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Let's Begin a World, Together【Multi-Genre】♥Rp With Me♥


Nobody in Particular

Hello~, I'm NoxFeratu, I also go by Nox or just call me Jaxon, odd spelling but yeah. Whatever is fine~ I've been roleplaying for quite a bit and though I wouldn't say I'm some sort of master writer I like to think I'm fairly good at it, I can conjure up a few paragraphs and if I have something to work off of and really try maybe 5-7. I'm used to playing multiple characters at once but if you're not up for it I do not blame you at all. I know some people can't handle it but please don't make me play five characters for your one. I've been roleplaying for a few years. Mainly between here and proboard roleplay's I've joined/hosted. I've taken quite the break from here to focus on a DanganRonpa Roleplay I've been hosting but I decided to come back to get back into some 1x1's on the side. I'm on Eastern Time Zone so please keep that in mind when I'm not online... I go to school, I work Monday and Tuesday and have a social life so don't spam or get mad. I will get back with you.

(One thing before we jump into things, if you have any scenes you want to suggest to me, go for it! These scenes are just things I could think up. Not the only scenes I'll do. If I like your scene I'd love to be the one to do it with you~!)


grammar is key; When roleplaying with me, I require you to have good grammar. I am not a grammar nazi, and I understand a few spelling mistakes. With that being said, I still need want to understand what you write. I can't understand it if it's full of mistakes... That also means no text talking!

make sure you can write; I don't want a long novella style roleplay. Hell, I can't even keep up with that! But I do require you to write a good paragraph or two.

fairness means everything; I expect you to be fair when we roleplay. Don't make the story revolving around your oc...include mine in there too! >///< I should also mention that i only double. If we do OCxCanon, that means I roleplay your crush and my character while you control my crush and your character. If we do CanonxCanon, that depends on what ship we're doing cx If you read this far, the password is; 'bunnies in wonderland'.

any pairing is cool with me; Yuri, Yaoi, Straight...I honestly don't mind any ship as long as it doesn't contradict with a character's morals. If we're doing Diabolik Lovers....Don't expect Ayato to fall for your male oc. However, I could totally understand Sora (Kingdom Hearts) to fall for a male oc. Like I said, I'm cool with any pairing but they do have to make sense, if you know what I mean? ^^;

don't leave me hanging; If and when you get bored of the roleplay; tell me. Do not leave with out saying yo i think i need to drop this. I won't at all be mad or pissed off as long as you tell me. I understand things come up or just just loose interest. ^^; But if you do roleplay with me, make sure to reply at least twice a week.

Original Scenes

If the gender isn't specified it can be MxM, MxF, FxF alongside any gender identity like genderfluid/trans. Whatever you want.


Bad Girl x Good Boy

Best Friend x (Dying) Best Friend

Tall Girl x Short Boy

Roommate x Roommate

Brother/Sister x Brother/Sister

Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend

Explorer x Explorer

Stalker (Yandere) x Stalkie

Tutor x Troubled Student

Rich x Butler/Maid


Royalty x Royalty/Knight/Peasent

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor x Zombie Apocalypse Survivor

Farm Boy/Girl x Supernatural Being/Creature

Magical Boy/Girl x Magical Boy/Girl

Swords(wo)man x Mage



(May seem like Sword Art Online, but less Japanese and can be in any kind of setting.)

Fandom Scenes

I'm up for cross-overs

(If we do Fire Emblem x SAO would be magical--)


Tokyo Ghoul

Code Geass


Baka & Test

Soul Eater

Sword Art Online


Persona 3/4/5

Devil Survivor 1/2

Shin Megami Tensei IV

DanganRonpa 1/2

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire Emblem: Fates (IF)

The World Ends With You

Lost Dimension


Assassins Creed


What I need from you


Time Zone:

What you're willing to roleplay:

RP Sample: (Could be a link to a thread too)

A post is nice, random Pm's are okay but, I'd rather a notice in a post.
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Bunnies in Wonderland.


Alexis (or Lexi)

Time Zone:

Central (US + Canada)

What you're willing to roleplay:

Any of the MxF Original Scenes (I do prefer a few, but I'm fine with anything), Assassin's Creed Fandom, Sword Art Online Fandom,

RP Sample:

If you don't mind, I'd like to post a background I whipped up for a character just now...

Lucia was born in Aosta, Italy. Her father ran a bakery there, and her mother sold clothes she made in the town. She was often taken to Milan to see the fashion there, but Lucia personally preferred Baking. When she discovered her powers when she was ten, things changed a little. Her father's brother kind of knew what was going on with her, and when he saw Lucia's powers in action, he felt she needed to control them a little, and thought training her in boxing, the sport he knew, a little might help.

As Lucia aged, and her powers grew over the next three years, her parents and uncle began to realize they needed more help, and found out about the Psychic School Islands. They asked Lucia if she wanted to go when she was thirteen, saying it would be amazing there, compared to their little town here. She was unsure, and her parents couldn't really say much about it, because they didn't know much, so they called the Psychic School, and asked for some help and information. They agreed for one of the newly founded Shepherd teams to meet with them and Lucia.

After a long discussion with the Shepherd consultant, Lucia was psyched to go to the Psychic School, and the matter was settled. She and her family moved to the Psychic School Islands with the help of the consultant, and even managed to open their family bakery there.

Nothing disastrous or bad every really happened with Lucia, her parents work hard and love her, and she's close with her little sister. When her Psychic School life started, she loved how she could go wild with her power and not get yelled at.
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Bunnies in wonderland.

Name: Konan or Kay is preferred.

Time zone: us central

Rp sample:

The sound of bones breaking echoed throughout the forest as a mangled cry went with it. The girls arm fell limp to her side as she looked up to the attacker and winced as she saw the smirk etched into his face. He had come looking to shed blood and that's just what he was doing "come on Kay, you said you could fight us off, where did the righteousness go?" He asked with a n evil laughter that shook his body. The girl named Kay looked up to glare, eyes boring into him "are you kidding me? We are just getting started, I won't let you get to Demonday."

The girls skin started to turn a blackish gray and her eyes were turning white. Teeth and nails grew out and she scowled, her demon form taking place. The man laughed "even if you turn into your true form, you can not beat me! You are only a meat half breed." He said confident and tossed her to the side. Kay tumbled to the ground only to smirk just a bit "but you forget, im the granddaughter of the dark master.."

(This is a post from another rp I had been dong so sorry if it confuses you. I cab type more or less it really just depends on the rp.)

As for what I'd like to rp, it would either be toyko ghoul or soul eater

Name: Savannah(Savvy)

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time( USA: East Coast)

What You're willing to Rp: Any of your original pairings.

Rp Sample:
So I'm gonna leave you with a short text based example, from a story I continually update. Should you want more please let me know

exactly what it is you are looking for, thanks. (I also read all the rules? Bunnies in Wonderland?)

Wynter lie in front of Savannah, her blood was quickly running out and soon this would likely become the worst day of Savvys young life. It was the last week of camp and all the counselors had gathered for a bonfire, this was to be the twins last year at the camp as they where going to spend the next year across seas. Savannah and Wynter joined the camp counselors five years ago, that very same year they met their second halves, Jay and Jason, brothers. It didn't take long for them to form an unbreakable bond and by the end of that summer, they all had plans on moving around each other. Savannah would move to Seattle with Jay, and Wynter was going to stay in Tennessee to be joined by Jason. The next few years passed and the bonds grew stronger, they began to trust each other something Savvys' mom had warned her about a long time ago, " Never trust anyone Savannah, and keep an eye on Wynter." it had been the last words she would ever hear from her mother. It didn't take long and their father followed suit, leaving town, and the girls to fend for themselves.

Savvy held Wynter in her lap, softly stroking her face, her blonde hair was now blood stained and tears welled in both of the girls faces. "Shh, save your energy. I need you to hang on just a bit longer, Wyn" Sav's voice rang husky, straining to keep herself together. The sirens where getting closer, but somehow the boys managed to drown them out with their laughter. Savannah hadn't yet processed the fact that the man she loved, and had intended to marry in four months, had just brutally assaulted her sister. She had fought so hard with his brother but couldn't get free of his grasp, tears ran down her face and the calls from Wynter pierced her ears.

Wynters grasp on Savvys arm grew weak, and the life slowly faded from her eyes.

"No! No! NO!" She wailed into the night, " Please!" the tears finally broke the barrier as she slumped over her sisters now lifeless body. She shook her shoulders desperately trying to get a response from the girl, to no avail. The medics had arrived but they where too late, Jay greeted them and walked them over to the scene. Savannah felt his rough hands on her shoulders and attempted to shrug them away, Jay was at least twice the person she could and easily pulled her from the girls body. He held her tight being sure she wouldn't escape while the medics loaded up Wynter. Jason answered all the police questions, ensuring them that Savannah was entirely too worked up to talk, meanwhile Jay was leading her back to their cabin at the camp. She struggled with him every step of the way, trying to free herself and run to the cops, knowing they would probably think she was delusional anyway. The boys had lead them to believe that an animal had attacked her sister, and it did look that way. Savannah would know the truth, but she now had to worry about what was going to happen to her, and why the boys had suddenly turned against the twins.

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Bunnies in Wonderland


Rta'i ( And just Rta'i )

Time Zone:

CET – Central European Time

What you're willing to roleplay:

I would like the original scenes, I'm thinking of a Swordswoman x Mage the most. Plus, it has to be a Yuri. ( Yes, I like Yuri )

RP Sample:

I'll just put the little bio for the Swordswoman x Mage here:

Rta'i was born to a family of mages, a very known family of mages to be exact. Her father ran a little shop for other adventurers around the world to buy from, while her mother was just a normal woman that took care of her kids. Rta'i had a lot of siblings, around 6 of them, each of them were in different countries all around the world, exploring this world that they lived in! Rta'i adored her siblings, she still remembers many letters and pictures she got from them when they were in a new country. Rta'i was really hyper as a child, but really intelligent. She liked to read, so her parents gave her many books to read, mostly books that had many magic spells in it. She even had a little room where she could read books all by herself!

In her teenage years, she practiced magic spells somewhere outside. She was good at it. The girl then decided that she would go to a school for many kinds of kids like her, from Mages, to Swordswoman to many other stuff! The school was an all-girls school, she was pretty lonely because she had no friends whatsoever. The girl was pretty happy to be in this school though, she seemed to be very odd when she would be with a girl too, so, she tried to hide it, but at the same time, she wanted to make everyone know, but, the just ignored it, and she still is now. Rta'i always had good grades, except in art, she just liked to make random messes and did not make the thing that the teacher wanted her to do. So, she liked to make the teachers angry once in a while.

One day, when she went to school, she meet someone special. The girl was really pretty and sweet on the first look, so, she wanted to get closer to her.

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Central US

.....what i'm willing to roleplay.....

Explorer X Explorer is a pairing I'd be interested in roleplaying! Bad X Girl and Roommate X Roommate would be next down on the list, but I am open to whichever pairing you'd like!

.....roleplay sample.....

The wind blew hard through the town, whipping the snow from the streets into whirlwinds. It was the coldest night of the year so far, and the wind that swept the flurries about could chill someone to their bones. The cold was deep and penetrating and stuck to your body. In the town center stood the historic brick clock tower, the site of long, bloody battles. The wind shook the stained glass windows of the old clock tower, threatening to burst it's way through them and shake the old, large metal bells. They were massive and had been in place since the tower's construction. There were stories that were told amongst common folk of the town. It was the tale of the beautiful maiden who guarded the sacred bells and looked over the town.

The story went that she was cast from heaven as a child for being too beautiful and sentenced to imprisonment inside the tower so that her beauty would be hidden and never to be discovered and appreciated. Her fabled white blonde hair could be seen billowing across the window panes at night. And the townspeople would swear up and down that they could see a beautiful, angelic face peering down from the highest windows of the clock tower, wandering it's perimeter, loneliness set into her perfect features.

Kouhe wasn't particularly swayed by the fables, though like the rest of the town that got the creeps at times when standing near the building, could not deny how creepy the tower was in general. He locked up the shop, adjusting his jacket before heading out into the snowy night. He usually worked during the day, so he never paid attention to the clock tower walking by it to get home everyday, but tonight he was closing much later to finish inventory for his father. The shop closed at seven (he usually had already left for the day by five) and it was empty fifteen minutes later. But as Kouhe made his way through the town square, his watch read three minutes to three in the morning. A long night indeed. His boots made a muffled crunch in the snow on the cobblestone of the town square as he made his way home. A light fog had settled in the night and the town became eerie in it's late night silence. He suddenly came to a halt, staring forward into a closed shop. He pursed his lips, confusion setting into his features.

It was as if he was stopping for some reason, but he couldn't figure out what, or why. Not until the large mechanical hand of the clock clicked audibly as it did when it reset for another hour did Kouhe realized he had stopped right in front of the clock tower. He didn't remember consciously passing in front of it, as he never had to cross it's path because he only passed by it on it's right, but he had been drawn there. He looked up, his green eyes looking over the old building, thinking of the stories he'd heard about the girl trapped in the top of the clock tower. As his eyes swept over the beautiful stained glass windows, he noticed a set of blue eyes looking straight down at him. Electricity ran through his body as the pale faced girl in the window placed a hand on the glass, a look of surprise on her face, turned quickly and moved away, long blonde hair following after her.


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Bunnies in Wonderland <3

Name: Toastie/Toaster/Muffins/Anything you can think of lol

Time Zone: Central Time Zone

What you're willing to roleplay: Farmer x Supernatural Creatures, and Royalty x Knight!

RP Sample: Something from a fanfic...

Thirteen-year-old Caitlin Lockhart was born to businessman Jerome Lockhart, and his socialite wife, Belinda Lockhart. They lived in Castelia City, one of the southernmost cities of Unova. They were a wealthy family and had always lived a cushy lifestyle, filled with exquisite food, extravagant fashion, and upscale parties. To her, it seemed that they were always on the move from party to party, always meeting up with people her parents pretended to be friends with, just because they were rich, too.

Caitlin was always confused, though. She was much shyer than her parents. She never liked meeting new people, or going to parties. She would much rather prefer staying in and reading a book, or going for a walk to Castelia Park than going to a yacht party for a day or flying in a private jet to some island, just to leave a couple hours later. How did her extroverted parents raise such an introvert like her? They always tried to make her come out of her shell, but their attempts always failed.

It had been a drab, rainy day in Castelia, when Caitlin’s parents decided to sit her down and have a talk with her. “Caitlin, we know you’re a shy girl…” her father said, placing a warm, slightly wrinkled hand on her knee.

Caitlin sighed, she knew where this was going, “So, what kind of scheme are you planning to get me to be less introverted this time?” They had done this so many times already, that she already knew exactly what they were going to say.

“I know you’re upset now, but when we tell you what we have planned you’ll be so excited, honey!” her mother smiled warmly at her. She knew she would be able to become more outgoing if she just gave it a chance.

“Alright, alright, what kind of scheme did you come up with this time?” she asked, pushing a strand of wispy blonde hair out of her eyes. She decided to humor her parents, as they were so enthusiastic about this idea. Maybe it would finally be an idea that she liked.

“Well, we’ve decided to send you on a trip… to Sinnoh!” her father exclaimed, giving her hand a squeeze, flashing a grin, slightly masked by his bushy moustache.

Caitlin was speechless, she didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t really decide what to think, “B-By myself!?” The only thing she could really think of was whether or not they would try to cast her off by herself.

“Well, not by yourself. We know you don’t like how…” Caitlin’s mother was trying to find the right word, “overbearing we can be, so we decided to hire someone to escort you through the region. Someone who knows it well.”

“A-An escort!?” Caitlin was shocked. She didn’t want to be going around some foreign place with someone she didn’t even know.

“Oh, Caitlin, don’t be so worried! His name is Darach and he’s an apprentice of one of the finest butlers in Sinnoh! And besides, he’s only sixteen. You like older boys don’t you, Caitlin?” her mother hinted.

Caitlin rolled her eyes. Despite the fact that she was thirteen, they still insisted on finding someone for her to marry when she was older. Although after she thought for a moment, the idea really didn’t sound all that bad. A whole trip with another person her age didn’t sound that bad, actually. He would probably be better than her crazy parents, and maybe he’d be pretty cool. Caitlin then looked at her mom and nodded, “I’ll do it, it sounds like fun. Plus, you’ve been on me for so long about getting out, I might as well do this to get you off my tail.” she smirked.

“Fabulous! Oh, this is just so exciting! Our baby girl, going on her first trip by herself!” her father clapped his hands, grinning from ear to ear. “You leave next week, but we have an appointment arranged for you to meet with Darach in two days. Just so you two can get acquainted and such. Oh, and don’t worry, he’s taking a boat over here with his master, so he can see some of the sights we have here.”

Caitlin nodded, “By the way, how long will this trip be?” she asked. She realized they had never told her just how long she would be gone.

“Oh, about six months or so, give or take a few days,” her mother answered.

“S-Six months!? I thought this would just be a couple weeks or so!” Caitlin objected. Caitlin didn’t want to be gone for so long!

“Oh, sweetie, please think about how fun it’ll be! You’ll get to see all around Sinnoh, and meet so many different kinds of people! Please, just do it for us,” her mother pleaded, making the saddest face that she could.

Caitlin sighed, she had no choice but to oblige when her parents sounded so sad, or else she would feel so guilty, “Fine, I’ll do it. But you have to lend me some money to spend while I’m there.” she bargained.

“Of course, baby doll!” Caitlin’s father cooed, springing up and spinning around his daughter, causing her to become slightly nauseated.

“D-Dad, I don’t think that was necessary!” Caitlin cried as he put her down.

“Sorry, dear, it’s just so rare that you let us help you!” her father apologized.

“I understand, you just get excited sometimes,” she responded, giggling. Now that she was thinking about it, she couldn’t wait to go on her trip and see what Sinnoh had to offer!

(sorry about the other posts, lol. I'm so embarrassed! ^^||)

Name: Katy, but I go by Fuufy or Kraken online ;3

Time Zone: Eastern

What I'm Willing to Roleplay: I'm not sure what all you're looking for, but I have a plot brewin' for a Persona 3 / 4 roleplay. Alternatively, I've been interested in doing something similar to Sword Art Online in the sense that I'd like to experiment with an online universe.

RP Sample: Here is my role playing blog. It's got my more current samples, as well as some profiles and prompts that I use ;3

Special Notes: I have a search thread with more info about myself and my roleplaying style ;3

bunnies in wonderland :D
NoxFeratu said:

Hello~, I'm NoxFeratu, I also go by Nox or just call me Jaxon, odd spelling but yeah. Whatever is fine~ I've been roleplaying for quite a bit and though I wouldn't say I'm some sort of master writer I like to think I'm fairly good at it, I can conjure up a few paragraphs and if I have something to work off of and really try maybe 5-7. I'm used to playing multiple characters at once but if you're not up for it I do not blame you at all. I know some people can't handle it but please don't make me play five characters for your one. I've been roleplaying for a few years. Mainly between here and proboard roleplay's I've joined/hosted. I've taken quite the break from here to focus on a DanganRonpa Roleplay I've been hosting but I decided to come back to get back into some 1x1's on the side. I'm on Eastern Time Zone so please keep that in mind when I'm not online... I go to school, I work Monday and Tuesday and have a social life so don't spam or get mad. I will get back with you.

(One thing before we jump into things, if you have any scenes you want to suggest to me, go for it! These scenes are just things I could think up. Not the only scenes I'll do. If I like your scene I'd love to be the one to do it with you~!)


grammar is key; When roleplaying with me, I require you to have good grammar. I am not a grammar nazi, and I understand a few spelling mistakes. With that being said, I still need want to understand what you write. I can't understand it if it's full of mistakes... That also means no text talking!

make sure you can write; I don't want a long novella style roleplay. Hell, I can't even keep up with that! But I do require you to write a good paragraph or two.

fairness means everything; I expect you to be fair when we roleplay. Don't make the story revolving around your oc...include mine in there too! >///< I should also mention that i only double. If we do OCxCanon, that means I roleplay your crush and my character while you control my crush and your character. If we do CanonxCanon, that depends on what ship we're doing cx If you read this far, the password is; 'bunnies in wonderland'.

any pairing is cool with me; Yuri, Yaoi, Straight...I honestly don't mind any ship as long as it doesn't contradict with a character's morals. If we're doing Diabolik Lovers....Don't expect Ayato to fall for your male oc. However, I could totally understand Sora (Kingdom Hearts) to fall for a male oc. Like I said, I'm cool with any pairing but they do have to make sense, if you know what I mean? ^^;

don't leave me hanging; If and when you get bored of the roleplay; tell me. Do not leave with out saying yo i think i need to drop this. I won't at all be mad or pissed off as long as you tell me. I understand things come up or just just loose interest. ^^; But if you do roleplay with me, make sure to reply at least twice a week.

Original Scenes

If the gender isn't specified it can be MxM, MxF, FxF alongside any gender identity like genderfluid/trans. Whatever you want.


Bad Girl x Good Boy

Best Friend x (Dying) Best Friend

Tall Girl x Short Boy

Roommate x Roommate

Brother/Sister x Brother/Sister

Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend

Explorer x Explorer

Stalker (Yandere) x Stalkie

Tutor x Troubled Student

Rich x Butler/Maid


Royalty x Royalty/Knight/Peasent

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor x Zombie Apocalypse Survivor

Farm Boy/Girl x Supernatural Being/Creature

Magical Boy/Girl x Magical Boy/Girl

Swords(wo)man x Mage



(May seem like Sword Art Online, but less Japanese and can be in any kind of setting.)

Fandom Scenes

I'm up for cross-overs

(If we do Fire Emblem x SAO would be magical--)


Tokyo Ghoul

Code Geass


Baka & Test

Soul Eater

Sword Art Online


Persona 3/4/5

Devil Survivor 1/2

Shin Megami Tensei IV

DanganRonpa 1/2

Fire Emblem: Awakening

Fire Emblem: Fates (IF)

The World Ends With You

Lost Dimension


Assassins Creed


What I need from you


Time Zone:

What you're willing to roleplay:

RP Sample: (Could be a link to a thread too)

A post is nice, random Pm's are okay but, I'd rather a notice in a post.
I would LOVE to do a Baka to Tes Rp, so pm me if you would still want to do that :)
~bunnies in wonderland~

Name: animeloulou/Loulou/Louise

Time Zone: GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

What you're willing to roleplay: Persona 3 (totally craving a Junpei/Chidori RP, but I'm happy to do a FeMC/anyone else RP:P)

RP Sample:

Hye Mi entered the practice room slowly, her eagle-like gaze surveying the scene before her. The boys were attempting to act normally, much to her amusement. They should have known that after 2 years of working with EXO, she would have begun to recognise their respctive quirks.

They all look petrified, she thought to herself as she strode over to the sound system, which was playing Overdose, shutting it off with a bang, crossing her arms,

"A little birdy told me that the members of the globally-famous, worldwide sensation, EXO, were lounging around and messing about during practice time. I thought to myself, that couldn't be..!, however, Sehun, Kai and Chanyeol, demonstrate differently..."

She stalked over to the three, prying them apart, her eyes blazing as she stepped back to face the three, her voice raising as she reprimanded them.

"This goes for all ten of you. Just because you guys are international superstars now, does not mean that you can slack off. You should push yourself as hard as when you were all rookies. Sehun, being the maknae means that you have to work twice as hard, not roleplaying fans' fanfiction fantasies!"
Alright, as k was too stupid to get dis:

Name: Ami-chan, Ami, whatsoever just don't insult me.

Timezone: GMT+1

what your willing to RP: Baka to Test.

Rp Sample:

Mika was so embarrassed. What happened to her was the worst that could ever have happened. She would be made fun of all over the school. She couldn't believe it.

Mika was small for her age of 16, but that was not what worried her. She was a very intelligent person, she had always been a A-class student. That was the reason this was so emberassing. Mika had failed a test badly. She had been moved to F-class. She wished she would just die...

The purple haired girl entered her future room, just to notice the lack of tables. They sat on the ground and had clipboards to write on. She had never imagined it that bad.

She looked at the teacher highly blushed. The teacher looked back, ubsure what the girl wanted. "I-I am... the new... F-class student... Mika Karisara...", she muttered. Everyones eyes went big...
Bunnies in wonderland!

Name: Holly, Rikku, Faye. Whatever floats your boat. ^_^

Time Zone: Eastern Coast

What you're willing to roleplay: I'd like to do some sort of modern fantasy! I've been dying to be a gifted human type thing xD If you like the idea and want to think of something, let me know!

RP Sample:

Arianna's gaze followed his to the brand new lightbulb. Her brow creased; there it was. There was her reason why this was a bad idea. Echo had one goal, and one goal only. He'd made it clear from the beginning that there was something special about her, though he'd had no idea what, not until the previous night. The redhead closed her eyes for a moment, a pained looked crossing her face. It was a good reminder, and one she'd needed.

Her plan was to move. She was going to disentangle herself from him, and move to the living room. Or Alaska. But then he kept talking, and the words he uttered caught her attention. Opening her eyes, she lowered her gaze to meet his, silent urging him on. For a moment, she thought he was going to leave it at a cliffhanger, and she was going to protest. Here she was, on the verge of learning something intimate abouthim, and he didn't look like he wanted to continue.

But then he did. Her lips parted at his sudden confession; she'd never wanted to hold him as tightly as she wanted to now. Her grip on the back of his shirt tightened and she moved even closer to him, if that were possible. He looked away from her, and she scooted down a bit so that she could look into his eyes again. She listened to his description of home with a small smile on her face, imagining a younger version of Echo sitting on the sand, watching the sunset in peace. With his mother.

Arianna felt the pinprick of tears behind her eyes and blinked a few times to clear them away. She opened her mouth to speak, then stopped, then started again. "I don't understand." She was quiet for a few more seconds, then continued. "I mean, I get wanting to see someone who cared about you. But what I don't get is how I'm supposed to help you with that. I mean, if you're tired of running, why do you keep doing it? Why can't you go home and see your mother?"

Her heart was breaking as she spoke the words. Her own past wasn't a great one. She knew nothing of her mother, and what she knew of her father, she hated. Ari liked to believe that her mother loved her, and she wanted to ignore the drug-induced words of her father. Ari buried her face in the pillow, pushing those images from her mind. Her past wasn't a place she wasn't to visit right now. Showing her face again, she looked up at Echo, at the man she lay in bed with. It didn't matter that their clothes were on; it was an intimate moment that she wouldn't soon forget.



Time Zone:


What you're willing to roleplay:

Best friend x dying best friend

RP Sample:

If there's one thing Alfie hated, it would definitely be mornings. They weren't his thing, really. He'd rarely wake up early, and so his family members would end up barging into his room and yelling into his ear. Sometimes, he had such heavy sleeps that he wouldn't wake up even then. That is why he bought a really loud and annoying alarm clock this summer. He knew that he'd regret buying it, and he did, but he'd also be thankful for it. Otherwise, he'd still be in his bed for half an hour, which would be bad since he wasn't really the fastest in the morning. And him still lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling proved that point. He just wasn't ready to get up and face the day.

After being in bed for five minutes, contemplating about whether to get up or not, Alfie finally managed to push himself and walk to the bathroom. The first thing he did was wash his face. It was the most effective thing he did to wake himself up completely. Not that his face was cold from the water, he didn't want to go to sleep anymore. He then brushed his teeth, changed his clothes to the usual black shirt, black leather jacket, and for a change, he wore dark blue skinny pants for once. He'd wear the black pants the next day, but for now, he needed to go wild with this color. He sighed, looking into his mirror. This was it. The final year. Boy, was he excited to start it, see Heidi, spend time with the ones he knew at school, and get this year over with. But now, he didn't know what to feel. He was never a fan of studying, but it just felt weird knowing this was going to be his final year.

But at the moment, that didn't matter. He needed to get downstairs. His room felt like it was choking him with it being such a closed and, well, not open space. It wasn't that the room was small. It was big. Very big considering their parents were rich people. But at least the living room was an open space with big windows and a bit of air to breathe in. Though he dreaded walking downstairs and seeing his parents. Maybe he should spend some more time here.

Heidi came to mind and Alfie found himself getting happy. He allowed himself to smile now, but in front of other, he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't let people see him as an easily influenced person. Still, that wasn't his focus now. Heidi was. In just a bit, he was going to see her. Out of the Fab Five, she was the only he cared about. He didn't care about that Lux girl, or that one that always banged guys, or the one he believed was called Tegan. He didn't even like his sister all that much. But Heidi definitely was something. He considered texting her, and he did take his phone out, but he decided against this. It wouldn't be the best idea since he wanted the first words he'd speak to her this school year to be in person. So he put his phone in his pockets again and looked at the door he dreaded to open. Okay, maybe he should check his phone for text messages. Yeah. That seemed like a better idea.​

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