Lets Create Something


New Member
Okay, so this is going to be quick.

So who loves dragons? Who am I kidding, everyone loves some good ol' fire breathing, maiden stealing, Knight fearing dragons. If you don't, well you Sir are a douche.

Basically, I'm looking for someone, or a couple people, to make a rather epic fantasy tale. I have no ideas, no plots, and no pizza rolls. Ideally, I am hoping to find someone, and we can create an idea, and work out a plot and characters which will become a pretty outstandingly epic role play. Shouldn't be too hard, eh?

Here's an, albeit brief, writing sample along the lines of what I'm looking for. I hope to here from you soon, pals and gals.

Nature had long since reclaimed the ruin, its grasp rooted into the crackled stone of the relic to times gone by. The narrow, dirt-trodden passage that snaked towards the entrance, surrounded on either side by the same dense nature, disappeared into darkness through the caved doorway, the fingers of vines and bed of moss ran tracing inside with it, fading into black. The stars above provided little light through the thick foliage, and only the torch guided their path from the whispers and eyes that watched from the wilderness, surely ready to engulf them were it to fade. Raylan placed one hand upon the aged stone of the ruin, the walls cold to the touch. It had been far too long since another living soul had entered this place, where the wardens of the dead stayed vigilant. All except one living soul who, Gods be good, still lurked the halls of the catacombs that riddled this place. Thrusting his hand into the cracked entrance and into the darkness, the warm glow lit the steep steps that lay before them, the end invisible, only leading to more darkness. If the tales held true, she would be awaiting them within this place, but whether they were prepared for her greeting was another question.

“Thom, leave the horses,” Raylan spoke, his eyes not leaving the abyss that awaited at the bottom of those shadowed stairs. “Let us meet this Witch.”
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