LF Long term, mature 1x1.


Born To Kill.
Hey everyone. Here are a few things about me and how I RP:

-I'm outspoken and kind of prickish (is that word?). This is because I know what I want and have dealt with all sorts of nonsense leading to RPs dying. If you do not get a good vibe from the things I say, I am ok with that and you should probably stop reading at that point.

-I RP mature themes. This does NOT mean sex, cybersex or whatever. This means blood, cursing, death, violence and maybe a boob or two.

-I am looking for a female to RP with. Not set in stone.

-I am looking for the POTENTIAL for a possible relationship for one of my characters. I've never had this in an RP and am looking to try it. This is also not a requirement.

-I generally RP multiple chars, I suggest you do too, but it's not necessary.

-I do NOT NOT NOT! RP commercial content. This means I will not RP game of thrones, walking dead, last of us or X-men. I WILL put together RPs based on and inspired by things. I DO that. All the time. I will borrow if necessary, but I will not do RPs inside a universe or setting that is all done and created. If you have questions about this, ask.

-**MOST SUPER IMPORTANT THING EVER** I have a life. I have my family, I have a few health issues and I am a full time student...again. I have friends. I go out. I do things. Sometimes I sleep too. This means I may post 3 or 4 times some days, then sometimes NOT post for 3 or 4 days.

"what does this mean exactly Azseth?" Well, IF YOU ARE FICKLE, FLAKY OR BAIL ON RPS DO NOT READ FURTHER. That is not long term. So:

-if you lose interest after a week.

-if you lose interest if the RP slows.

-if you lose interest if your partner doesn't post for several days.

-if you have quit an RP recently.

-if you started an RP recently, were interested and then either quit or put it to the back of the list because you found another COOL NEW RP.

If any of those bullets apply to you, please stop reading.


1. Adhere to any policies of the site.

2. I'm all about quality over quantity. I don't post less than 3 sentences unless it is necessary due to the circumstances. Basically, I generally post 3 to a dozen paragraphs.

3. Good grammar blah blah.

4. Be active and engaging. I don't want to carry, cater to or spoon feed plot and lead a person through an RP. Create and run things, make things happen, do something unexpected.

5. Be able to use NPCs.

6. Be understanding. Like I said, I may not post for a few days. This doesn't mean I'm not interested or left. I GENERALLY give a heads up if it's something like an illness, school or vacation. Sometimes however, I MEAN to post before bed for 3 nights in a row and just get too swamped and/or tired. I extend the same courtesy. I don't PM cursing you, crying or demanding you post immediately. I poke and say something like "I hope you're OK and not dead. Let me know if you're still interested in RPing."

7. Be able to handle mature themes.

Now some of you may be thinking "Wow Az, you went and X'd off most of the people on the site." Good. I mean to. I am not trying to waste time and creative juices making an RP just to have the other person fold after 2 weeks because "lol, I was gunna post but started a new RP and forgot, lol" or "sorry man, the new <insert video game> came out and I haven't been doing anything" or whatever.

Please do not PM me if you are not serious. Please.

In terms of RP content, here it is:

Will not RP: real life, high school, marriage, mundane stuffs.

Will RP (but NOT limited to): fantasy, zombie/infected, war, post-apoc, Shadowrun, cyberpunk, high fantasy, supernatural, dystopian, megacorps. I'm sure there are more I forgot or overlooked.

Also, while I will not RP commercial stuffs, I should have said "I will not RP commercial stuffs *ASTERISK*" because Shadowrun is an exception because well, Shadowrun is exceptional and also crosses into so many genres.

i can see a lot of people passed on your add but im also very picky and i am looking for a long term role play as well
Nerdy, what I mean is that I'm looking for some form of potential intimate relationship between characters, in a perfect world. I'd prefer to RP with a female player who has a female character.

But. I am willing to RP with anyone so long as they're good players and the RP is fun.

If you're still looking, I'm interested. I'm good at being a female (obviously) and I'm pretty much up for anything; being theme, content, etc.
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Caught in a rad bromance!

Nerdy, Virus, let me take a moment and see how things work out because essentially, I have 2 other 1x1s in the works, then both of you are asking, and I don't want to start something I cannot keep going.

If you're still interested in a partner, I'd be very willing to RP with you. I'm looking for a long term partner, I'm a female, and your ad really caught my attention. I have a few ideas in mind if you're game, and I'm open for practically any sort of theme, especially mature. So, let me know~ :3

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Consider this kinda closed at the moment. I honestly was expecting like 2, maybe 3 responses and I generally don't do much 1x1 RPing.

I'll delete this message if things open up.


Now is megacorp like, a business empire thing? Or is there a different meaning?...

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Megacorps are generally part of cyberpunk, futuristic and/or dystopian genres.

It's not just a big corporation. It's a corporation with enough money, resources, power and pull so that they are generally above "normal" law and in some settings, now dominate nations and run things while the government is nothing but a shell of what it was.


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