Lifting the Veil of Anthan Peaks (Sign up/Character Sheet)

Mediocritys Muse

~Great minds think Differently~

Lifting the Veil of Anthan Peaks

((Rated…ummm not sure yet, wait and see I guess))

(Reply here before in the rp forum and then wait to be contacted by Muse)

Due to the remoteness of Anthan Peaks many supernatural creatures have made their way into the city limits, which is understandable considering how pristine such a place would be to those that want their privacy.


Character possibilities:

The Age of the
humans to be played would have to be in the range of a Fr. in high school to a twenty year old, to simply make sure that everyone would be able to reply to each other if needed. Older roles will be added when needed.

Supernatural creatures that will be allowed will be Vampires and Lycans, (Of which are reminiscent to the ones in Underworld, no variations please this will advocate a mutual understanding to how they will role play and appear to other role players.) The age of the Lycans and Vampires will not be of importance as much as the humans, for obvious reasons.
Keep it in a believable range though, not 1000 years old please.

-I do realize that this is not much but he is supposed to be a mystery so…yeah-

-More will be added when the role players find it out-

Name: Goes by the name of

Appears to be twenty or eighteen or so

Personality: Mysterious, seems to have a reason for being in Anthan Peaks.

Background History: Nothing is known about him at the moment, but that is sure to change when people start trying to interact with him…it’s totally up to the role players about how much they learn.


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Species: Unknown Faction of Vampire

Name: (What are you called?)

Age: (How’s your millage?)

Personality: (Are you a pain or an angel?)

Background History: (Have you gotten an owwie before if so put it here if you think it’s viable to the storyline)

Appearance: (Picture If applicable…if one is not possible a simple description will suffice, if you have a picture spoiler-ize it)

Species: (Mr./Mrs./Vlad/Fido?)
I'll join. sounds kinda cool.

Name: Azeel Jackson

Age: 15

Personality: Defensive and closed off around people he doesn't know or doesn't like, but opens up and can be a really kind and caring person when he is around someone he likes.

Background History: His mom died in childbirth and he never knew who his father was. He lived in city and grew up stealing and street preforming to make do, earning the somewhat deserved title of thief

Appearance: short snow-white hair, black eyes, his left ear is pierced, and he wears mostly darker clothes

Species: human
Name: Alana Haye

Appears 18

Personality: Alana is very secluded; she doesn't trust easily and like to keep to herself. Even if someone miraculously gains her trust it's gone forever. She's a bit of a biatch to be frank.

Background History: Nothing viable.

Appearance: Long black hair, bright green eyes, porcelain skin, fangs. (No duh)

Species: Vamp.
@TCUN and yista (You two are in, although I'd prefer to have a few more people before it gets started, for continuities sake. Three people wouldn’t make an in-depth role play, especially when the whole thing centers around a sort of quizitive and mysterious subject.)
Name: Lya "Ly" Lyndel

Age: 15, but is actually 82

Personality: Reserved, doesn't talk much, Negative and sarcastic. More comfortable with people she knows, if any.

Background History: Lya has been alone for as long as she could remember. Since she first became an orphan, as a freak accident of her supernatural power. To support herself she became an assasin. As much as she dislikes it, she has forced herself to be in a high school so she can be better acquainted with the people and environment, which is always a viable course of action as an assasin, she has yet to recieve a mission however, she hasn't in quite a while but still has enough cash from her last job.


Species:Female Lycan

How many people do you want for this? Person #3 at your service.
WolfnightV4X1 said:
How many people do you want for this? Person #3 at your service.
At the moment the three of you shall do, later on I figure I'll introduce the antagonist into the story. Feel free to start roleplaying when you see fit.

By the way [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION] You are accepted. :D
Character Sheet for Eric

Ok here it is! Let me know if I need more detail or to add/change anything

>Name: Eric

>Age: Appears 19, though he is older, he is still well within the normal life expectancy of a human, no where near ancient.

>Personality: Overall good person, wants what is best for the world even if he doesn't always show it. Tends to be very rational to the point of seeming cynnical. He has a natural drive to help even strangers in any way he can. While this does often conflict with his inner drive to feed, he works to conquer it.

>Background History: While he strives to change the world in whatever ways he can, this has often landed him in varying degrees of trouble of the violent sort. He has had his fair share of violence while fighting on peace's behalf. He hates having blood on his hands, even if it is unavoidable. Loves music to the point where people think it odd, even while in public, he finds no shame in enjoying it, which often garners him some strange looks.

>Appearance: Short spiked blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue jeans and black boots. Always has his music on hand with a pair of large overhead headphones, most often with the music blaring.

>Species: Vampire

Also! Can you define a vampire for this RP, everyone has their own versions, ie: do we burn in the sun? How fast? Are we physically superior? Do we have any supernatural things other than strength? Stuff like that if you wouldn't mind! I'm just hoping for no twi-hards...haha

Edit: Grammar.
Yeah it is still open, simply fill out the character sheet and waitand see if you are accepted, comment on this thread with your character and I’llreply here whether or not you are accepted.
Sweet thanks, I'll have it up asap, just gotta get this statics/physics work done ._.

K it's posted on my first post.
Not to d-d-double post, but is my sheet ok? reposting here, kinda of eager to get going :P

>Name: Eric

>Age: Appears 19, though he is older, he is still well within the normal life expectancy of a human, no where near ancient.

>Personality: Overall good person, wants what is best for the world even if he doesn't always show it. Tends to be very rational to the point of seeming cynnical. He has a natural drive to help even strangers in any way he can. While this does often conflict with his inner drive to feed, he works to conquer it.

>Background History: While he strives to change the world in whatever ways he can, this has often landed him in varying degrees of trouble of the violent sort. He has had his fair share of violence while fighting on peace's behalf. He hates having blood on his hands, even if it is unavoidable. Loves music to the point where people think it odd, even while in public, he finds no shame in enjoying it, which often garners him some strange looks.

>Appearance: Short spiked blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Black button up shirt witht he sleeves rolled up, dark blue jeans and black boots. Always has his music on hand with a pair of large overhead headphones, most often with the music blaring.

>Species: Vampire
Okay you're accepted, join in when you want, preferably already in the school being it is the main scene at the moment in teh roleplay. Post at least a paragraph per reply if you can. :D
How do you intend for lycans to be like, it's been awhile since I've watched underworld, I have an idea of what they look like, but in wolf form can they speak? Have the same personality? What of it?

Also I'm planning for Lya to get a mission momentarily, some random strange men she meets gives her a task to kill vampires and to divulge information on the vampire Axton, before "killing" him. (I mean her job to kill him, not actually killing him) I've yet to know who they are I'll make that as I go along... (This is mostly a way to quicken the plot and have something happen)

Just to clear up I don't intend for her to be a totally good character, she only acts like it. Really she is struggling between being a good assasin that doesn't let her feelings get in the way, and letting go of the past and stopping herself from killing.

(She intends to kill Axton at one point, but by the time this happens they have become good friends, and she can't go through with it. So she finally decides to let go of her past)

Also I plan to flashback to different parts of her past at some point.

Let me know what you expect from the story, because this is what I plan on for my character, and I think it'll work for her in figuring out about Axton
[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION] Lycans in underworld can not talk, think of them as a rage monsters…that being pretty much what they are depicted as in the movies, that being said their personality is a bit warped when they change them being more rage centered more than anything.

At present the main story line has not started yet, the main antagonist could have made the arrangements behind the scene to have Axton killed, the shady men merely being a front that your character does not realize. That would be a way to involve your character into the main plot of the story.

As to how your character acts, that’s totally up to you, go with it as you see fit. ^^
(This will be the 'Main' antagonist in the plot of the role play, no one has met her in the story as of yet but everything will revolve around and eventually wind up with her pulling the strings.)

Name: Mam/Madame

Age: How rude.

Personality: A bit of a twisted individual merely finding pleasure in toying with those she finds to be her opposition, sufficed to say she is quite the tyrant. Other than that she is egotistical, capitol punishment-centric, temperamental, outspoken, blunt, basically she is a B****.

Background History: If you must know she was among the founding parties of vamperic culture to set the families in stone, her own family once being a powerhouse but now it is forced to hide in obscurity because of her indulgencies. The straw that broke the ‘camels back’ as they say was when she decided to impale one hundred and fifty humans to prove a point, the point being that she would do it. Suffice it to say she is the one that runs everything in Anthan Peaks, although it is behind the scenes no one even seeing her more than one usually. The only ones that see here more than once are those that she decides not to decapitate upon them meeting her, those being few to none.


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Species: Vamperic (Leader and all around mean chick)
hey i was wondering is this still open to join and if it is do ya need a specific race you wanted to be in the role play cause i don't mind being the one u suggest
I kind of went all out with this ;P.

It reminds me of a similar story I did where the girl was a werewolf and she was mentally unstable and struggling with issues of her past as well as controlling her violent werewolf state.

By the way, the man who died, he was the boss one right?
god im so lost. i was gone for a few days and now i dont know what is going on. could someone sum it up for me or something?

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