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New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I’m yeua, and I’m currently looking for a Naruto roleplay!

Before I share where my interest lies with the roleplay, here’s some things that may be good to know about me!

- MST timezone
- 17
- literate/semi-literate (I try to match my partners writing length.)
- I enjoy a variety of genres. (Romance, horror, platonic stuff, etc)
- absolutely NO nsfw (common sense here lmao)
- I may become unmotivated with the roleplay. Just remind me to reply if its been awhile ^^

- be no older than in your 20's (sorry :'))
- able to mirror length of replies or give me something decent to work with
- be open to coming up or offering plots (I suck at plots)
- willing to be patient and have conversations ooc. I love doing little “scenario”/“headcanon” talk!!

Now, as for the roleplay itself…
I’ve been wanting to do a Gaara x Naruto rp (I would be writing for Gaara!), but I’m fine with ocs as well. As previously mentioned, I would be roleplaying as Gaara, and he’s the only character I am looking to write for right now (I have no problem doing side characters etc). I do have simple ideas for the “story” of the rp as well, though they may not be helpful in keeping up the plot in the longrun, so I’m completely open to suggestions!

Side Note: Please do keep in mind that I am not 100% caught up within the world of Naruto so I would prefer aus or generally just roleplays that stray a bit from canon. <3

Side Note #2: I’m new to this website but have used forums before! I can be contacted on discord by the same name for better communication/faster replies if need be though.

Contact me in some way if interested!!
I’m desperate LMAO

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