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Fantasy Life below Zero {interest check}


Boink Bean
When bears, wolves and foxes are your only neighbors, life can be pretty lonely. Add minus-60-degree days and a constant battle for the most basic necessities, and you have the daily challenges of people, or creatures who live in a remote corner of

Eagle, Alaska.

Ever since the early ages there has been strange reports of large beasts that roam some of the most dangerous parts of Alaska. While there has been plenty of sightings, not a single beast has been hunted, these beasts, are one of you. Will you survive, not only against the strict Arctic, but against the curious Hunters who have set high bounties on your pelt.


Werewolf group role play, including fox like hybrids, or other canine hybrids within Alaska.
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TacticalMagicMissile said:
I've got a few questions, what's the time period of the rp? Are other creatures and types of power available?
the setting is in Alaska, and the time period is probably going to be about 2017, As that's when more people will be trying to create a city, so the creatures will be forced to make several difficult decisions.

Also, what other type of power are you thinking of?
[QUOTE="xX AeRo Girl Xx]Is this still open? May i join the Werewolf clan? :P

There is no clan or pack yet, when the creatures find one and other they will make a pack.
What I had in mind was a wizard type character. To keep him from being too much of a powerhouse I'd have him focus on fire magic for the most part, the cold temperature would limit his magical capabilities insofar as attacks are concerned.

Would be interesting to have him called in by a group of hunters, assuming that a group of werewolves would pose a significant threat to the local populace, and finding out whether or not the werewolves actually are a threat.
TacticalMagicMissile said:
What I had in mind was a wizard type character. To keep him from being too much of a powerhouse I'd have him focus on fire magic for the most part, the cold temperature would limit his magical capabilities insofar as attacks are concerned.
Would be interesting to have him called in by a group of hunters, assuming that a group of werewolves would pose a significant threat to the local populace, and finding out whether or not the werewolves actually are a threat.
TacticalMagicMissile said:
What I had in mind was a wizard type character. To keep him from being too much of a powerhouse I'd have him focus on fire magic for the most part, the cold temperature would limit his magical capabilities insofar as attacks are concerned.
Would be interesting to have him called in by a group of hunters, assuming that a group of werewolves would pose a significant threat to the local populace, and finding out whether or not the werewolves actually are a threat.
I like that idea! I was thinking that those who have the ability to shift were cursed far before then were even born by several witches who became angry when the shifter's grandparents or parents denied them of basic necessities such as some food, water, clothing, or even blankets to help against the harsh cold.
There still seems to still be interest here. Someone else posted a start to their character sheet, mine's up now, and I've got an introductory post thought up to get things rolling.

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