Lin-Rei, the smiling Cobra [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]


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Lin-Rei was taught to always smile at a young age. She and her sister Tei-San were daughters of lowly citizens (but certainly not peasants) amongst one of the 12 prefectures of the Blessed Isle, their father a lowly clerical worker and their mother a one-time popular artisan of the stage, each married the other for their riches. When perfect twin girls were born, they were viewed as a viable resource to improve their parents' standing by putting them towards the theatrics and performing arts.
What childhood they had was quickly over taken by pageantry, dancing lessons and tumbling acrobatics within the private lessons under their tutor Garnet Dove, a humorless old bat who was quick with a rod should either girl slip. Through it all, the smile was made of utmost importance. Though Tei-San was the more passionate and graceful, her sister Lin-Rei was the bolder, the stable one able to take to task with little question, and keep the facade of a smile. As they grew older their lessons increased, new contracts with troupes were formed, and their parents profited as they had hoped. Ultimately they were even given basic training in tumbling and the gentler persuasions of martial arts to increase their skills. Through it all, they did what they were told and performed without fail, and were even courted towards higher officials as potential concubines or even courtesans once their beauty had reached it's furthest potential.

Which would have separated them. It became much harder to smile then.

It was this that finally snapped their choker of obedience. Their inseparability had been the defining strength that had allowed them to withstand these hardships and to be pulled apart filled them with more fear than failure ever would have. Not even two decades old, the twins screwed up their courage and tried to escape this new life chosen for them. Sadly, and expectantly, they didn't get very far. They hardly even got out the door. As fate can be particularly cruel, the twins didn't meet with thieves, murderers, or monsters, but a much worse man, one of the suitors for Tei-San. An outcaste dragon blood with an elaborate title, Zin Yuan the "Snake Grasping Hawk", known for cruelty that matched his extensive prowess of martial arts and investigation skills, was inquiring about his future company as the twins took flight and it was pitifully easy for him to pursue. Before the stars were even out, he had them both and promised swift retributions towards Tei-San for her insolence. The promises were so earnest, so frightening that in reaction, the powers of the first age awoke in Lin-Rei and she exalted, catching the Hawk by surprise and cloaking both girls in a veil to escape.

Realizing what one of the twins was, Zin Yuan descended into a half-maddened rage. But no Wyld Hunt was called. Zin Yuan himself reengaged in his own personal hunt and an inexperienced solar burdened by a bewildered sister could only run and hide for so long. Upon their capture, the Hawk chose not to kill the Anathema, though it was well within his rights and his duties. Instead, his plans went much sinister. Imprisoning the girls within his quarters, he and his henchmen went about stirring up an accidental fire that engulfed the home of the girls' parents before he took the twins along back to his estate, leaving them wishing that he had instead killed them.

Now, Zin Yuan had at one time almost been among the potentials and magistrates the Empress had hand picked. But her sudden absence and the many enemies he had already made in his career had stolen his chance, and in fact robbed him of much of his gain. The longer he dallied, the more chances there would be to rob him of more, if not all he had, his life included. With the anathema girl in one hand, and her sister's fate in the other, the growing mad Dragon Blood thought he had the means to regain some of his lost power. Allying himself with a small handful of other outcastes, Lin-Rei was trained to kill, but in a style that Zi Yuan had gleaned from his Wyld Hunt days, one used by anathema. Having developed his own style that would (he thought) dominate the Snake style he taught his captive cobra, he took much delight in having psychological control over Lin-Rei. He didn't even have to beat or punish her much, and why would he, when such threats and punishements against Tei-San worked all the more better? They adapted her and her powers into killing their enemies before they got a chance to strike. While Tei-San appeared in 'public' as Zin's concubine, Lin-Rei was always in the shadows.

Always smiling. Because she had been taught to smile.

Lin was kept in line. If she slowed the slightest hesitation, balked at the order to take a life, Zin Yuan had but to point to the deadly hook swords he kept on the mantle or by his side, threatening to dismember her beloved sister piece by piece with them should she ever so much as send him a defiant eye. And so the assassin smiled. Time began to lose meaning as she went through the motions of poisoning, stabbing, and breaking her targets. There had even been a rare chance when she encountered other Solars, but she would either vanish from their sights, or worse yet when her master knew of them, lead them to a trap. Because she couldn't forsake her sister.

She watched fellow Solars butchered as the price of her sister's safety. Nobody noticed however when she retrieved a choker from the remains of one of them. As she played the part of the killer, graceful and as deadly as a cobra, her sister Tei-San played the part of the polite, timid girl serving Zin Yuan. Until she was killed. Run through, in fact, by a maddened young member of one of the houses who glimpsed Lin-Rei as she dispatched his uncle. No amount of convincing worked to beguile him, that Zin Yuan's concubine was nothing but that, and believing he had found his uncle's killer he did away with her. Zin Yuan did away with him, finally lapsing into true madness, but he didn't last long enough to be upset about it. Lin-Rei emerged from the shadows she was confined in and, forming a picture of those horrible hooked blades she and her sister had been always threatened with, those edged terrors, produced a pair Zin Yuan was unaware of-- a gift from the solars he had killed using Lin-Rei-- and hacked him to pieces.

Slowly. Always, of course, while smiling. The quivering lump of flesh that was her captor had been dispatched. She wanted little more but to lie down by her sister's prone form and wait for someone to take her life, but she hesitated.

After all, Zin Yuan had not been alone in her torment. His allies had fled, but they too were part of this sick equation. It was only fitting, her Lawgiver nature argued, that they and others like them be punished for this affront, and indeed, affronts like these that could be happening to countless other sisters and orphaned children of the sun.

Or so part of her claimed. Having no other knowledge but how to kill, how to slay, and little else going for her, she once more fled into the shadows, later appearing as a lady of artisan skills in public (if at all), but this facade, her real self hidden with a smile, is only lasting long enough for her to hear of or encounter another like the man who ruined her life. And then she will kill them too, and anyone else like them.

Always with a smile. Always.

Lin-Rei is quite the lovely flower, standing around 5'7", and possesses a curved yet equally lithe form, perfect for the dancing and acrobatics she and her sister once performed, and even more suited to the killing arts she's sense mastered. However for a dancer her choice of attire is more conservative than evocative, but fails to entirely hide the gracefulness of her appearance as well. If anything she seems the more alluring for hiding her assets. Her hair is vermilion red, against fair skin, and even pulled up it trails down to the small of her back, hair held in place by a select few pins and clasps. She doesn't wear any jewelry over her fingers but fancies hoop-like bracelets for her ankles and wrists. These seem subject to change position and selection each day but she always displays a choker made of orihalcum laced with light red (but not nearly pink) jade stones around her neck.

Physical (6)

Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â— (Specialty: HookSwords x2, Unarmed x2)




Integrity â—â—â—


Presence â—â—




Investigate â—â—

Lore â—



Athletics â—â—â—


Dodge â—â—â—â—â— (Specialty: Unarmoredx2)









Artifact â—â—â—

(Luminous Storage Apparatus)

Usually taking the form of simple but tasteful jewelry decorated with a fine tracery of arcane sigils in the appropriate magical material, the Luminious Storage Apparatus provides a simple way of flawlessly hiding unliving objects - usually weapons or the like - when the bearer would rather they stay out of sight. Attuning to this artifact costs two motes. When attuned, the owner can commit one mote to banish one item (or pair of items, at the Storyteller's fiat) to Elsewhere. The owner may have up to (Essence) motes committed at any given time. Releasing this commitment causes the items to reappear in the owner's hands. Should the character cancel his attunement to the Luminous Storage Apparatus, any stored weapons appear next to the character.
This appears as an orihalcon choker with red jade stones.

Artifact â—â—

Orihalcon Hook Daiklaives ( pair stored in the choker)

Influence â— (Lin-Rei has been able to work well as a performer of the dancing and acting persuasion)

Resources â— (She also gets paid for it)


*Ox-Body Technique

*Graceful Crane Stance

*Spider Foot Style

*Shadow Over Water

*Seven Shadow Evasion

*Easily Overlooked Presence Method

[snake Style Martial Arts]

*Striking Cobra Method

*Serpentine Evasion

*Snake Form

*Snake Strikes the Heel

Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L

Health: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—

Virtue Flaw

(Convictliberate Cruelty










Hell Hath no Fury...

It took almost a full night's work to wash the blood out, which had left Line-Rei's hair nearly black as pitch by the time it dried. Stealing clothes had been hard, leaving no trace harder but taking Tei-San's jewelry had been heart-wrenching. What little left of heart she still possessed, she supposed. Her inner thoughts betrayed nothing; the one thing that could even abate the killer inside had been Tei-San. Yet still, her survival instincts gave way to the idea to take her sister's adornments, not for the memory of them. Steal clothes like you once wore, perhaps suited for walking if you must. Smile. Wear jewelry openly. Smile. Be unassuming, not black clad and sneaking out like a thief.


And so she had walked calmly out of Chiaroscuro a morning later with what remained of Zin Yuan's favorite ring and jade counting as traveling money. It had been a bear to cut through. Broken finery traded for money worth the material was easier to explain than how she would have come across a fat jade stone around a thick ring. Dole it out slowly. Though her facade remained she still wanted to cry, to sob, but she couldn't. She even tried while leaving, but ever smiling had become her way. She'd pleaded with herself but the killer within would not yield, quietly turning her down. Not in public, not in the veiled shadows of night.

At least it had helped her hitch a ride on a wagon heading out; the smile worth a mountain of jade to the helpful old man she wagered. He didn't see her take leave a few hours after, as if the wind itself snatched her up. Eventually it was a small town and an inn and another set of clothes. Until then she wasn't even sure the direction she'd been traveling but now she supposed she ought head out to Gem. Daring Crane, Zin Yuan's cousin and co-conspirator had to have fled there; she was busy hacking Zin Yuan's head into gory splinters to take his life. There were also many slaves in the area, she'd heard. Many slaves. Many slavers. Many tormentors. She would perhaps be satiated on their blood, though her life would probably flicker out after the first handful of worthy killings. Still... there was the matter of that mortal, the caravan merchant and backer... She was bound to still be nearby, the old catty dealer didn't have the creativity to think of a good escape.

The merchant's bones turned out to be so brittle, Lin-Rei swore a part of her ribcage and shoulder crumbled with the only strike she suffered the hag. Tossing the corpse away, she did not forget to politely apologize to the unconscious and those at the brink of death she had left strewn about the caravan. She didn't think she'd snapped any necks; only one was dead and that was because the particular body guard had taken some pleasure in watching her own beating a few years ago. The others she spared, or at least did not finish off as they were only doing their jobs. The killer instinct was not abated over that, but with so many worthy deaths on the horizon it was easy to ignore. She probably needed new clothes again, the bloodstains wouldn't come out of lavender. Time to see what she could scrounge up....

It never occurred to Lin-Rei that she may yet meet others like her, at least not after her twin sister's death. Oh, she knew she would encounter the blood of the dragons; there was no end to them. But not a lunar. Least of all, one she was bonded with.

The debacle had started so casually. Freshly exalted, the fop who favored the water element had decided to prove to those around him that they would do well by worshiping the ground he so trod. The monks and soldiers that he had already trounced as proof of this had been quite convincing to all but Lin-Rei who was just trying to get by (the local gossipers had clucked enough about one restaurant she just had to sample it.) and for her insolence she was challenged. Probably the effeminate bore thought a scared girl would be good for the ego to have around, but her first leaping kick had bruised that condescending face up pretty good. Easy to read, all of his attacks were avoiding and she slapped a few new bruises across that purpling and bruised face to try to push the point home. But he yet persisted and then the killer inside finally took over.

She lodged a few needles from her head piece in between some of his fingers before he knew what was happening, she was almost ready to get them back out with her hooks, no matter how much he'd cry when suddenly a big form from the crowds had shoved his way through their fight.

Much to her surprise, he carried her off, and only after considerable struggling did Lin-Rei break free. She could recall all of what happened in those short moments the man tried cautioning her, or was it an introduction? She couldn't recall because at the time her head was starting to swim from bloodlust, a desparation to calm down and some new.... bond, some new link that swelled behind her breast-- all vied and swam and churned inside her.

With a smile, before she knew it she had her hook blades out, trying to scissor off his head. She tried to stop herself but by then, her emotions were too crazed. Everything looked a little red, she apologized between yells, but the emotional maelstrom was too draining.

Eventually, she found herself smiling and crying against his chest, those hook swords forgotten at her feet. Or did she imagine that part? Lin-Rei wasn't much sure of anything for awhile, clinging to this odd man that had found her, barely able to explain why she hadn't meant to attack, that it was all Zin Yuan's fault... Who she had been, what she was trying to do. Trying to think about it now makes her head swim.

What calms her though, and what has kept her calm, is his presence. He helped Lin-Rei come out from the red mist of fury that hid behind her smile, and she feels much more stabler now, albeit still having to temper her deadly ways. Perhaps that he can be just as aggressive makes her feel better, rather than guilt ridden. Plus, sometimes when he's angry or upset his gruffness could be considered cute.

It made her smile at least. Genuinely. At the moment, Lin-Rei wonders if he's learned to tell when she's really smiling...

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