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Let's play some D&D on RPn


Back in the states
I recently discovered there was a small amount of people that wished to play D&D or learn how to but have no one to play with, well search no further. This will be a full D&D experience, but I need a few more people to start, If you haven't played before, I will help you through the Character making progress and the playing process as well. So head on over to https://www.rpnation.com/threads/d-d-on-rpn-attempt.77994/ and join us.

Well that would make four if you two join as well. One more and I'll work at a campaign and setting.
May I join? I have no dnd exp but I play pathfinder and I know that the transition isn't hard to make... is it? :P
No clue, I haven't played pathfinder. But yes, you may join, the other two have decided not to and I'll just do this with two people since no one else seems to want to
I would be interested but I have little to no experience playing D&D. If you'd rather continue with the people who are more familiar, I completely understand. If not, count me in :)
If you follow the link, I say that I will teach you what you need to know, but you have to work with me in the step-by-step process. I had a person who didn't know what they were doing and refused to work with me and I had to eventually say no. So if your willing to be guided then I'm happy to teach you.
I'm more than willing to be guided through. I actually have the 4th edition red box but because me and my friends had no idea what we were doing, it didn't get much use. But I'll have a read through the books when I get a chance so I'm not completely hopeless :P I've got to go out now but I'll get working on a character tonight and I'll get back to you with questions if I have any :) Any advice in the meantime is appreciated, though!
4th oh heh well perhaps it isn't for me good sir I'm not a fan of 4th myself I have red the workings of it and I'm not a fan of its mechanics myself no offense to you I just don't find it something I play but thank you for the offer.
This has been moved to Dice Recruitment so that others playing Tabletop games can find it. If I made a mistake in moving it just let a moderator know.
Is there an srd or an all encompassing reference I can use? I mean something like d20pfsrd.com where I can read all the descriptions of names in one place
Ack, I was hoping this was 5th ed. as I'd like to give that a go, but alas. 4th is a legitimately a good game so I hope you all have fun, it's just not what I fancy.

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