Leviathan Academy *A School For The Outcasts*


Junior Member
Romance: High.

Welcome to Leviathan Academy.

The school for Outcasts. In this case Outcasts would be, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and so on.

Your Counselors:

Lead (House 1): Mrs. Suggs

House 2: Mrs. Uranga

House 3: Mr. Stewart

House 4: Mr. Pitts

The school is one large building at the front. The band Hall is behind the main building, slightly off to itself, with its own large practice feild. Soccor, Vollyball, Tennis, Baseball, Basketball, Track have thier own locker rooms, with Coachs offices on the opposite side parrallel with the Band hall, with a Gym, soccor feild, Tennis Courts, Baseball Field behind it. Track and Band share the same Field.

All the teachers here, are Straight. As to not be able to flirt with thier students.


No Kissing in the hallways

No Cussing, If So bleep it out

This place is in California, just outside of San Fran. So if you really feel the need to Charries can get married, but they have to be Seniors to do so. Both of them.

No Godmodding or Power Playing

Blahbady Blah

Have Fun

Love Each other


Pixie woke up as sun pored into bedroom window. She yawned and wiped the sleep from her tired eyes. She got up, and took a nice warm shower to wake her up. She smiled, after getting out, and dried off, getting dressed.



I woke up slowly, yawning. I grabbed my head and groaned, what did I do last night? I looked over at my black spray painted bedside table and sighed. I'd been drinking there sat a half full bottle of vodka, and I was naked. I sighed, and got up, going to take a shower. Afterwards, I chugged a glass of orange juice, and slipped into my norm clothes. Skinny jeans, tshirt, slip on vans.



Tony woke up to the sound of his iphone blaring some dubstep song. He groaned and got up, turning his phone alarm off. He took a quick shower, and yawned all the way through it. He turned up some music when he got out, and got ready for the day. He brushed his hair, teeth, and ate some breakfast, before turning on his tv.



Johnny yawned as she wipped the sleep from her eyes, and sat up in her bed. She yawned, and went to take a shower. She washed everything and her hair, and got out. After drying her hair off, she walked into her room, and quickly put on her clothes for the day, boxers, slightly baggy skinny jeans, a black sports bra and a black tank top. She walked into her bathroom, and wrapped up her boobs, so she was flat chested. Having really tiny boobs made her life way easier, as a transgender. She breathed out, and pulled on a Misfits t-shirt, than a hoodie, and straightened her hair. She smiled, and brushed her teeth, then ate some breakfast. She cleared her throat, and put her guy face on. In the morning and at night she was Jennifer, but during the day, she was completly Johnny. Johnny smiled as he grabbed his wallet, and phone, and his room key, and his backpack, and headed outside.

Emily jumped out of sleep when her alarm suddenly went off and scared her. She turned it off and sat up, running her fingers through her red-brown hair. The auburn strands were rather fluffy today, but she solved that with a curling iron and straightener. Loose curls were definitely the way to go today. She applied her make up and slipped into black skinny jeans, a grey off shoulder tee, and her Converse. She slipped her glasses on and grabbed her stuff for school. She was nervous; she hoped it was nothing like the public school she'd gone to before this place. The other students there... They weren't so nice. She had bruises to prove it. But this school was supposedly different, where all the 'GLBTQ' people went. Hopefully the 'P' girl would fit in there somewhere, too...


After getting dressed, she ate some breakfast, and grabbed her phone and wallet, and backpack. She walked out of her dorm, down the hall, and outside into the warm sunshine.



After getting dressed, I ate a bowl of cereal, and watched a little bit of Family Guy, before grabbing everything I needed for school, and walked outside.



Anthony watched an episode of South Park, before grabbing all his stuff, and heading for his first class.



Johnny walked outside, just in time to see some really cute girls going for a nice jog this morning. He couldn't help but watch and stare. A very butch lesbian pushed him, which sent him face first into the concrete.

"Stop staring at my girlfriend, *another word for gay guy, thats not very nice*."The very butch lesbian girl said, as she walked away. Johnny picked himself up off the ground, and groaned. *Darn* lesbians... But hey! she thought I was a dude. YES !

She sprang out of bed as she looked at her watch. "Darn, I'm almost late!" she quickly slipped on her denim short-shorts, a Capture the Crown tee and her Vans. She quickly ate some corn-flakes out of the box, swallowed some milk and bolted, her dinosaur bag on her shoulder. Diana tripped up over a hidden root, making a shallow but large gash on her right leg. "Ow. Ow ow ow ow ow oww." she bit her lip. She saw a guy be pushed over for ogling at someone's girlfriend. "Hey!!" she called over to the man. "Do you have a banage or something? I need something to cover my leg!" she shuddered at the blood.


She yawned. "Oh, almost time for school." she shrugged, climbing down the stairs as if it was a mountain. She stretched out like a cat before slowly heading to the kitchen, grabbing some toast and stuffing it in her mouth. She grabbed her lady-bug bag and walked out the door, flicking the hair out of her eyes. She waltzed over to her riding boots and her riding gloves. She hopped on her Harley and revved the engine. "Well, I'm going to make an impression." she shot out of her drive-way.



Johnny looked around, then saw a girl, bleeding out of her leg. He bit his lip, and rushed over to her. "What happened?" Johnny asked, riffling through his bag, there he found some gauze and what not, and rapped up her leg, helping her to stand. He put his bag across his shoulders, and slowly picked her up, bridal style. He smiled, and walked her towards the Medical Wing of the school...All those kids were crazy nerds that loved helping others, wouldn't they have a job now. As Johnny was walking he saw his friend Pixie. He nodded his head, cause he couldn't do anything else.



Pixie was outside on a park bench, bored, but reading a book. She looked up just in time to see Johnny. She gave him two thumbs up, and lightly clapped, he had a girl in his arms ! PROGRESS Which meant, that she was more than likely either bi....orr trans like Johnny. Nevertheless, she smiled widely. Yay, Johnny.



As Anthony or Tony, was outside, he'd witnessed Johnny getting pushed the ground, by a scary butch lesbian, saw the girl trip and fall, watched Johnny be the hero, and clapped for him. Good for her...him...pronoun....yea...pronoun. Anthony got up, and went and sat by Pixie. "Yay....Progress...Happy for Jen..." Anthony said to Pixie.



I looked behind me, when I heard clapping. I was very confused. But what I saw, made me increddible happy. One of my bestfriends, had a girl in his arms, then i noticed her leg, and I ran up farther infront of them, waiting, to open the door for Johnny. I was happy for him...but yea...

"Oh, I, uh, thought I was going to be late for school so I bolted out my door, tripped over a root of tree then I skidded my leg across a rock," she explained. "And you didn't have to carry me, I could've just leaned on you and walked y'know?" she smiled slightly. "But thanks anyway." she muttered shyly.


She skidded into the school and dismounted her bike. She decided she wasn't going to bother with looking around yet, she just found a bench, with someone reading. Finally, a nerd like her that loved reading. She took out her favourite book and timidly said "Hi," she quickly looked back down at her book.


Johnny nodded, then nodded to Quinn, thanking him for opened the door, as he walked inside. "Its not a problem....I wanted to be Chivalrous...hehe school humor..."Johnny said giggling slightly. He then bit his lip, his laugh would always probably sound like a girl. Darn...."You should be more carful, darlin..."Johnny said with a light smile, looking at her. He walked up to the Receptionist desk, and told the nurse what happened.



Pixie smiled at Tony, as he got up, then started to walk towards his first period. She looked over when a very pretty girl, sat next to her on the bench. She smirked, then smiled. "Hi....Oh...Dude, that books a good one..."Pixie said smiling. She read that book for AP English 4 Senior year.



Anthony looked behind him, walking to English, and noticed a pretty girl had sat in his seat, next to Pixie. He breathed out. "Pixie always gets the pretty ones..."Anthony said sighing.



"Nice, Jen-Johnny..." Quinn said smiling, then he quickly walked away.

"Yeah, I know, I'm a bit clumsy when I'm worried. I'm a bit of a nerd, so that's why I was sprinting to get here... I get the school humour. Nice one." Diana smiled. "You can... let me down now. I don't know how chivalrous you'd like to be, but this is starting to get a bit awkward for me. Thanks for carrying me here though..." she blushed slightly and looked away.


"Really, I only started yesterday and I'm up to chapter 12." she shrugged. "I'm a slow reader." she sighed. "I'm Lee." she smiled. "Strange name I know, but my mum thought it was cool. So, yeah, and you are?" she asked, a smirk appearing on her face. She thought the girl was quite pretty.


He nodded and carfully set her down. "Nerds are cute though....even when their clumsy..."Johnny said with a small smile, before sighing.



Pixie nodded, and turned towards the girl, smiling softly. "Its not weird...My names Pixie...so...if anything mine is..."Pixie said shrugging, she reached over, and pushed the girls bangs out of her eyes, to see them. She smiled again, and let her hand drift down to her cheek, then slowly return to hoodie pocket.

Lee blushed. Pixie's touch was gentle against her cheek, the bangs kind of slid back down, not to the extremity it was before, but just slightly. "Nice piercing, where'd ya get it?" she asked, iinquiring about the lip ring. As the bangs fell down again, Lee slid them back up.


"Eh, we're not that cute, we're just smart. And we giggle." she tried to keep her girl voice from withering into her guy one. She cleared her throat. "But thanks." she mumbled, blushing harder, she hid back her blush with her hair. She put one arm on his shoulder and hopped towards the bed, leaning against it. She lay down and stretched, showing her belly-button piercing, a small pink rose quarts.
{{Quinn's name is Now Bert FYI <3

xoxo Lily }}



Helped her to a small room, and smirked when he saw her bellybutton piercing. He looked away, then sat down in a chair next to the Gurney.



"I got it less than a year ago, at a Tattoo parlor right after I got my first tattoo. I was in so much pain that day....I could probably have lasted 3 years in Hell....and it wouldn't have compared to all that. You wonna see it?" Pixie asked, unzipping her hoodie. Her first tattoo was on her left upper arm. It was a very well thought out Heart, with music lyrics inside. The lyrics to The Only Hope For Me Is You by My Chemical Romance. She pulled off her hoodie, and turned her body, pulling up her Misfits shirt sleeve, revealing the tattoo.

{{Quinn's name is Now Bert FYI <3

xoxo Lily }}
Gerard had woken up late and was already leaving his house, which was right near campus lucky him. Usually the tall male would drive his car, but felt no need to for he wasn't in a rush in the first place. He had his bag slung lazily over his shoulder, a pair of black sunglasses shielding his bright eyes, and a lit cigarette between his lips. Inhaling and exhaling without a care, he knew school rules prohibited smoking on campus, but the brunette was a rule breaker at heart. "Another boring day." he mumbled under his breath, biting his lip while making his way inside. "What class did I have first again.."


I had walked up to my English class, watching some really hot guy with a ciggerette between his lips, which made me want to know him even more. The smoke made an invisible halo around the boy, which made this mysterious hottie, even sexier. I bit my lip, and trotted upstairs to my English 4 class before I could do or say anything stupid. I took a seat in the back, and set my black messanger bag down, staring into the black hole that was my desk.
Gerard gave the side of his a small thump until it finally hit him, all the drinking last night made his memory a little hazy. "Ah, that's right. English!" he snapped his fingers and was on his way, taking his sunglasses off and tucking them into his back pocket. Taking his time, he gradually made his way to the class. He gave a cheesy smile to the teacher as a greeting and made his way to the back left corner, right next to the window and tossed his bag onto the ground before sliding smoothly into his seat. "What're we learning today." he whispered, moving his peepers around the room at the different guys. "Cute, Cute.. ew, Pass, Pass, Cute." he looked at Bert and tilted his head, "Gorgeous."


I couldn't sit still, and probably looked like a freaking lunatic. I kept combing through my hair with my fingers, trying to calm myself down. I immediatly sat still, when the really really hot guy walked in. I started to freak out in my head. I breathed out, and took out my Drawing/Writing Spiral, drawing what I could remember of the kid, that was sitting a few desks away, I would look over at him occasionally, fixing the little things. When I was done, i put my spiral away, and felt more calm, and played with the ends of my hair, then took out one of my gauges, then realized that wasn't the best idea, and put it back in, biting my lip.

"You saw it, admit it. I got it one day when my mother specifically said I couldn't get a piercing." she shrugged, cracking her neck and knuckles simultaneously. She pulled down her top so it covered her stomach again. "Normally people freak over that. I don't see why, it's just like an ear-piercing, just on your belly button."


"Cool, I have a tat, but they're not worth looking at." she shrugged. "I'm mean they're just roses on my wrists. Really hurts to get tattoos there. Owwie." she smiled at Pixie. "Anyways, what bands do you like?"


Johnny just smiled. "Its cute..."Johnny said smiling, petting her cheek gently.



"One would imagine so..."Pixie said smiling, looking into her eyes. "My Chemical Romance, the Used, Avenged Sevenfold, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low, Four Year Strong, Falling In Reverse, bunch of other bands..." Pixie said shrugging. She felt her phone vibrate, but ignored it.

"What about Motionless In White and Capture The Crown?" she asked, grinning widely. She put down her book and went slightly closer. "They're pretty cool, so in Marilyn Manson. How do people get mixed up about whether he's a boy or a girl? Marilyn in a unisex name." Lee shrugged.


Diana smiled. "Thanks," she said taking his hand off her cheek. "Sorry I don't like to be pet." she smiled slightly. "I prefer holding and such, but you don't know me that well yet anyway." she shrugged. "And why do you think everything is cute? You sound like a girl." she smiled, unbeknownst of his past.


"I've never actually listened to any of Motionless In White's stuff....and yea Marilyns pretty cool. I only know like one of his songs, because of Guitar Hero..."Pixie said shrugging, and bit her lip, pecking Lee's lips. Pixie couldn't help the urge to kiss her.



"If you don't want me here, all you do waw say so..."Johnny said getting up, and walking all the way outside, before she hid behind the building, and cried a little. She got up, and walked back to her dorm, clearing any trace of crying. She would have liked it if she could just curl up in Pixies arms, but she was talking to some chick. Jen sighed, and walked up to her dorm, collapsilng on her bed.

Her eyes widened. "Did you just kiss me? So you're a lesbian too?" she smiled. "I wouldn't have guessed." she shrugged.


She sighed. "I didn't mean it like that..." she said to herself. She was tearing up and gripped the sides of the gurney. "I didn't want you to leave..." she bit her lip and a tears streamed down her face. Diana never meant to hurt him, she just doesn't like to be pet, she's not like most girls, mainly because she still has guy traits such as not like being pet, pet names et cetera, but she wanted Johnny to come back. She got up and limped out of the sick room. "Thank you for your care," she said quickly, hopping down the stairs with difficulty. "He probably went to his dorm." she realised so she went to every dorm until she came across his, as she looked through the window and saw him on the bed. She knocked quietly. "Please come out, I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt you.


Pixie smiled. "There are only 2 other things I could be, darlin....Bi or Transgender....more likely Bi...but Yes, I am a lesbian..." Pixie said petting Lee's cheek gently. "Its not very noticable....unless you really know me...Then i'm a complete flirt...." Pixie said then shrugged.



Jennifer ignored her knocking, and her words. She pulled off her hoodie, pulled her shirt over her head, and took her black wrap off, put them on the floor, and curled up under her sheets. If Diana really wanted to, she could easily just walk in, the door wasn't locked, but Jen had forgetten about that.

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