
New Member
Howdy all!

I'm looking for an Exalted game, preferably as a Solar. I'll be capable of posting a couple of times a day, save for the weekends.

If you need a player, holler!
Welll... at the moment... I don't have a slot free in my games... they're kinda full... But, nonetheless, welcome welcome...
Didn't Coyotekin just drop from Biohazard...?


Oh, and welcome to the site Ziddim. I am 'dominusetal' on the WW forums. :wink:
Coyotekin is going on vacation, but odds are he'll be here during said vacation... :roll:

And I suspect that by the time BH gets to another concentration of people, he'd have returned... :lol:
Ahh. I thought his message said something about dropping from the games he was in because of being busy with work or something.

Since using old threads is better than making new, cluttery ones - I am in just about the same boat, except I have no Exalt preference (Actually, Solars are the only ones I haven't played...)

Regardless, I'll be popping my head in around here, and possibly trying to run a game once my schedule clears a bit more.

I go by TastyPanda elsewhere. This seemed more appropriate.

Point being: You get five immaculates together. The Water immaculate is the supervisor, what with his skill in Craft (Water) - he also makes the gravy. The Earth Immaculate makes a roasting pit and acts as a skewer, turning the yeddim every few minutes. The Fire Immaculate provides the flame for the roasting, the Air Immaculate acts as the server (tossing plates of yeddim-meat to people) and the Wood Immaculate turns out to be a vegeterian and just sits there complaining.
I hate Rosetta Stone. I found it was only remotely useful for languages that share a common alphabet with your own, otherwise you are up shit creek.


just another new guy looking for a group, i normally play a lunar but have alot of exp playing exalted in general. Just PM me if your running a game!![/i]
I'm looking for a game as well. I'll play any Exalt type you like, and though my caste/aspect preferences are Eclipse/Full Moon/Journeys/Water/Day, I'll take whatever's free. Need to get my fix of awesome, though.
Damn, looking o get ri of me as it is. Well screw you too!!!!! Well, not really, you don't have a nice ass.

Haku, if it comes down to having someone readily available to play in your game then go for it. I will return more fully when I am able to, but I would no want to hinder the success of your badass games. :)
I am also looking for a game, preferrably in the evening or weekends if PbChat or I can post quite a bit during the day since I'm at University...all the time.

I prefer Solar exalted, since that is the only book I really own. I've got others given to me pdf style, but there's a lot I haven't read.

Send me a message.

(I do not condone 'piracy' as it were, in the sense that you simply take what you will, but I very honestly believe in a 'try before you buy' especially on something expensive as a massive set of books for a game you haven't played. Don't even get me started on WotC)
I'm a player with a quirk -- I've always played Solars or Dragon-Blooded, and now I want to try something new. Does anyone have a slot for an Abyssal, Lunar or Sidereal?

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