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Light or Dark Default?

Do you want to make the default style, Light or Dark? (Please read post).

  • Light

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dark

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I suggest a flexible selection method. When a new user loads the site, RPN AI 'SARA' retrieves and analyses their personal records, judges their preference and displays the appropriate theme.

That sounds good in theory, but I don't think people would be comfortable with the site going through all their history... and it might make the site slow if it has to collect all that data.
Night Lyfe/Dark. It's easier on the eyes. However, I'd prefer it so I can choose what it innately default to my account. So that's what I get, unless a forum might suggest otherwise in a role play, rather than a site-wide default that forces me to change to dark every time I log on.
Dear god no dark please. It's hard to read and it strains the eyes. I agree with Sunkissed, light looks friendly and gives off a freedom vibe, it's easy to read and navigate than the dark. Plus, white and blue has been the signature color for RPN sooo
Honestly we've been light for so long, I think I'm going to vote Dark just to mix it up for a while. 

I'm actually fine with either, but All Light All The Time gets a little monotonous after a while, ya'know?
I think light because I don't think we should change it if it's perfectly fine to begin with. I agree with @Sunkissed in that it is more openly and friendly. And I don't know if this is just me but blue and white is like the icing on the cake. Seeing those colors is sort of like an imprint that's left when I first joined. People want to see that blue and white, it lets you know that THIS is RPN, it's like a trademark of the site. Plus members can change it any time they want.
Aesthetically speaking, I like the dark theme... However!  I get lag when I use it - I am using an iPad, so it's not like I'm using a tiny old phone.

Personally, I'd like for the Draft functionality to come back first...
Technically speaking, it's a matter of preferences. Seeing as everyone has multiple preferences, I say stick to the default and continue to allow people to change their themes.

I also believe that (if this isn't done already) a notification automatically broadcasting the options for those who need to be made aware of the option to change their themes. Typically the new-comers of RPNation.

The Light Theme has always been the Default, the original, and when I first joined this website it had promoted friendly activity/community. It allows growth and creativity.

Not only that - leaving the option for those to decide which theme they like best simply encourages more people to join. People love the fact they can Color their Theme w/ the Color Me Theme. People like the Night Life Theme because it's sleek (or from what I previously read - they have a dark soul). People favor the Light Theme because it's friendly and it's the original theme. I say:

Simply leaving the website the way it is, is absolutely fine (Theme wise).
I definitely prefer any dark themes over the light ones. However, in this case, the darker theme does not feel as... For lack of better word, polished. Perhaps it might be because I've come to grown accustomed to the light theme, I find that there is a nicer colour combination here. More importantly, and I'm not sure if this is some visual illusion thing on my end, but it always felt like the dark theme's fonts were smaller than the light theme - which itself is a problem for me. 
I prefer the light theme, i stated before and im not sure if you remember the dark wizard but i chose this website because of the white and light blue theme, makes it feel clean and fun but if there is black, its good when its nighttime but i liie it only in short intervals, it also makes it difficult to read some messages
To be honest, I prefer the light theme. Night life... Just doesn't seem RPnation to me.
As some have indeed mentioned, the light theme has a more clean and open feel to it. Which is one of the reasons why I use it myself.

However, as others have also mentioned, the dark theme looks more 'finished' (for lack of better description) where the individual posts are more properly separated, and the minor customizations add an additional flare.

If the light theme could have that as well, albeit with lighter background images, it would make the light theme even better, and not look subpar to the other themes as they are now.

So in conclusion, keep the light theme default, but let it have the same look and customizations as the dark theme.
I will vote when I can easily experiment with the new dark theme on a computer. I am posting this because I can't find the follow button on this device.
I much prefer the Light theme over the Dark.

But, with that said, I'd LOVE to see a minimalist theme... or at least the ability to hide/shrink that monstrous banner across the top.  It's cool and all and makes a great first impression, but when I'm sneaking online during work breaks, I'd like to not have people see


from 150 feet away.
I prefer the light theme because when I read white text with a dark background, my eyes get hurt. Besides, the light theme is very nice to look at and is easy on the eyes.
Light, please. It's easier on the eyes in general especially since we deal with writing.
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Dark looks awesome. However, Light should remain default; it has an overall friendlier feel. As long as we can still choose to switch to Dark, then Light should be the default theme.
Even though I personally prefer the dark one, in the current state of affairs I think light should be default *woof*
Light because it is about what brings new users to this site, it isn't really about who prefers which colour it's about which one works and would seem more welcoming to new users. So Light, as it has a much more open, friendly feel to it and seems like it would work better generally, and if people want to change it's easy enough.
I've seen it mentioned a couple times that the Light theme is more inviting than Dark and I'd have to agree. Though, as I've seen also mentioned a few times, it'd be neat to have the default color scheme with something a bit more customizable like the Dark theme. Voted Light, but I truly think a hybrid of their current states is what would work best as a default theme. Taking the visual aspects of Dark with the crest background and turning the dark colors to much lighter ones would be the best route in my opinion. I'm not sure if that's even possible, but as it stands the current light theme is a bit bland. The only real pro about it is the color scheme and general look being warm and welcoming to newcomers. Overall Dark is a much more thought out theme and a lot more visually appealing, however, as said before, I think the color scheme is a bit too dark and unwelcoming for a default style. I'm not even sure a lighter version of Dark would be possible, but it'd be neat if something similar could be worked out :D.
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