Life of a Vulpine


◢ Kitty ◤
Character Name-



Race- Human or Vulpine


Back story- (Optional)

Picture and Description-
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Character Name-

Ali Sparks

Age- Sixteen

Gender- Female

Race- Human or Vulpine


Personality- If you've managed to uncover the mystery that they have come to call Ali, then you're either very lucky or you've caught her heart. Very few have been opened up to by her, as she's very skeptical of strangers. The most prominent traits people see in her include, but are not limited to, curious, sneaky, sly, reserved, shy, easily intimidated, clever, and naive. But there's much more to her than meets the eye.

Back story- (Optional)

Alison Chloe Sparks was born in Breux Bridge Louisiana, and raised in a bait shop by a lake. Her parents knew they would have a child who was a Vulpine the moment they decided to have her, and so she was born and brought up just as they had been. They protected Ali as much as they could from the outside world, which perhaps had been a mistake considering now she is very shy and kept to herself around almost anyone, especially intimidating strangers. She has a particular fear of certain males, as she feels she is quite small, standing at 5'4.

Picture and Description-

Ali has baby blue eyes with flecks of gold and violet. Her hair is usually worn down in loose golden curls over her shoulder, stopping at her ribcage. She keeps her fashion sense girly, and simple. Usually floral sundresses with tan sandals or light wash skinny jeans with a lace blouse.



( Video clip she's in)

Character Name- Lyra Shupp




Personality-Nice and fun, but snooty and egotistical when in her half vulpine form

Back story- After her parents died in a car crash on there way back from a trip to Canada, with there will signed to her. She inherited the large house and all the money in their bank account, enough to support her for the next 5 years, After finding out that she was a vulpine she spent most her time in the woods.

Picture and Description- Light Brunet hair thats cut off at the cheeks in front and long to middle of her back. Pale blue eyes. She likes to wear pink and blue, mostly a pink t-shirt with a blue long sleeve underneath and navy skinny jeans or a mini skirt in good weather <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Girl-Smiling-for-Desktop-Pictures-Wallpaper.jpg.cdffedce4dbb64353aee0b8a1f51a46d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Girl-Smiling-for-Desktop-Pictures-Wallpaper.jpg.cdffedce4dbb64353aee0b8a1f51a46d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Age- Alice Nimblewroth

Gender- Female

Age- 17

Race- Vulpine

Personality- Alice is kind and traditional. She loves wearing kimonos and yukatas(Depending on the weather). She sometimes relaxes in casual, but usually she's seen practicing using her katanas and her bow.

Back story- (Optional): She was found in the shrine after the family has prayed and wished for a child. The mother could not have children due to a car accident. She was there answered prayer.

Picture and Description-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-17_13-49-44.jpeg.867f1dbbf1f4b486eab784a907a68c96.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-17_13-49-44.jpeg.867f1dbbf1f4b486eab784a907a68c96.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has bright blue eyes and long blond hair with black tipped ears. She always carries a fan with her.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-17_13-46-2.jpeg.80b800f7cea5d27cb3e0bacfef4bbdb7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-17_13-46-2.jpeg.80b800f7cea5d27cb3e0bacfef4bbdb7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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((I've only seen females so far, are males allowed?))

Character Name- Katashi Inariya

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Race- Vulpine

Personality- A guardian of a Inari shrine since a young age, he is helpful but distant in his mannerisms. He is often hard to talk to, being brought up away from society. He enjoys banter and intelligent conversation. He is never shy, always willing to express his opinions. He has never really had friends, so he wishes to try to make a friend at least. He can be intimidating but only when he needs to. He has a voracious curiosity streak and enjoys mysteries and practically devours any information he can find.

Back story- He was an orphan, raised in an Inari shrine by a human miko, Kaede. She was unfazed by his differences and raised him as a caretaker of the shrine. However, when he was 16, a horror descended upon the shrine while he was away. He returned to find the shrine in ruins and his mother-figure almost gone. She sent him away from the danger and he has fled, faraway from his home. He lives mostly in the woods, having been there most of a year, feeding off local wildlife and avoiding humans.

Picture and Description- A mixture of the following images (could not find one I liked... :( ):

He wears often ragged clothes, with his only fully functional set being a red and white hakama set from his time at the shrine. His most common outfit is a pair of black jeans, a black shirt and a khaki survival jacket. He has very startlingly bright blue-green eyes and light blonde hair naturally spiky. His ears are a cream colour, with black tips and his tail (often hidden out of sight) is creamy, with a black tips. He is fairly tall, standing at about 5'11 and still has a little to grow. He carries a bo staff, as well as a katana that he learned to use at about 13. Both weapons are relics of his shrine.



So am I!!! I am very excited for this to start!

Also, fair warning: English is my seventh language, so there are probably going to be grammar/spelling errors at some point. I apologise in advance for these.
Its fine, I know more than one and my grammar is still horrible, but I have autocorrect on my computer.

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