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Realistic or Modern Lie Awake At Night (Supernatural RP)


༺𝔦𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢༻
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)







Appearance (No anime)


Species (Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Etc)

Power (if certain type of species, not human)



Boyfriend / Girlfriend




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_n5eordEeyt1rf4pwko1_500.gif.5baf02418c7eefc93dbf88b7d9c1ec7c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_n5eordEeyt1rf4pwko1_500.gif.5baf02418c7eefc93dbf88b7d9c1ec7c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Basics

Name: Samuel Johnson

Age: 19 ( 700 years old)

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Sexuality: Straight

Digging Deeper

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nzew36vbq71sfef4lo1_500.gif.b02d9bccc256c0749c52618b223d67b3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111338" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_nzew36vbq71sfef4lo1_500.gif.b02d9bccc256c0749c52618b223d67b3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sam can be seen as rather cold hearted, or like he doesn't care about a thing in the world. The old vampire is very blunt, or rude and straight-forward. When he does happen to have a "significant other" in his life, he tends to be too over protective and jealous about what's his. Which, in some cases may end up with someone dead.


Samuel Aaron Johnson was originally born in Florence, Italy. He had a normal life, up until he was eighteen. He began to get into fights and drinking. When he turned 19, he got into a knife fight and was badly injured. The doctor just so happened to be a vampire, and turned Sam since his wounds were too much to take care of; he would have died. In 1950 Sam moved, and no longer see's the man who turned him but occasionally.


+ Compel

+ The regular vampire powers, such as strength and speed


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c85fd0218_tumblr_n9gow4OGmP1suiqwto1_500(1).gif.beb87a52d7f8b185a9e9005672e9bc19.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c85fd0218_tumblr_n9gow4OGmP1suiqwto1_500(1).gif.beb87a52d7f8b185a9e9005672e9bc19.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Boyfriend/ Girlfriend: PM me!

Crush: None, at the moment

Extra: N/A



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Dakota Lynn



Age; Seventeen

Gender; Female

Personality; Introvert, quiet, outspoken, loner, sarcastic, funny, shy, emotional.



Sexuality; Heterosexual

Crush; Samuel Johnson @youngin

Boyfriend / Girlfriend; pm me


Likes; Being alone, reading, drawing, music.

Dislikes; Tons of people, liars, demons, idiots.

Biography; Dakota lives with he father since her mother went missing randomly

probably by one of those vampires she hasn't seen her since. She has always been an introvert

and didn't have any friends but is content with her drawing.

Extra; She's amazing at drawing.


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Charlotte Hasley


Make Today



Charlotte Hasley








"As female as I'll ever get"

What you wanted


Appearance: Brown eyes (Human), Dark blue eyes (Werewolf)

Stands at 5'5" and 114 lbs (Human), 5'9" and 125 lbs (Werewolf)


Charlotte is pleasant, positive, kind, short-tempered, easy-going, funny, sweet, intelligent, serious, forgiving, more mature and responsible than her sister, and can be neurotic and impatient and sometimes stresses out a lot. Nevertheless, she is always there when her friends need her. She can be slightly insecure of herself. However, she can sometimes seem more confident in her abilities. Charlotte can also have an evil side if you provoke her too much.


She was raised in Florida with her mother, father and brother who are all Werewolves; Charlotte comes from a family of Werewolves, all the way down to her ancestors. She hoped to pursue a career of acting or modelling but due to her being a Werewolf, there have been a few complications. She hopes to find a cure for what she calls, her 'curse'.


-Food (Especially ice cream)

-Pop music





-Her friends


-The rain




-Rock music


-Cringey things

Yesterday to be



The usual enhanced speed, reactions, smell, sight, strength.


She is an overly honest person, always telling the truth even to her own detriment.


Loves jeans and boots but has a varied fashion sense.



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Name: Alista

Age: N/A

Gender: Male

Appearance (No anime): Alista’s just under 6ft, has bronze gold eyes and walks around barefoot. He wears roughed up old clothes of a homeless person, wears a backpack with a hole underneath so it can contain and hide his injured wings. He has a hairless young face with no imperfections other than dirt and grime.

Personality: quiet, intense, fleets of strong emotion.

Species (Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Etc) : Broken Angel

Power (if certain type of species, not human): Using the power of god channelled through his hands in the form of light he can heal small injuries.

Sexuality: None

Crush: None, not allowed to love.

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: none

Likes: Seeing the good in bad people.

Dislikes: Any temptation of sin, or seeing someone get hurt

Biography: In a battle against evil arising in the world the angels were forced to reveal themselves. Alista was injured and his wings broken, left flightless, abandoned and almost powerless in the streets he found what he could to keep himself safe and hidden. Separate from the army of god he starts to question his own being, temptation is around every corner. The longer Alista stays the human realm the more he finds this world isn’t as black and white as he first perceived.

Extra: none


Name: Cassy Williams

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cassy is 5ft 3, slender with frizzy red hair that is almost always unkempt and large blue eyes.

Personality: Cassy is an ice queen. She is very studious and keeps to herself. Often being snappy and cold to others, she finds she has a few close friends. In many ways the total opposite of Harry.

Species: human, but sometimes possessed by the ghost of Harry Smith

Power: None alone, but when fused with Harry has telekinesis.

Sexuality: A-sexual

Crush: N/A

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: N/A


Reading, quiet, being alone, coffee, the supernatural


Talking to strangers, revealing too much about herself, sleeping.


Cassy Williams has always had an interest in the supernatural, when she found out that she and her mother were moving into an apartment linked to a supposedly supernatural death she was beside herself to find out more. Upon arriving it took only a few weeks for her to set up her room and begin her investigations of what happened on the night of the fire. Only when she started her own ritual something funny happened. She saw the ghost of Harry Smith, the boy who died and both of them… fused. Harry and Cassy now fight for power of Cassy’s body that they both now inhabit.


Cassy is constantly looking for a way to "un-fuse" Harry and herself.

Cassy often has control over her body, but Harry can still sense everything she does, if she gets too emotional, or too tired, or if she chooses to let him, Harry will take control of her body.


Harry Smith

Age: 18

Gender: male

Appearance: Harry used to have a mop of untidy brown hair, lanky at 6ft1. He is normally found in baggy skater clothes. This is his appearance to Cassy when she sees him, and how he appears behind her shoulder when ghost seers are about.

Personality: Harry is loud and boisterous. Being silenced, e.i. being without a body, is torture for him. Harry never takes himself (or anything) very seriously, it’s just easier that way to “not care” about anything.

Species: Ghost.

Power: Possession, but only of Cassy, has very weak telekenises powers when not possessing Cassy, but are enhanced when he is.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: N/A

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: N/A


Music, being creative, freedom.


Being silenced, being alone.


Harry died a year ago when he was 18. The longer he spends in the afterlife the more he forgets of his old life. His father moved out of the apartment they shared not long after his death. He had a fascination for the supernatural, and had decided to try and perform a séance to see if he shared his apartment with any ghosts. Setting up many candles while his father was out he read from an old book and… that’s the last thing he remembered. He woke up later in the now charred black apartment and couldn’t find his father and he couldn’t leave. Eventually the destroyed apartment was refurbished and leased again to another single parent family. Cassy and her mother.

Now fused with Cassy he suddenly feels human again. Feeling the sensations of just being alive, eating, breathing, sleeping. Such simple pleasures.

Name: Scarlett Reeves (goes by Scar)

Age: 19

Gender: F

Appearance: wavy black hair down to her waist (often tied up in a ponytail) and green eyes with golden specks (seen when the light or sun hits them just right), long lashes, 5’ 9”, tattoo of an infinity sign behind her ear, scars all over her back, slim

Personality: quiet and keeps to herself, speaks as little as possible, loner, doesn’t care too much to make friends, doesn’t smile often, hardly ever laughs, smirks often, emotionless, hard to read, inhuman, eyes are cold, glaring, suspicious, the one who is always leaned against the wall coming up with an escape plan, loves food, ridiculously loyal to the people she cares about, self-sacrificing, caring in an aloof way, hates attention, passive aggressive, borderline sociopath in her lack of conscience, the prosecutor and the protector

Species: half human, half demon (only indication of transformation is red eyes)

Power: two poison infused swords (carries on her back), heals faster than humans

Sexuality: straight? no one’s really asked…

Crush: possible

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: if they can break her cold exterior

Likes: food, fighting, weapons, black, darkness, horror movies, blood

Dislikes: people, happiness, rainbows, unicorns, life

Biography: Scar remembers little from her childhood, except that she has a twin brother. She will never stop searching for him. Her human mother committed suicide when Scar was 12, and she killed her father when she was 16. As a half-demon, she lived in rejection by both the underworld and Earth, and as a result, cares little for friends or company.

Extra: Scar has moments with specific people where she shows vulnerability and her human side, revealing that she is frustrated with her lack of understanding of herself. She wants to feel more. She wishes she were more human.

Adam Hasley


You think you can



Adam Hasley








"I'm the sister.. Nah not really"

Beat me


Appearance: Light brown eyes (Human), Dark blue eyes (Werewolf)

Stands at 5'10" and 156 lbs (Human), 6'3" and 167 lbs (Werewolf)


Adam is sarcastic, outspoken, mischievous, humourous, intelligent, quick witted, loyal, hardworking, stubborn, stout hearted and he can be rather hyperactive at times. He is always there for his sister and friends to ensure their safety, even if it costs him his own.


He was raised in Florida with his mother, father and sister who are all Werewolves; Adam comes from a family of Werewolves, all the way down to his ancestors. Like his sister, the career of his choice (acting) has had a few complications due to him being a Werewolf, and something much darker. Adam has learned to embrace his Werewolf side, unlike his sister, but still wants to find a cure so he can live a normal life.


-Food (Especially chips/fries)

-Pop music


-Watching Netflix



-His sister

"Not in that way, idiot."






-Country music


-Cringey things

At my game?



The same as his sister: enhanced speed, reactions, smell, sight, strength.


Fidgets with his hands a lot, especially when stressed.


Loves making jokes and brightening up situations.



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Audrey Cassidy Dagenheart

''It's a pleasure to meet you.''



''Guess who can drive a car?

This lady.

If only I had one.''



''Dad, you're a doctor. You're supposed to know this.

And who the hell asks a baby what gender they are.

Baby's can't talk...''



At 5'0, Audrey is rarely the tallest girl in the room. And at 101 lbs she also isn't the biggest. Not that it bothers her. Why sulk about things you can't chance. What does bother her is the fact that she's very, what her mother likes to say, fragile and vulnerable because of it. Her father just flat out calls her weak.


Species (Vampire, Werewolf, Human, Etc)




"Love is love.''

Alternative quote:

''I'm not really comfortable telling this to a guy who can't remember his grandsons name..

Especially if that guy is my father''



Boyfriend / Girlfriend



Reading, gaming, elevator music and the color green.


Water, being outside for too long, being in placed with too much people and being alone.


Raised by a loving mother and strict father in a very humble home. Not poor but also not rich. Audrey will tell you that there's not much to now about her past. And she doesn't say it to sound mysterious or to hide her skeletons. But because it's the cold hard truth. Normal as normal can be. And she absolutely loves it. No drama or sadness. Just your average teenage girl who wants to make it in life.


She talks to herself when she feels lonely.

Instead of swearing she starts snapping her fingers.

(She doesn't start swearing until she's furious.)

Audrey tries to make everyone as happy as possible. She'll make sure that you're comfortable and loved. Because her own parents never showed her love she knows how painful it is to feel unloved. It doesn't matter how late it is she'll be there when you need her. She'll help you with your homework, make soup when you're sick and make sure that everything is alright.​

''You can stop reading now. The rest is unnecessary anyway.''

But everyone gets angry once in a while. And believe it or not but Audrey has some anger issues. It's pretty hard but once you make her mad.. May hell have mercy on your soul. Just kidding, once she gets so mad that she sees red she'll make sure that she's away from you. But when that's not possible she just stops talking and starts poker-facing.

''You little rebel you.

I like you...''

Name: Alucard Tepes

Age: 120

Gender: Male


Cold and reserved, with no love for people who try to become vampires. He prefers to be left alone.

Species: Vampire

Power: Has all the typical traditional vampire powers, as well as training in sword play. He is able to get stronger through drinking blood, and summon familiars. He can also use magic very effectively. (if allowed)

Sexuality: Hetero

Crush: N/A

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: N/A

Likes: Blood, his familiars, humans.

Dislikes: Most other vampires, people who want to be immortal, his father

Biography: Born to Mina Harker, Alucard is the son of Dracula himself. He grew up an orphan, as his mother abandoned him soon after he was born. He was taken in by servants of Dracula, a wandering caravan of gypsies known as the Dragon's Feet. He was trained in the arts of the vampire, and became a fearsome warrior. He has grown to despise his father, viewing him as a tyrant. He enjoys the company of humans, and chooses his prey among them by their deeds. Criminals of the lowest order mainly.

Name: Angie Rodriquez

Age: 17

Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/02hJ4wEZRw.gif.d15b7a27de645df17394bbf292bb19ba.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/02hJ4wEZRw.gif.d15b7a27de645df17394bbf292bb19ba.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sarcastic, Brave, Stubborn, Impulsive, Rebellious, Strong, And Protective, And Fiery

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Pm Me

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Pm Me

Likes: Pancakes,Pizza,Soda,Music,Dancing, And Parties

Dislikes: Her Family, And Oranges

Biography: Growing up, Angie had two older brothers and she lived with her abusive father, There mother was dead. Angie grew up being always picked on because her brothers were over Protective over her and her father was a drunk, Soon she stopped attending soon. She did Home School, And she enjoyed it her brothers taught her everything was going good until A Girl Came into town she turned her brothers against her and they were madly in love with her they didn't see she was using them. Angie warned them but they wouldn't listen soon she realized the girl was a vampire and the towns people found out and so did Angie's father, Of course her brothers thought she snitched because it seemed Angie was always jealous of the girl but that wasn't the case.

Then that one night her brothers had been killed and the vampire girl hid and when she came out she placed a curse on Angie. Which was for her Brothers to forget about her but what Angie didn't know was when her brothers died they we're gonna come back as Vampires. When Angie moved on with her life she was living in different Foster homes and now she lives with the Rodriquez family. Ever since what happened in Her past she's been Had a fiery personality and kind of rude to people, She doesn't allow anyone inside or trust people.

Name: Ashley Thomas

Age: 16

Gender: Female

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/wRt6I2ZQIS.png.55c17cae1f428a64532796fad7febbb0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/wRt6I2ZQIS.png.55c17cae1f428a64532796fad7febbb0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Brave, Strong, Stubborn, Caring, Loner, Selfless, Kind and Heroic

Species: Witch

Power: Basic Witch Powers With Elemental power

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: PM Me

Boyfriend / Girlfriend: PM Me

Likes: Water, Parties, Boys, Music, Dancing, Helping People, And Fighting against Evil

Dislikes: Evil

Biography: Ashley grew up with her father, Her mother tried to steal her powers right when she was born. But Her father wasn't gonna allow it and that's why she left them, Her mother is somewhere causing trouble somehow she's been acting horribly ever since the birth of Ashley. Some part of ashley feels like it's her fault that her mom is gone but she knows at times it isn't. Ashley isn't all good she has a bad side for some reason when her mother left she placed some type of spell on Ashley, If Ashley somehow gets mad or sad for any type of reason she turns into this bad witch and her father has to lock her up. With the power that ashlye has she can kill someone and when she has a rage it will make it worse because she has to much hate inside of her. But Ashley tries to keep calm and stay away from situations that will end up making her mad or something but over the years she learned how to control it somewhat.



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