled and ran his finger gently up her throat to land under her chin, tilting it up."We all have needs."He replied." And one must be good at ones own profession, if nothing else."His tone held a double meaning, but all was diffused by the mischievous half smile he forced. Sebastian sauntered back over to the couch, pushing himself up and over onto the couch.

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Grace had no idea what to do. She was only here for a maximum of 10 minutes and so much has already gone on. She tried to force her hands to stop shaking. She throat and chin still tingled from where the man touched her. Which is another thing, she didn't know their names and they didn't know her name. She tried to smooth down her sweater. "Well, th-that was a good gre-greeting. P-perhaps I sho-should intro-introduce myself. I'm Grace," She managed to say her last sentence without any stuttering. Though it was only a two word sentence, it was the thought that counted.
Rikki sat smirking. Gosh, we're horrible to the new girl. "I'm Rikki" said before deciding to pig out on the rest of the poutine. Her mother wasn't here so it clearly didn't matter, right? Rikki let out a rather loud burp and looked at the girl, "Could you get a serviette for me, Grace?" She dismissed about how rude and probably repulsive she was acting.
'Sebastian." He said, laying down on the couch. His long limbs took the whole couch, causing him to put his legs on Rikkis lap.

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"Lovely legs you have there Sebastian," Rikki looked at his legs, "I never really asked, where are you from?" She looked at both Grace and Sebastian as she spoke. "If you couldn't tell by my accent. I'm a Canuck/Canadian. Rink rat and daredevil."
Grace quickly grabs a napkin after realizing what a serviette is. She goes back to her old spot and stands there. "Italy." She responds quietly.

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