Life with the band. [chlorinekiss and Freezingcake] [Inactive]

Name: Katie Isabel West



Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Quirky, smart, adventurous, caring, funny, hard headed, party girl.

Habits/Issues: I fidget when I get nervous, I have a continuing love/hate relationship with cigarettes, and I am a bit too critical of myself at times.

Bio: Hmm...let's see. Well, if you want to know a little about me, I was born and raised in Califonia; couldn't be happier about that! I have a younger brother of about 3 years named Richard. He and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but I still love him to death. My mother was the only one that raised us. Our father bailed after Richard was born. I don't remember much of him. I am currently in school for photography and journalism. Just so happened that I got accepted into this summer program where I will be traveling with this band for 8 months, learning about the lifestyle and the ways of the road. I couldn't be happier! My best friend got accepted as well, luckily, so we both get to experience this special chance together!

Name: James Hayden Young



Age: 23

Gender: MalePosition: Guitarist

Personality: Quiet, a bit standoffish, bookworm, sincere, sweet, and clever.

Habits/Issues: The only thing I'll say is that me and a bottle of whiskey are real good friends.

Bio: Not much to say really. I left home when I was young and stayed with different friends throughout my youth until I finished high school and saved enough to move out on my own. My closest friends are the 3 that share my dream. The dream to create music and share it with the world.

Name: Quinton Everett Steward


Age: 22

Gender: MalePosition: Bass guitarist

Personality: Fun loving, careless, excitable, hopeless romantic, and a bit cocky at times.

Habits/Issues: Well, if I am being honest here I have a slight drug addiction, though I keep it hidden for the most part. I also have insomnia, but that probably stems from my chronic nightmares. I always look exhausted, but oh well!

Bio: So, I guess to give you a little insight on myself, I grew up with my band mates. We have all been through a lot over the years. I have a younger brother by the name of Ace who lives in New York now. He has some corporate job so needless to say he thinks he's some hot shot. Whatever. I'm doing something that will live on forever. That to me is the greatest thing of all. Our father to put it nicely? A real shitty person to make it short and sweet. I hate him in every way. But enough of that heavy stuff. I'm out on my own and couldn't be happier. Traveling is in my blood, so this life is prefect for me!

Name: Bennie Louise Montague-Day


Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, Creative, Intelligent, Calm, Awkward, polite.

Habits/Issues: Bennie has never really managed to figure out exactly how to act in social situations, sure she can manage to have a conversation with someone she knows, but when it comes to being in the presence of strangers she's a hot mess. Also she might have a little bit of what some may call 'a drinking problem', actually let's not lie here, she has a big problem.

Bio: Bennie was born and raised in New York City, by two fathers. Growing up she was raised to act like a lady and to appreciate the finer things in life, and she really does like all that fancy shit, but she is far from the prim and proper lady she was brought up to be. She is currently going to school in California to study the fine arts and journalism. And she was recently accepted into a program where she along with one of her closest friends will get to spend eight months with a band.

Name: Russell "Rusty" Walpole



Age: 23

Gender: Male

Position: Drummer

Personality: Friendly, Loud, Reckless, Funny, Rebellious, Short tempered.

Habits/Issues: Rusty has a tough time holding his temper, and if something manages to piss him off enough it's not uncommon for him to get violent. He also has commitment issues and has never managed to keep a girlfriend for longer than a few months. Even though it isn't exactly a habit or an issue, Rust has an accent that a lot of people find hard to understand.

Bio: Rusty was born in Scotland, and lived there up until he was about 16 years old. That's when his family got tired of his bad behaviour and sent him off to a boarding school for 'Troubled boys'. But he dropped out after a few months of attending and decided to live on the streets making money by banging on makeshift drums in public places. That's where the three guys who would later become his best friends found him and got him to join their band.

Name: Elliot Michael Holloway


Age: 22

Gender: Male

Position: Lead singer and occasional rhythm guitarist

Personality: Easy going, Brave, Outgoing, Trustworthy, Honest (about most things)

Habits/Issues: When he was younger Elliot battled a severe case of depression, and to this day he still does, he just figured out how to hide it all behind a smile and a happy personality. On lighter note, Elliot is addicted to all things sweet, and his dentist hates him for that.

Bio: Elliot was born and raised in California, he was the perfect example of a model child as a little boy. But once he became a teenager things went downhill when his depression hit. His parents had him committed to the Psych ward when things went to far one day. He spent three months in the hospital, and while he was there he found his true passion: music.

can I just take this moment to complain about the fact that it is so hard to find pictures of attractive guys that are actually wearing clothes on tumblr! Also, why do all the pictures have to be so huge! Anyway, I'm sorry it took a while...

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"Today's the day!" Katie said excitedly as she circled her calender. She had barely slept the night before because she was so anxious for today. Today she and her good friend Bennie would be headed out to meet Kill The King, this new and upcoming band. The two girls lucked out and got chosen to go on an 8 month trip with the group of guys. Katie couldn't wait to get there and be on the road. She loved the freedom and she knew they would get to visit all over to the US and a few parts of Canada. What could be better?

Katie finished touching up her makeup, double and triple checking to make sure she had everything she needed before they left. "Okay! That's everything! Well I hope anyways." She zipped up her suitcase, grabbed her purse, checking herself over in the mirror once more before heading out of her apartment. She practically flew down the stairs that led out to the front of the building where a cab was awaiting her. She got into the cab to find her friend Bennie inside. "Are you pumped dude?! I can't wait!" She smiled brightly at her friend as the cab started on it's way to their destination.

After about a 30 minute cab drive, they pulled up to a hotel were the band had stayed the night before. Once the girls were both out of the cab, bags in hand, a man approached them. "So you must be the two ladies we were told about. I'm Alec the band's manager. If you two will follow me we can go introduce you to the guys." The dark haired man said as he headed into the small hotel. The two girls followed promptly after him going down a long hallway, finally coming to the end of it and he opened the door to where the group of 4 were staying. "Hey guys, the journalists are here. Play nice." He said jokingly before walking out leaving the two girls to introduce themselves.

Katie made her way through the doorway, setting her bags aside. "Hi, I'm Katie and this is Bennie . It's nice to finally meet you guys." She gave a friendly smile as she spoke. A tall blonde walked over to the two, his blue eyes seeming to study them. "I'm James one of the guitarists for the band. It's nice to meet you ladies." He then moved passed them to go out of the small room. "Don't mind him. He's always short with people. I'm Quinton, but please feel free to call me Quinn." The brunette said smiling as he held out his hand for them to shake. "Come on in and make yourselves comfortable. We won't bite." He cleared off a section of the small couch for them to sit. "Might as well get comfy because we aren't hitting the road for like another hour or so. Hope you two are pumped to be cramped up with us in our bus." He smirked as he plopped down on the couch.
After a short 30 minute cab ride and a brief introduction from the bands manager, Bennie and Katie were both lead over to the hotel room the band was waiting for them in. Once they were inside the room she finally got to see what these four actually looked like. The first to introduce himself, james the guitarist, had blonde hair and a set of dazzling blue eyes, and unlike the rest of the group he didn't seem to have his body adorned in very many tattoos if any at all, he left the room shortly after introducing himself. Quinton the bassist came next, he seemed to be a relatively nice guy considering Bennie had just met him five seconds ago.

Quinton had so kindly offered to let Katie and Bennie sit down next to him on the couch, and then said something about how he hoped the two were excited. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited... I can't speak for Katie though..." Bennie answered quietly. Thankfully she was going to have time to bond with and get to know these boys over the course of the trip, so she would be able to talk to them without being so soon.

After Bennie had sat down the remaining two band members gave their introduction.
"Aye, I'm Russell, the bands drummer, but if the name Russell doesn't suit your fancy everybody seems to just call me Rusty." the third boy, who she now knew was Russell spoke up. He had a funny accent, it could have been either Irish or Scottish, Bennie was never very good at telling the two apart.

Russell sat down on one of the unmade beds in the room leaving the last guy to say hello.
"umm, well I guess that means I'm the last one left to introduce himself hey? Well I'm Elliot, the lead singer. Nice to meet you ladies!" he said with a smile! offering his arm for the girls to shake his hand.
Katie laughed a bit at Quinn's comment, but nodded in agreement to Bennie. "Yeah, I'm pretty pumped about it. It's going to be pretty damn interesting I think. Don't know many college kids that get to do this very often." She said, taking a seat on the couch where Quinn was sitting. Quinn just smirked. "You say that now, but just wait until we all haven't been able to shower in a few days. You might just change your minds." He said looking from Katie to Bennie. Katie just grinned and raised a brow. "Is that a challenge sir?" Quinn just laughed. "You're a fiery one aren't you? I like these girls already!" He said before getting up to grab his lighter from off one of the night stands. "If you will excuse me, I'm going to go have a smoke." And with that he was out the door.

Katie looked over to the guy that went by the name Russell and then towards the guy Elliot. "It's nice to meet you both! By the way, Russell?" She turned to face him. "If you don't mind me asking, what sort of accent is that? It sounds kinda like Irish, but for some reason I doubt that's it." She loved anything and everything to do with accents. She had dabbled in different language classes at school, seeing as she wanted to travel pretty much anywhere and everywhere she could. "Sorry in advance! I'm sure you get asked this a lot." She quickly added, unsure if he would be annoyed at the question or not.

Later on, after they had a bit of time to chitchat, it was time for them to pack up the bus and start off towards their next venue. "So, where exactly are we headed to?" Katie asked as the last of the bags were loaded on the bus. James piped up, leaning out of the doorway that led into the bus. "We are going to Texas from here." He then headed inside the bus. Quinn looked over at her as he shut the door to where their things were packed. "Yeah, it's about a 20 or so hour drive. We just usually alternate who drives and who sleeps. It's quicker that way. Now come abroad our humble abode!" He said dramatically, laughing as he walked into the bus, the girls following behind him. "Let's get this hunk of metal moving!" Quinn added as James slid into the driver's seat.

Katie grinned excitedly as they headed out onto the road. Looking over at Bennie, she kept her grin. "Can you believe this is actually happening? We are going to have so much fun! This barely counts as work." She said as she sat next to her friend. "I'm glad you're the one I get to share this with. Anyone else, I wouldn't be as thrilled." She gave her friend a big hug before hearing the sounds of glass bottles clinking. Quinn came over to the two and held out a beer for each of them. "Early evening beer ladies?" He asked giving them a friendly smile before taking a sip out of his own. Katie smiled and took it happily. "Thanks." She said as she twisted off the top and took a sip of it. Quinn took a seat across from them and slid the other beer towards Bennie. "You know you wanna. We gotta celebrate the best way we know how." James glanced in the rear view mirror and then back onto the road. "Quinn don't pressure the girl. Besides, you need to be functional to drive. We can celebrate when we get to Texas." He said, sounding a tad irritated. Quinn rolled his eyes and just smirked. "It's only one beer. I'm not some 14 year old light weight. And I'm not, I just want her to loosen up a bit. She's been quiet. Thought it might take the edge off." James just sighed and continued driving without another word being said. Quinn was unphased by James lack of response and started to speak again. "Hey Elliot, Rusty, why not get a game of cards going? Like maybe poker or something to help pass the time?" He asked, looking at his two friends.
"No, I'm not Irish, but you were very close, I'm from Scotland" Rusty explained to Katie after she had asked him about his accent. Elliot sat down on the arm of the couch the girls were sitting on"Yup, Rusty was born and raised in Scotland, he only came to America a few years ago actually." he told them.

After about an hour of waiting inside of the hotel room it was finally time to board the bus. James told Bennie and Katie that they were headed to Texas first. Bennie smiled when she heard that, unlike a lot of individuals she absolutely loved long trips.

Once they had finally hit the road Katie gave Bennie a huge hug and had started to tell her how happy she was to be on the trip with her. "yeah, I'm pretty pumped about this too Katie. And thanks, your saying that really boosts my self esteem.." She said back to the girl before getting a bottle shoved in her face. Bennie smirked as she heard James and Quinn argue about giving her the beer, they obviously weren't aware of her relationship with alcohol.

Bennie snatched the bottle out of the mans hand"thanks Quinn, you were right, this exactly what people need to give me to get me to lighten up. But if you want to get to know the really fun side of this chick, you better get some more." she told him after popping the top off and drinking about half the bottle in less than five seconds.

Rusty and Elliot both came over with a box of cards after James told them to get a game started."Okay, so were not really sure how we would play poker, since we don't have any chips... Anyone got any ideas on how were going to do this?"Rusty asked everyone placing the cards on the table
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