Lightbringers [RP]


That guy who's not around much right now
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The sight was dazzling, even to one that had seen it a hundred times already. Orrik gazed up at the expertly crafted luxin of the Chromeria, needing to remind himself to keep his mouth shut. The building had been crafted by countless drafters, all highly talented; the entire structure had been designed to resemble a gigantic flower, and it filled the role beautifully. It was sure to be interesting for the next seven years at the very least. Of course he didn't expect many people to accept him, but even the chromeria can't deny their students the most talented teachers available. Still though, for a bichrome to teach an omnichrome class; he felt almost as if he were being played. The White (the head decision maker aside from the prism), probably decided to test him with this, a class of drafters of all nationality, status, skill, and year.

Orrik had set out around Big Jasper (remember the map?) to deliver notices to all his students that he was to be their teacher from now on. Being a green Tyrean drafter, the likelihood of this career lasting long was almost zero.
:: Val sat on a ferry, crowded with people from all over, Val was sitting on the side of the boat, the only way to get away from the stench of the hold::

:: Val was coming from Pericol, soon before that, Val was in Summusato, and before that Val was in Garritston, leaving the land of Tyrea where Val was born raised, an where Val found the power of Magic ::
Garuuk was enthralled by the primal beauty of the world outside the forest he was born in. Before he was sent to Green Haven by his parents,he though beauty could only be found in the forest,and while in the city,he felt it was...Hollow. Fake. But now,on the sea,on board a ferry headed to the Chromeria,Garuuk knew a new kind of beauty;the beauty of the sea.

He breathed deep the sweet smell of the sea,and smiled I hope my living space will be even half as wonderful as this...
Pratinus held her breath, gazing up at the Chromeria breathlessly. Despite the fact she had been doing this for 4 years already, this still, this first breath taking glance, did it to her every time. Tugging down on her hat that hid the ill cut hair freshly trimmed boy short hair, she glanced around. Moving carefully, and trying not to draw attention to herself, she moved, holding her bag tightly in one hand.

It never went over well with her, just standing around. As if someone watching her closely might notice the very slight rounding around her chest, despite the overly large shirt that hid it, or the fact her face wasn't getting any more defined, despite the fact puberty should have hit three years ago, which it did, but for Zelia instead. Pratinus rarely even spoke anymore, as she found her voice of a higher pitch.
Welcome to my class. Be prepared for lessons in two days.

The room is on the fourth floor; last on the right in the main column (The stem)...

Orrik Kenneth

The note was brief; but conveyed what it was meant to, and seemed like enough information. Leaving his class some breathing room before the start of lessons gave them some time to meet with each other, and see jasper island for the new students.

After all... he had arranged that they all share one building. Now they'll need to learn to like each other...
Garruk's ferry arrived at the Chromeria's dock,and he quickly disembarked. He may have been a fourth year student,but he always found a way to stow away on the last supply boat out;he simply couldn't resist the call of Blood Forest.

As soon as his feet touched the dock,a person handed him a letter,and was gone before he could protest,or even catch a glimpse of their face. He read it,and groaned. "Two days? That's barely enough time to find my room!"

And so,Garruk walked into the main column,and jogged up four flights of dazzling technicoloured stairs,and arrived at the hallway. He walked down,and opened the door to the last room on the right,revealing two rows of six bunk beds. He quirked an eyebrow,and muttered, "Ah,well." Garruk chose a bed on the left row,and flung his singular piece of luggage under it,then he literally hopped into the bottom bunk,and fell into a peaceful,and loud,slumber.
As she walked, a piece of paper fluttered down in front of her. Catching it easily, Pratinus read the note slowly. Sighing and tucking it into her pocket, she moved towards the building indicated. Up the stairs, down the hall, stopping in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it open with her foot before nearly cursing.

Bunk beds. A lot of them. Meaning she wasn't going to be alone. Pratinus's eye twitched as snoring breached her ears. Looking to the left, she saw, on one of the bunks, a boy fast asleep. Checking the note again, she bit her lip. "This....can't be right..."
Tristen was taking the finially boat back from patrol. Though as a blue and ultraviolet drafter one would think he would love bring on water, if it was sunny it held infinite colour, but to be honest he hated the sea, it had no order, none, which made predictions of time and direction impossible. Lost in these thoughts he was awoken by the "thud" on the boat docking. Quickly making his way off of the boat he knew that he would have to find an old friend, and now a teacher; still unsure how that came about, but never the less promised to help him teach the first omnichrome class. setting off now to find Orrik.

He found the notice in the room of where the classroom was and the room for the student to bunk in, with a smirk he went directly to the room for the student to sleep in. His plan was to play an old joke the ultraviolet drafters love.. the invisible tripline. Peeking in to only see a sleeping boy he drafted the thin line between the doorframe, only then noticing the girl standing in the room. "No matter" thinking to himself he was done and gone as if only checking that nothing was amiss in this tower's hallway. He couldn't wait for the next student to arrive, provided they were not a paranoid superviolet.
Coro Kouhai strolled into the hallway. Having read the note and found their sleeping area, his yellow eyes blinked underneath his shaggy black hair.

"Hello. You another student?" He asked the person standing in the hall (Tristan), taking his bag off his shoulder and setting it down, awaiting a response.

"I just got here myself." He added, noticing the blue color of the person's eyes.

A blue drafter, eh? Coro thought to himself. He's probably sizing me up right now, thinking to himself a resolution for every possible thing I could do......
Tristen walking down the hallway came across what he could tell is a yellow drafter, then knew he must be part of Orrik's class because this isn't the yellow tower. as the boy aproached he could hear him ask if he was a student. Tristen replied " most certainly not, I am a Blackguard officer, and you will respond to me as Office Spinrea." " But I see you must be part of the new omnichrome class, but I do not have much time to chat I am off to find a person of interest. You should probably report to your room and get settled in. I may be seeing you later ... nevermind names are not important." Leaving the boy he turned to hope he would fall for the trap he laid. (Coro no medigaming there buddy).
Coro shrugged and opened the door to the room, tripping over the invisible wire of superviolet Luxin. He yelped in surprise as he tumbled into the room with a loud crash.

Rolling over and sitting upright, he rubbed his elbow, which had caught most of the impact.

"Oh, what the Hell did I trip over?" He asked, rather loud and sounding slightly pissed off.

OOC - I was gonna have Coro fall, don't worry. I know how to RP there, Jake. :)
Turning her head quickly as someone crashed into the room, Pratinus resisted the urge to let out a scream of surprise. Instead, she tightened her grip on her bag, looked around again, then back at the note. Clumsy people, too many beds, heck, she wasn't even sure if the note was meant for her or not. Taking a deep breath, she would wait till a person in charge came by to ask. For then, she moved to the bed farthest on the right, taking the bottom bunk and sat there, perfectly still, watching the door.
Coro glanced around, and saw a sleeping guy, and a very still girl.

He sighed.

"Did you see, or do anything?" He asked a little hesitantly, getting up while still rubbing his elbow.
Tristen heard a loud bang as he assumed was the young boy falling into the room. Happy with himself he walked back into the room. Loudly he annouced "Welcome to chromeria where the only person that really cares for you,... is yourself.""I'll be helping Orrik teach this class by the way, so any questions?"
Coro blinked, and looked confused.

"...... You did that?" He asked, connecting the obvious points. "How?" He asked, curious, with a gleam in his eyes.
With a smirk Tristen said "It's simple for a superviolet, but i see your not, so quite simply you hit an invisible rope" " That is all YOU will need to know"
The notices had been delivered, so now it was just up to the students to arrive.

Orrik started making his way to the dorms he had set up for the students; just in case they needed something he may actually be able to provide.

Upon returning, he noticed that Tristen had already arrived and began talking to what few students had settled in.

"I trust you have no problems with your accomodations?" Orrik asked as he ducked through the doorway, unwittingly breaking the superviolet trip cord with a dull crack.
Garruk was jerked awake by someone taking a tumble. He bolted upright,and slammed his head on the bottom of the top bunk,which immediately put him on his back. When he pulled himself out of the bed,he regarded everyone in the room. "Woah...This place was empty a moment ago..." He walked in between the two rows of beds,and taken note of the four people present; a yellow eyed boy,about his age,near the door,a very effeminate boy,also about his age,and two men,one who carried himself with a great sense of self worth,and another man,who somehow reminded Garruk of himself.

He smiled,and said to the people around him, "I'm Garruk Beleren,and you are...?" A bright red spot was forming on his forehead,where his head smashed into the bed.
As the two adults appeared, Pratinus went for the one that didn't seem frightening. Rummaging through her bag, she pulled out a piece of paper and something to write with. Standing, she walked towards the man who entered last. Writing down a simple message, she held it out to him, hoping that, as the paper asked, if they really all needed to be this close nit together, and perhaps there had been a mistake.
"Yes, you do need to be together. Is there a problem with that?" Orrik asks, looking quizzically at the note.

"My class is a little bit unorthodox," he continued "and you'll need to be able to trust each other with your lives at some point. I think that staying in a room together shouldn't be a problem at all next to class in a couple days."
Coro scowled a bit.

With these two as teachers, he had a feeling class would be rather....... Fun. And not very class-like at all.

He smiled.

"Well, I'm Coro. Coro Kouhai, of Blood Forest. If I don't die as a student in this class, I hope it will be a good learning experience." He sounded off, looking enthusiastic.
Xander had been traveling for nearly a year, it had been rough but fairly simple. No one truly paid him attention, and no one really bothered him. Some pitied him and helped, but he never remained with them for long. Others gave him small jobs fit for no one, though annoying he found it much easier than relying on people. He learned the economy of trade over Danars. It was much more reliable, at least for him. His travels brought him from Abornea to Tyrea, a few weeks later he found himself in Paria. It was hard to follow the directions he took, they were all so random to him. The last point in his travels was Atash.

Xander was walking through the town, his hood on as usual. He kept closer to the outskirts of town though he found himself passing through, quickly, to find what he was looking for. He looking, there had to be a job board somewhere, or someone sick and helpless. There always was... well... "Not really" He thought. He smiled at his 'joke' as he always put it when someone asked, a habit grown to ensure people. He wandered through an alleyway, he didn't mean to but he did anyways.

Xander walked to a dead end, a poster of a wanted man clung to the wall, limp and torn, the picture nearly faded to the white its colours originated from. As he turned to walk around and leave the dark area quickly, the very man stood in front of him. His heart begin to beat quickly and he stumbled back. He didn't know what this man had done before, nor what he wanted to do now, but he was smiling while he stared at Xander. "H... hello. What do you want." The man tilted his head slightly back and to the side and Xander saw a scar along the mans forehead, he knew it had to be from some type of Luxin, but he didn't know what kind. The man spoke softly, very, VERY creepily "WhY, i wANt a liTlE fun. Wouldn't't't Y'oU?" He was having a hard time speaking but it was still very understandable.

The man moved towards Xander. Xander was sweating, used to knowing people were evil. He was NOT used to people displaying it openly. This man was walking, his hands behind him. Xander closed his eye and looked downward to the left. He felt a fist connect with his face and send him looking upward, eyes open now. As he steadied himself the man struck again sending Xander downward, his glasses flying into the ground hard and breaking. Everything slowed, his breathing, his very own movement, even the other man. He looked up, seeing the man preparing a kick.

Xander felt something flow through him, something so strong, yet... fragile. He felt it flow out of his hand, thinking it to be something else he swung, his eyes closed. He heard clay shatter and opened his eyes to see a clay pot falling from the mans head. Half a second later he felt the boot connect to his stomach. Xander coughed, everything began sprouting colours.
"Well Orrik seeing how you have arrived, i guess i will be leaving to report back to the White." "Should you need anything just send for me."
Coro's eyes widened.

"You report directly to the White?" He asked of Tristen, sounding awe-struck. "You must be an incredibly high-level drafter......" He added, scratching the back of his head.
Orrik laughs aloud at Coro's comment; "Well of course he does, he's a blackguard!"


(I understand your post it's just that your colour wight isn't a wight, he's just a crazy person ^^')

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