Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

By the time Mayako had played some video games, taken a shower, and dressed into new clothes, she was already drawing nearer to the amusement park. She had a motorcycle, yes. But felt like walking instead. It wasn't a far distance, and although her time management was pretty bad, Mayako was extra careful to constantly watch the clock. So she would be at the amusement park in time to meet with Anther again.

She went past the gates as she paid for her ticket, and decided to sit down on one of the benches. Mayako felt like a kid already. She watched coasters plummet from a tall height, and the exhilarated shrieks of its passengers

Which ride first... she wondered.

((I feel bads for Shira xD ))

Leon chuckled. "No, it's alright. Time got away from you, yeah? I would eat something a little sweet to keep myself awake," he advised. "Maybe a macaroon...those are the best. Or lemon tart. The tang can perk up the mind---" Leon caught himself in mid-sentence, laughing at himself. He found a Three Days Grace album, and a Linkin Park one as well.

"I'm babbling off again," he said. "Did you enjoy a good nap?" Leon asked her.
After a few logs Luke was confronted by his boss about him being late

"God Damn it luke!" He yelled in a angry tone

"Whats your excuse this time?" expecting some stupid story

Luke was already agrivated enough from the start of the day

"Look man some things happend and I was a bit late you can just dock that outta my pay and put it in your own damn pocket alright?" He did'int say it rudely either

The way Luke and his boss talk to each other it's a surpise that he's never gotten fired probably because he's the second best worker next Frank.

"Your walking on damn eggshells Luke I swear" lukes boss said angered

Lukes boss walk away and went back into his office.

"So what happend this morning?" Frank asked

"Long story short I hit some women my car" Luke said feeling like a idiot but also laughing a bit.

((Sorry just trying to develop my own story while I wait for other people and other things to happen))
(Thanks... I think. xD ))

Shira perked up, glad that he was as talkative as she was. He was extremely kind about it everything as well. She let her tongue poke the inside of her cheek to hold back an embarrassed smile. "My stomach likes the idea of that, I've actually never had macaroons." She said, patting her tummy as it growled it's opinion.

"Ha ha." She said, grabbing a bag for his albums. "So funny...but yes it was extremely peaceful. I'm Shira by the way." She laughed and slid over the counter. She told him the amount of money the albums were and held her hand out for the money and albums, yelling over her shoulder in the meantime.

"Rick you slacker get off your lazy butt! I'm out of here!" She heard a response but ignored him, not entirely sure what he said.
Leon held back his smile as Shira yelled at her co-worker, he found her funny. "I'm Leon Belair. I just came to Japan's rather good so far. And I'd be happy to make you some macaroons if you'd like," he offered. Leon especially liked to receive compliments about his pastry foods. "It's hobby of mine, cooking," and he wasn't afraid to say so. Something about Shira had already made him feel comfortable.

"As a little extra gift, maybe some chocolate can make your day too," Leon smiled, handing Shira the money.
((Setting is Tokyo Okinawa Just thought I would point that out xD ))

It hit lukes lunch break so he decided to get dressed in his street clothes get in his car and go to one of those japanese resturants he did'int know what he was eating half of the time but he was a sucker for the stuff made a good meal for him most of time.

He drove around awhile looking for a place to sit on the hood of his car enjoy his lunch but then he saw that music store agian

"Pretty low key place I guess" he quietly said to himself

So he pulled into the parking lot of the music store with his car that had a dent and broken win shield.

He then grabed his lunch and had a small picnic on the hood of his car trying to relax and eat his food he then pulled out a ciggerette and then quickly searched his pockets for his lighter. There was none. He cursed out aloud

"Damn It! I left my lighter at work!" he said somewhat loudly
Shira took the money and threw it across the counter. She figured her co-worker would get on his hands and knees to get it all, which would grant her some pleasure. "Mr. Belair eh? Like the Fresh Prince?" She asked, poking him in the arm. She took his albums and the bag and began to walk out of the store with it, forcing him to follow her. She did not want to go home alone today and he couldn't escape her as long as she had his money.

"Do you consider yourself a good cook?" She asked, looking back at him to make sure he was following. "Because I cannot cook for the life of me."
(I cant even play a league game without a half page ;_ ;)

I emerged from the shower with steam rushing behind me. I got dressed in a red t-shirt and an old pair of jeans, it was just about perfect but one thing was missing, my necklace. It was an old dark grey necklace that was a chain and held a symbol in Japanese that meant change. It was an old gift from this old guy at a festival, he was something else, something strange. Anyway I had to hurry, I was about late for my date at the amusement park. I got my mp3 player and headphones and dashed out the door. Sliding down the stairs I spotted my skateboard, this was happening. I mounted up and was off down the street, today was going to be a great day already. I couldn't help but put my headphones in and start hollywood undead. I flicked my jet black hair back to see the sign for the park. I got my ticket and set my board up in its storage room. I paced through the street, trying to find her again.
Leon understood the joke Shira made, the first time that he received about his last name. Before he knew it, he was automatically followed her out of the store, unsure of where they were going. "I think of myself as a good chef, yes. It comes with practice though, I promise," Leon answered. His stride became a bit longer and he started walking beside Shira, smiling. "You can be taught, if you really wish for it. All you really need is the drive of motivation," he said.

Mayako glanced around some crowds. She spotted bright blue eyes and the darkest shade of black hair. She recognized Anther. Mayako waved her arm as she smiled, treading over to him. "Hey," she greeted. "You look nice, Anther," Mayako said it without restraint or embarrassment. She was straightforward like that, and she meant the compliment.

"Ready for some games or rides? You can choose if you want,"
I saw her and she just seemed unbelievably pretty to me. Well I guess it was time for rides, I looked around and saw my favorite ride from my childhood, thescrambler. It was these cars that were attached to a really fast spinning pole, but at the same time the whole setup spun and you went in and out like elastic."So how about the scrambler over there, that's pretty fun." I couldn't wait to do stuff with her.
Mayako spotted the ride that Anther was talking about. "Sure!" she nodded. "C'mon, the line isn't too long yet. We gotta hurry," she briefly pulled him along, obviously excited. In truth there wasn't one ride that Mayako didn't like. When they got in line, there was a energetic kid and his mother in front.

The kid was pleading that they go on the ride again even after their third time on it. Mayako grinned. It reminded her of her little brother that she cared so much for. Mayako glanced up at Anther, looking into his eyes with a curious face. "Anybody ever tell you you have pretty eyes?" she grinned.
I blushed again, I guess I never really thought of it but I guess I never really got any recognition for my eyes. "Not really I think, it doesn't really matter though. I really think your eyes are pretty too, there's something mysterious about them and I like it." I smiled and looked ahead at the line, it was our turn to get on next. I gave the guy my ticket and got into a seat. I motioned Mayako to come sit by me.
((Okay now I need mah resties. My sleep mode after this post))

It was the first time Mayako saw Anther smile, and she thought it fitted perfectly, just as well as his straight-face that made him look really cool and badass. She climbed into the seat next to him and got ready for the ride to start. When the cars started to revolve, gradually faster and faster, Mayako let out laughs of her joy. It joined the other people's laughter too.

The speed of the ride caused Mayako to slightly lean to her side, and in result, their shoulders touched.

((Later Braxto! I'm gone :3 But by the way, I'm on my phone as I reply to these so I'm literally always online without me having to turn on my phone))
My shoulder made a connection with hers and it made a sort of crazy energy flow through me, it was amazing. But there was no true time to enjoy it, the ride kept going on and on, never seeming to slow or ware down. I was liking the ride though and decided to put my hands up with the rest of the people, but sadly the ride came to a screeching halt and it was over. I stepped out of the car and looked up with my hand out, ready to escort Mayako out of the ride.
Mayako accepted Anther's hand, grinning. "Thank you, kind sir," she joked. Her hand was small in comparison to his, but it fit well. The warmth from Anther traveled up her arm, and it felt nice too. " about we go to that one over there?" she pointed to it.

It was a go-cart track. And those were especially one of her favorites."How about we have a wager? The one who's second at the finish line has to buy ice cream later?" Mayako asked.

((Using my time in study hall for roleplay xD I couldn't resist))
(I feel ya)

"Alright you're on, but I'll have you know I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so I guess I'll have beginners luck." I smiled at Mayako and took her hand and walked her to the track. I went through the gate and looked over the carts, spotting a bright orange one. I got in and strapped my seat-belt, I was gonna get that ice-cream. I threw my left shoulder over the side, chilling til the race started.
Mayako picked a blue go-cart. She glanced over at Anther, pretending the low vehicle was a real one. "Vroom, vroom," she laughed. "But just before we start, I'm letting you know I'm a tough competitor," she smiled. It was the kind of grin she used when she planned to win, a playful yet confident look."Go!" the man who attended the track yelled.

Mayako's foot immediately stamped on the pedal, hurtling her forward with the movement of the go-cart.

((Sorry, some bad connection went on my phone and I couldn't reply :[ ))
My cart had begun flying down the track, so this girl likes a good competition ey? Well if those hours of Mario Cart have taught me anything it's this. I tried revving up to full speed but it seemed these things had a safety on them that hindered their speeds, no matter, I would win this. I go up against her blue cart and I push it over to the side, making a cheesy sort of smile to her and couldn't help but giggle at it. The announcers voice went loud and clear through the speakers on the track "3 minutes left in the race!" I had to hurry and win this. "Hey, I gotta race to win I'll see you later" I closed my left eye and stuck out my tongue, this was one of the more enjoyable moments I've ever had.
Mayako mouth gaped a little, her joyful expression staying. She was surprised yet impressed of what Anther was doing, she liked that he was competitive too. All the more fun, she thought. She even found it cute when he winked and stuck out his tongue. "No way! Not if I can help it!" Mayako replied. With that said, she drove her go-cart to his a little, to push him back.

"Try and keep up~" Mayako sang teasingly. She turned her steering wheel to the left, when it came to the curve. Her go-cart easily drifted across the track. She loved the crisp breeze that rushed to her face and skin in that moment. Mayako couldn't help but laugh. "C'mon, beat me, Anther! Show me what you got in you," she was encouraging him.
This was great, I was out in the day having fun with someone, it was the first time in a while that any of those things were together. But more important things were at hand, winning this face. I floored it on the last lap, hoping to make it in front. Then I thought, why not let her win, it would just be nice and besides I would probably pay for her icecream as well. I slowed down and watched as she went across the finish line and chuckled, what a girl she was.
Out of the corner of Mayako's eyes, she saw Anther's orange go-cart delaying a bit behind. Maybe it was acting up... she thought. But if that wasn't the reason, Mayako wouldn't be able to figure out why he might have done it on purpose. She halted the low vehicle and unfastened the seat belt then stood up. Mayako stretched her arms. "That was a good game, Anther!" she smiled. "Though I feel kinda bad, so I'll pitch in for the ice cream," Mayako offered. "Though, I suggest we don't eat anything edible before those loop-de-loop rides," she pointed to their left, gesturing to one of the roller coasters.

She caught a glimpse of something dark and towering. It was one of those haunted houses, where you sit on a car and it takes you through everything as things pop out at the passengers. Mayako's eyes sparkled; she loved haunted houses, even if she did get scared, she just liked the brief fright and rush of adrenaline. She was curious to see what was up their sleeves. "Ooh! Can we go on that one?"
I looked up the ride that she wanted to go on, it looked cool enough. I wasn't all that into haunted houses but they really didn't scare me. "Alright let's go ride that thing, hopefully it's good I need a good scare or something." Then I realized I really wanted to do something but probably couldn't, I had the undying hold her hand as we walked to the haunted ride. No, that would be too sudden, I'd just have to wait a little longer before I can even begin to make a move o her and besides she probably wouldn't want to anyways. "So let's get gong shall we?"
"Cool, let's go!" Mayako seized Anther's wrist and ran to the haunted house ride with him. She was very much like a kid, and she couldn't help it. Mayako hasn't visited an amusement park in years. As they went closer toward the destination, Mayako's hand loosened and slipped into Anther's hand without her awareness. When she did notice, Mayako didn't actually mind it, but felt her face heating up.

She offered a goofy smile after they got in line. "The wait shouldn't be too bad, right?"
My face began to become very red at the touch of her hand. It felt extraordinary to be holding hands with her, like a firework had gone off. No, it was more soothing and mesmerizing. "Yeahh ah the wait shouldn't be super long I don't think" So I was wondering what it would be like to ride this with her. I'm sure if she got scared she would come to me for comfort which is just what I wanted to happen but knowing a festival ride it probably wouldn't be much.
Luke was frustrated that he couldin't continue to enjoy his meal with out his smoke so he decided to walk into the music store and heard the "Ding dong" Sound go off when someone entered the building hoping there would be a employee at the front desk that could assist him with the use of a lighter he waited at the front counter for someone to return with the cigerette in between his fingers

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