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Fandom Liberation or Damnation?: Avengers Roleplay


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
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Cora Marie Mathews

Nicknames: Subject Zero, Project Crimson

Born: November 15, 1925

Abilities: Rapid cellular regeneration, multiple language fluency, HYDRA combat training and weapon proficiency


Background: Cora was born into a large but poor family. She inadvertently got herself mixed into HYDRA when answering an ad looking for test subjects. Many people weren’t as opposed to experimentation as they used to be before Steve Rodgers had become Captain America. The company was offering much needed money so Cora answered. Upon arriving to the posted address, she was taken to an underground bunker. Little did she know, she wouldn’t leave that bunker for decades.

Cora was, at first, entirely adverse to HYDRA for taking her captive. But years and years of brainwashing can take its toll on your rational thinking. She began to believe that Captain America and any of his associates were pure evil. HYRDA trained her to kill, as much as it was against everything she had believed before this became her life.

Through many forms of painful experimentation, she had somewhere along the way gained the ability of what HYDRA called "rapid cellular regeneration." It essentially gave her the ability to live forever. Any wound was healed almost instantly, though larger ones (such as a severed limb) could take a few minutes. It was something HYDRA highly treasured and couldn't seem to replicate. In order to keep from losing their prized possession, they would move her from base to base constantly and keep her contact with the outside world as minimal as possible.

Agents, soldiers, commanders... they would all come and go. They would age and die, but Cora stayed young. They constantly tested the extent of her abilities, watching her die and come back to life. They tried to replicate her abilities through repeating the same experiments on other subjects but they would all die far before they even got through half the tests she had survived. So they tried to transplant her blood, her tissues, her organs, anything but the subjects would get violently ill as their bodies rejected the transplant, often resulting in death.

Personality: Cora is a generally kind person, despite the circumstances she has gotten herself into. She loves to learn and spends the majority of her free time studying everything from language to math to arts. She would much rather prefer to talk a situation out than get into a fight. However, when it comes the the Avengers, she is ruthless.

Having been shown the worst of the Avengers for years, she is entirely under the impression that they are everything that's wrong with the world. If she were given the chance, she would go after them herself. The leaders of HYDRA, however, refuse to release her because she lacks the inhuman physical and mental advantages that would allow her to defeat them for good.

Her attitude toward the constant experimentation is that of a victim of an abusive relationship. She is unaware that the members of HYDRA only view her as a pawn in their game, their brainwashing causing her to see them as the heroes. Having been locked in a bunker for decades, she is unaware of the actual passage of time despite watching people she once viewed as friends age and die.
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God of Thunder, Son of Odin, The Mighty Thor, The Thunderer.

(No idea?)

Guess: 5th December, 1712

(For a less op Thor at 304 years old, comic Thor is like 3550 years old)


Thor Odinson was born to Odin Borrson, King of Asgard, as a warrior-king of Thunder. His early lifewas filled with luxury and jewels, as he was always the elder son, chosen for the throne the moment he was born, at younger ages, he was always close with his half brother Loki Odinson. The more Thor aged, however, the more his attitude and personality began to cause problems, upon becoming an adult, and officially being named Odin's air, everything turned bad. When two frost giants infiltrated Asgard, Thor demanded that war be taken to Jotunheim, like Odin did before, but when he was forbid from acting, he acted anyway, and with Loki, Fandral, Volstagg, and Sif, Thor disobeyed Odin, and invaded the frost Giants. Causing mass destruction, which was only halted when Odin arrived, yet Ymir, King of the Frost Giants, declared war.

Odin, appalled by his sons actions, and ashamed, banished Thor to Earth, stripping him of Mjolnr, and his title. He struggled to survive on earth, and was overcome with guilt, and upon being unable to lift Mjolnr, lost all purpose. Thor was then crushed with sorrow, when Loki -now evil, and hellbent and vengeance due to his parentage - told Thor that Odin had died from the stress, and would not allow Thor to return. After some time, Thor is released by SHIELD, and Thor's friends the Warriors Three and Sif arrive to bring him home, explaining that Odin is alive and Loki has claimed leadership over Asgard. Loki, then sends the Destroyer to kill them, the Asgardians cannot defeat the Destoyer, and Thor, defeated, offers hislife in exchange for is friends, and the Destroyer beam, then kills his mortal form, restring his godhood, and worthiness to hold Mjolnr.

Thor, powers restored, is then able to defeat the Destroyer. Upon returning to Asgard, Thor reveals Loki's plot to their mother Frigga and battles Loki on the Bifrost, which is slowly destroying Jotunheim with its power. Thor chooses to save the Jotuns by shattering the bridge and thus destroying the Bifrost. Odin arrives just in time to save Loki and Thor from falling into space. Loki allows himself to fall into the abyss while Thor cries out for his brother. Thor then makes amends with Odin, whilst mourning Loki.

When Loki is discovered on earth, seeking the Tesseract, Odin uses dark sorcery to send Thor to stop him. Thor, evidently, lands on the Avengers helicarrier, and takes Loki, before being pursued by Iron Man. The two engage in a battle over Loki, (which Thor would have easily won, ahem) before Captain America, appears to stop the fight, but Thor attacks him, but is stopped as Mjolnr is deflected by the shield (which also wouldn't happen, enchanted Uru > Adamantium alloy) They then agree they have the same goals, and band together. Loki is imprisoned in the helicarrier, whilst tensions are still high between the Avengers and Thor. Later, Loki's henchman - a mind-controlled Hawkeye- attacks the helicarrier, and Thor and The Hulk, get int a battle. After, Thor is tricked by Loki, into the prison meant for Hulk, but he is able to break out of it. (Thor Strength > Hulk Strength)

(Copy and pasted the below bit from the Wiki...)

After recovering from the fall, Thor uses Mjölnir's powers to replenish his strength before he heads to New York city to confront Loki. Arriving at Stark Tower, Loki has used the Tesseract to open a portal allowing the Chitauri to invade Earth. Thor again tries to convince him to stop, since the Chitauri are destroying the world he wants to rule. Failing, he briefly clashes with his brother before Loki flees on a Chitauri vessel. Thor joins Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye on the battlefield, and starts helping to fight the Chitauri, before Iron Man and Hulk join them. Captain America orders Thor to use his power to stem the flow of enemies coming through the portal, which he does using lightning bolts. He then joins the battle once more and helps Hulk bring down a Leviathan. Soon Iron Man sends a nuclear missile intended for the city through the portal. This destroys the Chitauri base, causing the forces to be cut off from their power source and die, while Black Widow closes the portal.

Once the crisis is over, Thor joins the other Avengers in confronting Loki, who had already been beaten into submission by the Hulk, and takes him into custody. After claiming the Tesseract, Thor takes Loki back to Asgard, by opening a portal with it and leaves the other Avengers in Central Park.


Thor is in all senses, explosive. He is brash, impulsive, reckless, headstrong, overconfident, and egoistic with a temper to match his explosive status as the God of Thunder. At the same time, however, Thor is also different from his father, in the sense that he has a major soft spot for humans, and often enjoys their company more than the Asgardians. Regardless though, he is fiercely loyal to his friends, yet isn't a stranger to battling them, should they disagree on anything of importance. Being an Asgardian, Thor values strength, courage, and valor, whilst frowning on the polar opposites of those things, and anything that is evil. Finally, Thor is still... Slightly unaccustomed, to earthen culture, though he has adapted to most, there are times when he will do things completely immature, which would be normal on Asgard, or when he doesn't understand something completely simple, which can make him slightly gullible.


Mjolnir: Mjolnir, is an Enhanted Uru hammer, forged from the core of a dying star. It amplifies many of Thor's abilities, and can only be lifted by those deemed worthy. The Hammer's force is incredible, and a single strike will absolutely destroy anything earthly - except adamantium, which it can dent. The Hammer seems to have a small degree of intelligence, and returns to Thor upon his beckoning, should it not be near him. It also acts as a catalyst for Thor's lightning ability.


Expert Combatant: Groomed to be Asgard's finest warrior.

Superhuman Strength: Thor possesses vast superhuman strength, the full limits of which aren't known . However, he is capable of lifting well in excess of 50 tons.

Superhuman Durability: God.

Weather Control: Thor has demonstrated the ability to control the different aspects of weather while battling his opponents. He can create lightning so powerful he instantly took down over 6 alien space ships, and a single one was stated to be over 2 blocks wide. Amped by Mjolnr.

Flight: Thor's ability to fly is innate within him, he does not require aid to fly. Amped by Mjolnr

The Odin-Force: This power is near infinite and seems to allow Odin and later Thor to become almost invincible, and seems to allow them to rival the powers of the strongest beings in the universe but the limits of its power are unknown. (This is mainly so I feel cool, I'll ne'er use this unless we get some uber threat like Galactus/Phoenix Force wondering into the RP. ^_^ )



No Jane Foster romance.

Obviously based off the movies, comic Thor is op.
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Natasha Romanova (aka Black Widow)

Born in the U.S.S.R in 1928, only considered a US Citizen under S.H.E.I.L.D

Bio: Natasha was abandoned by her real parents and a Russian soldier found her and raised her, by the late 1930's she got attention by the Soviet intelligence and once she got old enough started her training in 1948. After World War 2 she became a member of the black widow agency which was an all women agents, she had to go undercover as a ballerina. She got married to another agent, and after a few years her husband was killed, because of her grief she devoted all of her time to training with the Red Room Academy which is where she got her agency name The Black Widow. For many years she worked for different people, which is when she got involved with Nick Fury of S.H.E.I.L.D. A Russian scientist hired her to get Tony Stark's (Iron Man) new invention, so she romanced Stark enough so she could get it. She committed several accounts of treason against the US and her cover was blown, so in order to get away she persuaded Clint Barton (Hawkeye ) to help her. she helped him to improve his archery skills, once they became a stronger team they went up against Iron Man, Natasha got wounded and Clint had to carry her to safety. Soon after she was instructed to go for the next target which was Spider man. Hence that plan failed her she moved back to Russia and cut all ties with everyone, After 2 months she came back to the states and started to work under Nick Fury with S.H.E.I.L.D. She was also a member of the first avengers project, the project only lasted for about a year, then she went off with a member of the team, and relocated to Arizona. She was recruited by Fury to go after the black ops squad from Russia.

Personality: Natasha is very smart, through out her years of training she learned a lot about all of the different organizations and how to hack into them. Her major strength is her fighting skills, She moves from place to place. She would much rather rescue her self than have someone else come to save her.

Weapons: Her bracelets that shot out rays of electricity, her incredible shooting skills, and her fighting skills.

Katja Sokolov


Subject #324B21 // Project PERSES

Name // DOB

Katja Ivette Sokolov || December 17th, 1990


Telepathy || The Creation was something entirely responsible for the manifestation of her telepathic abilities. At first, this ability was too much for her, causing her to lose sanity for small periods of time. Eventually, a special suppressor was created in the form of "medications" which suppressed the ability indefinitely. Katja has yet to engage in any telepathic surges since then. However, this ability did allow her to mute people's senses and temporarily disable them.


Telekinesis || Aside from the Telepathy, the experimentation also manifested itself as a telekinetic force within her mind. This ability is extremely unpredictable to even herself, which makes her a dangerous weapon. Stress and Anger seem to extremely heighten the power of this ability. Katja is able to create mental barriers, and protective forcefields. Aside from that she can emit a variation of energy blasts that although not always fatal, are very powerful and painful. She is also capable of moving objects with her mind, although the heavier they are, the more strain the put of her mind/body. Too much weight can cause extreme fatigue and nosebleeds.


Limited Phoenix Force Capabilities || Much like the Jean Grey of the well-known X-Men, Katja developed a Phoenix Force level telekinetic power. When triggered her abilities escalate to a dangerous level, leaving even her out of control. When this effect is triggered, she is capable of manipulating matter at subatomic levels, manipulating magnetic fields, and temporarily being able to regenerate and heal herself. During this effect she is not aware of what is happening, and destruction is sure to take place. The irises of her eyes seem to quickly turn from the regular ice blue to a flooding and vibrant blood red. This stage is dangerous for even her own body.


|| Basic HYDRA Training/ Weapons Knowledge ||


Orphaned as an infant, Katja has never really known the warmth of a loving mother or caretaker. She was adopted into the HYDRA facility through a Soviet program that of was meant to keep the more packed orphanage facilities in check. Practically raised within the cells and corridors of the HYDRA base, the blonde young woman has never really captured the meaning of her captivity. She was nourished, clothed, and given shelter. Her name was replaced by Subject #324B21 at the age of eleven, and although at first she didn't understand, it all quickly came together. The age at which experimentation could be performed had been reached, and soon afterwards, the tests began. It wasn't too terrible at first, just some blood work and simple injections of various colored liquids. However, as time went on, the fatigue or effects began to escalate. With the tests came excruciating migraines, so severe that she could barely move without feeling pain.

As time went one, weeks turned into months, and months into years. Her experimentation hadn't been exclusive to her, others had been subjects to the same tests, but had all died. It surprised her that as many puncture wounds and bleeding that would develop in her, she never died. It would've been a blessing to have it end there. However, that just hadn't seemed to be enough. One day, she remembered getting one of the nastiest migraines ever, a very strange feeling inside her. The pain was gruesome, it caused her to squirm and even scream with pain in the cot within her cell. Finally, after one last scream, a blast emitted from the girl's mind. The bars and heavy door were blown away in bits, the security guards immediately coming in to see what the hell was going on. Greeted by another uncontrollable blast, the two were killed.

After that, one of the other doctors injected a serum into her neck while she was distracted. When she awoke, there were white walls all around her, cushions surrounded the four walls, a slightly less comfortable mattress lay on the white sanitized floor. The door had no windows, nothing. Not even she could explain what had happened. Everything had been so fast. Since then she was kept in that isolated room in the depths of the HYDRA base, escorted only in heavily sedated states. "Medications" have been developed to keep her sedated enough that her powers are weakened. Only when a serious issue is in the way, Katja is allowed out. She is a bomb, ticking away at all times, and at the most unexpected times, she's explode. This has been her gift and curse. She's seen Subject Zero in some occasions from afar, although she's never interacted.


Because Katja has never had the experience of human warmth or care, she is a rather cold being. Being practically raised in the facility has made her completely unaware of the outside world except for those rare times in which she's gone out. Her voice is soft, as she almost never speaks. She's come to the understanding that her only purpose is to serve those who pretty much created her. Her loyalty is astounding, and she's grown with the idea that the Avengers are monsters who only destroy rather than aid the world. She never seems to understand the concept of humor, and everything pretty much goes over her head. Her voice is heavily tinted with an accent.

She's serious and rough around the edges, being obedient and quiet when addressed by her HYDRA leaders. Years of endless experimentation have made her fear almost nothing, death is something she's waited for since she was first experimented on, yet nothing has managed to deal the final blow. Although she has a soft side, Katja has never deeply explored herself in an emotional way. Solitude has made her highly unique, in a way that not many understand. Foreign fiction books fuel her mind and vocabulary and although she doesn't quite understand the world's realism, the girl knows that the Avengers are bad and they must be stopped.
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(Guys, I absolutely insist: his name is spelled "Rogers", not "Rodgers". Sorry for being such a grammar Nazi, but it kind of bugs me that I'm starting to see the incorrect spelling almost everywhere)

Steve Grant Rogers

Nicknames: Captain America, Cap (by close friends and associates)

Born: July 4th, 1918

Abilities: Peak human abilities (including super-strength, speed, enhanced reflexes and stamina), regenerative healing factor, highly trained mixed martial artist

Born to Sarah and Joseph Rogers on Tuesday June 4th, 1918, Steve lived alone with his mother as a child due to the fact that his father had been killed before he was born during World War I, growing up as a kid with a "small stature" and a generally poor physical condition. Eventually, he came to befriend James "Bucky" Barnes after being attacked by bullies out on the street who poked fun at him for his appearance before being defended by who would eventually be his closest friend, having been inspired by Rogers' strong spirit. Even after his mother died from tuberculosis and attempted to close himself off because of it, Bucky stuck very closely with Steve and vowed to "be with him till the end of the line".

Sometime after World War II started, Steve became motivated to join the United States Military in order to help with the fight against the Nazis, but was rejected by numerous enlistment offices time and time again for being nowhere close to meeting their requirements. Eventually, he was finally accepted in an enlistment office at the Stark Expo in 1941 by Dr. Abraham Erskine for "Project Rebirth" after he overheard a conversation between him and Bucky involving his determination to assist in the war, and was then subjected to a gruelling training regime where he was often mocked by the other soldiers who trained there. It wasn't until he displayed an act of self-sacrifice upon being tested by Colonel Chester Phillips that he gained recognition for the person he was, making him stand out amongst others and made him become chosen to undergo the procedure that would turn him into a "super soldier".

Exhibiting amazing super strength amongst a host of other heightened abilities for Rogers to use at his disposal, he went on to be a very recognized figure as the world's first superhero and fought many battles against the HYDRA organization, fighting with the Howling Commandos and- much to his utter despair- losing Bucky along the way after going on a mission to take down HYDRA's lead scientist, Arnim Zola.

During his final mission to take down Johann Schmidt, also recognized as the Red Skull, Steve was eventually forced to crash a bomber-plane into the Arctic with him still inside it to prevent millions of people in New York City from dying, which led to him being preserved in the ice there for almost 70 years. In 2012, he was discovered by a S.H.I.E.L.D. team that went out looking for his body, and after being released from the ice he was trapped in he was thrust into a world he barely recognized, and was forced to adjust to modern customs and ways of the world that he was not already familiar with. After that, he went on to fight with Avengers for the Battle of New York and is now fighting a war against HYDRA after having managed to stop them from completely destroying S.H.I.E.L.D, following an uprising within the organization.


Rogers' most recent and current uniform.

Personality: Steve is recognized by the people around him as a very resilient and strong-willed man, always staying true to his beliefs and believing in the ideal of pure honesty and trust amongst people. It's a quality about him that can cause people to think of him as being naïve (this is most notable during some occasions where he interacts with Tony Stark), but that never stops him from enforcing these policies to the best of his ability. He's always putting the safety of everyone else before his own, and resolves to eliminate any threats to said safety before they can cause any significant damage. However, despite all this, he has grown to be a firm leader during his time with the Avengers and finds himself to be the one who mostly coordinates the team's actions during any battle they may be faced with.
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