Lightbringers [sign-up]


That guy who's not around much right now
So I couldn't come up with a better sheet than the example ^^'

If anything seems to be missing, please let me know and I'll fix it *hasn't done any online rping for a long time*

Any questions about the rp can be filled in here too since I'm too lazy to put them up here:

(that's where the map and quiz are too)


Age: (12+)

Year: (the chromeria teaches for 7 years(yes you've gotta be a student, there will only be two exceptions, myself and another person I've been talking to in real life))

Colour(s): (refer to quiz)

Nationality: (refer to idea page)

Status: (colourblind, ordinary, or superchromat)


Background info: (at least how you made it to the chromeria)

*feels like he forgot something*
Name: Valerian McAlders

Age: 13

Colour: Orange, Sub-red

Nationality: Tyrea

Status: superchromat (according to the test lol)


Background: Born into war-torn Tyrea, Val has seen conflict beyond measure, seeing families killed for being different and many others.

untill one day Val was confronted with a squad of soldiers, intent on killing and rape, so Val summoned up magic subconciously, and killed the whole squad.

after this, Val has been traveling all over, trying to make a name for him/herself.

Quirks: as a running gag, Val will ALWAYS deny being female, yet will NEVER admit to being male either, this will give us a chance to put in some gags over the roleplay.
Sounds good ^^

(I'm just gonna mention about the Tyrea thing; the peple of Tyrea weren't just oppressed randomly, they actually chose to follow the "false prism", hence the false prism's war. The "false prism, was Gavin Guile's younger brother, who happened to be another prism of the same generation, which had never happened before that point, and the satrapies practically split down the middle deciding which brother to follow)

But either way...


*remembered what he forgot*

So, to see if you get to be monochrome, bichrome, or polychrome, could you use the d6 codes?




don't worry betts, I won't make you redo your character, I was slow catching on ^^'

Name: Garuuk Beleren

Age: 15

Year: Four (I think?)

Colour: Green

Nationality: Blood Forest (The label makes it look like a country!)

Status: Normal,Monochromatic

Appearance: Wild,unkempt hair (shoulder blade length), bony face,green eyes, black hair, thin neck, lanky ,compact muscles, wears practical clothing,usually vests and trousers. Wears a cougar tooth pendant.

Biography: Born to a woodman and his wife,Garuuk lived the first few years of his life out in the forest. During this time,he picked up quite a bit from his father. Then,his parents discovered his talent for drafting luxin. Due to this,he was brought to Green Haven,and from there he was sent to the Chromeria. He was never really connected to the events of the world,and as such is ignorant of much.

Name: Zelia(Born Name) Pratinus (Assumed) Rubrum(Last)

Age: 16

Year: 5

Colour(s): Red (If the roll comes out to 4,5, I'd be adding green due to what you told me =D)

Nationality: Parian

Status: colourblind

Appearance: (Hair is blonde)

Background info: Being colour blind, no one would send her to the Chromaria, though her brother was very gifted in it and was accepted. Unfortunatly, he had become termanily ill before he could go, and rather than send nothing and bear shame, their parents dressed her as a boy and put her into the school in his place to hid what had happened.

Age: 25

Year: (the chromeria teaches for 7 years(yes you've gotta be a student, there will only be two exceptions, myself and another person I've been talking to in real life))

Colour(s): RED

Nationality: (refer to idea page)

Status: superchromat

Appearance: TBA

Background info: (at least how you made it to the chromeria)[needs to get back to work so will post this later]
Riddle78: approved

(clever... (but terrible on the name XP (also, the blood forest is a country ^^' (from what I've gathered)(Brackets!))))

esme: Also approved

(my comedy senses am tingling XP)

backlash: pending
Name: Xander

Age: 13 (Soon to be 14)

Year: No Year

Colour(s): SuperViolet Drafter

Nationality: Abornean

Status: Superchromat


Background info: Xander had never felt at "home" where he was raised. The people who called themselves his parents we're just so desensitized, rarely ever paying any form of attention to him. Many years went by, and the distance he felt between him and his parents grew, he left at age 13. Xander had felt that all people we're like his parents, whether they showed it or not and avoided contact with anyone, he was soon found and brought to the school.
Name: Tristen Spinrea (pronouced Spin Ray)

Age: 21

Year: Finished the schooling, currently 8th year blackguard. Heartsteal was refering to me as the outside person

Colour(s): Blue, superviolet (ultraviolet

Nationality: Chromeria

Status: superchromat

Appearance: Tristen has a light build (150lbs), is average size (5'10'') and has rather pale skin. His hair is naturally brown but has been coated with blue luxin, and is roughly 3 inches in lenght. His eyes and blue with some purple starting to leak in, as was as having a blue and purple halo around the outside. Wears extravigant clothing in public but during missions wears a set of light leather armor in which has been soaked in silver, giving them a moderatly reflective surface. At almost all time wears his family signit made of superviolet on the front of his left shoulder.

Background info: He was born into Chromeria by to bichrome parents, both of which are yellow, red drafters. He was raised to an increasing number of rule by each day and failure to follow such would result in extreme punishment. At age 6 he was adopted into the school of chromeria for a stuning show of his ability to draft blue. At which time his parents were about to beat him for failure to complete a task but encased both in a solid prism of blue luxin, after which the blackguard where called to bring him into the school. His parents were both dead after this display of defence. After being bought into the school at such a young age he was often outcasted and isolated, with such he had many feelings of hatred and was very mythoughtical in revenge. During one of hios atempts at revenge he suspended a kid, naked from the ceiling using superviolet lunix. After being addessed by the teaching he was moved into and higher level program for being discover to be a bichrome. After finishing the schooling he was taken into the black guard and only age 13 to be trained. He is curretly been promoted to level of officer and only anwsers to commander Grayfist and the White.
Jake,you're going to have to use the site's built in dice roller to determine how many colours you can draft. Use the following line of text to get the roll (Replace all round brackets with square ones)


1,2,3=Monochrome (One colour)

4,5=Bichrome (Two colours)

6=Polychrome (3+ colours)
Name: Carson Dayle

Age: 15

Year: 4

Colour(s): Sub-Red

Nationality: Ilyta

Status: Ordinary

Appearance: guys&order=9&offset=24&offset=24#/d38ytyq

Background info: Carson was born in Ilyta. Both of his parents died soon after he was born. He was taken in by his Aunt, who after she found out he could draft, shipped him off to chromeria. He was out of touch from the world his whole life. ( meaning i have no idea what the story line is about, so i will read up, but help me out along the way lol )

(There's no real set storyline yet, I'll try to get one finished within the next couple weeks; but for the most part the rp will be player oriented; and up to you guys to make up little storylines. Basically though, everyone is part of an all year, and all colour class that was pulled together by the head of the school to test their first Tyrean teacher; who happens to be a green-subred bichrome; AKA: anti-authority extroardinaire. So for the first few days, it's mostly going to be me blathering a little about the history of the world and how the magic works, and between that, whatever misadventures you may come up with. End of ridonculotardedly long bracket ^^)

Dice roll.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Sign up with the above dice-roll:

Name: Coro Kouhai

Age: 15

Year: 4

Color of Luxin: Yellow (Yellow luxin is most often a liquid that releases its energy back into light quickly, allowing its use as a torch or a trigger to ignite flammable materials or explosives. Yellow nourishes other luxins, extending the durability of luxin structures or tools. Like water turning to ice, when yellow is drafted perfectly, it loses its liquidity and becomes the hardest luxin of all)

Nationality: Green Haven, in Blood Forest

Status: Superchromat

Background: Coro went through a normal life, living with his Green-Drafter father, who was a renowned blacksmith. His father wanted someone to take over the family trade, Kouhai Smithery, but Coro didn't show any sign of being a drafter like his father. His father went mad in desperation, and overtaxed himself making an incredible sword of green Luxin, which he named 'Greenscale'. He took Greenscale, and went off into the wilderness as a Color Wight.

Coro tried to find him, but never could. His despair over loosing a father awoke his Yellow Luxin, and he began showing exceptional clarity. Using his clear thinking, he devised a plan to get to his father before the Blackguards, or anyone else did. He found his father in nature, and managed to subdue him before he impaled himself on Greenscale. Coro took the sword, and has kept it since, but isn't trained very well in it's use. He also has no actual interest in using it, but keeps it for sentimental value.

Now having moved on from the loss of his father, Coro attends the Academy, hoping to master his yellow Luxin and make a name for himself in he world, the same way his father had: by being exceptional at what he did.

What exactly Coro will do, however, remains to be seen.
hey since heartsteal is sick ill clear you coro so approved, and you should jump off a cliff with getting the yellow , but yeah start in.

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