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Letters from Home!


Hate burns like a raging fire
Hey everyone!

Here I am again, I had another idea. I would love to do with someone. But before I get into the fun plot that I have. I would like to say what I prefer. So here it goes.

  1. I prefer to play female.
  2. I prefer to rp in pm. It is easier to keep up with.
  3. I don't mind cussing, drug use, drinking or anything of the like.
  4. Always fade to black.
  5. Please add to the plot. It makes it more fun for both of us.
  6. Please limit the one liners. They are hard to work with.
  7. Don't just leave the rp without telling me. If you don't want to do it any more, just tell me. I am not going to get mad at you. Or we can come up with twists to make it more fun.
  8. Have fun!
  9. Talking to me OOC, I like to have talking going on it. Get to know the person. I maybe shy, but I will talk.
  10. Spelling and grammar. Please don't worry to much about this, I am not good at it. So as long as we both can understand what we are saying. Then all good with me.

Now that is all over with. On to the plot!! This can fantasy, modern and real life. It is very easy to put it in any setting really. Oh sorry! Here is the plot!!

Letters from Home

A brother in ______ (Some branch of the military. We can come up with that or you can. Just whatever you like.), has a sister that he writes to every chance that he gets. His sister writes him everyday that he is gone. They have been very close to each other. Since they were very young . They moved around a lot. Their father being in _______ (branch of the military). They always had to go where he was needed.

As they grew up, her brother made up his mind to join the military. To make his father proud of him. As he went off to bootcamp. His had a hard time with him being gone. Not getting to see him as much as she liked to. But this made him happy. So she was going to support him. While he was in bootcamp, she wrote him. She would tell him all about what was going on at home. Her brother made a real good friend, at bootcamp. They became close friends, sharing about their lives back home. Her brother, being protective of his little sister. But he told his friend all about her. His friend seen pictures of his sister. She was a pretty girl.

(This is where the rp will start)

He is the first to write her, with her brothers saying it was ok for him to. Writing letters back and forth with each other.( There could be romance in this. It would give this rp something more.) They get to know each other, sending pictures as well back and forth to one another. He will get sent off to war. Always writing to her, it keeps him sane, in the insane war that is happening. He is with his best friend over there. (The brother he met in bootcamp.) his sister always writing everyday to him. He doesn't tell her he is coming home with her brother. They meet and spend time together. Until he has to go back to the war.

What this rp is, we will actually write the letters back and forth. And then play out the meeting, then writing more letters to each other. We can come up with more, or what we would like to do from there.

If you have any questions please just ask. Or if you would like to add anything let me know, I would love to hear your ideas. If you would like to do this with me. Please just comment down below or pm me. Thank you for taking the time to read all this.

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I have a similar idea about were the solider comes back with no memory after being to close to an explosion but I like you're idea a lot too I'd be interested if you're still looking;
I am still looking :) .

I have an idea I can run by you. I think it would bring more to it. Maybe we can put both together and the letters are what helps him remember or fall in love with her again?


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