Let's begin with a riddle, shall we?

LadyAria said:
Hmmm one more couldn't hurt... Throw it 0-0
I am a Gryffindor go by daring

not Ravenclaw by cleverness hehe

If it's riddles you wish for, come play with me,

For my twisted mind, has much to see.

But do beware, as though I am beauty as rose,

I'm as sharp as it's thorns, dark as it's shadows.

My games are fun, but deadly,

and I care not for a medley.

Here in my heart of fire and ice,

I hunt my prey like mice.

I am temptation,

and I am creation.

The strong and the weakest,

The shallow and the deepest.

From Adam I was taken,

But from Eve I awaken.

I am your future and your past,

I am both slow, and I am fast.

So tell me now, who am I?

Guess my name or die.

But perhaps not die,

For cruel, but caring am I.

No, guess my name or suffer.

Name me, or call me bluffer.

For I lie, and I speak truth.

I'm old and I am youth.

Who am I, but a queen?

Who am I, but in between?

I am evil and I am good,

Through me, you enter manhood.

So answer my riddle,

Or play your fiddle.

Answer wrong, and I'll give you a hiss.

Answer right, and I'll give you a kiss.

So I give you one last chance.

Name me now, and let us dance.
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
A quick mind you've shown.
For no answer, I own.

Do pray tell, what garden you've grown?

What picture you've sewn?

The garden has a ego tree, three miles in the sky

I wake every morning and piss excellence.. my

Garden is astounding foliage of all sort,

My stunning tulips make average roses come up short
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]

If it's riddles you wish for, come play with me,

For my twisted mind, has much to see.

But do beware, as though I am beauty as rose,

I'm as sharp as it's thorns, dark as it's shadows.

My games are fun, but deadly,

and I care not for a medley.

Here in my heart of fire and ice,

I hunt my prey like mice.

I am temptation,

and I am creation.

The strong and the weakest,

The shallow and the deepest.

From Adam I was taken,

But from Eve I awaken.

I am your future and your past,

I am both slow, and I am fast.

So tell me now, who am I?

Guess my name or die.

But perhaps not die,

For cruel, but caring am I.

No, guess my name or suffer.

Name me, or call me bluffer.

For I lie, and I speak truth.

I'm old and I am youth.

Who am I, but a queen?

Who am I, but in between?

I am evil and I am good,

Through me, you enter manhood.

So answer my riddle,

Or play your fiddle.

Answer wrong, and I'll give you a hiss.

Answer right, and I'll give you a kiss.

So I give you one last chance.

Name me now, and let us dance.

it's rhymes I want and I think I found the source

This whole metaphor is for a vagina of course

I'm impressed with you no doubt

The way the you flow it out
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Flowiest said:
The garden has a ego tree, three miles in the sky
I wake every morning and piss excellence.. my

Garden is astounding foliage of all sort,

My stunning tulips make average roses come up short
What a clever wordsmith,

what a beautiful myth.

I call you out on your lies,

For I am not blind with these eyes.

If you find your ego so high,

Perhaps it's time for a goodbye.

But if you wish to dare,

Don't despair.

Come let's play a game.

Tell me, what is my name?

Fate? cause it sure as hell sounds like it.
Pardon my previous post,

In This thread of riddles your a terrific host

But rhyming is my blood and I bet I have the most

To type a little poem that makes you shiver like a ghost

Is your name one of many? Different in all walks of life?

Cause you can cause joy and cause strife,

The strong and the weakest, evil and good,

This riddle is female, and has no morningwood

[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]

If it's riddles you wish for, come play with me,

For my twisted mind, has much to see.

But do beware, as though I am beauty as rose,

I'm as sharp as it's thorns, dark as it's shadows.

My games are fun, but deadly,

and I care not for a medley.

Here in my heart of fire and ice,

I hunt my prey like mice.

I am temptation,

and I am creation.

The strong and the weakest,

The shallow and the deepest.

From Adam I was taken,

But from Eve I awaken.

I am your future and your past,

I am both slow, and I am fast.

So tell me now, who am I?

Guess my name or die.

But perhaps not die,

For cruel, but caring am I.

No, guess my name or suffer.

Name me, or call me bluffer.

For I lie, and I speak truth.

I'm old and I am youth.

Who am I, but a queen?

Who am I, but in between?

I am evil and I am good,

Through me, you enter manhood.

So answer my riddle,

Or play your fiddle.

Answer wrong, and I'll give you a hiss.

Answer right, and I'll give you a kiss.

So I give you one last chance.

Name me now, and let us dance.

It's old and new turns boys into men

If I'm wrong I guess I can try again
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]Hiss.

Then congrats... you beat me
Flowiest said:
Pardon my previous post,
In This thread of riddles your a terrific host

But rhyming is my blood and I bet I have the most

To type a little poem that makes you shiver like a ghost

Is your name one of many? Different in all walks of life?

Cause you can cause joy and cause strife,

The strong and the weakest, evil and good,

This riddle is female, and has no morningwood

It's old and new turns boys into men

If I'm wrong I guess I can try again
I give you my honors. You know my name.

But I don't believe you've won this game.

You're a master that's certain.

the Master, is uncertain.

Does your heart beat by four?

Are you always hungry for more?

I'm sorry, but I won't bow to a wordsmith,

Who lowers themself to words like"piss".

If your magic comes from the heart,

And plays in the words,

Surely you can find,

Some other songbirds.
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[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
I give you my honours. You're a master that's certain.
However, whether you're
the Master, is uncertain.

Does your heart beat by four?

Are you always hungry for more?

I'm sorry, but I won't bow to a wordsmith,


Not starving, but I'm always hungry

No need to bow dear,cause I know you see

The difference between wordsmith and a MC

They call me FD

That means flowiest dingo

Skin is bright white some call me a gringo

When it comes to rhyming I call out like bingo

I'm deadly with words like jumping from a high rise window

You should know I'm not pro but I won't type slow

I type to get high like snoop would some dro

Spit magic like a wizard slicing cold like a blizzard

Cause I cut like a knife that's been kept on ice

Horrid and nice


Tight like a vice
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I have a riddle that may bring a spark to your eye,

It's written in song, who am I?...

We started off we were well

We aren't doing good you can tell

Your timings impeccably swell,

now help us on our way.

Ill call you Bae if you wish,

Fix weapons for a kiss

You wasn't looking for this,

But now you're in my way.

Your stare was holdin',

Vault suit, pip boy showin'

Raiders at concord gristle's mowing

Hey you we need your help, baby.

Hey, I just met you,

And this is crazy,

But there's a musket

So lead us maybe!

We're sorta helpless

But we love free-dom

But here's a musket

Now lead us maybe!

You came an helped when I call

Got the core from behind the wall

It took you nothing at all

I think you made my day.

You best not murder and steal

At first sight but when it gets real

I didn't know I would feel it,

But I'm just in your way

Your stare was holdin',

Grognaks' costume skin was showing

Green night, rads was blowin'

Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, your the general

And this is crazy,

But there's no delegation

So help a settlement, maybe!

We sorta can't fight

And we're lazy

So fix the castle,

And stock up maybe?

Hey you just got back,

From a raider attack

But a a robot called in

So clean the water, at grey garden

Before you came in my life

We had it so bad

We had it so bad

We miss Quincy so bad

Before you came in my life

We had it so bad

Raiders make me mad

They make me so so mad.
Flowiest said:
Not starving, but I'm always hungry
No need to bow dear,cause I know you see

The difference between wordsmith and a MC

They call me FD

That means flowiest dingo

Skin is bright white some call me a gringo

When it comes to rhyming I call out like bingo

I'm deadly with words like jumping from a high rise window

You should know I'm not pro but I won't type slow

I type to get high like snoop would some dro

Spit magic like a wizard slicing cold like a blizzard

Cause I cut like a knife that's been kept on ice

Horrid and nice


Tight like a vice
Such arrogance held high.

Now I know, you don't lie.

You're just mistaken.

A poor child, who is forsaken.

Do you think me scared?

Of a boy who is impaired?

A fish, that's what you are.

Blubbering away, to a sea star.

Of rhymes and words you know nothing.

But I'm curious-of flirts know you something?

Of women, do you understand?

For harsh blows we can land.

That's in both senses of the word,

I am the only songbird.

Call yourself what you wish.

MC or FD- you're only a fish.
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
Such arrogance held high.
Now I know, you don't lie.

You're just mistaken.

A poor child, who is forsaken.

Do you think me scared?

Of a boy who is impaired?

A fish, that's what you are.

Blubbering away, to a sea star.

Of rhymes and words you know nothing.

But I'm curious-of flirts know you something?

Of women, do you understand?

For harsh blows we can land.

That's in both senses of the word,

I am the only songbird.

Call yourself what you wish.

MC or FD- you're only a fish.

I don't know you very well but I have a hunch

I could be the one to help you a bunch

I could help you so much I'll give ya life inspection

And I forgot to mention

class is now in session

so if you type bad shit I WILL give you detention

Your just not ready go back and try again

Go get your fav notepad and your fav pen

Get so much better some how achieve zen

And when You do Write a few drafts and maybe then

You could match up to me not really trying

Me when I'm drunk and on acid an frying

But still for you that's a titanium hunk and a hard place

You couldn't beat me freestyling when I'm off my face

Your not on the same pace

Your not worth the chase

If I killed you on fallout the exp would erase

I'd get negative karma cause I made it look easy

Your now Rihanna in this metaphor, and I'm Chris breezy
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Flowiest said:
I don't know you very well but I have a hunch
I could be the one to help you a bunch

I could help you so much I'll give ya life inspection

And I forgot to mention

class is now in session so if you type bad shit I WILL give you detention

Your just not ready go back and try again

Go get your fav notepad and your fav pen

Get so much better some how achieve zen

And when You do Write a few drafts and maybe then

You could match up to me not really trying

Me when I'm drunk and on acid an frying

But still for you that's a titanium hunk and a hard place

You couldn't beat me freestyling when I'm off my face

Your not on the same pace

Your not worth the chase

If I killed you on fallout the exp would erase

I'd get negative karma cause I made it look easy

Your now Rihanna in this metaphor, and I'm Chris breezy
If you say I am Rhianna, that's just fine, there's no problem, no insignificance.

Jesus walks on water, Rhianna walks on grates in stilettos. I see no difference.

But don't pick a fight with me.

I'll break your heart if you call me baby.

Your freestyling is out of date.

You've just taken my bait.

You're a sloppy joe,

and I'm a graceful mistletoe.

You can't kill me, because you can't live without me.

I said it before, and I'll say it again- My games are deadly.

I'd turn you into a man,

But you're already a garbage can.

My magic flows through my veins.

It's beauty is what maims.

Women are temptation and power.

Now is your cue to cower.
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
If you say I am Rhianna, that's just fine, there's no problem, no insignificance.
Jesus walks on water, Rhianna walks on grates in stilettos. I see no difference.

But don't pick a fight with me.

I'll break your heart if you call me baby.

Your freestyling is out of date.

You've just taken my bait.

You're a sloppy joe,

and I'm a graceful mistletoe.

You can't kill me, because you can't live without me.

I said it before, and I'll say it again- My games are deadly.

I'd turn you into a man,

But you're already a garbage can.

My magic flows through my veins.

It's beauty is what maims.

Women are temptation and power.

Now is your cue to cower.

Eeep I'm ecstatic,

I hope your not sarcastic

Your rhymes sublime almost divine

but if we were to battle victory is mine

You call yourself mistletoe so I think I know

You like forcing situations on people, yes? No?

Like "tradition" dictates when two people should kiss

I throw slow balls you still swing and miss,

If I was a food I'd be a Kobe steak

Or something amazing make no mistake

If you were a food, I'd say your a funnel cake

A sweet treat you'd buy but only bakers would make

You claim magic pumps your blood

But Your only a drizzle, and I'm a flood

I'm Sorry cuz

Your a hive with no buzz

A pillow with no fluff

Your a hissyfit huff

You lack the right stuff

Your the smallest problem in my garden, I don't need clippers

It's like a swimming race, and I don't even need flippers

I'm the ice cold wind that gives you the shivers

Your a mosquito buzzing past the leg of a monster

A massive towering ego that's big toe can stomp ya

Your nothing much in the way of funny or bad

But I love that you rhyme, it makes me feel glad
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Flowiest said:
Eeep I'm ecstatic,
I hope your not sarcastic

Your rhymes sublime almost divine

but if we were to battle victory is mine

You call yourself mistletoe so I think I know

You like forcing situations on people, yes? No?

Like "tradition" dictates when two people should kiss

I throw slow balls you still swing and miss,

If I was a food I'd be a Kobe steak

Or something amazing make no mistake

If you were a food, I'd say your a funnel cake

A sweet treat you'd buy but only bakers would make

You claim magic pumps your blood

But Your only a drizzle, and I'm a flood

I'm Sorry cuz

Your a hive with no buzz

A pillow with no fluff

Your a hissyfit huff

You lack the right stuff

Your the smallest problem in my garden, I don't need clippers

It's like a swimming race, and I don't even need flippers

I'm the ice cold wind that gives you the shivers

Your a mosquito buzzing past the leg of a monster

A massive towering ego that's big toe can stomp ya

Your nothing much in the way of funny or bad

But I love that you rhyme, it makes me feel glad
Careful, you don't wanna mess up do you?

Fake your bravery, I can see right through you.

Do you think you're safe? Frozen in place?

Run for cover, just in case.

You have a garden but I have a forest.

You're a useless flamingo, but this songbird's a chorus.

Come out to play, in my Forest of Shadows,

You're a tiny little daisy, and I'm a beautiful rose.

You're messy and bulldozing,

While I'm neat and composing.

My rhymes are fierce and hot,

And so am I while-you're not.

My bloods pulses through my body,

My magic burns everybody.

I'll bite you, and I'll devour you.

I'm not a sweet treat-I'm a cordon bleu.

I can scream until your ears bleed,

But you're never gonna hear me.

You ears are too full of your flood.

That is, your flood of mud.

You keep throwing your slow balls,

I'll laugh at your slips and falls.

All eyes on you,

We're watching you.

It's too bad you're too stuck to move.

I'm calling it, you're full of shhh-

You're just too scared to admit.

You have no time left.

You've lost this quest.

You can play it safe,

But it would be a waste.

Your game sucks, you need a new one.

My game rules, I've already won.
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
Careful, you don't wanna mess up do you?
Fake your bravery, I can see right through you.

Do you think you're safe? Frozen in place?

Run for cover, just in case.

You have a garden but I have a forest.

You're a useless flamingo, but this songbird's a chorus.

Come out to play, in my Forest of Shadows,

You're a tiny little daisy, and I'm a beautiful rose.

You're messy and bulldozing,

While I'm neat and composing.

My rhymes are fierce and hot,

And so am I while-you're not.

My bloods pulses through my body,

My magic burns everybody.

I'll bite you, and I'll devour you.

I'm not a sweet treat-I'm a cordon bleu.

I can scream until your ears bleed,

But you're never gonna hear me.

You ears are too full of your flood.

That is, your flood of mud.

You keep throwing your slow balls,

I'll laugh at your slips and falls.

All eyes on you,

We're watching you.

It's too bad you're too stuck to move.

I'm calling it, you're full of shhh-

You're just too scared to admit.

You have no time left.

You've lost this quest.

You can play it safe,

But it would be a waste.

Your game sucks, you need a new one.

My game rules, I've already won.

Let me try something different.. let me set the scene...

It's your house, like mine I imagine it's clean

You wake up when your supposed to, eyes squint from the sheen

Of something approaching, it looks quite mean

Oh shit! A monster! Something told of around campfires

A manifestation of what your attempts conspires

You see when someone like you writes a little rhyme

Flowiest dingo has to access it like a crime

Put on your safety goggles and a hard hat

your rhymes decent mines fire... Let's leave it at that

Decent enough to use this metaphor

Imagine it Explained by some English teacher whose a bore

He Would start.. "flow means duvessa's attempt amounts to shit"

A student would ask, "but with rhyming riddles, isn't vas a hit?"

The teacher took a moment then replied with a sigh,

"She is yes but in rap her skills a lie"

"I guess it's time for a history lesson"

The students all groaned and they started stressing

The history of flow producing rhyme after rhyme

With skill and precision shit they didn't have time

"No it's of duvessa " the teacher went on

"compared to the dingo she isn't quite strong

She has talent and is smart I'm sure

But flowiest always bends them over like a whore"

Anyway I guess what I'm saying right here

Is its in previous posts your not in my gear

I'm up at the top with no way for you to lop

At my tower

The power

Of what I have grows by seconds and hours

Make your face unsour

Your almost there

But a battle between us was never fair

Your the fly around a giant who just has good perception

And decided your buzzing ass was worth detection

Your rhyme is a like a insects erection

Mine is universal I shouldn't have to mention.

This here is where I say goodbye,

You can retort but it may take a while to reply

My internet is terrible and about to die

But know I enjoyed this more than a blueberry pie

Can't wait to log back in and say hi
Alright I admit, you make me laugh.

With your horrible skills I pass.

Oh please, can't you give me something better than this?

I've already built a tolerance to your veteran tricks.

You're busy smiling on cue,

You don't have a clue.

You overkill like you do it for a living.

Your rhymes are just so misgiving.

"Move sucker throw it down,

Bring it back, you know that sound!

OMG did you hear?

We lost our minds again this year!"

Your mindless music.

Is so amusing.

You're making me crazy,

Just the same white noise on repeat, daily, save me.

Maybe all your beats won't beat me.

This sick beat just makes me sick.
[QUOTE="Vasilissa Duvessa]
Alright I admit, you make me laugh.
With your horrible skills I pass.

Oh please, can't you give me something better than this?

I've already built a tolerance to your veteran tricks.

You're busy smiling on cue,

You don't have a clue.

You overkill like you do it for a living.

Your rhymes are just so misgiving.

"Move sucker throw it down,

Bring it back, you know that sound!

OMG did you hear?

We lost our minds again this year!"

Your mindless music.

Is so amusing.

You're making me crazy,

Just the same white noise on repeat, daily, save me.

Maybe all your beats won't beat me.

This sick beat just makes me sick.

Had to come back and give you a trophy,

Honestly that last one broke me

I love how you piece together a subtle burn,

It does indeed give me something to learn

The best part though is "overkill for a living"

if I had more than 10kb I'd rhyme you a shivin

My hat off to you I love your style

Everything you wrote has made me smile

But I have a inkling I need to make right,

Have you been on sugarbombed with the username streetlight?
Flowiest said:
Had to come back and give you a trophy,
Honestly that last one broke me

I love how you piece together a subtle burn,

It does indeed give me something to learn

The best part though is "overkill for a living"

if I had more than 10kb I'd rhyme you a shivin

My hat off to you I love your style

Everything you wrote has made me smile

But I have a inkling I need to make right,

Have you been on sugarbombed with the username streetlight?
Streetlight is not name.

Sugarbombed is not my game.

Sorry to burst your bubble,

But you won't find me in the rubble.

This was a sweet dream. I enjoyed it.

And you weren't bad, I'll admit.

So now, as promised for guessing my name,

(As previously stated in my First Game)

I'll give you the prize, but I wonder, was that your aim?

I give you my kiss,

No hiss, no diss.

You made me smile, and I thank you, Sir Knight.

If you wish, I'll show you another sweet dream next night.

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