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Realistic or Modern LGBTQAP+ Summer Camp (Closed)

For the first poll, when would you like these meetings to be held?

  • Every day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Every week

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Every weekend

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"Okay mom, I love you! Don't worry about us we are going to be okay together. We will have lots of fun together and I'll will make lots of friends there too," Miya said as she got out of the car.
"Okay, have fun and see you when you get back!" her mom called out as Miya started walking towards the other kids, all older than her. While her mom drove away, she thought, 'I kind of want to go back'. But she told herself that she will be okay. She was walking to the camp entrance where there were lots of people. Which was cool. Once she got there everybody was staring at her, and was very awkward.
"Hi," Miya exclaimed to the others.
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Howey after his little introduction had moved to the entrance so he could have a smoke, he reached into his pockets and pulled out his pipe, he placed some tobacco and began smoking. He remembered the first time when Jaime saw him smoking, the first thing she said was that he looked like a homeless Gandalf, they had a pretty good laugh that was followed by her chastising him for smoking on the camp grounds. They eventually came to an agreement he would only smoke near the entrance or in the woods.

As he leaned against the fence while smoking his pipe, he also listened intently to Jamie telling the campers of where they would be sleeping and which Counselor they would be stuck with for the duration of their stay.

He really should go and get to know his campers, no doubt about that, but he questioned whether he should finish his smoking or just call to the kids he was assigned to, to just come over to him while he smoked.

eh he'll finish his smoke, it's not like their gonna die if he isn't watching them like Hawk (Pun Intended)
"Hawk and bear? Sounds very...Menacing for a camp of acceptance." Kat commented with a small chuckled before shrugging. " Still a like being la faucon, the bear may be strong and big but faucon flies rings around it and strikes when ready." She continued a slight sly gleam in her eyes, she turned to T. " I like the T of bunking with you but have you met this Ashley?"

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Oh. Howey had never answered their question. Whatever, they were used to being ignored. At least he hadn't started glaring at her or something. They listened to J speak nodding along as she listened. Yeah, those rules made sense. They could follow those. Probably. They smiled as they heard they'd be rooming with Kat. She seemed cool so far, and they would have lots of time to interrogate her after that. Speaking of Kat, she was speaking. They smiled a bit at her comment. It was an interesting observation. "Well, Rainbow doesn't have the same ring, does i- No, Cabin Rainbow actually sounds bomb as heck." And then she was saying her second bit, and she was smiling more. "Yeah, Falcon sounds pretty rad." They turned to her as they said this, blinking a bit in surprise when they found her looking back at them. A grin as she spoke. "Aw, that's really nice of you to say! If only you knew me well enough to know how poor that judgement call is..." They trailed off as she continued. "Ashley? Uh, no. Hopefully she'll get here soon, though-" And then there was a new person exclaiming her hi, and they felt kinda bad they'd been so busy conversing they hadn't noticed her. "Are you Ashley?"
G GreekgeekJR @ThatGuySouvlaki
{if the other two RPers don't reply after 3:00 PM Easter Standard Time (it's about 2:20 PM now) I'll just go on without them for now and get you guys started with the tour of the camp stuff :)}
{if the other two RPers don't reply after 3:00 PM Easter Standard Time (it's about 2:20 PM now) I'll just go on without them for now and get you guys started with the tour of the camp stuff :)}
{Of course my dad had to bring me out of the house right when it was 3:00 :P Anyway, I'm back and here to reply to get things going :)}
Jamie, seeing as how they were going to lose daylight if they didn't head in soon, decided to start the tour now.
"Howey, you stay here and watch to see if the other campers come, and I'll take the others on the tour. After we'll meet up in the Meeting House," the shorter counselor told the taller one as she looked towards the other campers.
"Okay campers! We're gonna go take that tour now, so that we don't go walking in the dark if we waited any longer. Let's go inside, follow me!" Jamie then turned around and walked into the camp; the other campers following her. They walked in between the two woodsy-parts to the left of the camp, where the first building they saw was the Arts and Crafts Shack.
"This is what we like to call the Arts and Crafts Shack! You can pretty much make anything you set your mind to, but please be appropriate. One of our first arts activities is making pride flags, so be excited for that!
Next, as we move along, you can see the cabins and the meeting house, where we'll be having meals, discussions, and team-building exercises!" She continued on as the campers talked about the camp to each other.
Audrey looked out of the car window and can't help but to give a sigh of annoyance, "Honey, you will do fine this is where you can meet people just like you, it's okay to be nervous. Just remember what happened ove-" She was abruptly stopped as Andy gave her a glare, she took her headphones out and opened the car door still remaining silent and gets out of the family mini van. "Great, now we're f*****g late, so much for you wanting the best for me. Just whatever, I will see you later." She fixed her duffel bag and looked at her mother for a sign of approval, "Make good choices Andy... Please just have fun, meet new friends and remember that I love you so much no matter who you are." The door slams in her face, "Great... She's bringing that up already.... Just what I need." Murmured under her breath, Andy placed her headphones on and walked towards the biggest building assuming it was somewhat important.

Audrey saw the large flock of people and decided to follow them around trying to get a glimpse of the leader, "Can y'all f*****g move it. Short person here, trying to know where the hell to go." Way to blow it Audrey you idiot, looks like this camp is going to dismal after all. She tries to push through all of the people but with such effort there is no success, she decides to stay at the back of the group and listen to her music, looking through her phone while walking unaware of her surroundings.
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Jamie, as she was doing the tour, saw that a couple of the last-minute campers had turned up.
"Hi guys! Before you had arrived, I was telling everyone which cabins we were all in and giving this tour. After the tour I'll tell you which cabins you two will be in. I'm Jamie, otherwise known as J, and I'm one of the two counselors here as well as the owner of this camp, so if you have any questions or concerns please come to either me or the other counselor Howey.
Okay, next stop is the activities side of the camp! We have the lake all to ourselves, with canoeing and kayaking as well as a couple of paddle boats. On the other side are the archery targets, in case you wanna bring out your inner Katniss Everdeen, and the rockwall!
And last but not least, here's the bathrooms, all non-gender specific of course.
Okay, does anyone have any questions about the tour?" She ended her tour spiel, hoping she didn't go too fast even though she knew she probably did.
Kat followed the camp instructor through the camp and its various facilities. It looked fine, nothing to special but comfortable and with enough to get by. Still maybe it was her particular upbringing making her a little spoiled, she had expected more from the place. She kept the thought to herself smiling and looking around curiously at the place as if there is nothing more special.

Sailing would be fun she thought though she didnt like the height of the rock wall. She didnt like anything involving heights, finding it absolutely terrifying so she would need much persuading to do it. When it came time to ask question, she raised her hands. "Is there... Is there any facilities for campers to do some cooking?" She asked not wanting to go a while without her favourite hobby.
"Is there... Is there any facilities for campers to do some cooking?" She asked not wanting to go a while without her favourite hobby.

"Yes, there's a side kitchen in the Meeting Hall that allows for kids to cook and bake!" Jamie replied, knowing that she too loved to bake, even though she wasn't very good at the skill.
"Any other questions? About the camp? About me and Howey? Anything at all?"
"Yes, I have a question. How long do we have to stay here, and can I leave at anytime? I honestly don't want to be here and just want it to end." Audrey takes her headphones off once again, them wrapping around her neck as she crossed her arms in front of her moving her leg forward. This is just a waste of my time.... I know what I am and I don't need to not go through some therapy camp to make me happy. It was clear that it was going to be hard for Audrey to make new friends here, she didn't want to meet new friends, she has one and that's enough.
"Yes, I have a question. How long do we have to stay here, and can I leave at anytime? I honestly don't want to be here and just want it to end." Audrey takes her headphones off once again, them wrapping around her neck as she crossed her arms in front of her moving her leg forward. This is just a waste of my time.... I know what I am and I don't need to not go through some therapy camp to make me happy. It was clear that it was going to be hard for Audrey to make new friends here, she didn't want to meet new friends, she has one and that's enough.

"Ah, yes, the rules of leaving. If you are 18 years old, with the proper paper work filled out, you can leave any time you want. If you are 17 or younger, then with a parent or legal guardian's permission, along with the paper work, you can leave. But please note that if you leave for the reason of 'I just don't want to be here', then you will not receive a refund. And the camp goes for three weeks," Jamie replied, feeling bad that some of these kids might have been forced to come here and didn't want to go, but she had to stick to the rules of the camp.
"But in all honesty, it's just going to be a fun three weeks of activities that many of you won't be able to do after this, since many of you are in high school or are on your way to college. Who doesn't want to be a kid one last time, you know?"
T followed Jamie around on the tour, already fantasizing about the things they'd do during the camp. It was exciting, and once again a smile bubbled onto her face. Of course, then someone bumped into her, and she couldn't help but frown. We're both short, though... However, then again her attention was pulled to Jamie and the features and activities of the camp... like gender neutral bathrooms. Those were nice. Questions were again being asked, and they may have started bouncing a bit at the idea of cooking. They'd never done it before, but they wanted to. Sooo bad. Then the girl that had bumped into them started asking a question, and they couldn't help but notice how she had her earbuds.

They listened to Jamie respond to the last question, then asked, "Isn't that bad for them?"

T That_Irish_Person
"Watch where you're going dammit. It might be but I never asked for your opinion on them." Annoyance heard in her voice, usually Audrey isn't this rude but today is not her day and she doesn't want to be at this camp at all, she had the urge to apologise but one must remain friendless through the camp so nothing bad happens and no emotions or feelings rise up.

Audrey stood there amazed at all the people that have taken the time or have been forced to come here. She knew how some of them felt, but she felt isolated when she saw everyone smiling and talking to each other in little social groups. Well this is your fault Audrey, if you were't such a b**** then you would have made some friends by now...

"This is all screwed..." She mumbled to herself place her headphones back on her ears listening to the music that had been playing since she got here. The frown falling deeper as she looked through her photos of her and her old girlfriend as a sad song played. Not the place to be doing that Audrey.... A loud sigh came from Audrey and she got a few eyes looking towards her way.'

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
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T smiled, squinting at her for a second before turning back to Jamie. Like. Sure, she hadn't asked, but didn't everyone want their things to last? Whatever, that wasn't any of her business. They didn't notice Audrey's mumbling, or the way her frown fell deeper, but they did hear that sigh. Sure, they'd been about to ask a question, but this was currently more interesting.

They couldn't help but scoot closer, surprisingly sneaky considering their usual bluntness, and look at her her phone screen. Of course, she couldn't keep her curiosity on any matter contained for long, and she tended to lack a filter, so as soon as she saw the other girl, she was opening her mouth.

"Girl drama?"

T That_Irish_Person
Audrey felt the presence of more people crowding around her, hearing the girl's voice she turned her phone off and hid it in her pocket blushing slightly out of embarrassment. "It's fine.... You shouldn't be looking over people's shoulders.... It's none of your business..." Audrey doesn't like showing her emotions around people, especially new people. All the people surrounding her became too much so she walked off towards the lake.

She sat down on a rock next to the lake as she leant against a tree looking out at the water, tears swelling in her eyes threatening to spill. You idiot, why did you agree to come here. You know that stuff is going to happen and that you are going to embarrass yourself. "Idiot...." She mumbled to herself as a tear fell down her cheek the sun shining on it.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
( howdy everyone My first time posting here, I just got accepted lol )
Toby played with his sweater sleeve. He was late. sure, it wasn't his fault, but he still felt like he would cause some sort of issues. He was normally on time, or early. His mother stopped at the entrance, talking to him, saying things such as "have fun", and "make some friends". Toby loved his mother dearly, but she was a pain. He smiled at his mother, kissing her on the cheek. "See ya' " he said, getting out of the car. He let out a deep breath. Now he just had to find out where everyone was, and how the hell he was supposed to fit in.

( I'm sorry if my entries are not that long. And i apologize if I end up spelling anyone's name wrong throughout this roleplay. Goodnight now ; - 3 )
{since billthesomething billthesomething hasn't replied in a while and pretty much all of you are here, let's just assume that Howey went off somewhere and didn't hear that he was on watch for the late-comers, and everyone found their way to the tour group, just so we can get things moving along for everyone}

'Oh gosh, I knew there'd be drama, but I didn't think it'd be during the tour,' Jamie thought to herself.
Uh, okie dokie then, cabin member list....
Cabin Bear- Mickey, Miya, Audrey, and Ash. You guys are with me.
Cabin Hawk- Kat, T, Rachael, Toby. You guys are with Howey.
And now that we have that settled, you guys can head to the cabins and start putting away your things and setting up your beds! I'll be right with you,"
As soon as she said that, she went down to the lake to help Audrey out. Even though it was the first day and J didn't know pretty much anything about Audrey, she knew that she needed to help in any way she could. Just her job as both a counselor and a good person in general.

"Hey, you okay?," J sat down on a rock next to the younger teen's.
"You don't have to tell me anything. I know you don't want to be here, and I respect that. You don't have to like it here. Summer camp isn't for everyone. But hey, we can at least stare at the lake. Very calming. I come here and do it all the time," J finished, then stared at the ripples and waves in silence, giving Audrey the opportunity to either say something or calm down with the counselor in non-awkward silence.

T That_Irish_Person @Aaliyah Veda G GreekgeekJR ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Static Swarm Static Swarm mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties @Million Everett__ Everett__
Kai 'KJ' Clarke

The drive to the camp had been long and tiresome but it was worth it if he could meet some people that he really could relate to. It would be a good experience and KJ knew it. After thanking his friend Zeyna for dropping him off at the camp, he began to wander over to the others. So many different people; KJ was unsure if he'd get the chance to meet them all. He had to get to know as many as possible so Zeyna could hear all about it. She was his Filipino trans friend who couldn't come to the camp. She insisted that he go though as she needed to know what the experience was and KJ was sure that it would be a good one.

KJ pulled his hood down and fixed his beanie whilst his grip tightened on both his guitar case and his suitcase. He was getting sudden bail syndrome (an inside thing he and his friends made up). He didn't know if it was a good idea anymore. What if no one liked him? What if they hated his music? He exhaled. He needed to concentrate on the positives. He should have fun; after all that was what the trip was about.
Audrey say Jamie sit down next to her and quickly wiped away her tear sniffling a little, acting like everything is fine. "She was more than a girlfriend to me...." She never looked at J, she just stared out onto the lake watching the light reflect off of the water remembering the times that her and her ex sat by a lake and cuddled and talked about their troubles and secrets. She remembered them going in a little boat together and the oar falling into the water and that was the first time they kissed though it was an accident. Another tear couldn't help but to fall but she was quick to wipe it away trying to seem as strong as possible.
Audrey say Jamie sit down next to her and quickly wiped away her tear sniffling a little, acting like everything is fine. "She was more than a girlfriend to me...." She never looked at J, she just stared out onto the lake watching the light reflect off of the water remembering the times that her and her ex sat by a lake and cuddled and talked about their troubles and secrets. She remembered them going in a little boat together and the oar falling into the water and that was the first time they kissed though it was an accident. Another tear couldn't help but to fall but she was quick to wipe it away trying to seem as strong as possible.
J nodded. Even though she was never in that predicament, she knew plenty of her friends back in high school did, and it did a toll on many of them.
"Tell me about her, if you are comfortable with telling me. I just know that if she is so important to you, then she's important to me too. Anyone that builds us up and is such a big apart of our lives... they are the people that everyone needs. And to know that you've already met that person for you, that's amazing!"
She sighed a little giving a weak smile, she wanted to tell her but she didn't know if she could trust her yet or not, last time she trusted someone.... Well, it didn't go too well let's just say that. She was amazing, she was the Juliet to my Romeo, she was the peanut butter to my jelly, she was my everything, my heart, soul, and mind... She laughed a little at her thoughts, "She was the best person in the world to me... But things like that don't last and it's sad and heart breaking." Her smile disappearing as she lifted her head to look at the water again.

Greekgeek1213 Greekgeek1213
T just kinda watched the girl go. Oops. That probably wasn't the right move but... oh well. She nodded along to what J had to say, watching her go for a moment before clapping her hands and turning to the others. Already without supervision, eh?

"So. Kat. Toby. Wanna walk to the cabin together?"

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Everett__ Everett__
Toby smiled at T, his heart racing. He was not in the mood for conversation right now. "uh- Sure." He replied quietly. He looked down and played with a loose thread on his sweater. He never thought making friends would be so.. complicated. He was already on the verge of panic attack, just by answering a simple question. His mother had made the whole "making new friends" thing sound easy.

Suddenly, Toby started laughing. Like- insane laughing. Toby needed to sit down before he ended up falling, only because he was laughing so hard. He held his stomach, trying to calm down his laughing. He took a few deep breaths, re-composing himself. "I-I apologize." he said, wiping tears from his eyes. His face was red, mainly from the laughing, and some from being embarrassed. He rubbed his eyes again, still smiling slightly. He wanted to burst into laughter again, but he was holding back. He probably looked a like a creep.

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties

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