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Literate partner for Gothic/Castlevania themed RP.


Senior Member
Hey peeps! I've been itching to do a Castlevania themed RP for a while. The plots of several games have centered around two protagonists. I have a pretty interesting plot brewing. It more or less fits in with the canon of the series as well. With that said, a deep knowledge of the canon is by no means necessary. The series was only vaguely connected. I also frequently create artwork for my RPs, and came up with this map.


The year is 1484, 15 years since Dracula was defeated at the hands of Hector the Devil Forgemaster. A guild war between two factions has erupted with the revitalized trade city of Cordova. The Silver Hand, established by Vampire Hunter Trevor Belmont, has been the dominant guild within the city since its reconstruction. A new guild of mysterious cultists has established itself within the city however, threatening the dominance of the Silver Hand. This new guild has proven itself to be exceptionally macabre, leaving the flayed bodies of Silver Hand members scattered throughout the streets. The escalating violence has threatened to send the city into panic. Additionally, something has come to afflict the surrounding wilderness, turning its beasts into overgrown and twisted aberrations. Our characters will be involuntarily pulled into the middle of the conflict through a series of events that will happen at the beginning of the RP.

I would play a Witch. Having narrowly escaped a group of witch hunters, he has traveled to Cordova seeking a figure he has seen in a number of visions. A number of pairings would go well with this character; such as a Crusader in the service of the Vatican, or a leading guild member or mercenary of the Silver Hand. There are many possibilities and I would be open to creative suggestions.

Most of all I'm looking for someone who is literate and committed to seeing the RP through more than a few posts. I don't expect this RP to be terribly long but I'd like to partner with someone who is willing to see it through. I should also mention that I'm only interested in romances if they're MxM. It by no means has to be a romance however. In any case, I think this could be a lot of fun.

Let me know if anyone's interested!
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