Life as We Know It- Open RP


New Member
On December 21, 2012, the world was struck with a violent virus, a plague, starting somewhere in the Middle East, spreading rapidly through Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia, South America and finally to North America. The virus spread quickly through humans, changing them, turning them into monsters that fed from live flesh.

Days after the outbreak, seaports and airports were closed and blocked. Within a week, Marshal Law was declared worldwide. Within a month, the entire world succumbed to the virus, despite their efforts to preserve their fates.

Only a few handful of survivors manage to evade the waves of infected that plague the earth. From soldiers, to peace officers, to politicians, to escaped inmates, to just plain, normal people. Join the remaining survivors and fight to find a new home, safe and Infected-free, if such a place exists.


Andy sat on her stool, looking through the microscope at the DNA stand that was pressed between the slides. Not that examining the DNA like this helped at all, but she had to admit, close up, the strands looked pretty. She looekd up and took out the slide, placing it in the large machine that would tell her the genetic code of this particular bull. A shrill ringing met her ears and she slid her hand into her lab coat to pull out her phone. The caller ID told her it was Zach. With a little frown, she pressed the talk button and raised the phone to her ear.


"Hello?! Andy! Thank God you answered!" Her brother sounded scared and his voice was all breathy as if he'd been running.

"Zach? What's wrong?" She asked, worried.

"Andy! Can you come and get me?" His voice trembled somewhat ovver the phone.

"Why? Zach, what's going on!" She could hear his panting and small whimpers coming from the other end met her ears.

"You really don't know what's going on?!" He nearly shouted, "Seriously?"

"Uh, no Zach, I don't. I've been locked up in a lab for six months." Irritation ran through her.

"Oh, yeah, forgot, hehe. My bad." He still sounded scared but had the grace to be embarassed. "Andy. Everything's in chaos. People are eating each other. Please, you have to come and get me. It's not safe at home. Dad-" Zach sounded like he was choking.

"Dad...he's- he's dead, Andy. One of those things bit him." She could hear him crying. "Oh God, Andy, I'm so scared. Please come get me!" He cried. Andy made hushing noises.

"Calm down, Zach, I'm on my way. Where are you?" As she said this, she stripped off her lab coat and ran her ID through the door key to let her out.

"I'm in the old abandoned church by the school. Do you remember where it is?"

"I remember. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you Andy. Please hurry." He hung up and Andy put her phone in her pocket.

She made her way down the steel hallway and after going through several locked doors in which she had used her key, she was outside in the parking garage.

It took her five minutes to find her truck. Six months in a lab and she still remembered where she parked her truck. She pulled out and raced out of the facility as fast as she could to find her brother.

It took her twenty minutes to reach her old home town. The roads going out of town were so congested with honking cars, she had no hope of driving through there. Luckily, the streets going into town were practically deserted. How she was going to get out again, she would worry about later. It didn't take her long to find the old, partially burned down church near the high school. she screeched to a halt and threw the car into park, not bothering to shut it off, as she leapt out and ran to go find her brother. The doors to the church were locked, bolted shut. she banged on them a few times but no luck. she started calling out, "Zach! Zach it's me! Open up!" She ran around the small building till she found the back door. This wasn't locked. She opened it and darkness met her eyes.

"Zach? Where are you?!" She called out. No answer. Fear lanced through her and she ran inside, her eyes adjusting quickly to the dimness of the room. She was in some sort of storage area. A door off to her right led her down a hallway. At the end of the hallway were two doors, one to the left, the other to the right. She tried the left door and found it locked. She jiggled the doorknob on the right door and found it locked as well.

"Zach! Where are you, baby?!" she called for her brother. A muffled noise came from the left door. "Zach! It's me Andy!" Something moved behind the door and a loud thump hit the door, surprising her. She jumped back and hit the opposite wall. Then the smell hit her. She gagged and covered her mouth and nose. She worked around animals enough to know what rotting flesh smelled like. She turned and went down the hallway, quietly as possible while still moving fast. She found a door to her left and she tried it. The door was open. Inside was a small prayer room, huddled in the corner was a small form. She stood there in the doorway, smelling the air. She didn't smell rotting flesh so she called out softly, "Zach? Is that you?" The form moved and stood up. It rushed at her and before she could scream, it wrapped its arms around her, it's body shaking.

"Oh God, Andy! I was afraid you wouldn't come!" It was her little brother. She hugged him close and pressed her face in his shoulder.

"Of course I came." she hugged him and pulled him away, looking at him in the dim light. He looked grimy and disheveled, but otherwise okay.

"We need to leave, c'mon. she took him by the hand and together they left the church.

Outside was utter chaos. People were runnign around screaming. Fires were raging in multiple buildings. Other people were shambling around, moaning loudly, grabbing at the screaming people.

"Where's your truck?" Zach asked. Andy led him to her still running truck and opened the passenger side, runnig around the front to the driver's side. One of the moaning people saw her and came at her in a fast shamble/run. She screamed and kicked it in the chest, knocking it back.

"Get in! Andy!" Zach screamed. She jumped in her truck and gunned it, pulling out onto the road as fast as possible.

Getting in was easy, getting out was hard. Even the entrnce roads were beginning to fill up with people. She swerved in and out of traffic and it took them a while, twice as long as it took her to get in, but they managed to reach the research facility intact. She quickly found her parking spot and together, Andy and Zach ran inside, swiping past locked doors until they reached her leb. No one asked her why she had her bother, and for that she was grateful. Adjacent to her lab were some living quarters and she took her brother in there, setting him on the bed.

"Okay. Tell me what happened."

Please let me join! This is soooo cool!

Leon looked at Lola. The TV kept saying stay calm. Immedeatly he panicked. He didn't want him an his best friend to die by some unnamed virus. He dragged her into his room and handed her a machete, while he grabbed his pistol and his shotgun. "We won't shoot them unless they get all touchy feely on us." Lola giggled. Even when times where horrifyingly deadly, Leon always made a good joke. They ran through the house gathering non perishable foods and essentials. They packed their SUV and drove away from the town. Leon brushed his blonde hair out of his face while Lola clipped her black bangs with a beret. "So," Leon began."What's the plan?" Lola looked up ad thought hard. She pulled a pencil out from behind her ear and a notepad out of her pocket."Step one..."She wrote as she spoke. "Find or create a safe house with plenty of supplies and working water. Step two... Try to make a society with trading and connections. Step three... Wait for this to blow over or find a cure." She put the pencil behind her ear and put her notepad back in her pocket. She strapped on her messenger bag and continued. "So let's find a place that isn't completely infested and create a safe place. We should also watch for other survivors." Leon looked around the desolate roads and saw nothing."Good plan." They travled for a while and came apon a couple of buildings. They parked, hidden, and approached the building with caution. They walked around until they heard voices. Lola opened a door to find two people, looking terrified. "Oh my Goodness, more survivors! Are you okay?"
I totally want in on this!

Wiegraf is woken up by the screams of people outisde his apartment building. He goes to the window to see a scene of chaos and terror. He runs to the television to check the news, but every channel is on emergency broadcast. Wiegraf decides to leave the city and get away from this madness. Running through his apartment he grabs eveerything that could be help full, a duffle bag, a bunch of canned food, 10 bottles of water, a first aid kit and a bottle of tequilla. Just before he leaves he turns around "Damnit I'm gonna need a weapon" he runs through the apartment again and manages to find a crowbar, "Perfect." he snatches it up and runs outside. When he gets outside the smell of death hits him in the face. Making for the side streets Wiegraf runs for the city limits, luckly not running into any one. When he gets past the city after 2 hours of travel he see a row of buildings in the distance "Well I do need a place to rest" Wiegraf makes for the buildings at a steady jog.
((Of course you guys can join. Sorry I haven't been on in forever, but yes, you're more than welcome. However, I must ask you to go to the character sheets section and post your bio's up in there before you start posting. Thank you. ))
The smell of steak wafts through the lab as Adam cook himself some dinner. By using a enzyme at a specific concentration Adam found he could "fry" a steak to a perfect medium rare every time.

"Ahhh, the miracles of science." Adam says to himself as the hunk of protein denatures.

As Adam placidly cooks his meat hell is breaking loose in the world around him. Cars slam into each other as people flee the city. People scream as their flesh it ripped from their bodies by entities not quite living, but also not yet dead. The police, after a feeble attempt at controlling the mobs, are long gone. They were the first to flee, escaping the morgue that was once a city to a hell that was once earth. The lab is mostly abandoned. Only a few scientist buried in their work are left in the building, oblivious the catastrophe in the outside world

Out the window Adam spots a scientist run past in the main hall accompanied by a younger man. The look on their faces is sheer panic.

"Hmmmmm." Adam ponders to himself. "They seemed to be in a rush. What was that ladies names again? Something that starts with an A. Looks like something was..."

A loud squeal followed by a crash interups Adams train of thought. "Fifth car crash today." Adams thinks as he takes his first bight of steak. "Now if only I could somehow find a way to get rid of this chemical taste in the steak...." Adam is once again lost in thought.

While Adam eats his steak the living are being eaten by the dead.

This seems like it will be a fun RP. I'm excited to play it with you all!

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