Live Screening


Next Door Hottie
Music booms, strobe lights flicker on and the crowd goes wild. Cheering and clapping and whistling can be heard from every corner of the hall as smoke rises from the paltform and a handsome announcer steps on stage.

"Welcome to the grand opening of the world's most awaited reality TV show, 'Who Will Win His Heart!'"

The cheering intesifies, a screen behind the announcer lights up to show a row 25 beautiful girls and handsome men.

"Their limos will bring them here in a minute, but before, I would like all of you to tweet one question which you would like to ask the contestants. Are you ready for the biggest battle of the hearts the world has ever seen?"

(Please only post in this thread if you've been mentioned. If you've reached the stadium, I will post it in your character's limo thread.)
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Eugene, unlike some, wasn't prone to petty banter - at least not yet - and so she hadn't spoken much in the limo beyond pleasantly returning Purity's greetings and complementing the red-dressed girl on her dress. Or were they the same girl? Obviously the other contestants weren't her main area of focus. She'd sent a pointed look towards the smart ass who made a comment about the prince not being god, and decided she'd be happy to see that poser leave. No one, no one went through the rigorous application and interview process to be on this show if they didn't care. That girl, whatever her name was, was fooling herself. She'd either go home on day one, or she would wake up to this very real reality TV show and try her best. Either way, Gene wouldn't be watching. From this point forward she only had eyes for the prince.

When the limo arrived at their destination Gene found herself mildly mortified that she was going to be interviewed in her outfit. This was her traveling attire! She kept a frumpy look off of her face and resumed the natural smile again as she exited the limo. Unlike some, this life of beauty in front of cameras wasn't a farce for Gene. She was a model after all, and though no one who paid her ever wanted to hear her speak, she was still naturally glamorous. Any contestant who had a problem with that could suck her big toe. 

Gene would patiently encountered the rugged elevator, finding a sort of rustic beauty in its appearance, and when it brought her to her destination a small gasp escaped her lips, followed by an awestruck smile. Her hand lifted instinctively to wave. 
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"You like to drive?" Bentley tilts her head at Raven, "I haven't driven the same way you do but I've traveled in fast cars before, the adrenaline is really something..." she smiles at the girl and then Bentley-Rai sighs in relief that the limousine finally arrives at it's destination, she really needed to move around a bit. She adjusted her hair and then got out of the vehicle and followed another girl to a rugged elevator, she decided not to speak to the girl after concluding she would almost definitely annoy her, she just seemed like that type and Bentley didn't want to make a scene already. As the door to the elevator opened she was met with bright flashes, screams, and shouts - the atmosphere she couldn't quite describe but it felt wonderful. Her smile beamed, showing off her pearly white teeth, and she took a few steps out of the elevator while waving and blowing the occasional kiss to the crowd.

Mentioned: @Victoria Bradley


Raven quirked her eyebrow in intrigue. She hadn't expected anyone to be into driving like her. Raven smiled and followed Bentley out of the limo when it arrived at the screening. She was excited to finally be out of  vehicle. Walking through the dark halls, Raven felt the excitement bubbling through her veins. She was eager to get to the mansion, but also to meet the other contestants. Maybe there were others like Bentley. Or at least some who weren't like the stuck-up witch from the limo. When they got to the elevator, she laughed at the contrast from the fancy limo. When they walked out on stage, she immediately began waving and smiling at the crowd. "Oh my God! That's Raven Reyes. RAVEN!"  someone in the crowd yelled. Raven grinned and jogged over to the group of people who recognized her. She walked back and forth through the crowd to sign autographs and take pictures. Then, with a confident stride and a smirk on her face, she took a seat on the set. She knew the cameras had caught it all.


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After Purity gotten out of the Limo, she entered the stadium and was guided up the stage steps by

one of the security guards. She heard the screaming fans of the show and some called out the

contestants names. Some even called out her name, maybe because of her known designs for tattoos. Purity

just smiled and adjusted her top a little bit. This wasn't the best of outfits to wear, but it would have to

do. After all, they were already onstage.
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Summers stepped out of the limo, urging herself to flash a shy smile as the cameras flashed yet again. She didn't exactly love the crowd, but it would serve her well if she played her cards right. She waved and tucked her hair behind her ear as she walked forward, her short heels clacking gently against the ground. Mavis made note to stop once in a while to snap a couple of photos as well as give autographs to some eager fans. There were more of them than she had expected, and a little sigh of relief escaped her lips as she realized this. It's a relief to not be hated by the viewers. Mavis paid no mind to her outfit, she didn't want to give off the impression of being overly dressed, and was rather comfortable in her chic clothing. After all, she was a girl who preferred comfort over fashion. As she straightened her back to give off a regal appearance, Mavis looked around the crowd, scanning those around her whilst keeping a pleasant smile as she walked in with a confident stride.
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"Hello, hello, hello, hello!" The announcer says into the mike and the stadium is filled yet again with cheers. "And welcome to Who Will Win His Heart!" More cheers, but they slowly quiet down. "So. Before you can step through those doors to reach your Mansion, try audience would like to get to know you better. Before you arrived, we asked them to tweet one question for all of you. So here it is." The announcer pulls out an iPhone before reading out loud. "Who do you the worst dressed?" Whoops and cheers fill the stadium. "You first, Eugene!'"

Gene smiled broadly at the host and then turned the gleeful expression towards the crowd, swooping her gaze across the adoring fans. She knew it wasn't only her they were cheering for; they were cheering for the other contestants, and they were cheering for themselves. This show was about so much more than these twenty-four girls finding a new boyfriend. This was about romance, jealousy, competition, determination, and beauty. What else did a girl truly want?

Hearing her name, Gene stepped forward and playfully told the host,

"Call me Gene." She then took a very short moment to breathe, tuck a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear, and purse her lips. "Well, as you know, there are many different kinds of fashion, enough to fit every body style and personality." She angled herself so she could better see the other women without turning her back to the crowd. "Purity, there, is a badass tattoo artist and a casual-type, so her outfit makes sense. She isn't worst dressed because she is being true to herself, and look at her - she's gorgeous." Gene winked at who she considered to be her friend before her brown eyes moved down the line and fell on Raven. She sucked on her lips as if she'd tasted something sour. "That girl, on the other hand," she made it a minor point to showcase the fact that she didn't know the poser's name, "Is a race car driver...and yet here she stands, dressed like a business woman." Gene made a sad puppy face towards Raven, looked to the crowd as they laughed, booed, and 'aww'ed for Raven, then turned a cheeky smile back to the host. "Ultimately, your fashion and what you wear is all about being true to yourself and not putting on a show. No one likes posers." She grinned towards the girls in the crowd. "You hear me, ladies? Don't apologize for being you. If you want to dress your best, wear what you like, nothing more and nothing less."

Having finished, Gene quirked a brow at the announcer, surprised he'd allowed such a divisive question to be asked, but she knew she had given a good answer. Honestly, it had felt good to put that girl in her place. For all she'd muttered about not being here for the prince and simply to escape reality, she was certainly being a schmooze. Gene had already decided she didn't like her, so she was unapologetic as she stepped back into line and fixed a pleasant smile onto her face.

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After Carter heard the screeching stop of the limo, she knew that the must

already be at the stadium. Carter quickly got out and walked through the double doors. Once she seen the

stage, she smiled and let the security guard guide her up the stage steps. The lights were pointed at all

of the contestants and the fans of the show were screaming with joy. Carter just kept a small smile

on her face and watched silently as the girl finished speaking.

Park took a deep breath to reassure herself as the limousine glided into the packed stadium. The screams of fans overwhelmed her ears as she stepped out of the car, flashing the crowd a beautiful smile. She gave a little wave and heard the crowd get louder as the others exited the sleek car. The host was already speaking to another contestant, his voice a little too smooth for her liking. But the audience loved it, already en-captured by the host of what was to become a show of lies, jealousy, and female estrogen disguised as a path to true love. Park believed it was just as good as an illegal chicken brawl for something ridiculous, but knew that the fame and money she would get from this would take her places. Places she needed to be. She shook the thought out of her head and put a little bit more charm in her smile, earning cheers and excitement.

She filed into the line set the other contestants were standing in and gave the host an amused look that would make her appear happy and incredibly attractive. Park had heard the host welcome them all earlier, and was met with a pleasant surprise when he asked a rather difficult question. The show would allow her to get a hold of her dreams, if it was amusing, then it was all the better.
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"Haha, beautiful answer Eugene! And oh look! Here are a few other contestants! Hello, Park, how are you doing? Turns out the audience has a question for you! So Park, out of all the the girls here, whom do you think has the worst chance of winning the Prince's heart?" Applause filled the stadium.

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Rosalie watched as Rhett taught the Prince the basics of an average game of poker. They were getting ready to play when the limo came to stop. Rosalie looked out the window at the giant stadium before them. She had to say, she was intimidated. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the limo with Sofia in her arms. She followed Anton down the walkway and into the back entrance of the stadium. Security guards led her through a series of dimly lit hallways and into a rickety old rust-bucket they called an elevator. When they stepped out of it, Rosalie could hear the screams of fans. She froze up just before stepping onto the stage, her anxiety trying to take hold. 


"This way, Miss Castello," the guard said. She nodded, thankful for his reassuring smile, and stepped out onto the stage. Bathed in light in the view of people all around the world, Rosalie widened her eyes and took slow steps. But what completely took her anxiety away and made the experience fun was her daughter's reaction to the people. The child giggled and waved at the crowd. Rosalie smiled and waved at them, before continuing to the couches in the center of the set and taking a seat.

Raven scowled, itching to put that girl in her place. Not only had it obviously been a personal attack on Raven for what she'd said in the limo, it was spiteful and mean. Raven knew the slander was something she faced every day, but her fashion was something she cared about. It wasn't her fault Jordana had switched the clothes out of her suitcase before she left. The clothes Raven originally planned on bringing with her had reflected her confident race car driver persona. The clothes Jordana had switched them out with had reflected a proper, businesswoman persona. Wishing she were sitting there in ripped jeans, an off-the-shoulder tee, and her favorite red cropped jacket with her belted black ankle boots, Raven put a fake smile on her face and shrugged with a nonchalant look. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me, she thought.
"Well, at least we know each other, right?" As Rhett steps out and goes into the elevator, he was hiding his rage. He goes into the stairs and stands in the stadium.
Anna stepped out with the others out of the limo after a deep breath , suddenly a feeling of nervousness hit her. The scale of this show was incredible and even with the cynical view of the show and the prince couldn't help get into the excitement and glamor of the show. She smiled and walked down the path laud out for her flank on both sides by fans and guess, she smiled and wave when she could. 

She heard mention of judging outfit and she couldn't help look down her outfit, she worried for a moment if she went to business like. However she sook her head at looked up telling herself to own her appearance, and walked the rest with a confident strut. However she paused when she was lead to stage seeing a ghost from her past. "Rosey?"She muttered before a stage hand nudged her to a seat.
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Rosalie listened to the roar of the fans and the conversation between the announcer and one of the other contestants. First, there had been a girl judging another's outfit choice. Now the announcer was asking another girl who she thought had the worst chance of winning. Rosalie was actually interested in the answer, since she knew it was probably her. After all, she was the only one with a child. That was probably something the Prince wasn't ready for. That Anton wasn't ready for. That alone was enough to end her chances. Not to mention her outburst in the limo.


Rosalie heard the crowd's roar rise with the arrival of the next group of contestants. Lifting her head to greet them with a smile, Rosalie froze. Her older sister stood there as a guard nudged her into a seat. Rosalie felt the blood drain from her face as she stared at Anna Castello. 


Park's lips lifted into a small smile as the host shot a question towards her. She turned her head to face Rosalie, a girl who struck Park as an outcast. She took a few seconds to come up with a reasonable reply before turning back to the host with a laugh in her eyes.

"What an interesting question!" She tilted her head to Eugene, a woman she had admired for her calm and collected strength. "Eugene would be an amazing fit for the Prince, she's drop dead gorgeous, is true to herself, and is so collected. Even I feel a bit intimidated by her potential here." Not enough to back down if needed. though. "But..." Park slid her eyes over to Rosalie, the amusement still bright in her eyes. "Unfortunately, I'd have to say that this girl has the smallest chance of winning the Prince's heart. If you look at her closely, she seems to not want to be here at all. In fact, she looks a bit uncomfortable. But why be here, standing in front of this beautiful audience, if you don't want to be here? All of us women took a chance at love with the Prince and all of us hope to capture the Prince's heart, but she...dare I say it...doesn't seem to want that." Park turned to the audience, a sad smile on her face as she continued, striking the points she had wanted to hit with her answer. "Us ladies shouldn't feel complied to be somewhere if we do not wish to go there. Ladies, if you are uncomfortable going anywhere and feel like you don't have the courage to tell others, don't you worry. You shouldn't be afraid. We women are strong, and we must show others that our opinions should be heard. And if you don't want to be here dear, you can speak. I don't want you to be uncomfortable here."

With that, Park stepped back to her place in the line, a triumphant smile on her face as the audience cheered for her little speech. She had no real hard feelings against Rosalie, but Park did believe that out of the girls that had arrived, she would have trouble lasting. But it wasn't to say that Park wouldn't be amused if the woman proved her wrong.
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Anna felt stood motionless at the sight of her sister despite being pulled to seat by the stage hand. She felt a mix of emotions, a mix of happiness to see her sister and than anger at being abandoned by her. Than she noted Rosalines daughter which really did a number on her. "Was that her daughter?" She asked herself. "I am I an aunt." She was unsure how to react to Roseline so just continued on with the show as it were. She turned and took a far seat from her sister, not looking at her since.

Rosalie felt the hurt run through her when her sister sat as far away from her as she could get and never looked back at her. What was wrong? Wasn't Anna happy to see that her baby sister was alive and well? She had to have cared that Rosalie had been gone, right? Rosalie turned away. But her sorrow only got worst when she tuned into what park was saying. The other girl's words, piled on top of her sister's reaction to her, felt like a wrecking ball to the chest. It was almost too much for Rosalie too handle. Obviously Rosalie had known the other contestants would be playing dirty and trying to beat the other girls out, but she hadn't expected her sister to be there. She hadn't expected this to effect her so harshly, Rosalie felt a tear slip down her cheek and swiped it away quickly. She turned her face away from the room, instead turning to her daughter. The little girl sensed her mother's distress and hugged her. The onslaught of emotions chipped chunks off of Rosalie's mental dam that held back her emotions and issues from her past. She knew if this screening didn't end soon, she'd have a situation on her hands. Maybe she just shouldn't have come. She obviously wasn't fit for this. Maybe, she should just do everyone a favor and kick herself out the show and just take her daughter and go. That was seriously seeming like a good choice. 

Rosalie felt the hurt run through her when her sister sat as far away from her as she could get and never looked back at her. What was wrong? Wasn't Anna happy to see that her baby sister was alive and well? She had to have cared that Rosalie had been gone, right? Rosalie turned away. But her sorrow only got worst when she tuned into what park was saying. The other girl's words, piled on top of her sister's reaction to her, felt like a wrecking ball to the chest. It was almost too much for Rosalie too handle. Obviously Rosalie had known the other contestants would be playing dirty and trying to beat the other girls out, but she hadn't expected her sister to be there. She hadn't expected this to effect her so harshly, Rosalie felt a tear slip down her cheek and swiped it away quickly. She turned her face away from the room, instead turning to her daughter. The little girl sensed her mother's distress and hugged her. The onslaught of emotions chipped chunks off of Rosalie's mental dam that held back her emotions and issues from her past. She knew if this screening didn't end soon, she'd have a situation on her hands. Maybe she just shouldn't have come. She obviously wasn't fit for this. Maybe, she should just do everyone a favor and kick herself out the show and just take her daughter and go. That was seriously seeming like a good choice. 

Rhett looked at Rosalie having a tear on her. "What's wrong?"

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