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Fantasy Lets get lost in fantasy-Calico's partner search


Unlucky Member

You can call me Calico, I’m 29, and I’m on the hunt for some rp partners! I’m a cat mom of a sweet 8 month old ginger boy, who I will gladly show off if asked, call me Hughes with how dedicated I am to showing off my son.(My love goes out to those who know that reference.)

I’ve been roleplaying for 17-ish years, whew that makes me feel old, but due to work I haven’t gotten to role play in a while. Luckily my job schedule is much more open so I have more free time to write, so I figured I’d see if I can match up with a few people to get some stories going!

About me/Guidelines:

  • I’m EST, so I’m usually available in the afternoons after work and usually available all day on my days off unless I have prior engagements.​
  • Even if I’m not available to respond to the rp, I do love chatting about the rp and new ideas we want to add, or even just gush about our characters.​
  • I can be pretty active, especially when the rp is picking up, but I try to respond at least 2 times a day. Sometimes more if I have the time, but I will send you a message to let you know if I’ll be away for more than a couple days.​
  • Ghost friendly. If you are gone for more than a week I usually check in, things happen in life and I don’t hold that against my partners. But if there is no contact for more than a week, I will assume we are done.​
  • I love romance in my roleplays, I love having our characters fall in love organically, so it’s usually a must. I love a good slow burn, but not too slow, the characters aren’t going to fall in love at first sight(that's kinda boring). But maybe a small step above a slow burn.​
  • My only ask for replies is that you can give me a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs, I tend to match what my partner gives me. I write anywhere between 500-1000+ words depending on what the rp calls for, but I’m not expecting you to write me a novel, just something I can reply to and no one liners please!​
  • I love to hear my partner’s ideas! Don’t be shy, it's no fun when the plotting is one sided.​

What I’m looking for:

Right now I’m only looking for fantasy, any setting is fine, I adore modern, medieval, high or low fantasy. I’m also only looking for m// or f//, I might be willing to do m/f if the plot is good, but I’ve had too many past partners push the male role onto me so I’m just kinda taking a break from that right now. I’m most comfortable writing m// and f// anyways. Just let me know your preference when you message me.

I have a few original plots, but I will also post my preferred pairings as well.

Original Plots:

Vampires and other supernatural creatures have been living amongst humans for centuries, seamlessly blending in with the humans, many of them are influential members of the cities they reside in. Some humans even offer themselves as feeders, companions, or a mix of the two in exchange for something they want. Like helping their families financially, funds to attend a college they want to get into, get out of a bad situation, or anything else they are willing to offer themselves to a vampire for. A lot of these humans end up living lavish lives with the vampire lord or lady they made the deal with. It’s a mutual exchange for both parties.

Muse A is an old vampire who’s been around for hundreds of years, they are cold and closed off most of the time. They have a high standing in vampire society as a lord/lady in charge of a large brood of vampires and has influence within the city.

Muse B is a human who has come across hard times(we can discuss what exactly) and goes to muse A seeking an arrangement.

I really liked the idea of Muse B being the reincarnation of Muse A’s spouse from when they were human, it being one of the reasons muse A accepts the deal, because B looks so much like their past spouse.

I’d love to explore the in and outs of vampire society as Muse B gets thrown into it, and have that slow progression of Muse A slowly softening for B.

I feel like we can add twists of drama throughout the story, with a good semi slow burn romance with a little bit of enemies to lovers.

One summer when Muse A was a child they stayed with their grandmother in the country, their grandmother would tell them intricate stories about mythical beings and magic, they loved these stories and would often get lost in them.

One day when they were exploring they came across Muse B, who they thought was just another kid like them, the two of them bonded over the summer and became close. Even swearing under an old willow tree that they would get married one day, but eventually summer was over and Muse A had to return home. They had lost all contact with Muse B over the years.

Now many years later, Muse A is fresh out of college and decides to take a trip to their late grandmother’s home to relax and take some time away. They hadn’t stopped thinking about Mise B since they left that summer, but they never thought they’d see them again.

During Muse A’s first night there someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night, despite the weirdness of the situation Muse A answered the door, like something was telling them too. But the person standing outside the door didn’t exactly look human, and their clothes were rather fancy.

The stranger announced that they were sent here by their prince/princess to retrieve Muse A, A was shocked and a little taken aback, but before they could close the door the stranger grabbed them and took off with inhuman speed. muse A barely had a moment to register what was happening.

After what felt like forever, Muse A realized that they weren’t in the woods where her grandmother’s cottage was, this place looked much different. It was brighter, more lush, they were more confused than ever.

Soon the stranger brought them to a large palace, only stopping and setting muse A down when they arrived at what looked like a large throne room. When they looked at the large chair on a raised platform, they realized that it was Muse B who was sitting atop it.

Muse B looked excited to see Muse A, but when Muse A demanded to know what was going on B simply stated that they were here to fulfill the promise that the two of them made all those years ago. The promise to marry, the tree that they made the promise under was sacred to Muse B’s people and any promise made there must be fulfilled.

A fun “arranged marriage” scenario, Muse A having to come to terms with what was happening and learn who Muse B was all over again. Muse B can be any type of supernatural being, like demon, fae, elf, etc. Really whatever we decide, this definitely needs to be fleshed out further, but I’d love to build around it with someone.

Muse A is the child of a human lord whose lands were taken over by a demon lord, the demon had slaughtered the lord and his family but for some reason he could not bring himself to kill Muse A. So he just took the infant with him to raise alongside his own child, Muse A was raised like any other highborn demon. They gained the approval of the lowborn demons that served the demon lord despite being human, even the relationship with their sibling was good.

Muse B is the personal guard for Muse A, they are the bastard child of a highborn demon, they were sent to Muse A’s father to work. They had formed a bond with Muse A, almost like a friendship, the two of them seemed to click. Muse B takes their job of protecting Muse A very seriously, wherever the human was, Muse B was close behind.
(They also may have a big fat crush on Muse A)

Things had been going well for a while, that was until a human king offered up a marriage between Muse A and their child. The demon lord refused, which only infuriated the human king. The man had threatened to attack the demon lord, knowing his forces were much larger, but the demon lord still refused.

The king had ceased communicating with the demon lord, making it seem as if the whole thing was done, but after weeks of silence the lord’s castle was attacked in the middle of the night. It seemed like the human king didn’t give up after all.

In a state of panic, the demon lord commands Muse B to take Muse A and run. They would need to make it to the north, where the demon lord’s sister would keep Muse A safe until everything blew over. Muse B wastes no time in grabbing Muse A and finding the fastest way out.

The two of them need to manage to survive the trip to the north, while evading the king’s men that were sent out to find them, as they also deal with feelings they weren’t sure they were allowed to act on.

I’d love to maybe flesh this out a little more with someone. A nice slow burn romance, friends to lovers, and forbidden love with drama thrown in here and there to keep them on their toes.


  • Pirate x Royal​
  • Pirate/Human x Merperson​
  • Witch x Cursed Royal​
  • Royal x Commoner​
  • God/Demi-god x Human​
  • Vampire x Human​
  • Vampire x Vampire​
  • Werewolf x Werewolf​
  • Werewolf x Human​
  • Elf x Human​
  • Demon x Human​
  • Orc x Elf​
  • Supernatural x Human​
  • Soulmates​
  • Arranged marriage​
  • Rivals to lovers​
  • Flower Shop/Tattoo shop AU​

That’s about it! Thanks for reading! Please pm me if you are interested, have a great day!
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Hey, I’m super interested in your original plots and a few pairings! I’ll send you a pm. (:

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