Let's do a game: new (revamped) Extras sheet!

Lord Kamina

Not an engineer.
I revamped my simplified extras sheet, basically I changed the ability categories into a more intuitive and equitative spread while trying to preserve it's relative simplicity.

So here's the game:

I'll post the sheet and you have to try and guess what each category of abilities actually encompasses.

The rules are pretty simple:

-Nine categories.

-Two offensive categories include two abilities each.

-The remaining seven categories include three abilities each.


Here's the correct answers (The idea of this is to see if it's really as intuitive as I think it is), so try not to cheat! (I'm also taking suggestions, comments and insults)

Arts: Craft, Linguistics, Performance

Close: Martial Arts, Melee

Defense: Dodge, Integrity, Resistance

Infiltration: Investigation, Larceny, Stealth

Interaction:Bureaucracy, Presence, Socialize

Knowledges: Lore, Occult, War

Movement: Athletics, Ride, Sail

Scouting: Awareness, Medicine, Survival

Ranged: Archery, Thrown

So... comments?
My Guess

Arts-performance, craft, linguistics

Close-Melee, martial arts

Defense-Dodge, resistance, war

Infiltration-Larceny, Stealth, bureacracy

Interaction-Socialize, Presence, Integrity

Knowledge-Lore, Occult, medicine

Movement-Atheletic, Ride, Sail

Ranged-Archery, thrown

Scouting-Survival, Awareness, Investigation

I like your version. Though
personally I think that medicine deserves to be in the Knowledge one but since it also fits in scouting and war only fits in the knowledge category I understand the placement.

Otherwise I like it, mind if I borrow for my games?
Now what do you do if someone wants to use this sheet and doesn't have a list of how to sort out your newly designed Abilities list?

I don't see very many people using this sheet due to it not having the Canon Abilities (or at least a list equating what they are translated into).

It seems very well laid out, by the way.

It's just that Ability section.

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