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Life's Reset (SakuraTheBrave)

Airith looked over the the boy who sat next to her, confused as to why he spoke her name, considering they never really talked other than when they were placed in groups. 'Nevermind him.' She thought to herself, leaning down to pick up her backpack.
Jon looked to his left and saw Airith, but younger.

"Airith? It's me, Jon! You remember the party for Noah? You took him to toys r us." Jon was confused, but more than that he was desperate. She didn't seem to recognize him.

"I'm your husband! I have been for six years now!"

"Mr. Wilson, I think you need to visit the nurses office now." They're English teacher said, and Jon was escorted there, struggling to get free.

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Airith dropped her back, her eyes widened in shock and confusion. What in the world was he talking about? Who was Noah? Husband? Six years? She was only 16 and was dating someone else. She watched their English teacher drug him out of the room before she grabbed her bag and rushed out of the classroom, running into her "boyfriend".
Jon had no idea what was going on. He was rushed to the nurses office where he saw himself in a mirror. He seventeen again. He sported the long hair he used to, and was a lot skinnier. He decided he'd try and play the part. Whatever was going on, looking crazy wouldn't help. He sought out Airith again, and managed to find her in the hall.

"Airith. I'm sorry. I'd dozed off and had a weird dream, and it was still messing with head when I woke up."

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Airith eyed him cautiously, like she did whenever Noah was born and someone was holding him. But, nonetheless, she nodded her head, flashing a small smile. "It's fine. We've all had those dreams before." She told him, holding onto her "boyfriends" hand.
Jon's stomach lurched as he saw her holding onto another man's hand. He wanted to beat the tar out of that guy. He decided he'd need to figure out what that white light was, hence meaning he needed to get out of school as he had a curfew. He waved bye to Airith and told the nurse he felt nauseous and like he was going to throw up, which was true. As he rode his bike to the spot the light originated from tears streamed from his eyes. When he got there he found a phone booth. He walked towards it, and the phone began to ring. He picked it up and answered.


"Hello, Jon." A masked voice said. "Enjoying your trip back in time?"

"What did you do?" Jon asked.

"Nothing much, just changed one small thing. How I did it will take you a while to figure out, but what you can try to do is win Airith over if you can. Check here everyday after school, I'll keep in touch." The phone hung up and Jon rubbed his hands through his hair, stressed out, and went back to school, saying he felt better, though his eyes were still red from the tears.

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She watched as he walked away, feeling as if there was something strange going on with him. Although the never talked much, when talking to him a few minutes ago it felt like she knew him her whole life. But, she shook the though away and walked towards her next class, hand in hand with Adam. Once in the classroom, Adam sat on one side of her, and an empty desk next to her, where Jon was supposed to sit. The teacher called roll, asking where Jon went. Airith replied and told him she saw him head towards the nurses office. She couldn't stop thinking about when he woke up, calling out her name and another name. She shrugged it off and started doodling until she heard the door open and lifted her head.
Jon walked in and sat at his desk. He tried not to look at Airith, if he did he'd start to tear up. He sniffled a bit, then opened his textbook to where they were. He didn't listen at all, it was history, and he knew that inside and out. He was instead wondering what parts of being a teenager again would affect him. Was his brain still mature? Or would the hormones affect him? These and many more questions crowded his mind until his history teacher shouted at him.

"Mr. Wilson! I asked you a question!"


"I asked you, do you remember what years the Tang Dynasty lasted?"

"617-907 AD." Jon said without missing a beat. He glanced over at Airith, hoping she wouldn't notice. He remembered just this morning when she lay one his chest, and when he would read his book to her at night, and the tears started coming again.

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She raised her head and looked up at him as he walked towards his desk silently and with his hair covering his face. 'Hair covering his face..' She thought, an image of a small boy flashing through her mind. Airith pushed that away, thinking it was her nephew she just thought about. Once Jon was at his seat, she went back to doodling until the teacher called his name twice. She turned her head and glanced at him, the two making eye contact. Then, she noticed tears, why was he crying? What happened in those few minutes that he was gone?
Jon turned his gaze quickly, hoping she hadn't noticed, but more importantly that Adam hadn't. He was nice, but he was also big. And Jon's body wasn't as in shape as it was when he was 33. He waited until the bell rang and went to the locker. He opened it up, seeing lots of geeky pictures and one that reminded him of Airiths wedding dress.


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"You may kiss the bride." Jon heard his pastor say and he leaned in, kissing Airith passionately. It was the first time he'd ever kissed anyone. It lasted for thirty seconds before he decided it would be smart to do something besides kiss during his reception. He stopped and smiled at his new wife.

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Airith's heart skipped a beat as they shared their first kiss with each other and everyone else. Once their lips met, it was like she was on top of the world. When Jon pulled back, she busted into a fit of giggles and embraced her new husband, burying her face into his chest as she cried tears of joy. "I love you so much.." She whispered, the sounds of cheering beginning to slowly die down.
Jon was lost in the moment. He'd completely forgotten about they're guests, and for a moment wished they'd just go away, and he and his wife could do whatever they wanted. But then he came back to reality.

"I love you too. We should probably go eat." He said, unable to stop smiling. As he walked there he saw his best friend and younger brother get ready to make a speech. He couldn't decide between the two, so he made them the best men, and they were now going to embarrass him in front of everyone.

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Airith held onto to Jon as if her life depended on it. She was a naturally clingy person to begin with, she knew, and hoped, that Jon didn't mind. And now, she had a reason to be clingy. She sat down with her husband at the table and smirked as Jon's best friend was the first to make a speech, knowing this would be hilarious. Their friends, especially Jon's, would be funny, while their parents would be sentimental and sweet. All in all, she was ready.
Jon smiled as the stories were told about his obsessions with movies when he was seven and saying blooper on stage, and slipping up in an improv thing at church and accidentally implying that one of the characters were gay, in a church mind you. And many more of the like. He was sure some funny stories would be told of Airith too. His mom cried when she got up. Eventually it was time for the first dance. He walked up as some slow and calm music began to play.

"May I have this dance, madam?" He asked in a posh English accent.

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She laughed at all of the stories about Jon, especially the one about the church play, and blushed at the stories about her, about how she accidentally walked into the mens restroom, not once, not twice, but four times, and how her friend caught her singing along to Brittany Spears with a hairbrush in her hand. Then, she cried when the parents spoke, obviously. Once the dance came along, Airith smiled and giggled, placing her hand in his, mimicking the accent. "Why of course, good sir."
Jon smiled and kissed her hand. Then began dancing slowly. As much as he was enjoying this, he was sure he was just going to want to lie down and rest when they got home, he was already tired.

"So, what about our honeymoon? Where do you want to go?" He asked as he twisted her under his arm.

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She let the music engulf her and stared into his eyes, getting lost in the moment, taking s few minutes to reply. "Honeymoon? Oh uhm, good question. Somewhere nice and beachy sounds good. What about for you?" She replied, moving her feet to the beat of the music.
"I don't know. Maybe visit New Zealand. As long as I'm with you I'm happy." He said, smiling and leaning in to kiss her again. He thought this would be the best moment of his life. Besides maybe if they had a kid.

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She held onto his hand, giving a warm, gentle smile. "New Zealand sounds perfect, just like spending the rest of my life with you." Airith whispered, leaning her head against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Their life was just beginning, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
Jon held her in his arms, not wanting to let her go as they swayed to the music. Eventually it stopped and they returned to they're table. There wouldn't be much more to do for the rest of the night besides talk to old friends and go home, and Jon almost dozed off a couple of times.

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Airith stayed by his side all night long, joking around with her old friends and in-laws, forcing a laugh when they brought up kids, trying to hide the dusting of pink that would spread across her cheeks every time Jon's parents half-jokingly mentioned it. Once the wedding was fully over, Airith noticed Jon had dozed off again. With a heart-warming smile she placed her hand on his cheek, admiring him.
Jon didn't blush as much as Airith when children were mentioned. His parents had always known his full intention to have children, at least two, which was probably why they were joking about it so much. Jon didn't awaken until the guests woke him, some scolding him in a friendly way, and others smiling. It was time for them to leave and go home, and then to they're honeymoon in a couple of days.

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Airith stood up and reached for Jon's hand. Their new home was awaiting them, it had been a wedding gift from her parents. It was a nice sized house, two stories, four bedroom, and three baths. It came as a shock to both of them, as she kept insisting that they had enough money in savings to buy one.

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