~Life on the Streets~

Damian stood on top of the church, observing the streets in front of it.

He felt tired from running all day and climbed into the church tower, where he was staying for the time being, to get some rest. He sat down on his "bed" that was actually just a pile of old clothes and blankets and opened his backpack. Inside he had a knife, two apples and a loaf of bread that he stole earlier, he was satisfied with what he had and fell into a light sleep.
Sidus stared at her still,as if she was crazy. He sighed as he rolled his eyes,there was no way he was going to get in a 'disguise' just to get some clothes. "I'm checking up there....Follow if you want to."He said walking out and creeping into a small door of the church in the back,he remembered they still had those weird clothes here and some lost and found things as well. He could use them instead of trying to steal or buy something,though when he looked where the box was kept it was gone. He looked around for it but had no luck,though when he got to the tower he found them....yea,he found them....under some other stranger that he had no clue was here,what was with the meeting many people all of a sudden? Anyway he spotted something that would work but had no idea how to get it,all he could think to do what slip it out. And that he did,he slowly crept over to Damian and grabbed what he wanted from under him,trying to slowly slip it out.
Damian woke up instantly and grabbed Sidus.

"Don't move!" He said and pinned him down on the floor.

"Who are you and what are you doing here!?" He yelled while reaching

for his knife.
Sidus didn't move,keeping the clothes he was trying to grab in his hand and with his other keeping his dress down since it was flying up. He really hated people,why can't they all just chill out and simply say hi but no,they have attack you and make you state your business which they shouldn't know. Sidus didn't speak to the man who had him pinned down,which was kinda awkward in his position.
"I will not ask again!" he asked and pressed his foot

between Sidus' shoulder blades "Who are you and what do you want!?"
Elle appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "both of you, put the knife down, and respond! Dear god, use some common sense!" She pulled out her knife and held tight to her bag. "Who ARE you, anyway?" she had to disipline herself, keeping common sense at the top.
Sidus got irritated and decided to grabbed Damian's ankle and flip him on his back,he huffed as he sat up."Shut up,I don't have to tell."He said even sound like a girl at the time since he wasn't paying attention.Looking at the stranger for a moment,then down to the clothes he got. He'd have to clean them up but that wouldn't be too hard,the rest won't be needed right now.
"Screw you! This is my place!" He yelled

as he got back up "Who the hell are you people!?"

Damian dusted himself off and almost fell down

when he tried to lean on his hurt ankle.
Sidus jumped up and and poked the man in the stomach."Excuse me,but your not the only one who lives here pal."He huffed."I live in the lowest place below all you and tend to drop in when I need something."He held up the clothes."Which just so happened to have."He couldn't help but smile as Damian almost fell down,that's what he got for stepping on Sidus.
"Those are just old rags I sleep on, you could have just

asked me to borrow them to you." He sat down and massaged

his ankle. "How long have you been living here?"
Sidus stared at him,"I didn't want to wake you and start talking...though seems this didn't stop that from happening anyway..." He crossed his arms."For about...hmmm...six maybe seven years." He tried to think,he had been there a while and he wasn't really keeping track so he lost it. Though he knew it was a long time,just not sure how long. Then he turned to the lady and pointed to himself and Damian back and forth."Who are you talking to???"
"It doesn't matter" Damian said. "My name is Damian, and who are you?"

he asked, still massaging his ankle.
Sidus watched the little chat,thinking maybe he could leave now. They seemed fine just those to so he just waked over to the way down,thinking about what he needed now and where he could be found here.
"No, I met this guy while trying to find a place to stay," She opened her bag. "I was hiding when some guy dropped this, and I picked it up, hoping maybe I'd find an ally to share it with." She knew guys, and this guy seemed a little different. "I ran away from the orphanage on Denver St."
Sidus walked around finding what he needed,not playing anymore attention to the people that just popped into his life. Though they seemed to keep each other busy so he was fine,he had to fix these clothes so he could wear them since they were way to big on him. He found scissors and a needle and some thread,when he found what he needed he started to work on the clothes he had.
"Yeah," She looked down at the ground. Then, seeing his swollen ankle, spoke again. "Um, I used to be a nurse, do you want me to help that ankle?" She asked.
She shook her head and smiled. "Not at all," She bent down. "Sit," She then grabbed her bag and took out the apple. It was cool, and looked clean. She rubbed it onto the ankle and massaged it a little. "Wow, looks like it's just sprained. We're in luck, it'll heal in a few days."
"Great!" he said sarcastically. "How am I supposed to get food in the meantime."

Damian turned to Sidius and said: "This is all your fault!"
Sidus heard him and grumbled."If you hadn't seated on me I wouldn't have done it..." Even though he showed no sign of it,he did feel guilt. If he had just ran off and the girl never found him what would have happened? He huffed,it's fine now so he didn't care.

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