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Lightfall [Pathfinder]

Ah, hello Taco!  And sure, sounds like we're doing post-based then.  That's 4 players as well.  I'm willing to accept one more, but after that and things get confusing.  I'll work on adding lore, a map, the pantheons, and make the thread tomorrow.  Until then, I think I gave you all what you need to at least start making characters... unless you're going divine, in which case please wait
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Ah, hello Taco!  And sure, sounds like we're doing post-based then.  That's 4 players as well.  I'm willing to accept one more, but after that and things get confusing.  I'll work on adding lore, a map, the pantheons, and make the thread tomorrow.  Until then, I think I gave you all what you need to at least start making characters... unless you're going divine, in which case please wait

So yea mind if I play around with the living oddities that are tieflings or do your prefer just the different blood types of them as strange enough?
Alrighty.  Look at what happens; I leave this Interest Check for a while, and suddenly a whole bunch of posts come up!  I'll work on a Human Rogue, to give us the sneaky sneaky trap finding ability. 
Alrighty.  Look at what happens; I leave this Interest Check for a while, and suddenly a whole bunch of posts come up!  I'll work on a Human Rogue, to give us the sneaky sneaky trap finding ability. 

my bad, sounds good though, I don't often get to play with a rogue in the party. 

Should be nice not having to deal with traps the old fashioned way.

By walking into them.
@Hanakai-sama? Is it alright if I use a non-Unchained monk? I'm basically asking to give up the better system to abuse archetypes here xD
@Hanakai-sama? Is it alright if I use a non-Unchained monk? I'm basically asking to give up the better system to abuse archetypes here xD

I thought you could use archtypes with unchained if it changed things it still gets?

or am i wrong?
The Unchained monk has 0 compatibility with default archetypes.


she didn't say you had to sue them, in truth she asked before, though i managed to sway her otherwise, that you had to ask to USE unchained, so...
You punch them, and I'll give them a hug - with the pointy end of my swords.
So we have Monk, Rogue...barbarian?  Hmm.  And arcane casting is pretty rough.  What about Alchemist, Occultist, or Psychic?
Eh? Barbarian? Where'd that come from?
Fist grabby bard eh? 

Not sure how to imagine that.
Are we getting a forum up soon?  I want to start getting my character posted and polished up.
I'm uncertain of what to make...

I'd like to do some sort of polearm nonesense... but from what i see firearms are prevalent in the area....

Then theres magic to consider(Divine/arcane).

aaaah... so unsure...
Sorry for the delay!  Started a new job suddenly.  Like, "Your paper work just went through, get your butt here in an hour for a full shift," sudden.  Gotta go back tomorrow too, plus other things, so expect stuff to be well and truely up late tomorrow to Friday.  I'm holding off on making the threads until I have EVERYTHING laid out so that there's limited confusion.

Also, @Orikanyo, if you're interested there are Fioran gunspears.  You can't throw it very well, nor do you have reach, but with an Exotic mastery you can use it like a rifle.  Of course, you need to be using two hands to use it properly.

I should add that most firearms are considered martial weapons.  And may I once again add that Aliech is NOT the only country you might visit.  It's just one that I could figure out a name for when I wrote the thing at the top.  There are 9-ish countries and several wild areas, each with their own laws and cultures that you're free to follow, circumvent, or outright oppose.  Yes, ish countries.  You'll see what I mean.
*stares at above post for a minute*


G-g-gun spear? 


You got me. 

Probably be one of those weird weapons in two weapon classes, spears and firearms.

What's the damage die for it? (crit mod and such)
...did no one read my post a while back... the one about some of the countries?  *sigh*  To reiterate, Fiore is an island off the western coast of the continent.  Their Gunspear divisions are world-famous for being undefeated.

1d6 when stabbing, 1d8 shooting.  x3 crit on a 20 with a 60 foot range.  The spear is piercing, while the shots act as both blunt and piercing like most bullets.  They weigh 16 lbs and can only carry 1 cartridge bullet in them at any time.  Additionally, if you shoot and roll a 1, you misfire, which will break your weapon.  Finally, while you don't get to throw or reach with it, it does have Gunspear Brace.  Basically, even if you use a normal Brace you can still shoot on your turn with a -4 roll penalty, but not reload.

In short, it's not as speary as a spear and not as rifly as a rifle.  It's a hybrid, and it's balanced as such.  Or I think it is.  I literally just made up those numbers.
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