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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern LGBT+ College: Nation College











A like from me mean's you'd accepted!
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Leonardo McKnight (Leo)




Physics (minor: Swedish)


Bisexual, with a slight preference for men. (Kinsey 4)


Cisgender male


(minus the metal thingys on his face)



He spent his childhood in a rural town in Germany with his parents. When he was 14, he moved to London to live with his grandmother. Unfortunately, she found out about his sexuality when he had a short-term relationship with a boy, so she began to abuse him. Four years later, he decided to move away from her. He found Nation College, and decided to apply. He's part-Swedish, which is why he chose it as a minor.


Overall, he's quite nice. He's a friendly guy who doesn't like to take sides in arguments. He isn't very athletic. When a boy of his approximate age touches him, however, he will blush and his mind goes blank. He gets over it with his close friends, but it's more extreme if he happens to like that boy. He's had a couple girlfriends, but the lingering trauma of his grandmother's abuse keeps him from practicing his homosexual tendencies.


One day, he hopes to return to Germany to be a Physics teacher.
Name: Evan James

Age: 20

Major(s): Psychology (minor; musical arts)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Gender: Male




Bio: Evan grew up very confused about his sexuality, for which he was always bullied for being feminine. He discovered YouTube when he was twelve and started making videos of himself singing, and then when he was sure he was not straight, he made a coming out video to his thousands of subscribers. Now he is hoping to be discovered, and if that doesn't work out, he hopes to be a school councelor to help the bullied children.

Personality: Quiet, loving, caring. He has a few scars on his arms from when he was depressed. But now that he's happier, he tries his best to make others enjoy their lives.
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Name: Billie Hudson

Age: 19

Major(s): Nursing

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female




Bio: Billie was born to a Christian family, but since she was young Billie believed everybody had a chance at love, her parents always hated when she brought home someone of the same gender, or a transsexual, but she ignored what they thought. Love was love, and she accepted it.

Personality: She's smart, optimistic, funny. She loves anyone who loves her. She's very accepting.
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Name: Jane Starret

Age: 20

Major(s): Astrophysics and Computer Engineering

Sexuality: Homosexual


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/__heart_breaker_2___by_misslaurelle-d4q4vy8.jpg.531f8d71d6276b0d3e679a44bac23513.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/__heart_breaker_2___by_misslaurelle-d4q4vy8.jpg.531f8d71d6276b0d3e679a44bac23513.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Jane was born and raised in Mexico until her mother became pregnant with her soon to be sister when she was three years old, eventually the growing family moved to Dunsfold, Britain where Jane's father grew up. Jane's life in Britain came to an abrupt end after four years when her father died in the military, killed by a rouge domestic terrorist. Her mother took herself and her sister to America months later to get away from those cold memories. America was a big push for Jane but she quickly adapted.

Personality: Jane is a sweet girl, wild, moody, unpredictable, beautiful and enigmatic. She's usually studying or go out on her own personal adventures. Jane is a very brave and determined person. Not afraid to get in a fight she will do anything to protect herself and her friends. While tough and outgoing, Jane is also very nerdy, usually being the smartest person in the room and the first girl to beat the shit out of you into your favorite video game.

Extra: Jane is fluent in Spanish, English and German



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Caiden Haverly




Liberal arts










Caiden grew up relatively normal throughout his entire life, however not before losing his parents at the age of only 3. This resulted in his younger years being filled with different homes and families. Not a single one chose to adopt him in the end, which surprised not only Caiden, but the social workers as well. He has always been a sweet child, but unfortunately the negative circumstances and coincidences were just too plentiful in the process of finding a home. This never stopped Caiden from being a nice person overall though, and after each time he moved he would always try and make new friends. Somehow all of the poverty stricken foster homes, and boarding houses, didn't dampen his spirit. Caiden always goes through life trying to make people smile to the best of his ability, however this is due to a selfish reason; he simply doesn't want to see anymore sadness.


This ginger boy is possibly one of the sweetest people on the planet, however with that kindness comes some minor drawbacks. Caiden is incredibly ditsy, and clumsy, tripping over nearly everything in his wake, and it's a pretty easy thing to do when you're 5'11. On top of that, Caiden is very trustworthy, despite growing up in an untrustworthy environment. He would be the type of guy to drop twenty dollars in the hands of a homeless man, without questioning what he would spend it on. That being said, the boy isn't stupid. A person wouldn't be able to get away with a boldface lie with him, he's quite intuitive. Caid puts the most trust into his gut, allowing it to make most of his decisions. He often doesn't think a lot of simple things through, but when it comes to tough decisions it will keep him awake at night. Caiden is a very forgiving soul, and kind person overall. He certainly is a people-pleaser, but maybe not for the right reasons.

Name: Jackson Yates

Age: 18

Major(s): Dance

Sexuality: Homosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/897ab127d0c9c15ffb0c9f5722fd394c_480.jpg.3af84de52893b47b2d62cd8c35eace12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/897ab127d0c9c15ffb0c9f5722fd394c_480.jpg.3af84de52893b47b2d62cd8c35eace12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Jackson was born a orphan because his mother was a teenager at the time he was born and his father her when he found out she was pregnant . He had a happy life in the orphanage until he came out as gay when he was 13 after meeting a boy in school after that life wasn't as happy , the caretakers weren't as nice , the kids bullied him and eventually the boy broke up with him . When he was 16 his Biological mother came back for him and begged for forgivness and he accepted them . She adopted him after he told he was gay cause he did not want to be adopted then tell her later because she might have kicked him out . After he finished college he came to lgbt+ college because he heard they were gay friendly .

Personality: Jackson is a kind hearted and cheerful person who loves to make friends and go to concerts . He has a soft spot for kids and wishs to adopt when he leaves college . Despite his kind and cheerful personality he is short tempered at times and hates it when people bad mouths his mom or his sexuality and can be very violent and unconsciously speaks to those who have angered him as if he is superior .


His Zodiac Sign is Aquarius

His birthday is Febuary 14th



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Name: Giovanna 'Jo' Gaspari

Age: 23

Sexuality: Pansexual heteroromantic (shortened as "It's complicated")

Gender: Female

Appearance: Possessing a lean and flexible figure, Jo is quite the attractive young adult. She stands at 5'9" and has short platinum blonde hair. She likes to dress smart casually; nothing too uncouth, but absolutely nothing striking or extravagant. Prefers light shades of blue, white and green.


Bio: Born in Florence, Italy, Giovanna had a childhood filled with color. Growing up in an artist's neighborhood, she had a clear understanding on how the best of artists create masterpieces from the simplest of materials. For much of her life, she aspired to be a painter, but that changed in high school. After one of her acquaintances was murdered by a mysterious killer, a macabre interest of a murderer's mind was sparked. Jo (as she had come to be called) then set her sights in the field of Criminology. An opportunity to study abroad arose after she graduated; to Nation College in America. Tired of Italy already, she didn't hesitate to jump at the chance. The States wasn't that much different, as it turned out, so she adapted easily. Somewhere along the line, she came to terms with her sexuality. That is, she learned to not let it define her.

Personality: Maturity incarnate, Jo is the ideal intellectual adult; witty, empathic and level-headed. She may come across as aloof and distant, due to her non-confrontational and somewhat loner nature, but she is never one to shy away from conversation.

She is also very very bookish, a borderline bibliophile, even. Jo's eyes are almost built specifically for reading and can get stuck in a book for up to 12 hours if no one snaps her back to life. As a lover, she is considerate and open. Romance isn't her strong suit and acknowledges that fact. She'll not hesitate to ask her partners or others for advice and doesn't demand much from lovers. Just the same openness and warmth.

Major(s): Criminology and Fine Arts


  • She owns several pets: an albino snake named Scylla, a sugar glider named Ulquiorra and a tabby cat named Don Quixote
  • She is fluent in Italian, English and Catalan
  • She likes the colors blue, white and grey and hates the colors red, black and yellow
Name: Tristan Veebans


Psychology, Music (Minor)

Closet Gay


Calum Hood

Tristan grew up in a small town in Texas, so everybody knew everybody. As a young child, he was fun loving and caring, and definitely a charmer. Old ladies loved to have him over and the older guys thought of him as their favorite grandson. Tristan's parents were loving, but they were conservatives, meaning they didn't believe in anything involving the LGBT spectrum. Tristan, however, was very accepting, but he pretended to hate them too for their sake. It wasn't until his second year of high school that he figured out why. His school was also very conservative, so you wouldn't be surprised to hear homophobic slurs every second of the day. Tristan was different though. He was nice and didn't make fun of anyone. And it wasn't until some accidental discovery that he found out the most popular boy in his school was gay. Despite what he thought, Tristan didn't make fun of him, he kept his secret and they actually became friends. He's actually the reason Tristan could figure out his sexuality. Even though he wanted otherwise, Tristan knew the best idea was to keep his sexuality from his parents. And it wasn't until he was moving out and heading to college that he finally told them. Like suspected, they took it horribly. Immediately, his parents disowned him and started to 'pray the gay away'. To this day, Tristan's parents still hates him, but he loves them anyway.

Tristan has grown to be more than just his fun loving self. Hes more mature, and know how to joke around in the right situations. When it comes to his sexuality, he usually makes some stupid joke and shuts up, because despite the school being very accepting, Tristan still wants to keep some things personal. Tristan is like a serious idiot. When it comes to class, hes ready, prepared, and always paying attention. Tristan doesn't hesitate to answer questions and do the best he can to learn. But when he's with others, he tones down his strictness and becomes a lot more fun. He likes to party, but doesn't really drink. Smoking, however, is something he does on a day-to-day basis. He rarely goes to bars, due to the fact that at regular bars girls think he's available and he's no comfortable with going to gay bars.

No one knows he's gay, and he wants to keep it that way.

He wears a bandana anytime except during his Psychology classes.

His favorite color is red, lime green, or purple and he hates brown and orange.

He has a pet turtle named Greg.

Name: Danielle 'Dani' Pephanis

Age: 19

Major(s): Nursing

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_23-43-49.png.40ba72676d5086c54066c43a4b1bbce6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-30_23-43-49.png.40ba72676d5086c54066c43a4b1bbce6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: She grew up in England with her parents, who divorced when she was eleven and her younger brother, they always had just enough money to get by. She was a happy, clever child growing up but when she began secondary school she faced bullying and sexual confusion which led to depression until she was 15, due to his she had an embarrassingly long 'emo phase' and she still loves P!ATD.

Her mother had cancer and almost died, but she lived due to medical help and Danielle decided she wanted to be a Doctor as a result.

Personality: Danielle loves reading, she grew up in love with the Harry Potter series and LOTR, she is also a music lover and can play the piano, though she rarely gets the opportunity, and isn't a bad singer. Daniella can be very stubborn and easily frustrated. She is very ambitious, meaning she takes defeat badly.

She has came out to her brother and friends, but not to her parents, as they are old-fashioned and she is worried that they are homophobic.



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Name: Skyler Grey

Age: 19

Major(s): Human Physiology

Sexuality: Bisexual, but leans more towards women.

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.43b750f367bb5ddfb0aa6c49c209644c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.43b750f367bb5ddfb0aa6c49c209644c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Skyler grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. She grew up in what people called the 'perfect' home. Only it wasn't as perfect as everyone was led to believe. Inside the home, behind the scenes, was Skyler, an ignored trophy child. She wasn't meant to do anything wrong. She was supposed to be perfect. Her parents were US Ambassadors. She was raised by nanny's. By the time she was 15 she began to rebel against her parents, she brought home people of the same gender and if he opposite gender just to piss her parents off. So she was sent away to private school. When she turned 18, she moved out here to go to this college.

Personality: Skyler is a very fun and loving person. She's very outgoing, but focused and can be introverted at times.

Extra: She has a tattoo on her right calf of a dream catcher. She is also fluent in many languages including Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, Romanian, French, and Czech.



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'SJ' Foster




Musical Theater









Easy to get along with, everyone knew SJ as the kid who always smiled. No one knows much about her past only that she lives with an aunt. She carries on throughout her days with her head held high and always prepared to help out. Her name is also unknown as she goes by SJ instead.

When asked about her past, SJ will either attempt changing the subject or shut down entirely, a translucent barrier blocks the outer horrors from entering and wrecking her more than other people could ever know.


Boisterous and hyperactive; everyone is a friend in SJ's eyes. This, of course, often ends with her trust being shattered and feelings torn apart. She doesn't show it but there are several daggers sticking from her back. SJ is also optimistic and fair. Her attitude can sometimes take a turn upon being triggered by rude or hateful behavior though she respects everyone's thoughts and opinions.


She is often accompanied by a white ferret named Ace.



Silas Cooper













Silas was raised by a single father who lost his wife during the birth of their second son, Noah. Silas was three when his brother was born and therefor remembers little of his mother's death or life before hand. His father works two jobs trying to give his sons the best of the best giving Silas a reason to work even harder to accomplish something and make a name for himself.

A bit of a loner, Silas, or Si, prefers to spend his time out of the house; usually going to the gym for a little exercise or a walk through the park, all the normal things. Fitness is important to him along with mental strength, he enjoys quizzing himself sometimes but isn't always feeling up for the challenge.


Si is cool and open minded, he can be serious in certain situations but rarely has to be. Anyone who's spoken with him knows how friendly and sociable he can be. He doesn't say much about himself unless specifically asked.


Silas' dad does not agree with his son's college choice and doesn't call as often as he used to. Si's little brother, Noah, knows about Silas being bisexual though he has agreed to keep it from their father.
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Name: Laurence Belial

Age: 18 (he looks younger due to his hight)

Major(s): Graphic Design

Sexuality: Homosexual

Gender: Male


Bio: Laurence was born and raised in England. The area where he grew up was very accepting of his homosexuality however, children arn't always as open minded. During school at the age of 15 he came out as gay to his closest friends. Aparently those friends wern't close enough... News quickly spread and bullying soon followed so at the age of 18 he moved schools and is now a student at Nation College.

Personality: He is very shy but he does want to make friends, he just dosen't know how to go about it. He is very creative often drawing and/or listening to music.

Laurence has two pet rats, Matte and Toby. he considers them his 'best' or 'closest' friends.


Theodor Klein (Meeting new people he says that his name is Sober)




Cultural Managment








Theodor was born in Scotland, Edinburgh. Growing up he felt attracted to guys more than girls. He soon realised he was homosexual. His parents were very accepting and let the boy choose his own direction. (In 2015, Scotland was recognised as the "best country in Europe for LGBTI legal equality). He has 4 siblings, 3 of them being sisters. Theodor being a good listener, the girls often came to rant about their love lives to him. That was probably the main reason he started tilting torwards guys.

The school he went to before coming to Nation College, was also very accepting on sexuality.

When Teo was 17, he hadn´t come out of the closet in school yet. He´s quite a looker, so many girls were attracted to him. At the time Teo liked a tall guy that was a year older than him. He had spoken to him before, getting to know him bit by bit. He soon found out he had a girlfriend, so he decided to give up. He still had some feelings for him. One day a girl sent him a text message asking to meet in a park after school. Teo had recieved countless confessions before, so he thought this was one of them too. When he met her in the park, he knew who the girl was. She was the girlfriend of the guy Teo liked. The girl confessed to Teo and asked if they could start going out. At that moment Teo thought
What is so good about this girl? I want to find out... and accepted her request. The girl was two-timing.

Later that day Teo and the girl went to her house. They entered her bedroom and sat on the bed. The girl leaned in for a kiss and Teo once again thought
Why not?. The kiss was interrupted by a person barging in. It was once again the guy Teo had feelings for. "He provoked me!" the girl said. The guy grabbed Teo from his collar and threw him on the ground. He started punching him harder and harder after every single one. Teo could do nothing to protect himself so tears started falling down his face. Both the physical pain of the punches and the mental pain of being hurt by someone you have feelings for overwhelmed him. "What the..? This guy is crying? Pathetic." the guy said. He grabbed Teo and pulled him out on the allyway leaving him there. That night when Teo came home, he didn´t say a word to anyone. Just went to his room and slept through the pain.

He stopped going to school, asking for his parents to put him in to another school. In the beginnig his parents didn´t allow this, but they finally agreed. He was sent to a school called Nation College. It was quite convinient for Teo, because his older brother lives near the building in an apartment.


Teo is a quiet person. He likes listening to music and tries to stay away from people as much as he can. He doesn´t really trust anyone because of his past, so he´s very skeptical. It´s not like he doesn´t like people, but all he needs is to find that "right" one. You could say he´s a kuudere.


He likes cats. He owns 3. He chose his carrer path cultural managment because he really likes organizing. Teo is also quite artistic.
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Tate (But Prefers it if you call her Tat) Lian




Major: Social Work

Minor: Music Producing











Tate was an normal baby. She was born in the fall on an Thursday but the sad part is that her parents didn't want her at all. They gave her up to the System. She was sent to the orphanage and stay there till she was 4 when she was adopted by this seemly nice couple but that was just for show.They were horrible to her when they weren't around people. They hit her and make her clean everything. She would goes days without food and every time she talked, she would get hit. She was finally taken out of that home when she was fifteen. She went back to the orphanage but the abuse left an scar on her. She couldn't talk or even force herself to talk because she lost the ability to speak from not speaking for so many years. She went to an foster home till she was 19. Her foster brother and her grew close. He was the first person she ever told she was gay too. He told her that he was bi as well. They have an apartment together and they go to the same college


She is mute, shy, always flinching, hates people touching her, protective, smart, helping, loving. not trusting of people. Always loves to make people laugh


She is mute and every one of her tattoos is an quote



Kade Peters




Major: Social Work

Minor: Music Writing











His story is the same as Tate but instead he was put into foster care in an group home which he has stayed all his life


Prankster, Caring, Protective, Loving, Smart, Brave


He is bipolar



Taryn Greenberg


19 years old.









Taryn is a fun loving girl who is willing to do anything for friends and family. She can be sassy, but she doesn't mean any harm. She is definitely a kind girl, but if you're being a bitch, trust me, she'll tell you. She is definitely a romantic, believing there is a such thing as love at first sight. Taryn
loves music, it was basically what got her through all the bad things in her life. She likes anything from Fall Out Boy to Halsey to Five Seconds of Summer, she doesn't think she has much of a preference when it comes to music, but she does tend to stay away from country.


Growing up, Taryn didn't have a great relationship with either parents and ended up moving in with her 25 year old sister, Kristen. Her sister and her have an unbreakable bond, nothing can separate them. Kristen was always accepting of the lgbtqa+ community and would never bully anyone about it, this made it easier for Taryn to come out to her. Even if Kristen accepted her, she felt that no one else at her old college did, so, she found Nation College and was vastly impressed when she found out it was an lgbtqa+ school. Ever since she enrolled, she has found that she has less anxiety.


Taryn has pale skin and chocolate brown eyes. Her hair is dark brown, but gets lighter towards the bottom and it's length goes all the way down to her mid-back. She has small, but plump lips. She usually wears her eyeliner with a sharp wing,
"I can't skewer my enemies without my wings being sharp as all hell!" She also mostly uses a sparkly gold color for eye shadow and keeps her lips their natural color.


Though she is bisexual, she prefers females over all other genders and sexes.

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(( Give me a moment to edit this for this specific roleplay. >,...,< ))

Julian Price


Age: 19

Gender: Male (FtM)

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Blue-grey

Major: Linguistics

Minor: Juvenile Psychology

Sexuality: Heterosexual (romantically attracted to girls)

Personality: Julian is rather reserved, but only from the torture that he had experienced. He sometimes accidentally mentions the words of God and his teachings, only from being implemented into such a religious family ever since he was born. Despite favoring to be around people, Julian is not much of a talker, although very kind and honest. He is quite intelligent, however, with a quick wit and a knack for science and figuring things out. He tends to be rather humorous around others, seeking attention from them by making them laugh and like him in that aspect. Above all does Julian have a fierce loyalty towards all of those whom he calls his 'friends', and will do nearly anything for whom he trusts. He loves to learn, and is respectful to all, believing that everyone deserves as such, no matter who they are. He will never speak above others due to that air of respect around him, and is always polite to others. Overall is Julian a mentally strong and hospitable individual who loves to be around others, always making friends around him. One of Julian's extreme flaws, however, is his tendency to be so innocent and oblivious to the world around him at times. He becomes flustered quite easily, so he tends to avoid anything pertaining the topics of both sex as well as romance.

Appearance: Julian is the king of short people, this being because he stands at a mere four feet and ten inches, and weighs something around one hundred pounds. He has short brown hair and bright blue-grey eyes. He is kind of stocky, albeit possessing a decent womanly figure, with curvy hips. He prefers to dress in a rather casual attire, with baggy sweaters and loose jeans. Julian has a soft, pale complexion and a childlike face. He possesses an overall cool aura around him that tends to put others at ease, even if he himself can be a bit jumpy. His body is covered in self-harm scars—some much more prominent than others—as well as a multitude of permanent marks and bruises from abusive preachy parents.

Julian Price, born Jennifer Price, was born to an extreme Catholic family who was against any sort of gay rights acts, seeing anything straying from the norm (LGBT+) as the devil. Julian, however, knew he was different from the day he could dress himself. He was the youngest of twins, being the preferred female and male pair when born. His parents learned of his unusual behavior pointing towards being the other gender when they saw him wearing his brother's clothes. They brought him to church immediately upon the incident, believing that gender dysphoria could be cured through religious preaching. Of course, this was not Julian's choice. This was who he was, and nothing could change him feeling as if he was in the wrong body.

Once growing through puberty, after years upon years of harassment and intense religious classes, Julian began to blossom as a young woman. His parents never took him to doctors for his dysphoria, because they simply believed such was a simple, disgusting phase that would hopefully pass over into puberty. He was cursed by coming from a line of quite the vivacious of women, so there was no hiding his new body that he completely loathed. Through his years before puberty had his parents believed that corporal punishment could 'preach the lord into him', and make him be who he was supposed to be at birth. He hated himself, and covered his body in scars, some even in an attempt to change his unwanted body.

So, after years of constant abuse and preaching, he finally found the guts to put his plan into motion; to run away. He just wanted to be accepted. Julian had soon found himself being taken in to a foster care program, who did not see him as any different than any of their other children under their care. He grew up to a better life there, with acceptance and belonging finally being words that Julian had began to find a reverence for. The foster home was supportive of him, taking him in for hormone treatments and buying him his own special binders just for him. Julian was finally...happy.

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Emma Ketsaika


Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Aqua green

Criminal Justice

Minor: n/a

Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: Emma is a fiery redhead with curls to behold. She stands at a decent five feet and five inches, and is very pair shaped, with wide hips but a small waist and bust. She is predominantly Irish, with her paper white skin and freckles that cover her face and body, with even a slight Gaelic dialect due to her parents being from Ireland.

Personality: Emma is a very spunky, outgoing type of girl who loves to go out with others and have fun, despite her slightly reserved side. Loneliness is something she often combats, which is why she likes to surround herself with others. Overall, she is a sweet girl who wishes to never harm another living soul.

Emma Ketsaika comes from a decently wealthy family, unfortunately ending up as the only child. Her parents, however, preferred to spend their time with their own affairs, rather than that of their only child. One would think it to be the opposite due to Emma being their only birthed kin. But instead had her parents grown corrupt from their soon vastly increasing wealth. They began to be around their only child less and less, and Emma began to truly understand the meaning of the word 'loneliness'. School was the only place where she could go and actually even be acknowledged. Due to this issue, her only loved ones were ones who had actually earned said love, thus deeming her as demisexual.

No one ever caught on to Emma's rare sexuality, because she had found herself to like both boys and girls.

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