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Fandom LF listed RPs (Updated 6/22/23)

sorry, im just a tad bit excited, whenever i see good plot la for Warrior Cats, it makes my body tingle just a tad, I like the first plot, but I'm wondering if i could play an OC, I have a character who's a medicine-cat, known as MintTuft that i love to use
sorry, im just a tad bit excited, whenever i see good plot la for Warrior Cats, it makes my body tingle just a tad, I like the first plot, but I'm wondering if i could play an OC, I have a character who's a medicine-cat, known as MintTuft that i love to use
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you're interested! :D
Yeah, you can use an OC!
We can discuss the rest of the details or any other questions you have in DMs ^.^

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