Let's Get This Bread(TM)


New Member
hey y'all !! i'm daisy, it's nice to meet you! i'm soso excited to have made an account for this site; i can't believe i didn't rly know it existed until recently????
i can't wait to start talking to you guys ! i love to rp, so i'm hoping to make both great rp partners and friends while i'm here.

some things about me:
- i'm close to graduating high school!! just one more month babeyyyy
- i will be majoring in teaching with a focus on psychology and sociology in college. hopefully i'll only need to attend for 4 years. i plan on being a high school psych + soc teacher!
- i aspired to be an author for years. i still write min ficlets to this day, and obvs i rp too!
- i have had 8 cats at the same time before. currently i only have 4, but even they can be a hassle; idk how i survived with 8 tbh
- i use a ton of text speech, but the moment i'm in rp mode, i become as eloquent and well-spoken as possible lol
- i like drawing a lot! however i've always known it isn't something i want to pursue in life. it's fun to doodle ocs and stuff, but not for a profession (i applaud those who do tho!!)
- my favorite books are the great gatsby and pride & prejudice!!
- my favorite movie is,, bohemian rhapsody i guess! i have a ton of favorites tho; any disney movie also counts tbh
- i've seen way too much anime to be healthy at this point. i've kinda stopped watching now, but i do watch the occasional newer ones. currently i'm finishing up s1 of the promised neverland and staying caught up on the fruits basket reboot.
- my favorite youtubers are cryaotic, callmekevin, and game grumps. i watch youtubers daily, so i'll probably recognize any you throw at me! (while i'm very invested in youtube so i'll recognize most names, that doesn't mean i'm greatly familiar with all of them. i mostly watch gaming, anime, and meme related channels, so don't expect me to be all like "omg the dolan twins!! tana!!!" like. whomst i only know Tea)
- speaking of youtubers, i've seen markiplier live !!! ugh he's such a good guy i SWEAR he's gonna be the death of me
- i lovelovelove musicals!! my absolute favorite is anastasia (it's more of a guilty pleasure tbh. but i feel no guilt in loving it), but i love a lot of the more common ones, like heathers, bmc, deh, hamilton, etc.; i've actually been on a roll of seeing lots of musicals recently! i've seen hamilton, deh, aladdin, ride the cyclone (a hidden gem, i'd greatly recommend it if you like heathers and deh!), percy jackson and the lightning thief, and many more. unfortunately i don't live in new york tho, so i can only see them when they go on tour :///

that's really all i can think of for now. i hope you guys enjoy your time on this website as much as i will, and i can't wait to get to know you guys !
hello hello! i too am pretty new to this site but welcome anyway haha. high five on almost being out of high-school, i'm nearly there as well myself c:
Can someone explain to me about this bread thing cause I’m old and I keep seeing people saying it is it because of jungkook?
Anyways WELCOME!​
hello hello! i too am pretty new to this site but welcome anyway haha. high five on almost being out of high-school, i'm nearly there as well myself c:
thank you !! aah yes i'm trying my best to figure out how to navigate this site and. man i'm just glad this forum site is easier to use than others;; i've always struggled navigating these type of websites but this one is relatively easy to get around!
high five!!! we're almost there, just a little further! we can do it !! C:<
Welcome to the crew! Hope you can enjoy your time here and Run while you still can have fun with the many RPers on this site :D

Welcome to the crew! Hope you can enjoy your time here and Run while you still can have fun with the many RPers on this site :D
thank you so much !! i'm having a great time on here! i'm already invested there's no going back

too many exclamation marks
there's never too many exclamation marks when you're havin a good time !! <3

Hello welcome to RPN, hope you enjoy your stay here!
thank you so much ! i'm having a ton of fun already, and i've only talked to a few people; i can tell this site is very welcoming and close-knit, so i'm happy to be a part of it! <3
Oh heck yeah, welcome to the site! I've got a few questions about your introduction.
- Favorite anime?
- You down to send cat pictures? I love those fuzzy little roomates.
- You planning anything special for your graduation? I'm talking barbecues, parties, etc.

That's all!
Oh heck yeah, welcome to the site! I've got a few questions about your introduction.
- Favorite anime?
- You down to send cat pictures? I love those fuzzy little roomates.
- You planning anything special for your graduation? I'm talking barbecues, parties, etc.

That's all!
thank you so much!! <3
- ooooh man i have so many favorites ... for starters, i love basically every magical girl anime. i'm a huge sucker for mahou shoujo stuff, ranging from the super soft pastel things to edgier series like madoka magica and mahou shoujo site! to get more specific tho, i love a lot of the more well-known things; soul eater, fairy tail, fma, inuyasha, the likes. i've seen a ton of anime so there are lots of favorites that i'm forgetting--what about you?
- omg always!!! i'll get on it asap!
- yes actually! my school hosts their own senior barbecue and grad night; basically all seniors skip their classes for the barbecue and hang out all day. grad night is where the school takes us at 8:30pm to some fun places (we aren't allowed to know until the night of) and we come back at 6am. i'm super excited for it! as for my own personal events, a lot of my friends are planning some grad parties. so i'll be attending those! for the most part i'm not planning much because i'm moving shortly after graduation, so i'm not planning much myself!

thank you so much for asking! i'm gettin on those cat pics rn!
i've seen a ton of anime so there are lots of favorites that i'm forgetting--what about you?

Oh jeez, there's quite a few! I'm a big fan of Bungou Stray Dogs, Hunter X Hunter, Mob Psycho 100, Soul Eater, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (my guilty pleasure).

While I wait, I'm gonna send my own cats! This is Forrest, he likes teleporting and pretending he doesn't like you even though he totally does.
This is Tasha, shes scared of everything and can beat forrest up any day. She likes to sleep on family members when we're feeling down.
Oh jeez, there's quite a few! I'm a big fan of Bungou Stray Dogs, Hunter X Hunter, Mob Psycho 100, Soul Eater, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (my guilty pleasure).

While I wait, I'm gonna send my own cats! This is Forrest, he likes teleporting and pretending he doesn't like you even though he totally does.
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This is Tasha, shes scared of everything and can beat forrest up any day. She likes to sleep on family members when we're feeling down.
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i've heard of those!! unfortunately i haven't had time to watch most of those,, but i've heard a ton about them! i'm especially interested in watching bungou stray dogs. can you give me a bit of a synopsis of it? admittedly it's probably the anime i've heard the least about, but i love the animation and art style!

OMG I LOVE FORREST AND TASHA SO MUCH aaaaa they're so heckin cute!!! yes forrest the king of pretending not to care, and tasha the cool sweetheart!! i love them so much!
here are my little kitties! one of them, gizmo, is sick right now and a little camera shy, so i decided to leave him alone. and another one of my cats, tuesday, is even more camera shy than gizmo, so i decided to leave her be!
but even though gizmo and tuesday will not be joining us, here are the other two:

this is bella! she's my sister's cat, but my sister moved away years ago so we basically adopted her. she's very loud and loves to run around, but she enjoys cuddling at the end of the day with everyone. she yells at you in affection <3 she got a little curious about my phone, lol

and this is meep! he's a stray we picked up about six years ago. he's very aloof and likes roaming outside, but he always comes home to snuggle up against everyone. whenever someone starts petting him and they try to walk away, he paws at their ankles to try and get them to stay. it's endearing, but scares the heck out of everyone! he also got a bit curious about the phone lol

him and bella kiiinda despise each other--so they're basically always having a competition to see who can get the most love!
Goddamn girl you be spamming this channel HOLY MOLI XD
i just wanna reply to everyone !! i'd feel bad if i replied to someone then left everyone else on read :///
if i'm doing something wrong, please let me know! i just wanted to be polite, but obvs i'm new to this site, so if i should stop then lmk!
i just wanna reply to everyone !! i'd feel bad if i replied to someone then left everyone else on read :///
if i'm doing something wrong, please let me know! i just wanted to be polite, but obvs i'm new to this site, so if i should stop then lmk!
nah no worries, i just noticed how it kept like spamming back up on welcome and i was like wtf is going on there (11 viewers so like so popular lmfao) and opened the thread... LITERALLY JUST YOUR POSTS XD
i suggest you condense them all in the same sending. You can quote multiple messages per sending!

Anwyays, a huge welcome to you tomi! Enjoy!

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