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Fandom LISA: Olathe Expanded Character Sign Up


Lv. 36 Dork
You are encouraged to post a character sheet down below, though I'll need to accept it based on the following rules:
1. They have to at least kind of fit within the LISA timeline. Most importantly, being a girl is off limits. There is canonically only one. I might make an exception for one girl, the catch being that they'd have to be active pretty much daily, as they'd likely be the center of the RP.
2. No one with over the top weaponry, guns are spread thin, though I can see someone getting their hands on a pistol, hunting rifle, smg, or even the occasional assult rifle, I don't want to see an abundance of weapons on one character, or something like a minigun.
3. As far as post length goes I'm not too specific. Try to make at at least a few sentences long, but you don't need to write a 7.5 page essay describing your antics in trying to pick up a coffee mug.
4. Don't be edgy. This one, I hope, is self explanatory.
5. You can be an already explored character if you want to be, but try to stay true to their character. The only off-limits characters are going to be Buddy, Lisa, Rick, Sticky, Cheeks, Yado, and Brad. That being said, both Marty and Buzzo are on the table as playable characters.
6. Mainly because I haven't actually completed it, LISA the Pointless's canon isn't going to come into play during this RP.
7. You have to give a written description of your character's appearance, even if you add a picture.
8. The classic "Put your character name in italics to prove you read all this.
9. If you disobey any of these rules in a way that I think is really creative and adds to the RP rather than detracts from it, then you get a pass.

Here's a blank character sheet


Fighting Art:

Past Occupation:


Favorite Food:

Most Hated Thing:

[A general synopsis of the character's personality, Appearance, and any other pertinent information]
(Also if you want to add a theme song, go for it)
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Name: Max Bate

Max Bate is a 64-year old man, with long black hair, mustache, and muscles that could rival Rando's own magnificent pecs. He wears the Dirty cloak (A cloak made from mag covers)

Fighting Art: The Orgasmo Fist Of Pan (A Martial Arts style that relies on the usage of pressure points to cause opponents to orgasm)
Past Occupation: Stag Actor

Likes: Movies, Dirty Movies, Martial Art Movies, Kicking Ass,

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Most Hated Thing: White Chocolate
Name: Max Bate

Max Bate is a 64-year old man, with long black hair, mustache, and muscles that could rival Rando's own magnificent pecs. He wears the Dirty cloak (A cloak made from mag covers)

Fighting Art: The Orgasmo Fist Of Pan (A Martial Arts style that relies on the usage of pressure points to cause opponents to orgasm)
Past Occupation: Stag Actor

Likes: Movies, Dirty Movies, Martial Art Movies, Kicking Ass,

Favorite Food: Chocolate

Most Hated Thing: White Chocolate
Super Accepted.
Name: Hank Shawnson.

Fighting Art: Chokuto Iaido.

Past Occupation: Traditionally Trained Blacksmith.

Likes: High-quality spirits, jerky, reading non-smutty manga, and maintaining his swords.

Favorite Food: Teriyaki Spare Rib.

Most Hated Thing: Poor workmanship.

Personality: Hank is a very blunt and direct individual, but he typically means well, though one should never assume he isn't willing to take a life. He tends to speak his opinion on almost any matter, though he does know when to keep his mouth shut. He is also very frugal, and dislikes that mags have become the currency of choice.

Appearance Picture:

Appearance Description:
Hank typically wears a dark green t-shirt, brown cloth vest, a cape of the same shade of brown, a cream colored head wrap, black shorts, white cloth bound like bandages covering everything below his knees except his ankles and feet, and sturdy brown leather moccasins. He has a somewhat feminine face, but the rest of his body is very masculine, as not only is he a whopping six feet tall, but he is covered in lean muscles that are undeniably there. His hair is light brown, and he has amber eyes. He has rather large feet, and somewhat larger than average hands, which are covered in scars and calluses from his line of work. The rest of his body is also covered in a few scars, though nowhere near as many as his hands.

Other: While one might think Hank is an ordinary sword user, he actually does have powers, specifically regarding increasing the strength and defense of him and his allies.
[A general synopsis of the character's personality, Appearance, and any other pertinent information]
(Also if you want to add a theme song, go for it)
Name: Hank Shawnson.

Fighting Art: Chokuto Iaido.

Past Occupation: Traditionally Trained Blacksmith.

Likes: High-quality spirits, jerky, reading non-smutty manga, and maintaining his swords.

Favorite Food: Teriyaki Spare Rib.

Most Hated Thing: Poor workmanship.

Personality: Hank is a very blunt and direct individual, but he typically means well, though one should never assume he isn't willing to take a life. He tends to speak his opinion on almost any matter, though he does know when to keep his mouth shut. He is also very frugal, and dislikes that mags have become the currency of choice.

Appearance Picture:

Appearance Description:
Hank typically wears a dark green t-shirt, brown cloth vest, a cape of the same shade of brown, a cream colored head wrap, black shorts, white cloth bound like bandages covering everything below his knees except his ankles and feet, and sturdy brown leather moccasins. He has a somewhat feminine face, but the rest of his body is very masculine, as not only is he a whopping six feet tall, but he is covered in lean muscles that are undeniably there. His hair is light brown, and he has amber eyes. He has rather large feet, and somewhat larger than average hands, which are covered in scars and calluses from his line of work. The rest of his body is also covered in a few scars, though nowhere near as many as his hands.

Other: While one might think Hank is an ordinary sword user, he actually does have powers, specifically regarding increasing the strength and defense of him and his allies.
[A general synopsis of the character's personality, Appearance, and any other pertinent information]
(Also if you want to add a theme song, go for it)

Name: James "Radical" Smith

Fighting Art: The Art of the Pitch, wherein he can confuse the enemy with bad ideas, show off his rad sneaker prototypes, or bore the enemy with a long lecture. He also employs his SuperSneakers™, which can shoot literal flames, propel him at amazing speeds, and also light up if you stomp real hard.

Past Occupation: An executive at a shoe-making factory.

Likes: A well kept workplace, Saying "No" to drugs, being 'totally tubular'.

Favorite Food: "Radical Brand" White Rice.

Most Hated Thing: Competing Brands, the-uncool.

James V. Smith is a man of around 40, with graying dark brown hair, a black suit over a white button down shirt, a nearly endless array of ties with funny pictures on them, and dress pants. He doesn't look overly muscular, though not out of shape either. He's around 5'10", and has brown eyes.

James used to work a prestigious job, he went to near constant work parties, and he enjoyed working on hi pitches in his free time. Though he didn't like the kind of people who were left after the flash, but the lack of females didn't ever bother him. He was pretty awful with the ladies anyway. He always wanted to look cool for the youth, however, A fact shown through his pitches for the hottest brand of sneakers, "Flame Shoes". He continued to work on his own prototypes even after the flash, and now owns the only pair of SuperSneakers™. He often does battle with the uncool gang members who try to steal his rad shoes. James always says "NO" to drugs, and tries to be a good role model for the cool kids.

Lucky for James, he coincidentally spent most of his old world money on the currency of the new one.
Name: Joel Johnathan

Fighting Art: Art of Poses - Joel strikes poses and says random things to confuse the opponent. Instead of directly attacking the opponent an intangible humanoid figure with bright yellow robes appears from behind him and attacks with its fist.(His 'Stand' is more than this, so I'd rather wait until later in the RP to explain how it works.

Past Occupation: Book Shop Owner

Striking Poses

Favorite Food: Glazed Carrots

Most Hated Thing: Terrible Poses


He sports a black plaid shirt with a red scarf, standing at 6'3 his frame enhanced by a muscular build. He has blue eyes and brown hair as well as a goatee

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Name: Phrank Shertberger

Fighting Art: Personal Session (use the powers of psychoanalysis, advice, and stories, to affect the enemy)

Past Occupation: Psychologist

Likes: Origami, art, analysis

Favorite Food: Tomato Soup

Most Hated Thing: His mother

Balding caucasian man of 53 years. A lanky individual, with a long face to match. His mouth is small and dry, with a pair of thin tight lips to seal it. The hair on his head is thin and grey, in contrast to the deep black of his pencil mustache he so often strokes. On his torso he wears a thin navy vest along with a black tie(that he can somehow turn into a bow with his origami skills). Below his belt, he wears a pair of black dress pants and a ruined pair of grey dress shoes. Rested over his left eye is a monocle he constantly needs to clean and adjust. In the pocket of his vest there is an assortment of multicolored hankies hanging out.

Frank is a rather snooty uptight man. He is constantly observing details to pick them apart and endlessly explain them to others. He doesn't mind being around a rowdy crowd, and actually a gets great entertainment out of joining in with different social groupings. He will manly go with the flow of whatever group he is with, as long as he is receiving payment by the hour.

(a bit serious for what he can be like, but it works)
Name: Hydrozoa sapiens
Fighting Art: constriction, or improvising (like bashing someone's head in with a rock, trust me, you do not want to mess with a jellyfish that has muscles)

Appearance: A jelly fish that has a brain and two sets of black eyes. usually jellyfish aren't muscular, this jellyfish needs actual muscles to move its wight, it combines two parts of its body, its stingers that now serve as hands (moving or manipulating objects) and and its muscular bell. jellyfish is slightly transparent still. The jellyfish is about 23 meters long and about 29 meters wide on the under side of its bell is a mouth, with a beak like a squid

Past Occupation: hunter gatherer (for tribe)

current occupation: land explorer

Likes: humans, eating and learning human languages (can only write)

Favorite Food: human fast food, joy, shrimp.

Most Hated Thing: humans killing jellyfish, humans not giving it joy, or any addictive substances, dehydration or starving.

background: This jellyfish was fed joy by a past joy addict, presumably, the addict threw their whole supply out into the sea out of regret for a unknown reason, where multiple jellyfish species ate the drug, causing rapid muscle development to every single one.

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