~Life on the Streets~

"Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk." He frowned a bit and said: "Maybe you could stay here for a while, it's warmer and nicer than wherever you guy are staying and I could use a bit of help over the next few days"
Sidus pointed down to the ground."I live right under here...I've been able to hear you all fine."He sighed,finally finishing his new shirt.He slipped of the annoying dress with the sleeves and put on the shirt he made,it was a very long sleeved shirt and the sleeves were very open. The whole shirt was pretty loose but not as much as the sleeves,and the neck of it hung a little low and one side hung off his shoulders a bit but he loved it that way.And he had his shorts on before and kept them so he was good now,he smiled feeling happy now.
Name: Alex Mahogany

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Alex is smart and sweet. She can also be very shy and doesn't have too many friends, which isn't just because of her living on the streets. Even before she was put into her current situation, she was always shy like this with almost no friends. If she has to, she can use violence to get what she needs for survival.

Appearance: Long brownish-red hair, yellow-green eyes, very skinny, dark brown shirt (color chosen on purpose so it wouldn't look dirty), long black pants (color chosen on purpose again)

Special talent: Intelligence

Xhysis Blunz

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Despite everything he has been through, he refuses to resort to violence for the sake of getting what he wants. He is loving and sweet, though he is lacking many friends.

Appearance: Curly blond hair so light it is often mistaken for white, deep blue eyes like two little pools in his face, light blue shirt and jeans (both of which he somehow keeps clean)

Special talent: Charm
ACCEPTED! You people are flooding me! I can't go on as much for a few days, because my cousin is staying over, so no more than five posts a day here until he goes home.

Kira heard a sort of thud from the ceiling. She snapped her head up, listening to what sounded like a scuffle above. She could barely make out some voices.

Ary awoke to an odd thump. He thought it was just part of his dream until he saw his sister staring intently at the ceiling. She motioned for him fto follow her up the stairs from their cellar. Once they were at the top, he and Kira peeked around the corner, seeing three others having an intense discussion.
((YAY! Thanks. This RP sounds fun. Kind of an odd thing to say about living on the streets though, huh?))

"Please," Xhysis pleaded. "I have nothing."

Alex only held the knife closer to him. "I have less than nothing." She had found the knife outside of some pastry shop in a dumpster. It was dull, and the handle was rusted. She had done her best to sharpen it on any and everything sharp she could find. Eventually, it shone with a brilliance like the sun. It was mostly just illusion, however. The knife was more for show than for action; more for threat than for damage. "Turn your pockets inside out," she instructed the boy before her.

"There's nothing in there," he replied.

"Turn 'em inside out!"

"I swear! There's nothing!"

Alex lunged at him, positioning the knife right up against his throat. "Without proof, I can only assume you're lying." She had lowered her voice to only a whisper. "Now, turn your—" Her voice cracked. She tried to hide it, but it was hard. "Turn your pockets inside out."

Xhysis swallowed hard, fearing while doing so that it would cause the knife to slit his throat. He did as told, with only a moment of hesitation. With a soft cling, two coins fell to the sidewalk beneath them.

Alex retracted her knife. She went to pick up the coins as she slid the knife into the bag hanging over her shoulder. It was some sort of backpack, dark and covered with dirt. She eyed Xhysis angrily. "Now, scram!"

This time, he didn't hesitate. He turned and ran as fast as he could, as fast as he could away from this girl.
Oh, cool bios, Blunz. :) Anyway, back for a few hours, then to a football game. :)

Elle watched them, then heard noise below then. "Guys, shhh." Sh listened again. Movement. "There's someone below us..."
"Eh?Below?"Sidus listened,below here was his place so there was another intruder?He went to go check,still happy about his clothes and could be told by the was he walked. He went down to the water and didn't see anyone as he looked around,maybe the girl got where she heard the sounds wrong. There were others here he knew that so she probably heard them,but she didn't hear them down here.
Xhysis trudged along the streets, passing by storefronts. The smell of freshly-baked bread filled his senses with a sweet joy and threatened to consume him at the same time. It was lovely torture. His stomach rumbled; his feet ached. He had planned on buying some sort of sweet roll with the small amount of money he had found laying on the ground. But he didn't have that money anymore.

He didn't blame the girl, whoever she was, for mugging him. There was no doubt in Xhysis's mind that she was going through something just as bad—if not, worse—as his situation. He almost felt bad for her. Having to resort to violent methods, losing all humanity—it was what he feared most. His charm and sweetness and great big heart were just about all he could hang on to. The girl—he decided he would refer to her as "Mug"—didn't have any of that. Suddenly, he understood what she had meant by "I have less than nothing."

Now Xhysis was finding himself unable to rid his thoughts of her, unable to think of anything else, unable to not think of her. It was so strange and odd; it filled him with a strange feeling. What was this feeling?

Sadness? No. Too simple. It was more than that.

Depression? Still too easy. This was a tough one.


Xhysis stopped dead in his tracks. The thought had just popped into his head. It felt as if he had not had any control over it. Like his entire thought-process had a mind of its own. Was it right though?

No. It couldn't be. It was crazy, absurd. One could not fall in love with another who had robbed him just moments before. Definitely not.

With all the effort he could muster, Xhysis pushed the thought aside and continued on walking.

((So, if anybody wants to interact with Xhysis or Alex, be my guest. ;) ))
"Maybe it's above...I just hear rustling..." She stopped and turned to Damion. "Anyway, yeah, I can stay here. I have 10 dollars and some fruit, plus a sandwich. I can sew, and I'm pretty good with keeping quiet and sneaking around. I can cook, too, but that won't matter as much, now. We should stay here and wait out the healing process, then maybe try to get jobs...I mean, on the other side of town than that orphanage, though."
Alex nestled up in the very back corner of the alleyway she called home. She had managed to make it another day; she was proud of herself for the accomplishment. Though, there was one thing she was not so proud of.

Without a doubt, Alex knew that the sad, terrified look upon the face of the boy she had mugged earlier that day would forever be burned into her skull. He had not had much, just a couple of coins. Just enough for Alex to have boughten a small roll of bread. Sure, it wasn't much, but it was all he'd had. A surge of guilt formed within Alex, settling in the pit of her stomach. Before today, she had only stolen from large companies or rich folks. Not some helpless, sick boy off the street. What was happening to her? She was becoming ruthless, caring only for herself.

She looked down at the roll in her hands, in her shaky, weak hands. She hadn't even taken a bite yet.

Her head filling with crazed pain, she stood up abruptly. She was tired. She was weak. But most of all, she was guilty.

Remembering the direction the boy had run off not too long ago, she slipped on her dirty backpack that threatened to fall apart at its seams, gained a nice grip on her knife in one hand and the roll in the other, and ran off in search of the boy she so badly wanted to apologize to.

((Almost five posts now! I guess there is some disadvantage to joining a new RP site. Whatever. This place is way better than the last site I was on. Well, I guess I'm going to bed now.))
Yeah, I might be heading to bed soon, too. I don't want to, but I guess being tired can't get in my way. :) Anyway, if all you guys are going to bed, I guess I'll follow. Night. C U in the morning. :)

Elle waited for an answer as she sat down, tired and hungry from all the running it took to get from the orphanage to the old bakery down-town, to here.
Sidus had came back up,finding no one down below them he figured she heard it somewhere else.He sighed,"Nothing....absolutely nothing."Plopping down on the ground on his butt as he looked down,he was getting tired now but with these people here he didn't feel safe to do so.
She turned to him. She knew he didn't like her, or trust him for that matter. And, she saw he was exhausted. She couldn't change his mind about the trust, but she felt uneased that this boy she knew nothing about didn't like her. He barely knew her! She couldn't dwell on that, because she had a person here she DID like. Damion. And she didn't trust him yet, but that was because he hadn't been tested...
((I woke up at seven perfectly fine. Then I suddenly fell asleep. :/

Then I woke up at nine perfectly fine, perfectly awake. Then I suddenly fell asleep!

Now, it's 11:45, and I'm finally awake and up.))

It wasn't long before she saw the boy across the street, walking sorrowfully, staring down at the ground. This was like a knife to Alex's heart. Had she actually made an innocent boy this upset? She felt like she deserved to jump off a bridge right now. Letting out a breath she didn't even know she had been holding in, she stood up just a bit straighter and made her way across the street and over to the boy.

((I'd be fine if somebody interrupted Alex and Xhysis meeting by interacting with one of them. Really. I'd be fine.))

((Also, five posts now! Yippee!))
I think this 5 posts thing is kinda weird, cuz she's been gone 2 days...not including today... so, anyway:

I think I might make another character....

Name: Adrian


Gender: male

Personality: mean, tough. He likes Elle and they were in the orphanage together. When she left, he followed, searching for her.

Appearance: View attachment 9638

Special talent: strength

And, also, I'll have Adrian go and interact with them once I get accepted..
Hey guys, I'm really sorry I haven't been posting. I was really caught up in family stuff, with Christmas going on. I couldn't go on for the past few days because my cousin came to stay and I didn't want to sit at the computer and have him be bored. I'm back now though, and I'm usually good at posting. BTW, you're ACCEPTED Gabberz.

Kira and Ary watched as the strange people in front of them interacted less violently than before. One of boys had a hurt ankle and Kira desperately wanted to tend to it. It was this kind of pity that got her in trouble before. Her eyes widened as she noticed Ary flitting closer to the group through the shadows. She tried to give him a warning look, but he shook his head.

Ary sat by his sister's side in the crowded door frame that was mostly hidden behind a bunch of old church stuff. He couldn't quite see the gathering of people very well, so he slunk between a gap in two boxes and hugged the wall, staying in the darkest corners. He was oddly intrigued by the scene in front of him.
Thanks. :) And, cool, family stuff for me, too. I spent time with my step-family. :) They're AWESOME, and we just got back from the HUGE party... it went from around 2 to now...lol.

Adrian wandered over to Main Street after he had about 20 dollars in mugging money. He smirked at the cash in his hands. He had to find Elle and make sure she hadn't been kidnapped, or worse. She was shy at the orphanage, and that's what he was worried about. She was weak, he thought. Helpless, and now ALONE!? What could SHE POSSIBLY accomplish out HERE on the STREETS!? He laughed and then ran straight into Alex. "Ouch,"
Alex began crossing the street when somebody walked right into her. He was a big guy—not fat, but muscular—and he seemed to be two or three years older than her. Because of his massive size in comparison to her tiny, bony structure, the collision not only hurt a ton, it also caused Alex to fall over on her back right in the middle of the street. She was way past pain or words to express pain, so she just laid there, shaking slightly. She must have looked like a madman, just falling over in the street and shaking uncontrollably.
Kira followed Ary's path through the dusty old rubbish. She had trouble getting through the two boxes, though, so she sucked in her belly and started to wriggle out. Just when she thought she was clear, her foot snagged the corner and the boxes toppled onto her, showering everything in a cloud of dust.
((I am, sadly, going to be going on vacation tomorrow, which means I won't be able to post as much for about a week. Just thought I'd let you guys know.))

Alex took the guy's hand and propped herself back up. "It's fine," she said, pushing away the pain. Somehow, it was lost in some deep corridor of her mind. She wasn't really concerned with pain right now. She just had to get over to that boy, whatever his name was. She could see his blond curls, his deep blue eyes. He was so close, yet so far. And walking farther and farther away with every second she wasn't heading after him.

Xhysis tried his best to push away all thoughts of Mug, but that was one of the most difficult tasks he had ever had to face in his entire life. So, he accepted it: he liked her. He had decided that "love" was too strong a word for somebody he'd just met . . . and been mugged by.
HoOdWiNk said:
(Ah don't worry about it! Go have fun! Bon voyage!)
((Yeah. "Fun." ;P))

((Kidding, kidding. I just wish it didn't have to be tomorrow. I hate packing. xD ))
Elle turned and screamed immediately, stepping back and almost falling over. She let her foot rest on a piece of clothing, which tripped her, and she toppled.

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