Lies of the Beautiful People {RP}


One Thousand Club

I woke up in a white-on-white room. Sitting up, a throbbing, almost pounding sensation swirled in my head. Wh-what was going on? I forced myself up further, my long hair falling around my shoulders - like a slightly curly light brown shroud. Shoving it away from my eyes and opening my mouth to reveal my grit teeth, I looked around.

The room I was in looked like it had just suffered from a blizzard.

Ignoring the sensation in my skull, I put one leg off the side of the bed I woke up in, then the other, and took the time to look around. The walls were painted snow-white. I doubted any poster or painting had graced these walls since they were built and painted. The white shag carpets looked brand new, and I almost doubted that anyone had ever walked on them. But, then, how would I be here? Looking to my left, then to my right, I could see nothing but white wall. How odd. Just a bed.

I stood up and nearly stumbled, but caught myself. As I stood and smoothed down my shirt, I noticed for the first time the door, hiding in the creamy walls. What made me realize it was a door? The only color in the room itself, a small gold-painted door knob.


The door took me into a hallway. There was color here, and the outside part of teh door was unpainted mahagony. I blinked, my eyes getting used to the new warm colors. There were more doors like this one, but no one like me.

After a moment of staring and wondering where I was, a blonde boy emerged from one of the doors.

"E-escuse me," I said, and he looked up. "W-where am I?"

He smiled, as if he was remembering something, and looked me up and down.

He said, "Welcome to Bilridge Academy."

Welcome to Bilridge Academy. Here, every one is beautiful. Everyone has more talent that/n they know what to do with. Everyone has the right for a full ego and that cocky strut you hate the homecoming queen for. Here, everyone is flawed with a secret.

I am your head master, Mr. Garber. In my boarding school, my teachers teach my students more about their talent - and themselves. We tailor your schedule to your talents, and your needs, so that you are comfortable and exceed in every class.

Whether you are an artist, an actor, a musician...A writer, perhaps? What ever your talent, we will help exceed in all you depict in.

The catch is, keep your secret, or you'll have your life to pay.

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~ No godmodding

~ This is a literate role play, so please make your post at least two paragraphs with the occasional exception for writer's block [font=century&[/I]#13&#10&#13&#10 gothic'][/font]

~ 15-17 age range, please

~ The character in the story above is mine

~ Photos and description only. No anime, no cartoons, no drawings...

~ Be nice to fellow RPers - your character can be as nasty as hell, but you must be nice

~Try and keep the content PG

~ Good spelling and grammar is appreciated

~ No text talk

~ Your secret is a secret. You should avoid blurting it out, unless your character genuinely trusts whom ever he / she is telling. Secrets may range from drugs to premature alchohol abuse, to even murder. Go nuts, use your imagination

~ Me and WalkingDisaster ONLY will RP as the teachers

~WalkingDisaster is my minimod. You are to listen to Dizzy like you would to me

Dorm Mates

Ian and Ronnie

Michael and Leon and Jake

Darren and Chase

Luna and Cassandra

Samantha and Elle

(If I missed anyone please tell me)

Class schedule

8:00 - 9:00 Art

9:15 - 10:00 Aerial Dance

10:15 - 11:00 Music

11:15 - 12:00 Writing

12:15 - 1:15 Lunch

1:15 - 2:00 Ballroom Dance

2:15 - 3:00 Drama

3:15 - rest of the day Free time/One on one classes

--- Merged Double Post ---

(This post will be starting from after Samantha sees the headmaster and gets everything explained to her.) Samantha's shock was easing as her nerves grew. What would these people be like? She didn't want to know. Her only wish was to go home and wake up from this dream. She had already missed two classes. Music class would be where she met her future classmates for a year to come. The narrow hallways were confusing and haunting. The building had a certain timeless feeling that was almost unsettling. She breathing and walking was steady and paced. Her racing thoughts were interrupted and forgotten when she came upon the door to her first class. With a sigh and a forced twink of bravery Sam burst open the creaking door and stepped inside to find a not yet filled classroom filled with restless teenagers. The creaking door sent a chill down her spin. For a moment she stood in the doorway. Never had she been so nervous to go to a new school. This place was different, everybody was so similar. Taking a shaky breath, Sam weaved her way around the now silent students to an empty chair. The classroom was below impressive in comparison to the rest of the school. Chase strutted down the long halls of the silent building. He had an envious confidence in his walk that only a few lucky people could acheive. He burst open the classroom door without a care or worry in the world. He paraded into the classroom, flaunting his perfect abbility to get all eyes on him.

(Sorry about my bad post! I am awful at starting role plays)

Elle arrived at the music classroom a few minutes early and took her usual seat near the back. She liked sitting there - no one could tap her on the back to annoy her, no one could throw things at her. Not that many people actually did that at Bilridge Academy, but it was better to be safe than sorry. She ran a hand through her ginger hair and let out a quiet sigh as she waited for everyone else to enter the classroom. Music wasn't her best subject, she was good at it, but not brilliant. Not like some of the students who were brilliant at it. Drama and literature were more her thing. Thankfully writing class was after this.

Darren sauntered into the music classroom, a grin on his face - one of his favourite places to be in the entire Academy. He had that kind of smile that would make his whole appearance a lot more attractive. His seat was at the front and he sat down in it straight away, looking around at the students in the classroom. Then he turned his gaze to the front of the classroom, tapping his fingers on his chin.

Both Darren and Elle looked up as more students began to walk into the classroom, but their attention was mainly turned to the girl who they had not seen before. A new girl. Perhaps someone Darren could occasionally flirt with just for fun. Maybe it was the girl who would be Elle's new dorm mate.
Ronnie never liked it when art class was over. It was his favorite class of the day and, of course, just had to be his first. Everything else sucked. So, he got through everything else by doodling through it. It was always difficult to doodle in music, though. He loved music but just couldn't make it. Photography was his "thing". Not music. EVen though music was every one's talent at this school...

He walked in to the classroom, head low. Ronnie gave a nod to Darren - in the first row, as usual - and made his way to the back of the room, sitting next to a girl, Elle. They'd spoken a few times, but he didn't know her well. He sat there because it was the third best seat in the back, and the fist two were already taken. Ronnie looked ahead. If only he had his camera...The scene before him was perfect. People forcing their way in to seats; practically racing each other. Some were sitting on top of their desks, chatting. It was too bad he didn't have his camera...Maybe he could sketch the scene?

After he took out his notebook to sketch in, he looked back up at the scene. His eyes found a new face, new eyes scanning the same picture. Oh...New girl. He decided to start with her, making a rough sketch of her features and shape, then going over the lines with a harsher stroke. Poor girl...He remembered his first day in Hell.
((Finally :DDD ))

Ian walked into his first period, cold eyes scanning the room. He didn't care about the multiple bodies in the room, because that's all they were- bodies. He just wanted to make sure no one had sat in his seat. He came up to it and found a girl in it. Had he been more social and paid any attention to the people here, he would have known immediately that this girl was new. Though a part of his mind assumed she was new because most people found out pretty quick he had a certain seat in all of his classes that he sat in. Currently he was more occupied with getting this girl to move.

"You're in my seat," He said, eyeing her with a cold stare, completely unfeeling.

Cassie sat in the headmaster's office staring at the wood grain of his large desk with the clawed feet and engraved snarling lions on the corners. Her hands were clenched tight in her lap, fingers locked together in a death-grip.

"Well, Miss Brotsche, you've come at an odd time in the school year, the transition would probably be easier if you continued to attend your old school until the end of the semester, then transfer."

"No!" Cassie said forcefully, surprising not only the headmaster but herself as well. She was looking at him, her stormy gray eyes intense, conveying some strong emotion the headmaster couldn't read.

"W-well, if you are adamant about it then I guess it will be alright. We can transfer your grades from your old school to our database-"

"That won't be necessary." Cassie interrupted. She pulled out a manilla folder and handed it to him. "I have the papers here. My counselor said I could hand my papers in personally to save time." The headmaster looked surprised, but he quickly recovered. Cassie breathed a quiet sigh of relief. There was a reason she had handed in those papers personally. She knew very well what he would find if he requested her papers from her old school. They wouldn't exist, at least not under the name Cassie had given him. She smiled as he took the papers and gave them a cursory glance before closing the folder and standing up.

"Well, then I presume everything is settled then, yes?" Cassie nodded. "Then I will hand you over to Mrs. Finnick's cpable hands. She will give you your schedule." Cassie nodded and made her way over to the small area the Mrs. Finnick occupied. The older lady smiled at her sweetly before asking her her name and her preferences in class. Before long Cassie had her entire schedule planned out and her classes printed on a piece of paper. On top of that she was handed a map and a student handbook as well.

"Good luck Miss Brotsche," The headmaster said smiling benevolently at her. She smiled back and started for her dorm room. She would have time to go to class later. In the meantime, she was supposed to get ehrself situated in her room. Hope swelled in Cassie's chest and she suddenly felt lighter- lighter than she had been in years and it made her want to cry out in joy. Instead, however, she merely smiled and walked with a slight bounce to her room.

((I know teachers and such are supposed to be played by Disaster and Jabberwockey, but I kinda had to in order for her to be accepted in the school the way she was, savvy? Hope it's alright, though I can change it if necessary. Also, Brotsche is pronounced like brooch, like a pin that you can put on a garment.))
Luna was happy to be in music. She took her normal seat in the front room, ignoring all the other students as she walked. She knew most students hated sitting in the front row, but she liked it. She was closer to the board and had the best hearing. She also didn't mind having her back turned to some of the class either. If she didn't think she could handle it, she wouldn't have chosen the front row. Picking in the middle would have been just as good.

Luna noticed there was someone new here as well. She wondered what her talent was and if she liked music as well. The only other class Luna looked forward to was dance. Dance and music. They were all she lived for.

Leon walked into class, picking a seat by random. He was a little fidgety at the moment. Not only was art already gone, but he hadn't had a drink in a while. He wanted one so bad, to feel the buzz and the sensation of it, but he didn't even get the chance to have some earlier. He would have to try later. Leon watched as Ian yelled at someone who seemed to be new. He looked her over and then felt sorry she sat in Ian's seat. Hopefully she would move like the good little new student she was. If not... well that could be interesting to watch.
"Ian!" Ronnie snapped, looking up from his drawing. Was his room mate completely mental? It wouldn't surprise Ronnie. "You're full of it, dude. Leave her alone." He looked at her. "It would be dangerous to stay seated." His glance then moved down at his page, and his pencil started sketching Ian's outline. His silhouette looming over the girl's....Oddly enough, it fit well in the drawing, He started adding in more outlines of different students, then put details in to the new girl and his infuriating room mate. Creases in their clothes, Ian's furrowed brow, the curve of the girl's nose....It was a rough sketch, but if he put more effort in to it, it would have looked like one of his photos. Ronnie was just drawing for the sake of drawing...He snapped out of his daze and looked up at Ian expectantly. He expected Ian to lash out at him now.

( Pix, the point of the role play is that they wake up suddenly in the school. No memory of how or why..COuld you edit, please? c: )

Samantha froze as she felt a body loom over her. His seat? That was something she had heard before on multiple occasions, but not once had she been the one occupying said seat. Slowly she lifted her head to meet the eyes of a boy that to no surprise a normal looking bad boy. She had to choices; to stand up for herself or get walked all over on her first day. Sam’s head shot to the back of the room at the sound of a boy address the boy over her as an Ian and tell him to leave her alone. Ian stared at her with a cold, empty expression that made her skin crawl. Sam decided to wait to see how Ian would react to the boy instead of taking action.Chase watched with a grin over his flawless face. He loved drama. The poor new girl was now feeling the wrath of Ian. Ian drove Chase insane, whenever he entered the room a dark cloud followed him and it was almost certain he would get mad about something. Chase leaned back to see what the Ronnie kid was too indulged in on his drawing pad. He took no cautions for Ronnie to not see him flaunting over his drawing.The boy would always impress with his drawings and Chase couldn’t wait to see what he had created next. It took a moment for Chase to realize that Ronnie was recreating the image on Ian hovering over the cute new girl. There was innocence in the girl’s face that Ronnie had accomplished to make just right. Along with the perfect detail around them, Ronnie had captured the sour, cold look that masked Ian’s face.

((Okay, I'll fix it (: ))

Ian's gaze slowly slid over to his roommate. The boy was looking at him with a scowl on his face. Ian didn't really care what Ronnie thought, or what he called him. He looked back down at the girl, his eyes even colder than before.

"Get up. You're in my seat." His voice was low and even, although deep, and held an underlying menace. He had no doubt in his mind that he could get this girl to move, either by tellng her to do it, or forcing her, one or the other. It was up to her which form of action he would take.
Elle mainly kept her head down as the rest of the class piled into the room, but when she heard Ian's voice demand his seat back, she looked up to see who it was that had taken his seat. Ah, the new girl. He shouldn't be so harsh on her. Though she wasn't going to do anything about it. She didn't want to get involved. Not because she didn't care, but because she knew that Ian would retaliate if she said anything, and she would sharply snap back at him and she didn't want to get into any arguments or fights.

Darren shook his head slowly when he heard what was going on and turned around in his seat to see the commotion. "Ian, why don't you let the poor girl have the seat for this lesson?" He looked up at the boy, an idle smirk on his face. He didn't care if Ian lashed out at him. "You're clearly just making this an embarrassment for her and yourself."
I don’t remember the accident. That is the line I give every person who asks… and everybody asks. You would think people would stop asking after awhile, but they haven’t. You would think people would try to avoid talking about such a horrid crash, but they don’t. You would think people would have enough respect of someone’s private, personal hell to not bring it up around them, but they do. When people have the nerve to actually talk to me, it’s usually one of the first things they ask.

Because I’m the one who survived.

Yes, I tell everyone who asks that I remember nothing… but the truth is, I remember everything. The squeal of the tires as I lost control of the truck the blistering screech of metal upon metal as we hit the eighteen wheeler, the screams that ripped out of my girlfriend’s throat as we went over the embankment. I remember everything…

It was nearly summer when the crash happened. We’d been going through a dry spell in Wyoming when a sudden downpour hit the county hard. Within seconds, an inch of water was on the roadway. But my friends and I didn’t care about that; we didn’t even think about it. We were seventeen; we were invincible. Death happened to people much older than us. Nothing could hurt us… nothing could even touch us.

My best friend Darren took the backseat with his girlfriend Samantha, or Sammy as we all called her. They’d been dating since our freshman year of school. They were head over heels in love with each other, which resulted in endless ribbing from me. “You’re so whipped!” I’d always tell him whenever he’d ditch me, yet again, to go hang out with her. “Jake, one day you’ll get it man,” he’d always respond.

And in a way I did. Sammy was perfect for him: smart, funny, adventurous, and most importantly - patient. Tall and athletic, she was the captain of the women’s volleyball team, so Darren and I went to a lot of her games. That suited me fine; those shorts they wore were pretty tight. That was also how I met my girlfriend Lillian. She was new to the school last year, and Sammy brought her into our little group after she had tried out and made the team. She was blonde and blue eyed, petite and trim, but sculpted perfectly in all the right areas; practically a Barbie doll, as I often teased her. She was outgoing and vivacious and a total flirt. It hadn’t taken her long to wrap her arms around me, throw her hands into my hair and, with a light kiss on the lips, proclaim me as hers.

It took even less time for me to actually be hers. And I was. I’d fallen for that girl in a way that made me suddenly understand why Darren ditched me all the time. I’d do it to him too: blowing him off for a game of basketball in his driveway, canceling on him when we had plans to ride dirt bikes with his brother, and ditching him after school when he wanted to go drinking by the river… all to hang out with her. Darren and I had been friends since kindergarten though, and he wasn’t intimidated by the competition. Whenever I blew him off he’d laugh and say, “See? You get it now, right?”

And I was starting to. I loved Lil, and had been dying to tell her that when she slipped into the front seat of the car beside me that night. In fact, I’d been running over ways to say it as I’d driven the four of us home from the party we’d been to, forty minutes away from Willlamette Valley, our home.

The answer to the second question everyone always eventually asks me, and that you’re probably wondering right now, is no… I was not drinking that night. Darren, Sammy, and Lil had been living it up at the party however. Lil even offered me a few, but I stuck to soda for the night.

When Darren tried to throw a punch at some community college frat boy wannabe (who’d crashed the beach bonfire we’d gone to) for grabbing Sammy’s butt, I’d decided he’d had enough for the evening and swiped his car keys. He’d fought me for all of two seconds and then realized that that was pointless. For one, he was shorter and scrawnier than me, barely coming up to my chin and coming nowhere near my muscular frame, and in wrestling matches we’d had before (over all too important subjects like ‘who got the comfortable chair while we watched the pay-per-view fight), I’d always won. And secondly, he couldn’t stand straight anymore, and he’d leaned to the side while trying to cuss me out, making both of us burst out laughing.

Eventually though, I think it was Sammy ramming her tongue down his throat and describing all the things they could do in the backseat while I drove them home that finally convinced him that it was a great idea. She’d winked at me after she said that, her auburn hair beautiful and shining with life in the firelight, much like Lil. Sammy could always find a way to pacify hot-headed Darren.

So, no, I wasn’t drinking and I wasn’t on drugs. There was nothing physically or mentally wrong with me that night, regardless of what the small town we lived in believed. The fact was, I was driving a truck that I wasn’t entirely used to driving (and even worse, it was a stick shift which wasn’t one of my strong points) and I was driving on a road that I didn’t know very well, Darren having driven us to the party. And lastly, I was driving much too fast. Even with all of that though, I would have been fine.

I’d been doing fine before the crash, laughing and joking with my friends while the three of them passed around a forty ounce and laughed over Darren’s feeble attempt to defend Sammy’s honor. I was fine right up until the point when I wasn’t. The night was pitch-black when the sudden downpour hit and obscured my vision even more. I was even fine with that, until I hit an inch of freestanding water a few yards from the corner. The car had started hydroplaning immediately and my gut instinct was to stop - to stop the car. I’d slammed on the brakes and the car had fishtailed, starting to spin. I’d had no control over the car when we’d entered the bend in the road, and we slammed right into a on coming eighteen wheeler, then plummeting right over the side.

Here is where I forcefully stop my memory. Even still, it was always with me: the trees whipping past the car. Glass breaking. People screaming. The beer can spilling between Lil and I. A rough hit from a tree branch angling the car to the side. The wind being knocked out of me. Lil’s door slamming into a boulder at the bottom of the steep hill. Lil’s head slamming into the window, shattering her skull. Her screams stopping. Darren flying over Sammy as their unbuckled bodies broke through the inferior metal of Darren’s cheap “starter” truck. Both of them disappearing into the dark of the night out the open car door. My body jerking against my restraints painfully. My head whiplashing back to smack the window. Everything going quiet… everything going black.

Yes, every person I talked to was told the same response: I don’t remember the accident. But I did. I remembered every single detail, even though I prayed I could forget. It haunted me during daylight hours, but that was nothing compared to the hell I went through at night when I relived the event in my dreams. My screams often woke me, and my sister’s arms were often already around me, as I struggled to remember that I’d survived and I was safe in my bed.

How I wish the same could be said for my best friend, the love of his life… and the love of mine.

Three months after that fateful night, when September came around, my external wounds had healed but my insides were still a mess. My mom told me repeatedly that I could enroll in another school; that I didn’t have to go back to the memories awaiting me there. The memories and the gossip.

The town we lived in was a small one and the crash and the subsequent deaths had been “page one” news every day since then. Speculation on my mental state as I was driving away from that party was the number one thing discussed. The freakish rainstorm that had momentarily drowned the county that night was irrelevant to the townies. They’d almost instantly proclaimed me a “drunk,” claiming I’d all but murdered my friends, near-purposely plunging the car over the cliff.

Even though no physical evidence supported that theory, and even though I’d been tested at the hospital and cleared of any mind altering substances, there were few in the town who actually believed that. Luckily for me, I guess, my mother was a part of that tiny crowd. I suppose she was predisposed to believe the best of me though.

As the threat of school loomed closer and I was struck with thoughts of leaving the safety of my home, where I’d been recovering in body, if not in soul, I started having panic attacks that doubled me over and left me unable to fully breathe. That was when my mom offered to drive me fifteen minutes away to the next closest high school just so I wouldn’t have to tolerate the scrutiny.

I took her up on it, when I ran into Darren’s younger brother one day on one of the rare occasions that I left the ranch. Darren’s brother Josh was one year younger than us, just starting his junior year. He and Darren had been close and he’d idolized his big brother. He’d often hung out with us and had almost gone with us that tragic night. In fact, he would have been in the backseat with Darren and Sammy if he hadn’t been grounded for sneaking out of the house the night before.

He hadn’t said much to me when I ran into him on the sidewalk outside of the only movie theater in town. He’d been exiting from a show with his girlfriend when his dark eyes locked on mine. They’d immediately narrowed in anger and, since hot-headedness ran in that family, he’d walked right up to me and slugged me. I could have taken him; he was even shorter and scrawnier than his brother, but I had no desire to fight him. I sort of agreed with his anger. I sort of hated me too.

His girlfriend had dragged him away from me when he looked like he wanted to start wailing on me. Reluctantly, he let her pull him away, but he screamed vile things at me the entire time he left. “You should have died! You drunk! I hate you! I hate you!” He went on and on with stuff like that until he was finally out of earshot.

Like I said, that was enough to convince me that a change of stomping grounds was in order.

“Jack get to going.” My mom turned to face me in the kitchen, her green-brown eyes narrowed in concern for her child. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you, honey?”

I kissed a streak of gray on her scalp. “Yes, Mom. I’m sure.”

She sighed sadly and smoothed out my black t-shirt before handing me my Carhart jacket. Her eyes drifted over the large letters of our last name - Skinner - the name that I would alway represent. She nodded slightly as she watched me slip the jacket on. Her sad eyes traveled back up to mine and a sad smile to match it played on her lips. “Have a good day, Jake.”

I swallowed and nodded back at her, attempting a smile of reassurance but I’m sure failing miserably. “Thanks, Mom.” I kissed her head again and headed out the front door.

My mother watched me as I stood outside in the light drizzle of the morning rain. I saw her hand pulling back the flimsy lace curtain in the kitchen and saw the shadow of her face as she watched over me, protecting me with her vision and I’m sure multiple silent prayers. I turned back to get in my truck.

As the raindrops picked up strength, my eyes lingered on one spot of the pavement, where a small puddle was starting to form in a dip in the sidewalk. I watched that puddle, mesmerized. Drops plunged heavily into the small circle of water, splashing the edges out further with each steady drip. Within moments there was a half inch of depth in that puddle. In my mind, the puddle suddenly became a huge lake on the surface of the now vast sidewalk. In my mind, cars flew over that lake, none of them having an issue with the depth of the water as their tires broke waves into the surface. Then, suddenly, I was driving Darren’s Geo across that lake, and almost the instant the tires hit that water, I started losing control. I also started having trouble breathing.

A horn was blaring at me as I stopped the truck from rolling backwards anymore. Still lost in my vision, I imagined my hand on the wheel, holding down the horn as I attempted to right the floundering car. Someone was yelling… or were they screaming? Always so much screaming.

Everyone was staring at me as I closed and the driver's door after parking. They didn't know anything abut me, the history, nothing. That's how I like it. New school. New people. Here I wouldn't have to be reminded of my friends faces every day. I walked into my first class, seeing people of all ages in there. It most be an elective class. I made my way to the back of the class, my boots clicked on the chilled tile. Sighing as I sat, looking around at the different people. I had went from the star quarterback to not wanting to apply myself. Don't get me wrong at the back of the room I don't look like a bum though, I still have that cocky front about me.

Samantha watched as a boy shyly entered the room. To her surprise he seemed to be just as new as her by the way people fell silent as his presence. Her ears caught another voice tell Ian to back off. Thank goodness. She turned to meet the owner of the voice and saw a boy sitting comfortably in his seat. Like everyone else in the room he had a pretty face and held himself with arrogance. She lifted her head back to meet Ian’s deep, emotionless eyes staring into her own green eyes. If only Ian’s cold stare would soften, just so she could know he was more than a pretty face, huge ego and mean personality. He seemed hardly human the way his eyes stared at her with such cruelness. Her fingers tightened around the hem of her skirt. What to say to someone who wouldn't listen? Nothing. It was sad how you couldn't get through to people like this. What was below that scowl and nice face? He obviously didn't want anyone to know. He seemed like the kind of person that would hide behind a mask of mean and a shell of cruelty to hind their true feelings. But who was Samantha to judge this boy? And who was he to push her around? He didn't know her. Would even knowing her make a difference to the boy? The choice of standing up for herself would just get her a black eye and a bad first day. She should just move. Something in her made her want to stay in the chair. He had no right to do this. With a sigh she lifted her body from the seat slowly. "It's fine," she said. It was the first time she had spoken since entering the room. "I'll move. Don't worry about it." she weaved through the other teenagers and took a seat next to the last boy to help her out. She turned and smiled at him. "Thank you, though." she said sweetly. Chase didn't look away from Ronnie's drawing for even a moment. Each crease in their clothes, the veins in their eyes, and silently shocked expressions on the other student's faces were all transferred onto Ronnie's paper, but better. The intensity of the situation was captured in the most lovely way. Chase found himself looking from the page to the real situation constantly. Each stroke made Chase envy Ronnie's talent more and more. Ronnie had a talent that was a completely different art than acting. If on the paper you made a mistake it would change the entire picture, put in drama a mistake can be fixed and forgotten. The picture was beautiful.

(Sorry, I am in desperate need of some muse)

Ronnie shook his head. "Congradulations, Ian - you're officially a jackass." He glanced at the boy who just walked in. Why were there so many newbies? They were like insects. Corner one, another runs by. Ronnie sighed and started his silhouette at the front of the class, looking around for an open seat. He could eaily feel Chase looming over him, and was starting to get irriatated. "Y'know," he said slowly, giving the new guy a face with light strokes. "I can't draw with you on top of me, Chase. Do you mind?" Chase would always go out of his way to look at his drawings and photos...Sometimes it was annoying, but most of the time Ronnie was pleased. Now was one of those annoying times.

(I apologize....My muse has been starved.)
((Oh yes, playing the jerk is so much fun. I don't have to guts to do it in real-life, soooo yeah lol ))

Ian watched calmly as the girl got up. He didn't listen to everyone else's comments. He merely sat down and pulled out a notebook, jotting down ideas and snippets of scenes for his next novel. Not that he would ever let anyone read them. Sure, he'd published a few, but they were all in his room, tucked in with his other books that he read as inspiration or research for his writings. He shut out the world around him, delving into his "happy place" the one thing he knew was beautiful and couldn't hurt him. The written word. He loved how certain phrases could turn an oridnary sentence into one of beauty and elegance. How certain words just flowed like water through his mind and on his paper. He loved how you could describe an insignificant scene into one of great importance and meaning. But what he loved most was that in his writings, he wasn't the cold, cruel, jerk that he forced himself to be. He was a guy with a soul and a consience that hurt everyday inside from what he'd been through in his life. He wasn't the boy that had to grow up hard and fast on the streets, killing for his next meal. No, he was just Ian, the guy who liked to write and play sprts. He was truly himself, and that made him happy.

((Had to put in an aww moment. BTW, I'm lazy and really don't feel like editing Cassie's post right now. In fact, I think i might just bring her in later....))
Leon watched as the new girl moved and scowled. Ian had to right to make her move. No one owned a seat. Leon felt like Ian was being a jerk for no reason, but he was not about to say anything. He had no desire to get into a fight with the other guy. He did give the new girl a sympathetic look. He hoped that she wasn't too upset with having to move and already meeting such a nasty person. Leon could remember when he first was here and not sure of where he was or what happened. But focusing on his paintings helped him out and now he felt like he had always been here.

'What a pleasant thought that is. I've become too use to his place.'

Luna wasn't too happy with Ian's attitude. She leaned over to talk to Samantha, smiling at her warmly. "Don't worry. Not everyone is like him here. You'll soon learn to just avoid people like him as well. Ian is just an ass."
Elle watched quietly as the girl stood up and moved to a different seat, the one next to Darren. Sighing quietly, she turned her gaze down to her desk and stared at it. She was always quiet and no one questioned her when she was, they knew what she was like. They knew she didn't speak much. She preferred not talking to people anyway, but she had made herself like that. Hopefully the teacher would be coming in soon.

Darren stared at Ian for a while then turned his focus to Samantha and half smiled, half smirked. "You want to ignore him, but hey, you have a better seat now." He chuckled lightly, leaning back in his seat. "I'm Darren," he introduced himself, extending his arm in hope that she would shake his hand. "And who may you be?" He added charm into his words, a sort of charm that could bring a flush to any girl's face. It often worked.

By the look on the boys face and the light charm he mixed into his word, Samantha could tell she had made a mistake by where she decided to sit. She had no desire to deal with an arrogant pig, especially on her first day. He was cute but wasn’t interested anyone for their brain. Just then a girl leaned back to reassure her that Ian was just an ass, which was really pointing out what she had already processed. "Samantha," she introduced herself to Darren and extended her arm and gently shook his hand. Pulling back she leaned back in her chair. Just then a women looking in her mid-thirties flaunted into the room with a clipboard in hand and a big smile masked on he face. "Good morning," she said to the class as she took her place behind the desk in the front of the classroom. She had brunet hair tucked into a neat bun and hazel eye; she fancied a black pencil skirt with a white blouse tucked into it, and black heels. "Calm down everyone!" she instructed. "Let's start. Today we are going to focus o vocabulary. So, can anyone tell me what and an octave is? She asked the class as she wrote something on one of her many papers on her crowded desk

Chase took his eyes from the drawing and turned to face the artist. "You seem to have been doing fine so far." he pointed out just when the teacher moved into the room and demanded everyone settle down. Chase leaned back into his chair, not taking thought into the question. What was the point? The only the he really liked about music class was the nice teachers and when she would tell stories about when she was a performer. Other than that he really didn't care. He hated learning about music, but enjoyed listening to it. Every day he would let the music nerds take over the class and only focus when he knew they were a week or so before a test.

Luna, a bit offended by Samantha both not talking to her and seemingly dismissing her words, straightened back up. She was a bit relieved when the teacher walked in. She listened to his question and wasn't sure what the answer was. She bit her lower lip, looking down at her notes. She looked around the room, seeing if anyone else would speak up and say the answer. Apparently not.

Leon knew the answer, but he didn't speak either. He would wait until no one else answered or if he was called on. After all either one was going to happen. No way the teachers would let it go that no one knew the answer and calling on students randomly was sometimes fun. When someone who knew nothing tried to stammer out an answer. Of course it was not all that fun when it happened to you. Leon knew the answer though so it wouldn't be that bad.
Darren smiled charmingly at Samantha, but when he seemed to get no reply from it, he settled back in his chair and scoffed to himself. "Suit yourself..." He mused, then looked up with a geniune smile as the teacher walked in. He knew the answer to the question and seeing as no one else was going to answer it, he raised his hand. "An octave is the interval between two notes, having twice or half the frequency." He felt proud for answering, but music was one of his best subjects and he wasn't going to appear like he didn't know anything.

Elle glanced to the front of the class when the teacher walked in, not needing to silence as she wasn't talking in the first place. She had become rather mute around a lot of people as a lot of the students at the school were arrogant, and she disliked arrogance. She knew a lot of people who were too cocky for their own good. Maybe she would speak to someone... If they wanted to speak to her.

((Blah. I knew what an octave was but it slipped my mind so I had to research it. xD probably sounds too intelligent for Darren.

I swear Elle will come into this more, I have nothing to write for her so I'm just blabbering.))

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